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Ruby’s Pride

Page 19

by Romy Lockhart

  Corwin moans as I work him deeper and deeper with each stroke. He’s too big to deep-throat but I give it my best attempt anyway. I want to pleasure him, to make him cry out my name. He strokes a hand through my hair as he moans deeply at my efforts.

  I feel Ran’s face press against my ass and his tongue flickers over my slick lips. It makes me jump a little in place. He tongues me from behind, pushing inside and making me ache even harder for his cock. I want him inside me, I want them both inside me. Now.

  As if hearing my thoughts, Ransom moves back and I feel the tip of his cock press against my opening. His hands sink into my hips as he fills me, keeping me in place. I moan against Corwin’s cock and he echoes my pleasure with his own guttural moan as his fingers tangle in my hair.

  “Oh, Ruby, you must stop,” Corwin murmurs, sounding a little distressed.

  “She will not stop,” Ransom tells him, and I can hear the damn smile on his face.

  “She must,” Corwin mutters. “I am close to spilling.”

  Hearing him so concerned makes me work him a little faster. I want to take him by surprise, to taste him as I’ve tasted his brother. The thought of it brings me to climax just as Ransom starts to fuck me harder. I groan deeply around Corwin’s cock as my pussy begins to contract around Ransom.

  “I am going to spill,” Corwin says, his voice getting a little shaky. “Ruby, you have to...”

  I have to swallow the insane amount of seed he spills into my mouth. I can feel it flooding down my chin, no matter how quickly I swallow each gulp. These guys come by the freaking bucket-load.

  Ransom pumps into me a little harder and stops. I feel his hot warmth fill me as he holds onto my hips possessively. His cock remains buried inside me as I come up from Corwin’s spent shaft for air.

  “I enjoy sharing you, Ruby,” Ransom tells me, as Corwin gazes at me with a flushed face.

  “I did not mean to spill into your mouth,” Corwin says quickly, as if he’s ashamed by it.

  “Well, I meant for you to do that,” I tell him, wiping at my mouth. “It was on purpose, Win.”

  He stares at me. “It was?”

  Ran chuckles as he pulls out of me. “Do not mind my brother. He believes mating is simply to produce offspring. He doesn’t realize how pleasurable it can also be.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him as the three of us collapse into a heap.

  “How is it that Corwin seems less experienced than you exactly?”

  Ransom grins. “Our father tried to use porn magazines to teach us about human women. Corwin was embarrassed. He didn’t like to look.”

  “You, on the other hand...”

  He nods. “Myself and Ax discussed many times the things we would like to do with a human woman, if we ever met one.”

  Why am I not surprised? I shake my head at him. “Perverts.”

  “I am glad I waited,” Corwin says, hugging me close. “Every moment with Ruby has been a wonderful surprise. I look forward to discovering everything she likes.”

  “As much as I’d like to sleep between you both for a while and then go for round two, we should probably go get Warner and Ax now. We kind of have a castle to pick out before the kids come along too.” I get up and clean myself up with my magic before slipping on my dress and making it look different. I chose a nice red color and a low neckline and the color actually stays put. The whole color-drain thing was only while I was at half-power. Which is a good thing, since I look terrible in white.

  “The castle in the west is close to a forest,” Corwin tells me. “So we can still hunt when we are in lion form.”

  I nod. “Then we should probably check it out. Wait. Are there flying monkeys?”

  Ransom laughs, and Corwin joins in.

  “So I guess the flying monkeys were made up?”

  Ransom shakes his head. “They were controlled by a magic cap, Ruby. That was destroyed many years ago. They do as they please now and have fled the west. They are under no-one’s control.”

  “Glad to hear it,” I tell him. Having flying monkeys around would creep me the hell out. “Now, we’d better get moving.” Before I’m tempted to go straight for round two. I wouldn’t want Ax and Warner to feel left out.

  Chapter 44

  When we get back to the Emerald City, Aster transports us to the castle in the west, because I haven’t been there before. Aster smiles at me as we stand outside the grand castle in its picturesque surroundings.

