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Warning: The Complete Series

Page 40

by Justice, A. D.

  “Are you two getting married, Lorenzo?” Jillian asked, not bothering to hide the hope in her voice.

  “No, nothing like that. We haven’t moved past the friend zone yet. Vincenzo hasn’t given us his blessing, so she won’t risk more than just friendship right now.”

  “Why does everyone look so serious? What are you talking about?” Carrie joined us on the patio, carrying a tray with a pitcher of lemonade and four glasses of ice. She already looked like Suzy Homemaker, concealing any trace of the badass lurking just beneath the surface.

  “We were talking about your new business venture. That sounds so exciting, Carrie! If there’s anything I can do from here to help you get established, I’ll be happy to do it. I’ll be bored out of my mind being on bed rest for almost three months before the babies get here.” Jillian stood long enough to pour our drinks while offering to lend her expertise, not missing a single opportunity to defy her doctor’s orders.

  Made me realize how she felt when I did the same to Matteo.

  But I’d never admit that.

  Carrie shot Lorenzo an irritated glance. “Damon, I wanted to talk to you about this myself, to explain why. I’m sorry you found out this way.”

  “It’s fine, Carrie. As usual, I pushed the issue, not really giving him an option but to answer me. I’ll tell you just like I told him—if that makes you happy, I’ll support you. I’m not mad about it at all.”

  “Then you won’t mind if I take your wife up on her offer to help me fill out all the legal paperwork, accounting, and human resources protocols?” Carrie purposely smiled, knowing Jillian wouldn’t even give me a chance to reply before she jumped in.

  “He won’t mind if you use his wife in that capacity at all. Will you, babe?” Jillian turned to look at me with that daring gleam in her eye.

  “No, I don’t mind at all, as long as it keeps her off her feet so my babies can continue cooking in her little oven.”

  “Okay, I have to agree with my brother on this one. When you draw up your employment contract, please be sure to include a section on your punishments for putting my nieces or nephews in danger.” Carrie sat beside Jillian on the lounge chair. “Tell me honestly, sis. Will helping us put too much pressure on you? I can hire someone else.”

  “Don’t you dare. I need this distraction over the next couple of months, especially when Damon isn’t here with me all day. I promise, I can do it all from my computer without a problem. Damon can move my office and everything I’ll need to the main floor. I’ll prop my feet up two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. I won’t take any unnecessary chances with my babies.”

  Carrie leaned in and hugged Jillian, the first fully contented smile that I’d seen in way too long covering her face. “I’m so excited for this, Jillian. I’ll come over here and work with you when Damon’s gone so you won’t be bored alone. We’ll keep each other company while you’re on bed rest.”

  “Maybe I should reconsider this arrangement,” I deadpanned.

  “Not a chance, babe. We’re already thick as thieves.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m worried about, doll.”

  After having a good laugh, we settled into friendly conversation about anything and everything. The camaraderie between Lorenzo and me grew naturally over the course of the day, and I realized Carrie’s feelings ran deeper than she showed. The way she looked at him, the occasional brushes of her fingers on his arm, the frequent references to things they’d done together.

  I had a feeling we’d have a family meeting as soon as Mama and Dad returned from Italy. My little sister would be seeking Dad’s approval sooner rather than later.




  I’d been counting down the minutes over the past couple of months, and the time had finally arrived.

  “Damon, wake up.”

  I lightly ran my fingers along his jaw, but he barely stirred. The scruff of his faded beard felt a little like sandpaper, only it was the sexiest sandpaper imaginable. If I could manufacture and sell it, women everywhere would suddenly become polishing enthusiasts.

  “Babe, you need to wake up now.” I called his name a little louder.

  He was sleeping so soundly, I was trying not to startle him awake. Just a gentle nudge. But he’d stayed up all night putting two baby cribs together and making sure they were safe and sound. Something about the big, bad Marchetti Family Boss fighting with random crib parts and unclear directions made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He wouldn’t accept help, and he wouldn’t admit defeat.

