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Nightworld Academy: Term Five

Page 9

by LJ Swallow

  “You know a Blackwood?” Andrei blurts.

  “No. There are other witches there. Hangers-on hoping for rewards once the Dominion takeover and Anton is—was—one of them. He works for us now.”

  “This shit gets crazier,” says Ash. “Look, all we want is to find Maeve and Tobias.”

  “Ah, yes. Tobias Whitlock.” Alaric presses his lips together. “I’m concerned about his involvement, as an ex-Dominion foot soldier.”

  Ash chokes. “What the fuck? You think he’s involved?”

  “We’re not exactly sure,” he replies and takes a deep breath. “If he is, getting Maeve out of there could be harder than I thought.”

  “But if he isn’t, would that make freeing her easier?” I ask.

  “Depends. We're up against the world’s most powerful witches here.”

  “Maeve is powerful too,” I say, and Amelia nods at Alaric's doubtful look. “Plus, Maeve and Tobias have a connection; a supernatural one a little like a witch bond.”

  Alaric pulls on his bottom lip. “But he’s a vamp. Hell, there’s a lot we don’t know about you guys. I bloody hope Tobias is on our side.”

  “He is,” says Ash emphatically.

  Alaric stands again and his dark mood lifts slightly. “Fine. We'll help Tobias too. I've spoken to Izzy; I’ll also ask her to see if she can contact Anton. She's freaked out about him and wants us to make our move tonight. I wanted to wait, but now you've appeared, we don't have that luxury. The less time you're here, the less likely people will notice you.”

  "There's not long until dawn," says Andrei.

  "Stay here," says Alaric.

  "No fucking way, mate."

  He scoffs. "You want to risk seeing the dawn, mate."

  "Yes, mate."

  "You won't change his mind," I say as the tension thickens.

  Alaric shakes his head. "Fine. The three of you get your shit together and we leave."

  "Uh. And me," says Amelia.

  "I'm not dealing with Matt's level of pissed off if he finds I've put you in danger again," retorts Alaric. "You promised the guy you wouldn't go into the field without him."

  Amelia's brow tugs down. "But this is Maeve and Tobias."

  "I don't think Matt would like you to be 'collateral damage'," I say and side-eye Alaric.

  "Stay here with Saul.” She scowls at him. “Please."

  I'd press her to stay too, but if we all hassle Amelia, she's more likely to protest.

  "Fine. But promise me you'll help Tobias too. He's helped us a lot," she says.

  "Hmm. I hope so. I've no qualms about taking out the murderous bastard." His grey eyes turn to stone.

  "That's in the past," says Andrei coldly.

  He shakes his head as if Andrei is a simpleton. "Blackwood magic can corrupt anybody. All that's needed is a tiny speck of darkness in someone's soul, and that guy has a shitload. Be prepared for him to be a different man when he returns."

  And Maeve? The girl who holds nothing but love and care for people.

  Ash and Andrei's expressions reflect my thoughts: will she be different?

  Chapter Seventeen


  I sit in the corner of the room they keep me in, with my head in my hands. My head splits with pain across the scalp and behind my eyes. But the pain is nothing compared to sick confusion over what I saw when Gabriella assaulted me. Was that a ploy to weaken me? Jumble up my mind until I don't know what's a vision and what's a nightmare? Andrei wouldn't hurt me. Nor Tobias.

  But can I say that with one hundred percent confidence?

  I clench my jaw, fuelling with anger to protect myself in case this type of assault happens again. I can’t lose my grip—the barrier I need isn’t only mental but emotional too.

  Resting my cheek on my leg, I hug my knees to my chest and listen for footsteps. I showered and wiped away the blood from Gabriella's mental injuries, washing away the tears I shed when I first walked back into the room. The shaking takes longer to subside.

  Before Mhairi arrived to take me back to my room, Gabriella smiled and told me she looked forward to more time with me this evening.

  I can't stay here any longer.

  Gripping the window frame, I pull myself up and look down at the night shadows covering the lawns behind. Is there a place I could break through if by some miracle I reached them? There’s no visible fence between the grounds and the woods that border the estate, but magic barriers aren’t always visible.

