The Bear's Call Girl: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 9)

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The Bear's Call Girl: A Steamy Paranormal Romance (Bears With Money Book 9) Page 8

by Amy Star

  Suzanne went into his arms and he got the shirt off her and tossed it, then grabbed her, making her squeal and laugh, and stretched her out on top of the table. He climbed onto Suzanne, slid his length and thickness into her with a sure, deep stroke of his dry cock that made her moan up at the chandelier, and proved how sturdy the table really was with a long bout of hard and forceful humping that ended in a very wet and sticky grand finale. It was a wonder to Suzanne that she did not break the crystals of the chandelier with the outcries she gave at Justin’s thunderous screwing.

  He put the loincloth back on and let her don his shirt again, and took her out onto the grounds and showed her the garden, which was filled with the most beautifully blooming rose bushes that Suzanne had ever seen. While she stopped and smelled the roses, leaning over one of the romantic-looking red blooms, Justin came up behind her and lifted the hem of his shirt on her, exposing her buttocks. Taking in the scent of the rose, she smiled and let him paw and grope at the cheeks of her bottom and slip one hand around to feel at the “bush” that interested him the most.

  Thrilled with delight at being felt up and groped in the perfect LA sunshine by this most perfect of men, Suzanne stood up and let him wrap his arms around her. He moved the long golden fall of her hair to one side and kissed and licked at her neck, while opening the couple of buttons of the shirt that were fastened and taking her breast in his hand.

  Suzanne shut her eyes and gave herself into the way he cupped first one breast, then teased at one hardened and pulpy nipple, then did the same with the other breast and the other nipple, all the while sending his hand below her bush and teasing her sex with his fingers. She dissolved in his embrace and fell onto the grass at his feet.

  Justin whipped off the loincloth again, and with Suzanne lying prone in the grass with his shirt and her legs open, he dropped onto her and first took her own wet and glistening flower with his fingers and tongue. After feasting on her petals and drinking deeply of her nectar, he mounted her and entered her with his huge, erect, and pulsing tool, and pounded her bush beside the rose bushes, expertly and enthusiastically tending to Suzanne’s own garden and watering her blossom. Their shared orgasm was enough to make the roses bloom redder.

  After that, neither of them even bothered to put anything on again. They carried the shirt and the loincloth back into the house and Justin took her to the home theatre, which had a screen taking up one wall; a bar, a refrigerator, and a popcorn machine; and a collection of cozy sofas. She took the initiative and sat down for him on one of the sofas, beckoning to him to feed her the best refreshments in the house.

  Justin moved his crotch and his thick, long stick of meat to her mouth and let her partake fully of it before putting her down on her back on the sofa and topping and penetrating her again. Thirty minutes of fierce, hard humping followed, with Justin showing her once again how much he wanted it and how much he could do it.

  He was everything that she knew a bear man could be, and more. He was indefatigable, inexhaustible. She reveled in how tireless he was. She would be the recipient of his tireless desire and untiring dick for the rest of this day, on through this night, and on through tomorrow and the next morning yet. As he filled her, grunting savagely, with yet another thick stream of his seed, she was resolved to obeying Justin’s every command—and being rewarded for it as only he could reward her.

  Justin’s home gym was so well-equipped with the best collection of weights and machines that money could buy, it could have been a professional gym with a staff of trainers. It was a studio space with a panoramic window for one wall and an open center area occupied with thick floor mats. She took his meaning when he gestured to her, then pointed to the mats.

  Smiling compliantly, more than willingly, Suzanne lay down on the matted floor and took him onto her and inside her yet again. She cried out in a new flight of sexual joy, letting him pursue his workout, doing his push-ups on top of her, driving into her a rod of steel as hard as the metal of the weights at his bench press. He made her come by grinding his crotch against her clit, sending her spinning into a climax in which she dug her fingernails into the muscles of his shoulders, drawing forth from him the hoarse and savage cry of his own release, his seed rushing into her womb once again.

  Lying on the gym mats with him afterward and playing with the finest piece of gear in the place, which lay spent only for the moment, Suzanne marveled at the abundance of his sex, which was the only thing greater than the abundance of his life. There were people who fantasized about being with a metamorph and sought them out for this very reason, their uncanny, unlimited, far-greater-than human capacity for sex.

  She was truly living a dream with Justin, a dream that she knew would pay off more than handsomely. But for this one time, the first time in her career, she would be a little sad at the payoff, for the payoff would be the end of the dream—at least until what she hoped would be the next time.

  Finally Justin took her back to the master bedroom suite, through which they had passed to get to the master bath. At one end it had a fireplace, a kitchenette, and a glass and marble coffee table surrounded by high-end luxury furniture. At the other end it had a raised area with a larger than king-size bed, facing yet another huge window that looked out and down the hill onto the spread and sprawl of Los Angeles. “Get on the bed,” he said. “We’ll mess around and be dirty some more ’til dinner.” She happily complied.