  I may have videotaped him in the act without his knowledge. But I’d never confirm the existence of such a recording since I was supposed to be off my feet at the time.

  Unable to resist his plump lips, I leaned down and pressed mine against them. A smile spread across my face when his hands reached for me and his lips responded. No matter how tired he was or how little sleep he had, there was one thing he was always ready to do. Maybe he had the right idea, considering what we were in store for later and how long we’d already had to wait. But I’d become more than uncomfortable with two small humans cohabitating inside my body, so I quickly pushed that thought away.

  He pulled me closer to him, his touch gentle but still firm in his hold. He slid his hands across my body, and his eyebrows drew down in confusion.

  “Why are you wearing clothes, doll? You know we always sleep in the nude.”

  “Yes, I do know that. But I’m dressed right now because it’s almost time to meet our babies.”

  That made him open his eyes.

  “It’s time?” That panic mode I’d tried to avoid hit without warning. His eyes were wide, and he was already getting out of bed before I could answer.

  “We have about an hour before we need to leave. You were in such a deep sleep, but I wanted to give you enough time to dress so we aren’t rushed.”

  “I’ll shower and be ready in record time. Are you okay? Is there anything I need to do for you first?”

  “No, babe. Everything is packed and ready to go. I’ve been nesting like crazy for the last few months with the help of our housekeeper, even from the confines of the couch. The cribs were the final missing pieces that were driving me crazy because they were not ready until last night.”

  “I know, I know. Lesson learned—don’t special order cribs from another country and expect them to be delivered on time. I won’t do that for the next set of twins.”

  “That’s not funny, Damon. We’re not even joking about this happening again.”

  That mischievous smile of his flashed across his face, pulling me right back under his spell. Keeping me exactly where he wanted me. Good thing that was also where I wanted to be.

  “I wouldn’t be disappointed if we had another set of twins. How about triplets?”

  “Get in the shower before I leave for the hospital without you.” My threat was empty words, and we both knew it. There was no way I’d go through the delivery without him by my side.

  At the strong suggestion of my obstetrician, we’d opted for a Caesarean section delivery. The twins were a good size and weight, but with my small stature, neither of them had turned. Dr. Bowers wasn’t convinced they even had enough room for one of them to turn head-down.

  Damon kissed my cheek before disappearing into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, I was waiting in the den when he emerged, dressed and ready to go. He could barely contain his excitement. But me? I had a sudden and severe strike of terror and panic in the car on the way to the hospital.

  “Let’s go back home. I’m not ready for this.” His fingers were laced with mine, and I squeezed them as I spoke. “How about two more weeks in Maui first?”

  He glanced over his shoulder at me as he drove, confidence oozing from his every pore, and he squeezed back. “You got this, doll. We got this. In a few hours, we’ll hold our babies, and you’ll forget all about this moment of panic. You’ll do great, you’ll see.”
br />   We walked onto the labor and delivery floor together to check in, his hand on my lower back and his strength rolling off him and into me. My heart beat wildly, pounding against my rib cage. My pulse matched the rhythm, with the swishing of my blood echoing in my ears. I rubbed my enormous belly and felt the jab of feet or elbows against my hand. We would soon cradle two beautiful miracles in our arms.

  We were only in my room for a few minutes before the obstetrician breezed in with a friendly smile. “Good morning. How’s my favorite patient today?”

  “I’m extremely pregnant, Doc. Like, uncomfortably pregnant. More pregnant than any other woman in history. Think you can do something about that?”

  “Not to brag or anything, but I’m the only doctor in this room who can do something about that.” Dr. Bowers turned his attention to Damon. “Come with me, Dad. Let’s get you ready for surgery.”

  Damon hesitated for a moment, conflicted as to what he should do. Go with the doctor’s command or stay by his wife’s side? When his eyes met mine, I smiled reassuringly at him. “I love that you want to stay with me, but you have to go with the doctor, babe. We’re going into the operating room, so you have to take off your street clothes, put on your scrubs, and sterilize your hands first.”

