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Goldenmark Page 81

by Jean Lowe Carlson

  Crimson and gold pennants of the Wolf and Dragon fluttered from the sails of these, and the drivers hailed Leith’s sledge with a shout and a wave. Leith stepped to the sledge’s rim, grasping a sail-line and shouting a pleasantry back, before twisting his hand and throwing a curling, lively red-gold flame toward the sky. Trader’s children shrieked with delight as they sped by, and herders waved.

  Jherrick blinked, staring stunned at it all, as they turned up the pillared causeway and headed west, an enormous city rising before them. The causeway was crowded with a morning trade-rush, and Leith’s sledge had to slow. They continued at a promenade-speed, herders moving their flocks as tall Alrashemni-looking people clad in colorful silks bowed backward with baskets of goods upon their heads.

  Spearmen clad just like Lourden’s warriors in red-crested silver helms vaulted to the rim of the sledge using their spears to pole them up. One with a silver breastplate imprinted with the Wolf and Dragon exchanged a few low words with Leith, who nodded, his face grim. At last, Leith signaled the man away. He vaulted down from the sledge, giving a sharp whistle to his cadre of spearmen and assembling into a vanguard following in the sledge’s wake.

  The doors to the walled city were thrown wide in the early morning. As the sledge whisked under that massive portcullis, hale and without a hint of char marring its luminous beauty, they pulled into the same wide plaza Jherrick remembered. But this plaza overflowed with greenery, burbling fountains, and people moving through a morning trade-market of colorful silk booths and stalls. As Jherrick watched it all, stunned, Leith clapped him upon the shoulder again.

  “Khehem! Is she not the fairest jewel of the Tribes, my friend? Welcome home, Khehemnas. No matter how far your journey has been.”

  Jherrick stared around him in awe, seeing this very alive city, and contrasting it with the one he had seen that had been so very dead. But where that city had been a place of broken walls and shadow, of burned rock and ghosts, this was truly the oasis it claimed to be. A cool breeze whispered across Jherrick’s skin, shaking the wide fronds of the towering palms, their shade shivering over his skin. Vines of jasoune-sweet white blossoms coated the inner walls and issued an intoxicating fragrance upon the morning air. Hummingbirds whizzed past, dipping their beaks into the long white flutes and taking nectar. Children ran by, shrieking in their colorful silk wraps, chasing the hummingbirds.

  Jherrick gazed out upon Khehem, the oasis of the Wolf and Dragon, as their King, Leith Alodwine, vaulted from the sledge and greeted his people with a roaring laugh and embraces.

  The King of Khehem was home. And Khehem surged around him with fire and life – hale and whole as if their war had never been.


  The adventure continues in DRAGON OF THE DESERT,

  book one of The Khehemni Chronicles

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  Bestselling and award-winning author Jean Lowe Carlson writes epic and adventurous fantasy fiction. Her raw and extensive worlds have been compared to such fantasy names as Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, George R.R. Martin, Joe Abercrombie, and Patrick Rothfuss.

  Jean holds a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (ND), and has a keen awareness of psychology and human behavior, using it to paint vivid characters set amidst nations in turmoil or societies with riveting secrets. Exciting, challenging, and passionate, her novels take the reader upon dire adventures while exploring deep human truths.

  In 2016, she was the recipient of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist medal for her dark fantasy novel "Tears".

  Find out more at:


  Word Beginnings:

  Dh/Jh/Kh/Lh – Hard consonant, “h” is silent (Ex. Dherran [Dair-ren] like “dare”, Jherrick [Jair-rick] like “jester”, Khouren [Koor-en] like “kick”, Lhaurent [Lao-rahnt] like “laugh”)

  Gh/G – Hard “g” sound (Ex. Ghrenna [Gren-na], Gherris [Gair-ris] like “good”)

  Ih – Long “ee” sound (Ex. Ihbram [Ee-brum] like “helium”)

  Th – Soft “th” combination (Ex. Theroun [Thair-oon] like “thespian”)

  Uh/U – Long “oo” sound (Ex. Uhlas [Oo-las] like “tulips”)

  O – Proper “oh” sound if begins a word (Ex. Olea [Oh-lay-a] like “ocean”)

  El – Open “eh” sound (Ex. Elohl [Eh-loll] like “elephant”)

  Il – Soft “ihl” sound (Ex. Ildrian [Ihl-dree-an] like “ill”)

  Middle of Words:

  -i- If in the middle of a word, long “ee” sound (Ex. Elyasin [Ehl-ya-seen] like “do re mi”)

  Exception: Aldris [Al-dris, not Al-drees]

  -ch- Soft “sh” sound (Ex. Suchinne [Soo-sheen])

  -ou- Long “oo” sound (Ex. Roushenn [Roo-shen] like “frou-frou”)


  Alrashemnesh ars veitriya rhovagnetari! Toura Corunenne!

