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The Bear's Fated Mate

Page 10

by Vivian Arend

  She made a face, staring forlornly at the french fry in her fingers. “The last lead faded to nothing. I know he’s here somewhere, but there are so many small communities over the territory that don’t keep in touch on a regular basis. It’s hard to know what to do next.”

  “Won’t you let me check with the wolf hotline?” Lara offered. “We’ve always got members taking time off and running wild. They get to just about every village and settlement over the course of the winter.”

  Amber glanced at Alex, hopefulness rising in her eyes. “I think—”

  Damn. He wondered if his animosity toward Lara earlier in the year had made Amber hesitate to accept the help before this.

  No, he hadn’t trusted Lara. Before. But while wolves still made him uncomfortable and there was something big looming, in regard to this, if she said it might help, she meant it.

  He inclined his head in a private message of approval for Amber.

  Her eyes lit up and her smile grew wide. She nodded firmly at her friend. “I would appreciate it. I can get you all his details when we’re home tonight.”

  Lara nodded then raised a hand momentarily and excused herself from the table. “Sorry, guys. I need to deal with this.”

  She made her way to the other side of the room where a pair of wolves were glaring intently at each other. Lara folded her arms over her chest and leaned her head to one side, listening to one comment then the other before speaking quietly in return.

  Alex watched as the tension drained away and the two men shook hands instead of flailing fists at each other the way he would’ve expected from their earlier stances.

  It took Lara nearly twenty minutes to get back to the table, not just because she dealt with trouble before it could brew, but because the wolves genuinely seem to like her and wanted to talk.

  It made no sense at all, but that realization made something inside Alex feel almost…proud. She spoke with people at many of the tables, nodding reassuringly as a few worried glances were tossed toward the bears.

  A laugh drifted from her, and their eyes met. She winked, and his sense of amusement grew. As if she was saying it was okay for him to be there in her territory, and what’s more, she liked him there.

  Somebody put Teddy Bears’ Picnic on the sound system.

  Lara was still watching, the corners of her lips twisted upward as she rolled her eyes momentarily and shrugged her shoulders as if to say it was just wolf hijinks.

  Alex leaned forward and interrupted the conversation. “Excuse us, ladies, but I need my brothers to join me for a few moments.”

  James kissed Kaylee briefly before sliding out from the table. Cooper eyed Alex curiously, but also stepped forward.

  Amber nonchalantly waved a hand in the air, but her eyes widened and her cheeks heated when Alex stripped off his clothes then stacked them neatly on the chair beside her.

  James snorted in amusement, but a moment later he was also naked.

  Cooper pinched the bridge of his nose, grimacing as he stepped behind Kaylee’s chair, stripped and shifted so quickly he nearly got tangled in his clothing.

  Across the room, Lara was outright laughing as Alex turned and offered a salute before joining his brothers in bear form.

  The wolves cleared room for him as Alex sauntered forward, meeting Lara on the middle of the dance floor.

  “You’re such a goof,” she declared, laughing even harder as he made his way to his hind feet and held out his hands as if waiting to waltz. “No way, sweetheart. All it takes is for you to make one wrong move and I’d end up a pancake.”

  But when he went back to four paws, Lara wrapped her arms around his head, dancing on the spot as he shuffled his front paws back and forth. To their right, Kaylee laughed wholeheartedly as James sat on the hardwood and swung his paws in time with the music.

  Cooper? He was motionless as Amber stood at his side. The little human was shaking in her boots, but remained protectively alert as if ready to wallop anyone who got too close. Which was really funny considering that when Cooper was in bear form, a single paw was nearly the size of her head. One small swing would send any attacker flying.

  Something amazing and happy swirled into Alex’s heart. In that brief moment, he wasn’t the security expert and defender of his family—he was simply Alex. Having fun and relaxing with friends and family.

  Yet even as they played in this wholly unexpected way, Alex still knew exactly what was going on and where the danger points were. And the ones he couldn’t see, like the door at his back, Lara was facing. She had it under control.

  The music changed. Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear rang out, and a howl of laughter went up from all the wolves present. Some of them shifted to fur and crowded onto the floor to join the party.

  The dance went on.


  Lara was curled up in the oversized rocking chair at the edge of the common room. She had a book in her lap, fingers tucked between the pages because she’d reread the same paragraph over and over for the last half hour.

  Fall had officially arrived, and it was cool enough to have a fire burning in the fireplace. A couple dozen pack members were gathered around the room enjoying the quiet evening.

  Alex was somewhere wandering, which in itself was decidedly fascinating to think about. Even though he could’ve left a week ago, he’d stayed until the final visitor Crystal had invited gave up, good-naturedly offering Alex a pat on the back and not even attempting to get close enough to Lara to shake her hand in farewell.

  Since that time, Alex remained, and while every morning she braced herself for his announcement that he had to get on with his life and go do the next thing, she was more optimistic that sometime in the future she’d be able to approach him about broadening their relationship.

  Her wolf had given up speaking to her, disgusted that they weren’t simply coming out and laying their cards on the table.