  “She’ll be right behind us, Damon. We’ll take good care of her. The nurses will prep her for surgery while you put on sterile scrubs. Then you’ll have a first-row seat waiting for you when we walk into the OR.”

  Damon moved to my side, a sea of uncertainty in his chocolate brown eyes, and placed his palms on my cheeks. He kissed my lips so sweetly then dropped his forehead against mine. “My life is about to change for the better yet again because of you. I love you, doll. More than life itself, I love you.”

  He wiped the tears from my cheeks with the pad of his thumb. “I love you, Damon. We’re about to be parents. We’re about to meet our babies for the first time. Oh my God, I think I’m about to hyperventilate.”

  Damon chuckled as he stood upright again. “What’d I tell you? You’ll do great. I’ll see you in a couple of minutes. If you’re not there when I walk into the room, I’m coming to find you. Don’t think you can run off with my babies.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it. I can’t run. You know the best I can do is a semi-fast waddle.”

  That moment of humor was just what we needed. Damon left with Dr. Bowers, and my nurse came in to wheel me down the hall and through the secure double doors of the operating suite. After I was prepped and given a spinal epidural, the nurse placed a rolling chair beside my head. Damon’s front-row seat, right beside my head.

  Dr. Bowers walked in first, with Damon close on his heels. My husband searched my face and picked up his pace until he was beside me again. His hands automatically clasped mine, holding on with a firm grip. The staff went over where Damon could and couldn’t put his hands to keep a sterile environment, but he didn’t seem to be listening. His eyes never left mine, and he didn’t release my hand.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m staying right here with Jillian until you’re ready to hand me a baby.”

  “You’re going to be a good dad. I can already tell. Did you bring a small digital camera with you? I can take a couple of snapshots of you two real quick.” My nurse had obviously been in a lot of deliveries.

  Damon pulled the small camera from his pocket and handed it to her. Then he put his face next to mine, and she snapped pictures of us wearing the sterile hats over our hair and huge smiles on our faces.

  “Okay, Dad, put the camera away until the surgery is over. You’ll have plenty of time to take baby pictures after we’re finished here.” She gave the camera back to him and went back to what she was doing.

  “Do you have any family waiting in the hospital?” Dr. Bowers moved to the side opposite Damon. I could only see his head and neck over the sterile drape, but I had a good idea of what he was about to do.

  “No, we asked them to wait until this evening to come visit. Jillian needs recovery time, and we need time alone with the babies before they get passed between my parents and siblings.”

  The time alone with the twins was important to both of us, but we also couldn’t wait to show them off to Damon’s family. Over the past few months, Carrie had become more like a sister to me than ever. We spent so much time together, setting up her company, talking about her refusal to admit her feelings for Lorenzo, and her excitement over finally being an aunt. Mama Lina and Dad returned home from their extended stay in Italy just in time for the big event.

  In the operating room, a flurry of activity seemed to occur all at once, but Damon kept my attention on him. My lifeline. The man who held my heart and love captive in every way possible. He distracted me from the active surgery happening on the other side of that curtain. He talked to me about bringing our babies home to our still-new house, to their new nursery, to sleep in their new baby beds.

  “They’ll probably never get to sleep in those shiny new beds you spent all night putting together. You probably won’t let them out of your arms long enough to put them down.” I squeezed his hand tighter when a strange sensation hit my midsection. It wasn’t painful, but it was obvious pressure.

  He glanced away only for a second then his gaze swung back to mine. “You may be partially right about that, doll. But I don’t think I’ll be the only one who refuses to put them down.”

  The pressure I felt stopped momentarily, and I saw one nurse briskly walk away from us, toward the workstation she’d set up before surgery. Then I couldn’t tear my eyes away, because when she stepped to the side to write something down, I saw a perfect little baby lying under the heating lamp. Another doctor stood by the nurse, cleaning the baby and completing the initial assessment.

  “Damon.” I could barely force his name out on a whisper. My breath had seized in my chest while my heart picked up speed.