  I turn away. Why torture myself? I need to trust that everything will work out. Somehow.

  A gentle rap on the door startles me and I jump to alert. Mhairi’s face appears as she gently pushes the door open.


  My unofficial watcher. “Hello, Mhairi.”

  She sidles through the door, a hesitant smile on her pink-cheeked face with something draped over her arms. She lifts the item and shakes it out. A dress.

  Another one.


  I’m back in my jeans and T-shirt after stripping off the dress I wore earlier. The Blackwoods can’t dress me up and play with me as if I’m a doll.

  But they are playing with me.

  Mhairi holds the dress up high and the sapphire blue material touches the floor.

  “Am I going to a funeral?” I ask. “Hopefully not mine.”

  She smiles at my sarcasm.

  “The Blackwoods always have a small party when Gabriella visits.”

  I bet.

  “What type of party?”

  Mhairi averts her eyes and my scalp prickles. Pulling on a nonchalant air, I walk over and take the dress from her.

  The silken material slides cool against my skin

  “I’ll be back in ten minutes.” She backs away. “I suggest you change.” She hands me a brush and I stare as if she’s passing me a hand grenade.

  Thank god Mhairi hasn’t brought curling tongs and a tote filled with make-up.

  She sneaks away and I drop the dress on the bed, scowling at it. Who chose this? It’d better not be creepy Nikolai, because if he touches me, I’ll blast him into unconsciousness.

  If I weren't filled with a fear that trickles through every vein in my body, I'd be curious about what a party held by a witch for a vampire would look like. My palms sweat as I walk along the hallway towards a new room, and I wipe them on my dress.

  Maeve, dressed up like a Vampire Party Barbie. I hate the way the dress skims my hips and accentuates my ass as the material drops to the floor. The barely-there straps hold up the low-cut bodice, and however hard I yank at them, too much flesh is on display. The worst part is the back—or lack of. A string of diamonds run from the neck to the small of my back, which is bare as if the dress had been slashed in two.

  No. I'm not Vampire Party Barbie—I'm Vampire Snack Barbie.

  We approach the door and I wonder if this is the right one, as there's no music. But there are voices and two men dressed in black suits standing either side of the double doors. They're not the burly bodyguards I would expect, but their manner adds to my fear—as dark as Anastasia and Gabriella. Both are tall with the familiar vampire bone structure and allure, but the one with shorter dark hair on the left has a cruel twist to his mouth as he regards me. The second focuses ahead, not dropping his sentry duties for a moment.

  The cruel-mouthed man takes the ornate gold handles and pushes the doors open. I'm guided past him, cringing as my bare arm almost touches his suit sleeve.

  My feet sink into the thick white carpet as I'm greeted with the sight of vampires and witches in a richly decorated room. A bronze chandelier dripping with glass hangs above where some guests are draped across sumptuous sofas in expensive dress, while others stand chatting beside the black-and-white-flocked wallpaper, all with wine glasses in hands.

  The auras around these people combine, shutting out their thoughts and filling the room with pitch black to match the night outside. Hairs lift on my arms as the dread takes hold.

let me survive tonight.

  Gabriella sits alone in an armchair, the high wooden back resembling a throne. Her long black hair shines and her red dress sweeps the floor as she stands, a model of poise and elegance. She lifts the glass in her hand, her smile serene and as if to a royal subject. Is this how others see Gabriella?

  "Maeve!" I tense at her enthusiasm and her voice causes a painful twinge in the side of my head.

  Relieved she doesn't approach, I take in the rest of the guests, praying that one man in particular is here. Hemia vampires mingle with witches; isn't there a risk one of them will attack a witch? Anastasia and Nikolai hold court with a gathered group of vampires, others mill around as if they're at a dinner party, chatting and laughing politely at each other's jokes. Nikolai's steady gaze shifts from my face along the length of me, lingering on my breasts. Repulsed, I look away, continuing to search for Tobias.

  I don’t see him until Anastasia steps to one side. He's dressed in a dinner suit and blends in well with the other guests, the way he blends in with professors in his suit when he teaches. Recently, I'm used to him wearing casual clothes as if one of us.