  “It’s beautiful,” I say, not quite believing it. “This is the castle that used to belong to a wicked witch?”

  “It is a magical building,” Aster tells me, nodding. “Its exterior reflects the woman who owns it.”

  Flattering, I guess, considering I’m that woman now.

  “Let us retire to the royal chambers,” Ax murmurs, as he puts an arm around me from behind. “Where we can celebrate your impending coronation as our queen.”

  “Coronation?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “There will be a ceremony tomorrow,” Corwin explains. “As tradition dictates. Your pride will come here to witness it. If anyone chooses not to serve under your rule that is the only time they may make the decision to announce it.”

  “Oh. What happens then?” I can’t imagine the pride will be happy with a human queen. What if none of them wish to serve me? How many of them are there? My stomach begins to churn.

  “There are usually a few who wish to desert the pride when there’s a change in leadership,” Corwin says. “They are either exiled, if they ask for such a thing, or they must be put down if they attempt an attack or challenge the new ruler.”

  I gaze uneasily at Aster. She smiles broadly. “Do not worry yourself over what might happen, Ruby. This was your fate. It cannot be altered.” She clears her throat. “Now, I really must be going.”

  She vanishes and I’m left feeling gut-punched. Where was the soothing reassurance she always seems so full of? This is bad. It feels like something’s going to go wrong.

  “Do not worry, my bitch,” Ax says, hugging my close. “We will protect you with our lives.”

  “But we will not need to,” Corwin puts in, seeming to realize what might be bothering me suddenly. “Ruby, it is extremely rare for more than one or two lions to decide to strike out at a new ruler. This is highly unlikely to happen. You do not need to concern yourself.”

  It’s nice of him to try to reassure me, but it doesn’t really help. I have my magic. I can stop an attack. I just hope it doesn’t come to that. “Let’s just find the bedroom.”

  Chapter 45

  I could get lost wandering around this castle for days. Maybe even weeks. It’s freaking huge.

  It seems to be a combination of luck and my mates’ enthusiasm that we stumble upon a bedroom that’s too grand to be anything other than part of the main royal chambers.

  “Wow, that bed.” It’s almost as if the castle knew what we’d need. It’s a four poster big enough for ten. Plenty of room for the five of us, and then some.

  “We must break it in immediately,” Ax insists, pulling me into a kiss.

  Ransom hugs me from behind, pushing up the skirt of my dress. He gropes at my ass while Ax kneads my breasts. I hear a low growl before Ransom’s hands are replaced by Warner’s, and he’s quick to move one hand between my legs. I moan against Ax’s probing tongue when his brother pushes his fingers inside me. I’m wet and ready to be filled, and the vision Warner gifts me shows he isn’t content to wait even a moment longer.

  I wrap my arms around Ax’s neck as Warner’s hands firmly grasp my hips. He pushes inside and Ax breaks our kiss, his gaze heated as he stares into my eyes. “Is my bitch ready to wrap her lips around my shaft?”

  God, yes. I nod, about to tell Warner we have to move, when he lowers us to kneel on the plush carpet. He was listening to my thoughts, then. Ax’s cock is fully engorged when I take it in hand. I make sure I go slow with this, knowing it’s his first time. He moans when I slick my tongue over the tip, and
the whine he makes when I begin to take him in my mouth lets me know he isn’t going to last long. Which might be a letdown if I didn’t have another couple of men ready and waiting to take his place.

  Warner fucks me slowly as I work his brother’s cock in and out of my mouth, lubricating the shaft with my saliva. My hand pumps the end of the shaft while I lick and suck the tip. I glance over at Ransom and see he’s stroking himself slowly just watching us. Corwin’s face is a little red, but he can’t seem to tear his gaze from us either. I can’t believe I have these four incredible men at my beck and call, and it’s not just a one-time deal. I’m close to coming when Warner begins to move a little faster, but it’s hearing him groan that tips me over the edge. I moan against Ax’s cock.