  “I know, doll. Eyes on me. You’re cheating.” He rolled in his seat to block my view with his gorgeous face. “We meet them together. Remember?”

  I nodded, still unable to speak with the emotions overtaking my senses.

  Then the pressure returned, and I realized what had caused the first sensation. The doctor had put his hands under the baby during delivery before the nurse took over to complete the assessment. I caught a glimpse of a second nurse walking quickly in the same direction as the first, only toward the second baby station where the pediatrician stood ready.

  Our babies were waiting for us.

  For Mommy and Daddy.

  Tears flowed freely, but I didn’t care. They were the best tears I’d ever cried. They held more happiness and love than I ever imagined, and I hadn’t even held the first baby yet.

  Two figures approached us, walking up behind Damon. With his sixth sense, he already knew, but he waited until they were close enough to us before moving his chair again.

  “Mom and Dad, we’d like to introduce you to your son,” the first nurse said.

  “And to your daughter,” the second added. They laid both babies in my arms, their heads resting on my chest, and Damon safely cradled all three of us in his arms.

  “You’re both so perfect.” My voice was shaky and my eyes were watery, but the moment was flawless. Somewhere in the distance, I heard a camera snapping pictures, but I was too mesmerized by our two bundles of joy to think twice about it.

  “Jillian.” Damon whispered my name with a strained voice.

  When I lifted my eyes to his, my breath was stolen yet again. There, in my dangerous hit man’s eyes, were tears of joy. I’d never seen him even close to tears before. Not when his best friend died. Not when his uncle betrayed him.

  “Babe.” One whispered word conveyed my complete understanding of how he felt.

  “Mamas have that effect on the best of us.”

  “Do you have any names picked out for them yet?” Dr. Bowers peered over the drape as he continued to work on me.

  “Madison and Mason.” My reply answered the doctor’s quest
ion, but I was addressing our beautiful babies.

  “Dad, you come with the babies and me. It’ll be a little while before Dr. Bowers is finished with Mom. You can stand guard over them while we finish the preventative measures. Mom will be in recovery for about an hour. If all goes as planned, you’ll be back together very soon.”

  Before the nurse took Madison and Mason from my arms, I kissed their sweet baby cheeks. Even though I knew it would be only minutes apart, letting her take my newborns away was harder than I’d ever imagined. Damon left with them, close on the nurse’s heels, so I knew they were safe.

  “Relax, Jillian. They’re in good hands, and so are you.” Dr. Bowers winked, his eyes crinkling in the corners from his smile. “Rest now while you can. You’ll have your hands full soon enough.”

  After my time in recovery, I was moved to a private room where Damon waited for me. He tried to convince me to take more time to rest before having the twins brought into the room with us, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t wait another minute to hold them, kiss their cheeks, and inhale their sweet baby scents. When the nurse finally arrived with two clear plastic bassinets, I was almost ready to jump out of the bed to get to them. However, my pesky incision kept me from moving too fast. That, and the pain medicine that was pumped into my IV every fifteen minutes or so.

  Damon picked up Mason and handed him to me, taking extra care to help me hold him comfortably. Then he settled into the chair next to my bed with Madison, snuggling her close to his heart while she slept. My heart was full, overflowing with love for my perfect little family and all the adventures we had yet to come.

  “Before you, I thought my life was complete. Then, without warning, life turned everything I thought I knew upside down. I realized my life had no real purpose or meaning before I met you. But you opened my eyes, Jillian. And my heart. You’ve made me a better man than I ever thought I could be. It’s funny how life can turn on a dime, isn’t it?”

  While watching my husband, the notorious hit man and Marchetti Family Boss, cradle his swaddled newborn to his chest, I realized how right he was. Nothing about my life was as I’d originally planned or even remotely how I thought anything would be, but I wouldn’t change places with anyone even if they offered me the world. Everything that happened brought us to the happiest moment of our lives. By Damon’s side was exactly where I always wanted to be.


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