  Now, Tobias looks like one of them.

  His confession about the curse and what this means between us spins around in my head with the memories of the kiss I’ve dreamed about. The one that confirmed his nightmare as we finally stepped over the hard line he drew and pulled him into the future he denied. Was that our first and last kiss?

  I've triggered murmuring in the room, and I swallow hard. If the door hadn't closed behind me, I would run—never mind the consequences. I pull myself straight and return the curious looks with a stony gaze. "Yes, I'm Maeve. Stop staring."

  Anastasia's laugh breaks the silence and she sweeps towards me in a dress similar to mine, in emerald green, before taking my hand between hers. "Isn't she cute?"

  Cute? I'm not a puppy or a child. I pull my hand away and fold my arms.

  "Such a pretty little thing," says Nikolai quietly. "I do hope you spend some time with me tonight."

  His words don't help my heating cheeks and I curse that he'll think this is due to him. Tobias, at Anastasia's shoulder, hears, and I'm hit with a flash of his anger.

  "Are you feeling better now, Maeve?" asks Anastasia in a voice filled with mock concern.

  "When can I leave?" I reply.

  She blinks in surprise and lets out another false laugh. "Oh, sweetie, why not enjoy the night?"

  "Enjoy?" I splutter.

  Her expression darkens. "If I were you, I would watch your mouth and behaviour, Maeve."

  "Quite," adds Nikolai.

  "Be on alert too." Anastasia's smile returns. "You never know what might happen."

  I moisten my dry lips. Are they testing my magic again?

  She sips the sparkling wine from her glass and peers over my shoulder. "Gabriella! Do talk to us."

  Heavy perfume reaches me before Gabriella stands by my side, too close for comfort. "Don't worry, Maeve. I won't hurt you. I have the information I need."

  Gabriella's eyes meet mine, and again it's as if I'm looking into Andrei's. I don't want that reminder, and switch my gaze to a spot the wall behind her.

  "I appreciate the Blackwood hospitality, Anastasia." She taps her red painted fingernails on the glass and my stomach churns as she drinks. The liquid is too thick to be wine. Acid fills my mouth. A hemia vampire. I don't need to join the dots. "We have much to discuss tonight."

  "We do, but a little mingling never hurt anybody. There are members of my family you haven't yet met who are committed to the cause." She gestures at an older man standing with her father. "I understand there's bad blood between vampires and some of the Blackwoods, but we believe unity is needed."

  I bite back a smile at her turn of phrase.

  Gabriella's lips purse. "Perhaps we should not drag up old grudges. The child is no longer a concern."

  Anastasia side glances me. "And you think the place can contain him?"

  "For their sake, I hope so." Gabriella drains her glass and hands it to one of the maids hanging around the edges of the guests. "Could I try a younger vintage this time?"

  The girl blanches and nods, her hand shaking as she takes the glass. I try hard not to imagine what she means by 'younger vintage', or where the maid will source this from.

  "Would you like a glass of wine, Maeve?" asks Nikolai.

  His smooth tones do nothing but scare me. "No, thank you. I don't drink."

  He pouts. "I'm not trying to poison you."

  "I don't drink," I repeat.

  I've avoided looking at Tobias as much as I can but the greater his displeasure at the situation grows, the harder it is for me to avoid him. Can Nikolai and others sense this too?

  Nikolai catches me glance at Tobias and angles his body towards him. "Tell me, Tobias, how was your time at the academy? Anastasia told me you wanted to help Maeve and that's why you came back to the fold. I knew you'd see sense."

  I tighten my jaw and look to Gabriella, who's now in quiet conversation with Anastasia, the pair far enough away to keep their conversation private. She didn't tell the Blackwoods about the kiss.

  "Indeed," says Tobias, and I half-smile at the familiar response.

  "Is she your temptation?" he asks and sips his wine with an innocent expression. "So unfair of the Confederacy placing you in an academy with witches. Almost as if they wanted you to fail."

  "Mmm." He sips from a glass of white wine.

  Nikolai's face sours as Tobias refuses to engage. "Did you know about Tobias's curse, Maeve?"


