The Bear's Call Girl: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 9)

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The Bear's Call Girl: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 9) Page 7

by Amy Star

  It was going to take her a week’s worth of yoga, she knew, to get over this weekend.

  With effort, she did manage to get over to the chair, leaning across the way to do so, and get his shirt onto her and buttoned up just enough of it to expose her cleavage and nothing more. Then, with slow and labored steps, she carefully got herself up the steps to the area where they’d had dinner last night. Just as carefully and deliberately, as not to let her long but wobbly legs buckle under her, Suzanne made her way to the glass doors that led out to the deck.

  She remembered videos she had seen of giraffes when they had just fallen out of their mother’s body and onto the African savannah, and she felt like nothing so much as a newborn baby giraffe finding her legs for the first time. Still, she got herself to the door and out into the shade of the enclosure of the deck, then out to the edge of the deck that let out onto the pool area. She looked out into the sunlight at that tropical-looking blue swimming pool—and there she saw him.

  He was splashing and paddling from one end of the pool to the other with his all-fours. His head stuck up above the surface of the water, and his powerful, transformed limbs did the work. There he was, no longer human. The body that had shagged her so that she could barely walk, now paddled along through the inviting blue waters was that of a huge black bear.

  Suzanne smiled broadly, as brightly as the LA sunshine, to see him. He was just so darn…cute.

  Yes, cute was actually the word for him in this form, the same word that had come to mind when she saw his pictures in his morphed body. Without a doubt, he was huge and powerful and formidable, in the natural way of a bear. But she looked at that brown snout sticking up out of the water and the round ears at the top of the head, and the mass of black-furred muscle paddling its way around the pool, and something in Suzanne’s heart just melted. He was adorable. She leaned against one of the posts supporting the overhang of the deck and just watched him, smiling, wanting to cuddle him within an inch of his ursine life.

  Which only served to remind Suzanne further of what the bear in his other body had done all night to her within an inch of her life.

  He caught sight of her from the water and shook his big bear head at her, and she waved back and called, “Good morning!” He made a loud bearish grunt back at her, which Suzanne took to be a return of her greeting, and paddled to the shallow end of the pool. Justin loped up the steps on four bear paws, and by the time he reached the deck he was standing morphed back to his human nakedness in the sunshine, with his contours of his soaking-wet muscles limned and illuminated in the morning light and the column of his maleness hanging proudly and dripping.

  Justin strode with that column swinging between his legs, crossing the marble outer deck to the edge of the inner deck where Suzanne was standing. “On that chair near you,” he said, “there’s a towel. Would you toss it to me?”

  Suzanne looked to one side, and a couple of steps away a plush towel rested on the back of one of the cozy-looking deck chairs. She half-stepped and half-leaned over to it, then returned to where she’d been standing. Holding on to the post again with one hand, she used the other to toss him the towel.

  He caught the towel and began to run it over his shoulders, chest, and arms, giving her a knowing grin. “Don’t tell me,” he said. “The legs aren’t quite working yet after last night.”

  She said nothing, but just smiled with creased lips and nodded yes.

  “That’s usually the way, the morning after I’ve had a woman for the first time,” he admitted. “I do it so hard, they can’t quite get their legs under them again at first. I don’t mean to be so rough and aggressive. I get so worked up and horny, I have a hard time going slow and gentle at first. I promise it’ll get better.”

  Suzanne only sighed, continuing to watch him towel himself off. She actually had no complaints whatsoever about last night; his sex left no room for improvement. But his concern for how hard he had been on her was another big point in his favor. Even outside of his bear form, he was sweet.

  “Werebear females find it easier to take me,” he confessed further. “But I really enjoy doing it to human women. I don’t know why; I just do.”

  Again, she only silently admired him as he draped the towel over his shoulders and approached her, still naked. Suzanne let Justin take her in those powerful arms again and kiss her good morning, a deep and simmering kiss with his tongue rolling into her mouth.

  “You look sexy as hell in my shirt,” he said.

  Ah-hah! She knew it.

  “You look totally hot just like that,” she replied.

  He kissed her again, a repeat of the last kiss.

  Keeping herself in his embrace, she felt below his waist and found his member engorging itself with heated blood and turning wooden. Good. At the same time he slipped his own hand under the hem of her shirt on her and reached for her honey pot. His fingers entered her and she tingled inside, moistening for him.

  Barely able to concentrate with Justin’s fingers in her and her hands stroking at his hot meat, Suzanne said, “Last night was the most incredible time I’ve ever had with a man. I’ve never been so loud with anyone, but..,” and she sucked in a deep breath of air at the insistent probing of his fingers inside her, “you’re kind of…hung like a space rocket…and like you said, you like to do it hard.”

  It was equally hard to talk with him penetrating her that way. He was continuing to claim her, to take her for his own. She returned the gesture, squeezing his shaft and feeling for the roundness of his balls to tease them with her fingertips.