  But she wouldn’t do that to him. The incredibly intimate contact they’d had over the past two weeks meant she’d grown to appreciate Alex’s sincerity. When he gave his word, he gave it one hundred percent. She could trust him, and that was good, but that meant he had to be able to trust her as well.

  They’d gone into this saying there would be no expectations and no fallout, and no matter how much it hurt, she was going to stick to that agreement.

  Maybe she’d give him a month or two to explore the friendship thing, but then she was going to revisit the idea of a real relationship, and she was going to be tenacious about what she wanted—but not now. It wouldn’t be right.

  Her senses tingled five seconds before Alex walked through the door, as if she was still sensitized to his approach. He motioned farewell to the couple of guys he’d been talking to then turned unerringly toward her and stalked his way across the room.

  Lara smiled up at him. “Did you get lost?”

  She gasped as he lifted her, twisting smoothly and settling in the chair with her delicately balanced in his lap. “Nope. I knew exactly where I was at every moment.”

  A chuckle rumbled from Alex. How had she thought he was stiff and unyielding?

  Although, she’d always known he was sexy beyond belief, and as he tipped her chin and pressed his lips to hers, she ignored everything except savouring the moment.

  A thump sounded—her book hitting the floor, but her fingers were in his hair and he was easing her against him as he leaned back in the rocker and his tongue danced with hers, sending her senses reeling.

  “Get a room,” someone shouted, but beyond snickers of amusement, there was nothing but acceptance from the gathered crowd.

  Lara pulled back to meet his amused gaze. “You’re ruining my reputation.”

  “I don’t see how. Kissing in the common room doesn’t affect your status as the most kick-ass warrior in the room.” His gaze fell to her lips. “But maybe we should try again, just to be certain.”

  Resistance was futile. She leaned into him harder and kissed him back enthusiast
ically, mentally debating how soon she could haul him out of the chair and actually follow that directive to go to their room for more than kissing.

  Alex was the one to pull back the next time, speaking soft enough that with the music playing overhead it would take concentrated effort for even the wolves in the room to hear him. “I found something.”

  For a moment, his words didn’t register. Then as she began to stiffen, he ran a hand down her back and raised a brow in warning.

  Oh my God, he’d been snooping somewhere in the pack house and had actually found some information. “Proof?”

  He wrinkled his nose. “Something that needs your signature. No data, just those pages, so it says something is going on but not what.”

  The relaxation she’d felt moments earlier was gone as a sense of destiny struck. It was good that he’d found something because this needed to be solved before anything else could happen, but damn if she didn’t want to go back to the days of lying in bed with him with no agenda except making each other happy.

  Except, this also made her happy. Solving the puzzle and getting to find a solution meant an end to being in limbo.

  She straightened carefully. “Then this is happening. I need to take action.”

  “Now don’t go off half-cocked,” he warned. “Talk to your sister. Ask her what’s going on and give her a chance to make it right.”

  Lara felt something inside her twist with amusement and a deep sense of rightness at hearing his suggestion. “Awesome. You’re feeding me back my own words.”

  “They were pretty smart to begin with,” he admitted sheepishly. “I figured why try and improve on perfection?”

  He took a deep breath, placing a hand over her heart. Steadying her as she gathered her courage.

  “I can do this,” she whispered. “It’s right that I do this.”

  “You can do anything,” he agreed.

  He kissed her fiercely, none of the playfulness that had been there earlier remaining. It was intense and powerful, and as much of a promise as any she’d received.

  When she crawled off his lap and straightened her shoulders, he uncurled himself and stood at her side, waiting patiently.

  Lara marched across the room to where her sister sat behind a massive oak CEO’s desk. Unlike the working one in the office, this one was all about intimidation and presence. It didn’t matter that Crystal was currently working on a jigsaw puzzle on the surface, the space screamed I am the one in charge, don’t interrupt me.

  Lara stopped in front of the desk, legs set wide, fists resting on her hips. “Crystal.”

  Her sister waved a hand as if shooing away a fly. “I’m busy.”

  Lara leaned forward, placing her hand on top of the open space left in the puzzle and blocking Crystal’s work. “I heard something that’s got me worried, and I’d like to talk about it. Would you mind if we go somewhere private?”

  A rude snort shot from her sister. Crystal leaned back in her chair and looked Lara up and down with barely a glance to the side at Alex. “Oh, honey. You want some privacy? Oops, sorry. That’s not the wolf way. You got something to say, you say it right here in front of everyone.”

  It didn’t feel right. Lara glanced at Alex then back at Crystal. The words were taunting, as if she were trying to cause a fight. “Why are you doing this?” Lara muttered softly.

  Crystal shot to her feet. “Because I’m a wolf. And because I’m the Alpha, and because it’s what needs to happen. What’s your problem?”

  Lara had tried. She’d really tried, but it seemed her only option was to go straight through her sister.

  She took a deep breath. “My problem is you’re up to something. Possibly something illegal, or at least that’s my suspicion. But I hope to hell you aren’t. That you’re not dragging the Orion pack into something that’s going to tear us apart. So, since we’re doing this the wolf way, how about you relieve my suspicions right now and explain why there’s paperwork that requires my signature for some sort of deal that I don’t even know is going down?”