  He spills into my mouth and I swallow quickly while Warner gives me his final thrusts.

  They help me to my feet and Ransom moves closer. “What else does our queen desire?”

  I smile back at him. “A bath, I think.”

  I can see the adjoining bathroom and it sounds like a good idea to get cleaned up before there’s a second round. Ran’s face falls, though Corwin rushes to run the water.

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t watch.”

  “Watch,” he scoffs. “We will join you.”

  He lifts me bride-style into the other room.

  I think I’m going to like living in this castle with these men.

  Chapter 46

  After the steamier than usual bath I take with the twins, I go with Warner to Dorothy’s old house, while his brothers take a good look around the castle. I still can’t quite believe I own a castle now. The one that belonged to the Wicked Witch of the West, no less. It’s a crazy end to an insane few days, but it’s the good kind of crazy.

  Warner thanked me telepathically for curing him of his restlessness, though it was through a series of images rather than words. His mind seems to run on visual stimulus, which makes it all the more strange that he’s the only one who can read. He wanted to come here, to look for more books. He’d never been before. His restlessness stopping him from making the journey this far in its entirety.

  “This is it,” I tell him as we walk inside. I give it a magical clean and it feels like a much nicer place to spend a quiet afternoon now. Though I do have an ulterior motive for getting Warner alone, and it’s unfortunately not a sexy one. “Warner, I need to ask you something.”

  He quits looking around and puts his full attention on me, taking both hands and gazing intently at my face. I smile, but I can’t keep it in place when I think about what I need to ask him. It’s probably a bad idea, but I haven’t been able to get it out of my thoughts since Aster told me.

  “You were involved with one of the pride a while back.”

  He nods slowly, maintaining my gaze.

  “Did you have feelings for her? Do you still have feelings for her?”

  He nods and then shakes his head. Frustration wells in his expression and then I get the visuals. A barrage of images flood my head and I concentrate hard to decipher them. He liked her, she seemed nice. He thought maybe there was a chance for them to rejoin the pride instead of waiting for what seemed like the impossible. He asked her to be his mate. She accepted. He didn’t feel that she was really his mate, but he didn’t think it mattered if it meant they would no longer be outcasts. He didn’t try to claim her for any reason other than to make life easier for his brothers.

  “Oh, Warner.” I’m not sure what else to say. I feel bad for asking, but I had to know. I’m queen of the pride now. It’s kind of my business, even if Warner wasn’t mine.

  I get another flash of images, this time of me. The feelings that accompany these are strong, unwavering. His first glimpse of me the night I was transported to Oz he was certain I was going to be his. He was frustrated every time his restless curse forced him to part from me. Each time, he fought the impulse to roam until he broke free of it.

  I gasp out a breath. “You followed us to this house the first time.”

  He nods slowly. I understand how he found me in the poppy field now. He followed me when I ran out on my own, to get away from the guys. He ran after me tirelessly as I transported time and time and time again. He did that, and managed to keep out of my sight, because he knew I needed to blow off steam. I wanted to do this alone. He was content to let me, until I needed rescuing.

  “I’m glad you were there,” I tell him, reaching up to stroke the stubble on his cheek.

  He leans into my touch. This time, he gives me an image I don’t expect. It’s me with a baby lion in my arms. The cub is so damn cute and fuzzy. I could just kiss him all over. Warner is with us and he’s grinning as he takes the little guy from me to swing him around and hug him close. Warmth floods through me as the image burns into my memory.

  “I love you too, Warner,” I whisper, blinking back tears. My hand falls to my stomach. I’m going to have an actual family. We are. I didn’t even know this was something I wanted until now, but it’s everything. I would kill for my mates, for the children we’re going to have.

  He hugs me in close and I rest my head on his shoulder, but only for a moment.

  “Let’s go find you some books,” I tell him, taking his hand and leading him through the house.

  Chapter 47

  I awaken surrounded by twin hotness and two huge bundles of muscle and fur. I barely had time to look around before the guys dragged me back to bed last night. The castle’s freaking huge.