  “The good thing about doing it up here where there aren’t any neighbors,” he said, “is that you can be as loud as you want ‘during’. And as for my ‘rocket,’ that’ll be blasting off again right now.” He kissed her, a very businesslike and demanding kiss. The way his hardening limb surged in her hand, there was no question that he was back on the launch pad.

  Her face hovering near his, Suzanne said, a bit breathlessly, “When I woke up I wanted to start by giving you a blow job, but you weren’t there.”

  “No reason to change your plans,” said Justin. “Blow me right here.” And he led her over to a divan on the deck, keeping an arm around her to help her to walk. He had her sit down on the edge of the divan as he had her sit on the edge of the bed last night. And as he did last night, he lifted his mighty maleness to Suzanne’s mouth to feed it to her.

  Suzanne’s jaw complained at her, but she took the twinges and complaints along with the sheer deliciousness of his barrel of flesh. She clutched at his magnificent ass and let him slide almost two-thirds of his massive staff over her tongue and just down to the opening of her throat, again using practiced skill to keep from gagging her and relishing how much she was able to take of him.

  With a stroke much slower, much more deliberate—and thus even more sensuous—than what he would soon do on top of her, Justin pumped him meat into Suzanne’s mouth, making low, growling noises as he did so, as if he were still in the dark-furred shape in which he’d been in the pool. Showing how she was gradually growing accustomed to sucking him, Suzanne began to move her head to one side and then the other while letting him pump through her lips.

  He growled harder at this, and she sensed how much more she was arousing him this way. To pleasure him further, she took one hand from his ass and moved it around to cup his scrotum, squeezing it with a soft, warm rhythm to match his pumping of his piece in her mouth. Justin grunted at her in a guttural voice: “God damn, you’re good with it. Oh, damn…”

  She pulled back and let his pumping monster slide from her mouth and bob in her face with a drop of pre-cum beading at its tip. Moving her other hand from his butt, Suzanne used it to steady his bobbing pole and licked it up and down. She took into her mouth the foreskin pushed up behind the head and pulled it over the crown of his root, sucking firmly and making him gasp with a shock of pleasure jolting his body: “Holy SHIT! UUUHHH…”

  Justin took his member from he
r mouth and leaned over to kiss the tender lips that had enclosed it. “That’s it,” he groaned. “Lay your sexy ass down; you’re getting it now.”

  Her whole body tingling at the command, Suzanne obeyed. She assumed the position, stretching herself out on the divan and opening her legs to receive him. With a pounce that reminded Suzanne more of a mountain lion than a bear, Justin got onto the deck furniture with her and maneuvered his glistening column where they both wanted it.

  She braced herself, inhaled deeply, for the first stroke that would send her whirling into world of mad pleasure. He made his move at once, sliding what she’d sucked all the way into her until his balls pressed hotly at her mound. She squealed at the top of her lungs, her voice flying out over the hillside, as Justin bore down on her and started to bang as hard as he’d done the night before.

  His beast-like shouts reverberated across the deck, mingling with her shrieks and cries. His heroically muscled frame lying on top of her took complete command. His ass rose and fell with a fast and explosive fury, and he buried his pole deep, deep in her wet promised land. Her cries sounded as if she were a woman in torment, but in fact is was the sweetest and most joyous kind of “torment” that she could possibly know; more joyous than anything she had ever imagined.

  Submitting to him, letting him pin her down with those exquisite muscles and the hairiness of his chest and abs, giving her lips to him in kisses more torrid than the California sun, Suzanne reveled in every hard, pounding beat of Justin’s monster meat inside her yielding womanly wetness. She received his body and dick without restraint, giving him her all and taking all from him.

  Underneath the shouts and cries they were making was the fleshy percussion of his crotch beating steadily against her, driving that piston forcefully into her turgid inner tube. There truly seemed no limit to how much Justin could screw her, and now, more than any time she’d ever had with a man, Suzanne wanted no limits. She wanted Justin—not his patronage, not his business, not his money.

  She wanted him—all of him: lips, tongue, body, cock, balls, ass, cum; every bit of him. She told him so in no uncertain terms, with every kiss that she rained on his shoulders and neck, every caress and clutch with which she covered his muscles, every arch of her back as she received the pounding of his member. She communicated her desire for his body with her own, and Justin responded, ramming himself hard and exuberantly into her, making that awesome ass rise and fall ever faster.

  They became a gasping, moaning mass of merged flesh, Justin banging her relentlessly, mercilessly. Through clenched teeth he rumbled his lust at her, and she felt him building up to his ultimate moment. The force of his thrusting and the dizzying feeling of the way his monstrous tool spread and stretched her inside made Suzanne start to wail. She knew from the growing heat of his body on top of her and the ever-quickening rhythm of the way he banged her that he must be close.

  As if on cue, Justin lifted himself up on one hand and moved the other hand down below Suzanne’s muff. His thumb found her clit and started to strum it like a pick on a stringed instrument. In a minute, the in-and-out pumping of his piston and the strumming of his thumb produced music from Suzanne: the music of a woman flying as high as a man could take her. She wailed out her soaring orgasm like an opera singer hitting and holding a high note on stage, feeling her insides become one huge tingle.