  Alrashemni are the true protectors! Long live the Queen!


  Imendhe nethii hakkane!

  Immortal ripping underworld!

  Utrus! Khehe ahlwe—!

  The Utrus! Battle it!

  Hemna ahlmine!

  Stay with me, dammit!

  Thouliet dannoua Khehem, yethan chelis.

  Remember you to Khehem, with your heart.

  Kehefnet! Khehfnet, lethnai!

  Hurry, hurry, let’s go!

  Ah! Soubrithi ahkelnet!

  Ah! The dead sleeper awakens!


  Agate brithii discenzio!

  Burning fires of hell! (Lefkani curse)



  Ahlanati – Lord of dusk

  Lethnim – Warrior

  Shaper and Undoer – A common epithet from Leith’s time

  Seven fucks of Jeldhaia – An ancient curse from Leith’s time


  Aliri – Light / enlightenment

  Heldi – Memory / remember

  Heldi aliri – Place of Enlightened Memory

  Helta Wyrrin – High Magus

  Karakhan nikh Obderheim – Riddle of the Obelisks

  Kruk-heyya – Harvest / reaping

  Utrus – Red-Eyed Demon

  Warrik schlafin k’Utrus – Sleeping Warriors of the Undoer

  Wyrrdani – Spirit / essence / wyrria


  Fenrir rakhne – Wolf’s hells

  Haldakir – Brute

  Khrakane vishken – Kraken’s talons

  Kotar’s Balls


  Generalisso d’Iscurro – General of the Darkness aka King of Poisoners

  Putistena – Whore

  Gottio! – My God!


  My Living Vine – The way subjects address the Valenghian Vhinesse


  Ghendii – “Fallen One”, a term used by Lefkani Pirates


  Elsthemen / Heldim Alir:

  Therel Alramir – King of Alrou-Mendera and Elsthemen

  Elyasin den’Ildrian Alramir – Queen of Alrou-Mendera and Elsthemen

  Thaddeus den’Lhor – Queen’s Chronicler

  Luc den’Lhorissian – Queen’s Physician

  Ghrenna den’Tanuk – Alrashemni Kingswoman, Morvein Vishke reincarnated

  Merra Alramir – High General of Elsthemen, older sister to Therel

  Rhone and Rhennon Uhlki – Second-Captains to General Merra, twin brothers

  Miri – A keshari rider, one of Merra’s lieutenants

  Mikka Khuriye – First Scout of the Bhorlen Rangers

  Morvein Vishke (deceased) – High Dremorande to the Brother Kings<
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  Hahled Ferrian – One of the Brother Kings of Elsthemen

  Delman Ferrian – One of the Brother Kings of Elsthemen

  Trevius Stranik (deceased) – King of the Giannyk, Heimhold Giannyk Clan

  Vrennen Stranik – A Portalsmilth of the Heimhold Giannyk Clan

  Bhorlen Valdaris – Master Portalsmith of the Dhuvvin Giannyk

  Ulfgrad Stranik – Father of Trevius Stranik and the Four Giannyk Princes

  Metholas Leifne (deceased) – Scribe to Morvein

  Elsthemen / Ligenia / Kreth-Hakir:

  Theroun den’Vekir – ex-General, Black Viper of the Aphellian Way

  Khorel Jornath – A High Priest of the Kreth-Hakir

  Metrene den’Yesh – The Kingstone, High Mistress of the Kreth-Hakir

  Vitreal den’Bhorus – Captain of the Fleetrunners

  Lhesher Khoum – Highsword to King Therel

  Jhonen Rebaldi – First-Captain to General Merra, Dremor

  Adelaine Visek – High Dremorande of Elsthemen

  Magnus Yesh – High Master of the Kreth-Hakir

  Brother Antonius Ossenheim – A Valenghian Brother of the Kreth-Hakir

  Brother Kiiar dhim’Erle – High Priest of the Watch of the Kreth-Hakir

  Brother Caldrian hek’Khim – Priest of Wrath of the Kreth-Hakir

  Brother Arlo del’Vonio – Priest of Letters of the Kreth-Hakir

  Brother Coralim hek’Enni – Brother of the Kreth-Hakir

  Brother Arno del’Legate – Brother of the Kreth-Hakir

  Sage Pierce (deceased) – A Sage of the Kreth-Hakir

  Lissendra del’Mira (deceased) – Theroun’s wife

  The Black Bastard – Theroun’s black keshar-cat

  Elsthemi Clans:

  Blackthorn – Outriders, patrol Bhorlen Mountains near Valenghia

  White Claws – Merra’s personal guard, her most elite keshari warriors

  Split Fangs – Merra’s secondary guard


  Elohl den’Alrahel – First-Lieutenant of the High Brigade, twin to Olea

  Fenton den’Kharel / Alodwine – First-Lieutenant of the Roushenn Palace Guard, Scion of Khehem

  Dherran den’Lhust – Alrashemni Kingsman

  Khenria den’Bhaelen – Friend to Dherran

  Grump (aka Grunnach den’Lhis) – Friend to Dherran, the Greyhawk

  Aelennia Oblitenne – The Vhinesse, Queen of Valenghia “The Living Vine”

  Delennia Oblitenne – House of Oblitenne, once-lover to Arlen den’Selthir

  Emeris ven’Khern – Personal Guard to Delennia

  Chancellor ven’Rhenni – A Chancellor to the Vhinesse

  Merkhenos del’Ilio – High General of Valenghia

  Ghirano del’Letti – Red Valor Guard to Merkhenos

  King Eleps des’Levanne – King of Praough

  Greghane des’Finnes – Praoughian General at the Aphellian Way

  Suxisse Osenneaux – Valenghian General at the Aphellian Way

  Lieutenant des’Pannes – Valenghian Watch at the Aphellian Way

  Suchinne den’Thaon (deceased) – A Kingswoman, first love to Dherran

  Ennalea den’Alrahel / Alodwine (deceased) – Elohl and Olea’s mother

  Levennia del’Mira (deceased) – Fenton’s first wife, Cennetian

  Iccio del’Carrini of Legate (deceased) – Cennetian King

  Roushenn Palace:

  Lhaurent den’Alrahel / den’Karthus – Rennkavi

  Khouren Alodwine – The Ghost of Roushenn

  Ihbram den’Sennia / Alodwine – Veteran High Brigade

  Arthe den’Tourmalin – King of the Tourmaline Isles

  Uhlas den’Ildrian (deceased) – King of Alrou-Mendera

  Alden den’Ildrian (deceased) – Dhenir of Alrou-Mendera

  Evshein den’Lhamann (deceased) – King’s Chancellor

  Elemnia del’Letti (deceased) – Khouren’s old Cennetian flame

  Jhorenni al’Ban (deceased) – A lord of the Lhemvian Isles

  Ruitia del’Mar (deceased) – Cennetian noble lover of Ihbram’s

  Helene del’Ilio (deceased) – Ihbram’s first love

  Minareth Alodwine (deceased) – Ihbram’s sister

  First Abbey of Lintesh / Gerrov-Tel:

  Temlin den’Ildrian – King-Protectorate of Alrou-Mendera

  Eleshen den’Fenrir – An innkeeper

  Mollia den'Lhorissian – The Abbeystone

  Brother Sebasos – Kingsman / Jenner brother

  Brother Brandin – A young Jenner brother

  Sister Nennia den’Thule – A Jenner / Kingswoman

  Abbott Lhem den'Ulio (deceased) – Abbot of the Jenners

  Abbess Lenuria den'Brae / Alodwine (deceased) – Abbess of the Jenners

  Eiric den’Fenrir (deceased) – Dhepan of Quelsis, Eleshen’s father

  Moonshadow – Eleshen’s keshar-cat

  Sanctuary of the Noldarum:

  Jherrick den’Tharn – Corporal in the Roushenn Palace Guard

  Noldrones Flavian – Herald of the Noldarum, Albrenni

  Noldra Ethirae – A Sister of the Noldarum, Albrenni

  Archaeon Stranik – Giannyk / Albrenni warrior, the Key of Fire

  Aldris den’Farahan (deceased) – Second-Lieutenant of the Roushenn Palace Guard

  Olea den’Alrahel (deceased) – Captain-General of the Palace Guard, twin to Elohl

  The Twelve Tribes:

  Leith Alodwine (deceased) – Khehem’s last King

  Alitha Alodwine (deceased) – Leith’s daughter / Fentleith’s mother, the Prophetess