  Silence drops between us and my pulse continues to race at my situation. I startle as Nikolai rests a warm hand on my shoulder and whispers, "Your power is alluring, Maeve. I can almost taste you."

  Disgust ripples through my body from head to toes. With that touch I sense exactly what he means by alluring. Nikolai sees me as something to be moulded by the Blackwoods and by his hands. I only hope my mental barrier and abilities are enough to fight back against his plans.

  I swallow. Is this one of their tests?

  Tobias clears his throat. What is he saying to you?

  He's a creep.

  Tobias's brow furrows and he looks away, taking a drink. I'm relieved his drink isn't blood red too. I wince as something pokes behind my eyes. An angry hurt. Don't doubt me, Maeve.


  Nikolai tips his head. "The energy between you is curious. Are you sure this one isn't the witch who will kill you, Tobias?"

  Tobias shoves his glass at the nearest staff member. "Excuse me," he says and walks away.

  My heart leaps in my chest as I watch him go. How can he leave me?

  Chapter Eighteen


  ”Ooh. Somebody's touchy." Nikolai chuckles. "I remember when he was a real party boy. Such a serious guy nowadays."

  "I imagine a curse would change anybody."

  Nikolai shakes his head. "If I were cursed, I'd live my life taking everything I could. Enjoying all life's pleasures."

  He touches my arm lightly with his fingers and I sense a magic crawl across my skin and up my arm, like a spider creeping into my hair. I sidestep. "Aren't you going to introduce me to anybody?"

  "I suppose I could, but everybody knows who you are."

  Realisation strikes. "Are you parading me to show off the witch you caught? That the Blackwoods now have something valuable to both sides?"

  He scratches a cheek. "Well, we are rather proud of the achievement."

  His arm winds around my waist to guide me towards a group, and after a few shocked moments I prise his fingers away. A tall woman with sleek black hair and eyes the colour of the siblings smirks at us.

  "This is Larissa. My aunt."

  I force a smile.

  "Aren't you just darling?"

  Unable to stop myself, I shrink back when she touches my face.

  "Can you sense the Blackwood?" Nikolai asks excitedly.

  "A lit
tle. I'm not sure if she has enough Blackwood inside her for our needs.”

  Nikolai snickers. "I can help with that."

  I choke. "What?"

  "I can help you with Blackwood energy and magic. Why? What did you think I meant?" He arches a brow and I fight the heat growing in my cheeks as I fall for his innuendo.

  "Don't tease the girl," says Larissa with a light laugh. "How long are you staying, Maeve?"

  Until my friends arrive and help. "I don't know."

  "Is she learning much?" she asks Nikolai.

  "Indirectly." He gives a sly smile. "We prefer to trigger Maeve so we can see what she's capable of."

  Larissa opens her mouth to speak then glances at me before tiptoeing to murmur something in Nikolai's ear. He purses his lips. "That is father's decision."

  "He needs to tread carefully," she replies. "Gabriella may not be directly responsible for the death, but we will not forget the betrayal."

  My ears prick up at the words. Dissent between Blackwoods and vampires?

  "I believe the situation was a mistake. The child was out of control, you know that."

  "Hmm." Larissa strokes her long dark hair and looks to Gabriella and her entourage. "I will reserve my judgement."

  "Aunt," protests Nikolai. "Please take time to talk to Gabriella. We're stronger together."

  Although curious about the situation discussed in vague terms, I study the gathered partygoers, relieved the focus on me has dropped. My relief is replaced by a rapid heartbeat when Tobias is missing. He left me here. I suck in a calming breath. He'd have his reasons.

  As Nikolai's arm winds around my waist again, and he escorts me to a new group of witches, I no longer believe this evening will end well. "This is Diana," he says and gestures at a stocky woman with long brown hair who looks down her nose at me. "She's from the Ashwood coven. Her husband, Rupert, and daughters Tamara and Gina."

  The girls resemble their red-headed father and their faces are smattered with freckles. They smile, but with suspicion in their emerald eyes.

  A blond-haired guy beside them studies me harder than the girls, but his gaze isn't uncomfortable compared to Nikolai's, and his smile more genuine than theirs.


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