  At the same moment, the heat and tingle of his own climax possessed Justin. He slammed his meat all the way into her and felt the wet dam-burst of his seed pouring out inside her depths, sending the day’s first fountain of his semen to fill Suzanne’s womanhood.

  As he had done so many times during the night, Justin kept his erection in her until it was too soft to continue and he had given her every drop of his cream. Only when he was sure that he was fully spent and he could not keep himself sheathed in Suzanne’s passage did he finally relax on top of her. He lay himself down on top of her, and where they had been a fiery mass of sexual union, they settled down into a long smolder.

  At some point, they shifted on the divan and stayed there on the deck for a while, kissing long, deep kisses and playing with their fingers at the slippery treasures between each other’s legs. “I promised to show you the rest of the house and grounds today, didn’t I?” he said, slurping between kisses.

  “You did,” she sighed back at him as he licked her lips with the tip of his tongue.

  “I’ve fucked in every room in this house and every part of this property,” he said, “dozens of times. I’ve christened this whole place.”

  “I know you have,” she replied, cupping his sac in her palm.

  “We’re going to have a busy day,” said Justin, nipping at her chin.

  “Sounds perfect,” she said. “Where to now?”

  “The master bath,” he grinned.


  Off the master bedroom suite, which was practically a luxury apartment inside the house, lay the master bath. It was all white porcelain and marble with dark-stained wood cabinets, sparkling brass fixtures, a chandelier, and the largest stall shower that Suzanne had ever seen, shaped like a column with a thick glass door and sides. The sunken bathtub, which looked large enough for four people (and Suzanne should not have been surprised to know that Justin had engaged in group sex there), was separate from the shower. Justin, leading her to the master bath, stayed naked with just his towel from the pool draped over his shoulder while she donned his shirt again and fastened only a couple of buttons. Immediately they were in the bathroom, Justin relieved her of the shirt and tossed it and his towel away. Pulling her close and kissing her deeply, he said, “After all the hard banging, you could probably use a good long soak in the bath. I think you deserve that.”

  “Sounds perfect,” she sighed into his next kiss.

  Gallantly, Justin drew them a thoroughly inviting bubble bath and helped her into it before settling down into the water himself. He pulled her to him again and they sat facing each other in the water, Suzanne’s legs parted around his lap. Under the warm water and suds, they again played with each other’s sex in the midst of long, slow, deep kisses and the slippery probing of Justin’s tongue in her mouth.

  Their kissing became a kind of oral sex, with his tongue moving back and forth between her lips and side to side over her tongue. Manual coupling went on under the water at the same time. Suzanne expertly stroked his phenomenal length and squeezed at his wondrous thickness, and teased at the roundness of his pouch.

  Justin let his fingers concentrate at her most sensitive area, strumming at her tender handle again without stopping, keeping the rhythm as constant as if he were penetrating her with what she was fondling. The tune that Justin played on Suzanne’s sex made her accompany it, throwing back her head from his kiss and giving out a wail that bounced off the walls of the bathroom. Suzanne’s climax triggered Justin; he grunted deeply and heavily: “Oh, shit!”

  Sensing his alarm, Suzanne half-panted at him, “What’s wrong?”

  Mildly embarrassed and a little frustrated, Justin said, “I just shot my load in the fucking water. That’s not where I wanted to shoot it. Damn.”

  Smiling warmly, she hugged him and kissed his lips reassuringly. “That’s all right. You’ll make up for it plenty of times.”

  “Hell yes, I will,” he promised, and pulled her closer into a deeper kiss. The bubbly water felt that much hotter around them.

  Out of the bath, they toweled each other off, laughing lustily, between kisses and gropes. Justin had Suzanne slip back into his shirt, minimally buttoned it, while from one of the cabinets he produced for himself…a loincloth. Yes, an actual loincloth. And what was more, a loincloth that covered him up only in front, leaving his scrumptious ass still exposed. Suzanne was enjoying her best client better all the time. They took a minute to rinse out with mouthwash at the sink, completing their freshening up for the day’s activities.

  The kitchen was every bit as lavish and luxurious as the master bath. It was all in s
tained wood with marble tile flooring, and windows that took up two sides and looked out at the panorama of Los Angeles below the hillside on which the house sat. In the middle of the kitchen was a large island countertop, upon which Suzanne could well imagine any number of non-culinary events had taken place with past female visitors to the house—events that might yet be repeated between her and Justin during her stay. But after they prepared breakfast together—and Suzanne got as much of a view of his beautiful buttocks while making breakfast as she did of the California sky and the spread of the city outside—he took her next door to the dining room.

  The dining room had a long and very sturdy oak table with seating for a dozen people in the most comfortably upholstered dining chairs that Suzanne had ever seen. It also had two sides fully occupied with large windows looking out and below for a view that was almost as spectacular as that of the owner of the house. After breakfast, Justin slid the plates and glasses down to the far side of the table and undid and whipped off his loincloth, revealing that he was ready to resume business. He commanded her to come to him with a crook of his finger and the naughtiest look on his model-handsome face.


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