  Ordeith Alodwine (deceased) – Leith’s grandfather, King of Khehem, a tyrant

  Lourden al’Lhesk – Spear-Captain of Oasis Ghellen

  The Vault (Vennet):

  Vicoute Arlen den’Selthir – Vicoute of Vennet, leader of the Shemout Alrashemni

  Purloch den’Crassis – Master of Purloch's House in the Bog

  Khaspar den’Albehout – High General of the Menderian forces at the Vault

  Elyria Kenthar – A Dremor

  Bherg – Yenlia’s husband, a fighter of the Bog

  Yenlia – Bherg’s wife, a fighter of the Bog




  LINTESH (The King’s City) – City at the base of the Kingsmount

  Abbey Quarter – Location of the First Abbey

  Tradesman Quarter – Near the Watercourse Gate

  Watercourse Gate – Eastern gate of Lintesh

  ROUSHENN PALACE – The royal palace at Lintesh

  Rose Courtyard – Courtyard of roses in the Third Tier

  Throne Hall – High Seat of Alrou-Mendera

  King’s Tomb – Secret tomb beneath Roushenn

  FIRST ABBEY – Of the Jenners

  Rare Tomes Room – Catacomb of ancient writings beneath the Annex

  Abbey Annex – Old cathedral of the First Abbey

  GERROV-TEL (Mount Gerrov) – Fortress Ruins in the Kingsmountains, site of Haled's Stone

  Upper Gallery at Gerrov-Tel

  Southwest tower

  Armory catacombs

  Alrashesh – First Court of the Alrashemni Kingsmen

  Aphellian Way – Site of the Black Viper's slaughter, on the Thalanout Plain

  Bhorlen’s Citadel – Ancient Giannyk city beneath the mountains

  Bitterwoods – Forest near Vicoute Arlen’s manor

  Dhemman – Third Court of the Alrashemni Kingsmen

  Elesk (The Kingsmount) – By Lintesh

  Elhambrian Valley – Valley at the edge of Lintesh

  Elsee – Lake in the Eleskis

  Fhouria – Home of the Fhouria Thieves’ Consortium

  Gerson Hills – Location near Vennet

  Gerthoun – City on the border of Elsthemen and Alrou-Mendera

  Heathren Bog – Enormous bog north of the Aphellian way (Purloch’s Bog)

  Hills of the Damned – Bar
row-hills in the Thalanout Plain

  Khenthar Rhegalatoria – Respite of the Rulers, Molli’s valley at the top of the Kingsmount

  Lheshen Valley – In the mountains near Quelsis, has seen vicious fighting, now well-protected

  Long Valley – Valley on the Valenghian border just north of Purloch’s Bog

  Pallisade Fhen – Location near Vennet

  Port of Ligenia / Ligenia Bay – Coastal city, supply location for the Aphellian Way

  Purloch’s House – Purloch’s main city in the Heathren Bog

  Quelsis – A city in the foothills of Alrou-Mendera

  Southern Lethian Valley – Where the Menderian main war-camp is (Camp Lethia)

  Thalanout Plain – Where most of the fighting is against Valenghia

  The Eleskis (The Kingsmountains) – Border of Valenghia and Elsthemen

  The Vault – Ancient Albrenni fortress southwest of Vennet

  Thickhole Swamp – Swamp near Vicoute Arlen’s manor

  Vennet – A city on the eastern bogs, home of Vicoute Arlen den’Selthir


  Lhen Fhekran – Capitol city of Elsthemen

  Fhekran Palace – Therel Alramir's palace at Lhen Fhekran

  Valley of Doors – On Alrou-Mendera border, has ancient ruins, on the Lethian Way

  Northern Lethian Valley – Where the Elsthemi main war-camp is, and the Valley of Doors

  Lethian Way – An ancient canyon-road up through the river-gorge in the Lethian Valley

  Kherven Valley – The plains approaching Lhen Fhekran from the west

  Bhorlen Mountains – Elsthemi-Valenghian border, aka Bhorlen’s Ring / Bhorlen’s Barrier

  Mount Veldir – Elsthemi name for the Kingsmount

  The Devil’s Field – An immensely treacherous glacial crossing into Valenghia from Elsthemen

  Lodresh Glacier – Glacier that holds the Devil’s Field

  Bitterrift Pass – The approach to the Devil’s Field

  Hokhar – City on the ice tundra

  Mount Ghirlaj – Obsidian mountain to the south of the Devil’s Field


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