  Climbing onto the bed, where there was room for more than two (and again Suzanne should not have been surprised to know that things had gone on with Justin and more than one other person here), they laughed and giggled and continued to partake of each other’s body. Kissing hungrily, they tossed and rolled about across the bed. Their hands were everywhere, feeling, fondling, caressing, groping. He put himself on top of her, then rolled over and pulled her on top of him. His hot and huge hardness pressed against her stomach, making her want him inside her again—until a surprising new thought crossed her mind.

  Straddled upon Justin with his hands squeezing her boobs, she grinned at him: “You know what? There’s something we’ve overlooked.”

  “What?” he asked. “You did take your pill…?”

  “Oh yes, of course. What I was thinking is, we completely forgot about my other skill.”

  “If there’s something else you can do to me that’s crazier than your blow jobs, you may put me in the hospital.”

  She giggled at him. “What about my massaging? Remember the skill that got me noticed by Ginny? Some of my guys ask me for a massage.”

  His brows arched with intrigue. “Oh, that’s right. You want to give me a rubdown? We’ll call it hot foreplay.” His erection surged at her abdomen and created a blossom of unfolding desire in her.

  “Perfect,” she said.

  “Climb off for a second,” he told her.

  She did and he rolled over onto his stomach.

  “Start with my back and my ass,” he said.

  Grinning more broadly, she put her hands to work.

  She began with his shoulders and his upper back. Her fingers pressed and stroked and squeezed at the array of perfect muscles they found. Suzanne had been fortunate enough to serve some clients who were not aged and soft, or saggy and flabby, or grizzled and leathery. Some of the men she had served were in appreciable shape and some were even attractive and well worked-out. But she had never touched a man to compare with Justin. Working her hands over his shoulders and then down to the broader muscles of the middle of his back, she had the feeling that she was an artist working with warm, living clay, except that this work of art was fully formed and as exquisite to the touch as it was to the eyes. He made “Mmm…” sounds of satisfaction as she worked, showing her how much enjoyment she was giving him. And even knowing that he was the client and she the provider, and that he would compensate her extremely well for her time and efforts, she still saw herself as repaying him for all the pleasure he had given her.

  Suzanne had known many men tha
t she considered nice, decent guys who wanted nothing more than a personal satisfaction that they could get only by coming to her. But Justin was more than decent and more than nice. He was something rare, something special; something that she was increasingly grateful had come her way.

  The traveling of her hands down his back at last brought Suzanne to the firm and muscular hills of his buttocks. Justin’s ass was breathtaking. The shape and form of it was astounding: exactly the right roundness, exactly the right tightness. Feeling the cheeks of it made her sigh and melt inside. Squeezing them and feeling all his muscles, from his ass on outwards, clenching tightly and releasing with pleasure, gave her the sense of having all the manliness in the world right there in her hands.

  She realized that she had brought a bottle of her massaging oil with her, but she had left it in the lower bed space where they’d spent last night. That was a shame; she would have to retrieve it later. She was not about to leave him now to fetch it. She would just have to make do without it for what she had in mind now. Grinning mischievously, Suzanne spread apart his cheeks and exposed the tight and puckering opening that they concealed, all clean from having been in the bath earlier.

  Keeping his ass open with one hand, she took the tip of the index finger of the other and tenderly circled the hole of Justin’s sphinctre. It puckered at her touch and she felt a jolt of shocking pleasure spike within him. Up on the pillow where his head rested, he gave a hearty, husky little laugh. “Oh-ho-ho, you’re a naughty girl, aren’t you?”

  Suzanne answered him not with words but with a titter that sounded every bit as naughty as he’d said she was. And Suzanne continued to finger and play with Justin’s hole, running her finger around it and teasing carefully at the opening, making it and his whole body vibrate and making him chuckle on at the way she handled him. At length, his chuckles turned to heavy groans of increasing pleasure, until he reared up on one elbow and gazed down, radiating a heat of total arousal at her. “You are driving my dick absolutely insane doing that. Lie down and give me some.”

  Her heart leaped at his command. She got down on her back with her head resting at the foot of the bed. Justin climbed down and onto her, pinning her in place. She enclosed his hips with her thighs and let him slide his log back into her wet chute. “Oh, Justin, yes…,” she moaned, totally filled with his hugeness and dominated by his muscularity once more.

  The handsomest face she had ever seen loomed over her and she was mesmerized by the way he looked as euphoric as she felt. The thundering blows of his thrusting resumed, making a storm of pleasure in them both. Suzanne let the storm rage through her body and wash through her being, drenching her desire and purging, for now, her growing need for him. Penetrated by him, filled by him, possessed by the booming beats of his sweet and savage fucking, Suzanne felt as if she had all the masculinity, all the manhood, in all the world on top of her and between her thighs in this bed. He was the man to end all men and his was the sex to end all desire—at least for the long and awesome minutes that it took him to do it to her.

  They had yet to have a quickie, and Suzanne sensed that Justin did not do quickies. Ever. He loved being inside a woman too much. She only hoped that he loved being inside her more than any other woman, as she loved having him more than any other man. There was no denying it. She had found her personal best with him.