  “Not very trusting, are you?” Crystal snapped.

  They had the attention of every wolf in the room, with more trickling in through the open doors. Power leaked from Crystal, but Lara was more than able to stand up against it.

  Anger and frustration gave her the ability to speak power for power. “I refuse to let this pack be involved in any criminal activity. I choose to make the right decision for our future.”

  “But you’re not the one in charge, are you?” Crystal stepped from behind the desk. “I’ve been more than patient with you recently. I think it’s time for you to be quiet and go sit in the corner. Take your Pooh Bear with you—he’s the perfect stuffed animal to keep the little girl company.”

  Did her sister really think a few insults were going to make her lose her temper? This was about so many things that were much more important.

  And while Alex had plenty of reasons to be pissed, he was keeping his temper amazingly well. In fact, as she met his gaze, there was approval there. Encouragement even. He folded his arms across his chest and glared at Crystal.

  All the events of the past six months bundled together, momentum building until it led to this moment. Lara had to decide if she was ready.

  There really was no other choice.

  She lifted her chin and met Crystal’s gaze square on. “I’m not letting you do this, sis…”

  “Are you going to stop me?”


  The few murmured voices in the background flared briefly before settling again, every eye in the room fixed on them as power swelled.

  “So you’re challenging me. I wondered if this day would ever come.” Crystal glanced over her shoulder, and out of nowhere, Auntie Amethyst marched to her side. Her purplish platinum hair was done up in a fancy do, the frames of her glasses an exact match. Her neat golf shirt looked fairly formal until you realized the logo was of two wolves in an indelicate position.

  Together, the two of them marched to the centre of the room, face to face with Lara.

  Heart pounding, Lara adjusted her footing a little more firmly. This had to be done, and it was the right thing to do. Didn’t mean she had to like it.

  She tried one final time. “We don’t have to do this. You can make a different choice.”

  “But I like this choice right here,” Crystal said softly, never taking her eyes off Lara. “Name your second so we can get started.”

  The silence that had been in place for the past few moments shattered, the entire pack raising their voice as Alex stepped forward and linked their fingers together.


  Alex had no idea wolves could make such horrific noises.

  Lara squeezed his fingers then let go, squaring her shoulders as she faced her sister and prepared to fight.

  Annoyance painted Crystal’s features as she glanced in Alex’s direction dismissively. “He’s a bear. Pick someone else.”

  The order snapped out with the force of a command, yet the woman at his side shrugged easily as if she weren’t face-to-face with the most powerful wolf in the room.

  “There’s nothing in the rules that says I can’t have someone other than a wolf at my back. I choose him. I want him.”

  The rush of sheer pleasure shooting through Alex’s veins would’ve been more enjoyable if it hadn’t been for the potential bloodshed. It was as if Lara’s words tied them together tighter, an invisible bond declaring what they’d discovered over the past weeks. They were good together, and in this case, he was ready to stand at her side.

  The Alpha of the Orion pack turned her glare on him. “You can’t offer to be her second. It’s outrageous, and besides, you have no idea what you’re promising. It’s a wolf thing.”

  Annoyance broke through the pulse beating between him and Lara. He glared at Crystal. Number one, no one was telling him what he could and couldn’t do.

  Number two, that was bullshit.

  He spoke loud and clea
r, his words cutting through the din created by the pack members. “Maybe I don’t know all your customs, but I believe in Lara. I believe her when she says she wants nothing but the best for the pack, and that includes wanting the best for you. If you were any kind of sister, you’d listen, because she loves you a hell of a lot. But no matter what happens next, I’m ready to stand with her. To support her, and fight at her side, and if it means mourning with her because you’re no longer around, so be it.”

  Seemingly unimpressed, Crystal rolled her eyes. “And they say wolves are bloodthirsty.” She grinned, teeth showing. “You mean you’re going to step in and fight for her?”

  “She doesn’t need me to. She can fight her own battles because she’s strong and smart, but she’s got all the backup she needs.”

  It took everything in him to stand down. Remaining alert, Alex adjusted his feet until he stood far enough back so he was no longer guarding the woman he loved—

  For fuck’s sake. He loved her.

  Told you so, his bear murmured happily.

  Yeah, yeah, gloat later. We’re a little busy right now.

  Five paces in front of him, Auntie Amethyst mirrored his actions, stepping to one side to leave Lara and Crystal on their own. Close enough that she could undoubtedly shoot across the space to confront him or anyone else who chose to interfere.

  He glared at her, angry she was willing to allow the sisters—

  Auntie Amethyst winked.

  Slow and deliberate, accompanied by a snap of her gum that made him jerk back in confusion. Displaying zero tension in her body, the older woman folded her arms then turned her attention to the challenge in the middle of the room.

  Was it a message of some kind, or a double cross? The timing made it suspicious.

  Only, from the stories that Lara had shared, she liked her auntie—other than the woman’s nicotine habit. The fact Amethyst didn’t let anyone get away with bullshit had been something Lara admired.

  Power surged around him, and his attention swung back to Lara. He used his peripheral vision to maintain watch on the rest of the pack, but his gaze was locked forward.


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