  “The pride have come to witness the coronation of their new queen,” Corwin tells me, as he sits up in the bed.

  “What?” I ask, rubbing my eyes. “How... You smelled them?”

  He smiles as Ransom snorts behind me.

  “Do not harass our queen with trivialities,” Ransom protests. “She has better things to do.”

  I feel his hand moving onto my hip and I can guess what better things he has in mind.

  “The pride will not take well to being ignored by the person who killed their king,” Corwin warns, frowning at his brother.

  “Okay, okay,” I say, pushing back the sheets. “Just let me get ready.”

  “You cannot dress for this, Ruby,” Corwin tells me as his brothers who remain in lion form jump down from the bed. “They will see it as an insult.”

  “Okay,” I say, taking a calming breath. “What do I do?”

  “You are sure you wish me to tell you?” He seems uncertain, and I remember I ran out on them all the last time he tried to tell me what to do.

  “I need to know. If it makes me mad, I’ll try not to run away.”

  His lips twitch slightly, then he takes my hands in his and gazes at me seriously. “I would never do a thing to purposely make you feel the way I did when I told you to shift form. I am sorry it made you angry.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, Corwin. I was the one who did the wrong thing,” I tell him, surprised as the words fall from my lips. I did the wrong thing? Of course I did. I ran from my mates because I was pissed off that another man was trying to tell me what to do. It didn’t matter that it was what would keep me safe. I let me anger dictate my actions and it could have gotten my mates killed.

  “Then I should let you know what is expected.”

  I nod. He clears his throat, then Ransom steals his thunder.

  “You just need to address them, from this balcony. We will announce you, and you will stand before them naked and they will bow to you.”

  “That’s it?” I raise an eyebrow at them. “I thought a coronation involved a crown or something...”

  “Maybe in some cultures,” Corwin says, shrugging.

  “Okay, I think I’m ready.” Like hell, but whatever.

  It’s like a bad dream, walking toward the balcony bare-ass naked. But my mates go out onto the balcony before me, and I feel safe just having them close. It’s only when I look down across the castle’s grounds that I realize what a big freaking deal this is. The hordes of lion men and women are vast. I expect all of t
hese people to bow to me as their queen?

  “I present to you Ruby, Queen of the Pride,” Ransom calls out, taking my hand and leading me forward.

  I step forward and for a horrible, awkward moment I don’t think they’re going to bow. Then they do, all of them. It’s like a wave going through a crowd. It’s mesmerizing.

  “Our Queen,” Ransom calls out, the crowd echoing him back enthusiastically.

  I have tears in my eyes when my men lead me back inside. Ransom does however stay on the balcony and I frown at Corwin.

  “That wasn’t it, was it? It seems way too easy.”

  “From what Aster told Ax and Warner it would seem their previous ruler was quite vile. But you are correct, it’s not quite that easy. Now there will be many requests for audiences with you. You will need to hear the concerns of the people.”

  “Oh. Right.” I’m actually a queen. That entails certain tasks. “So that would be next?”

  He nods. “You can dress for it, if you prefer. They only had to see you naked for the announcement. They are aware humans prefer to be clothed.”

  Thank the heavens for that. I dress myself magically to avoid stalling things any more than I already have. It’s time to start this new life I’ve carved out for myself. “So where are we headed for that?”

  He leads the way and I walk into an adjoining chamber with a focal point that makes me stop in my tracks and stare. I can’t believe this. I worked my ass off in the real world for a resting place that was only going to work it harder. I was an idiot for doing that. It was never where I was meant to be.

  This is the real freaking deal. Ransom and the others join us in the room and a grin breaks out on my face as I take in the big, plush, red velvet and gold throne that’s all mine. Now that’s a chair.

  Author’s Note

  Ruby’s Pride is the first in a planned four book series of sexy fairytale inspired reverse harem novels that can also be read as standalones. I hope you enjoyed Ruby’s journey! Crystal will get her story later on this year. You can follow me in one of the below mentioned ways to stay up to date with this and my other reverse harem releases.


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