  He banged her hard, with the same lust-filled animal force that he had brought to her every time since the first time. She wailed and wept under him with the same sensuous madness that had overtaken her at every mounting. The lightning of orgasm hit them both at once this time, and her desperate cry of release and his beast-like roar of climax made a harmony of sexual delight. He came while all the way in her, as thickly and copiously as ever. Justin and Suzanne kept their bodies locked together for long, carnally shuddering moments, until he rested himself atop her, taking her mouth in long and grateful kisses.

  “I’m keeping your beautiful ass in this bed the rest of the weekend,” he said between one kiss and the next. She kissed back and caressed his neck and shoulders, happily accepting his wishes. In making Justin happy, Suzanne thus made herself the happiest woman in California. Perhaps the world.

  The rest of Saturday passed carnally and blissfully in Justin’s bed. He served her lunch there, and dinner, and in between and after he served himself to her and helped himself to her. She told him about the massage oil in her travel bag. He fetched it and a hand towel and she used it on him, this time massaging his chest, abs, and hard and straining cock to the happiest of all endings. He made a white gusher of cream that completely coated his stomach, and she delighted him by wiping up as much of it with her tongue as she did with the towel.

  Sundown came and faded into night, and as the warm, ruddy, purple dusk turned to velvety darkness, the lights of the city outside the window and down beyond the hills turned to a sparkling galaxy stretching out before them. Justin lay propped up on his pillow on the headboard and Suzanne lay utterly contented in his arms, resting her head on the “pillows” of his huge and hairy pecs, stroking his hard and hair-bristled six-pack, watching his half-erect maleness resting against one thigh and knowing it would not stay at rest much longer.

  She petted it affectionately, then took it in hand and began to palm the shaft and thumb the glans. Justin closed his eyes and let the sensation fill his body. Shit, he thought, she really knows what to do with a man’s prick. And he let her indulge herself, and him, until, grunting heavily, he squirted a thick, white, sticky fountain all over her hand and his thigh.

  Suzanne cleaned up her hand and his leg, and as they lay in the bedroom, lit only by the starlight and moonlight filtering in through the window, she put her head back on his chest. Justin fondled her bottom and said, “You know what, Suzanne?”

  “What?” she sighed into his wondrous chest.

  “I like you.”

  A warmth unlike any other she had ever known spread through Suzanne. She lifted her head and looked adoringly into his shadowed handsomeness. “Really?”

  “Really,” he said, pecking her lips. “Not just as a ‘service provider’. I like you.”

  It almost made her want to cry to hear this from him of all men. She could only imagine the way she looked as she said back, “I like you too, Justin. Not just as a paying client, not just as someone I’m serving. You’re a sweet, beautiful, sexy man. I like you too. This feels like the best job in the world.”

  “Well, then, straight on ’til Monday morning,” Justin said. And he pulled her close and kissed her with a meaning far beyond their words and far beyond the business transaction that their weekend together was meant to be. And when he put her down on one side of the bed and entered her once again, the incredible full hour that followed was something that neither of them dared to describe in words. He took her lying on top of her, then put her on her side and did it from behind, then mounted her yet again for a mind-boggling, body-searing finish. That hour became a shared joy that repeated all night.


  All day Sunday, the quality of Justin’s sex changed. Amazingly, it got even better.

  They did not mention the way things were different between them now. It went as an unstated and undeniable truth, and one that they simply enjoyed. Gradually, the ache in the jaw that going down on Justin gave Suzanne grew duller, the pleasure by far overtaking the initial pain. So did the overwhelming, soul-shattering feeling of having him inside her; the pleasure so incredible and the force of his penetrating her that at first made her feel as if she would fly to pieces became simply the greatest and most surpassing pleasure that Suzanne had ever experienced.

  It was all the more so when Justin increasingly took his time to eat her out, devouring and consuming her sex, possessing her totally with his lips and fingers and tongue, making her know that he loved taking her this way as much as he did with his humongous tool. At the same time as the change in Suzanne’s response to him, something changed in Justin’s manner whil
e humping her. He still took a long time from first stroke to orgasm. Suzanne never timed him, but she guessed that his shortest time was perhaps twenty minutes and his longest was a whole hour.

  And he remained as fantastically prolific and potent as she could expect of a man who was two creatures in one. But he was different now. He did it more slowly, more deliberately, savoring every deep stroke of his titanic erection inside her and making her savor it as well. Though she never expressed it in words, Suzanne began to sense that what Justin did to her all day Sunday was no longer just pure, raw sex. It was turning to something else, something that was out of bounds between client and provider. And when she lay in his arms and looked into his eyes, and those lingering, simmering, smoldering looks turned to long and torrid kisses, they both could tell that it was true. Unspoken, but true.

  While Justin made good on his promise to keep her in bed almost all day, they made full use of the shower. After lathering each other up and ringing each other off, Suzanne dropped to her kneed before him and feasted on his massive meat until he pulled her back up, backed her up against the shower wall, and gave her a long, wet drilling. They were finding it ever more impossible to get enough of each other.


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