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Blood Debt

Page 22

by Heather MacKinnon

  “You’ll feed from me tonight.”

  My wide eyes met his. “Won’t that start the bond between us?”

  He looked at me for a moment before answering. “Is that what you want?” His tone, though firm, also held a note of uncertainty.

  This was another one of those times where I could hold my cards to my chest or lay them all out on the table. Take the plunge or play it safe. I decided life was too short, even as a vampire, to not say what you meant every time.

  “Yes.” My voice was sure and strong.

  His eyes flared to life, and a corner of his beautiful lips twitched up. “No, feeding from me won’t bond us. I’d have to drink from you as well, and that isn’t happening until you are fully healed.”

  He must have seen the displeasure on my face because he added, “We can talk about it when you’re well.”

  I decided that was the best answer I would get and nodded silently. Without another word, Nicholas tilted his head to the side and bared his throat. I could see the artery in his strong neck thumping lazily. Licking my lips, I leaned forward until I could press my nose against his skin. He smelled amazing.

  His pulse picked up, and his chest heaved faster than before.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “Do it,” he croaked.

  I sunk my canines into his neck and gulped as the first wave of his thick blood coated my tongue. The liquid pumped into my mouth and I swallowed repeatedly, feeling my body heal as I drank. All too soon, Nicholas placed his large hands on my shoulders and gently pulled me from him. I licked my lips, tasting the last of his tantalizing blood.

  He watched my tongue running over my lips, his eyes flashing with that familiar heat. I felt the answering need for him deep in my belly and leaned forward to place my mouth against his. Nicholas responded with a deep moan, his arms coming up to press me against his torso. When they squeezed my cracked ribs, I gasped in pain and he immediately released me.

  “Enough, temptress,” he said, his eyes full of remorse. “I need to get you to bed.”

  He stood with me again and sat me on the edge of the tub while he retrieved a fluffy white towel. Nicholas tenderly and methodically dried my wet skin before disappearing from the room and reappearing with one of his large t-shirts. I shrugged it on slowly, inhaling the delicious scent that was all Nicholas. Taking me into his arms again, he brought me into the bedroom and gently laid me on the soft mattress. And for the first time since I’d become a vampire, I fell asleep without the dawn.

  Chapter 26

  When I finally reopened my eyes, I knew I was mostly, if not entirely healed. I could also tell there was someone lying next to me and my first instinct was to squeeze my eyes shut and curl into the fetal position. Had Massimo found me already? My body trembled in fear of the ramifications for disobeying him so terribly.

  “Hey, you’re awake,” Nicholas’ deep voice said softly from beside me.

  My tremors subsided, and I let out a breath of relief. I was safe. Nicholas had saved me and promised his protection.

  I rolled over in the massive bed of the hotel suite to face him. There were dark bags underneath his eyes again. My brow furrowed as I cupped his face.

  “You didn’t sleep.”

  He shook his head and placed a gentle kiss on the palm of my hand. “I couldn’t. I needed to know you were here with me and safe.”

  My heart lurched before taking off at a gallop. He reached toward me, and I let my hand fall from his face. Nicholas brushed the back of his knuckles along my cheekbone, the one that had been broken when he’d found me.

  “It looks like you’re all healed. How are you feeling?”

  I did a quick internal check and found nothing hurt. My arm was back in working order, my head wasn’t throbbing, and my breathing was unhindered.

  I gave Nicholas a smile. “I feel fine.”

  He nodded but continued to run his eyes over my body, seeming to check for himself that I was whole. His gaze drifted back to my face, and he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “You need to feed,” he said before grasping my hips and pulling me over his body until I was straddling his waist.

  I gasped at the sudden movement and steadied myself on top of him.

  “You haven’t fed in three days, so you’ll feed from me again.”

  “Three days?”

  He nodded solemnly. “You fell asleep before dawn the night I brought you back here and then slept all throughout the next night as well.”

  “I didn’t even know vampires could sleep,” I admitted. “I thought we just lost consciousness at dawn and that was it.”

  “Normally we don’t, but your body had a lot of healing to do. We recover faster while we sleep. Your body kept you unconscious long enough to fix all the damage.”

  “And why am I feeding from you again tonight?”

  “It’s been too long since you’ve fed regularly. If you were to get close to a human right now, you might lose control. I’d never risk putting you in a situation where something could hurt you and I know you’d be upset if you injured a human while feeding from them. My blood is old and strong. It will help heal any lingering damage, and by tomorrow night you’ll be able to resume drinking from humans.”

  All that made sense, but the thought of drinking from him made me suddenly shy. I knew logically that I’d done it before, but I was in such desperate need for blood at that time, it didn’t matter where it came from. It felt personal and intrusive to have this powerful man–vampire–in a position of such vulnerability.

  He rubbed his hands up and down my sides. “It’s all right, Adrienne. I want you to feed from me.” As he said this, he bared his throat and I sat there staring.

  His thick, pale neck was stretched, the skin taut. I let one finger trail from his jaw to his collarbone and watched him shiver under my touch. Leaning down, I traced my nose along his jugular, smelling the clean scent of his skin and listening to his blood pump faster.

  With my hands on his shoulders, I shifted on his stomach until I easily reached the crook of his neck. His hands squeezed my hips tightly as I leaned over and sunk my teeth into his skin.

  His thick, warm blood streamed out of the puncture holes, and I slurped at it hungrily. When the flow petered out slightly, I placed my lips on his neck and sucked hard. Nicholas groaned underneath me, his hands flexing on my hips.

  As I swallowed his delicious blood, there was a stirring low in my belly making me grind against Nicholas’ tight abdomen to relieve it. I heard him moan again, my name on his lips while I continued to take pleasure in both his blood and his body. The two were coiling together, making it difficult to tell where one ended and the other began.

  Without warning, I was flipped onto my back, Nicholas on top of me. His lips crashed against mine and I opened to him immediately, the taste of his blood still on my tongue. I shivered as his hands roamed over my body as if checking to make sure it was all still there. I found the hem of his t-shirt and I yanked it up and over his head, his mouth breaking apart from mine only briefly.

  After that, I found myself quickly divested of the shirt he’d put on me two nights ago. Nicholas pulled his mouth away to gaze at my naked body. He eyed it both longingly and critically, as if he was admiring and checking my well-being. Satisfied with his perusal, he trailed a hand down to my center and entered my folds.

  “You’re ready for me,” he grunted as first one then two fingers pumped inside me.

  “Always,” I said breathlessly.

  Nicholas quickly stripped his pants off and was between my legs a moment later, his fingers never leaving my slick core.

  “I need you, Adrienne,” he admitted, his voice low and tortured. “I need to feel you, make sure you’re really here with me. Tell me you want that too.”

  I nodded quickly. “Yes. Please,” I groaned as he brought me closer to the edge.

  His fingers disappeared, and I mourned for only a fraction of a second before his thick
member replaced them, pushing against me. I lifted my knees so he could have better access and sighed in relief when he pushed himself in to the hilt.

  He stayed buried inside me for a moment, staring into my eyes and allowing my body to adjust to his size. When I nodded, he pulled out and pressed back in deep. He found an agonizingly slow tempo that had my toes curling and my breaths coming in pants.

  His body tipped forward, his hands landing on either side of my head while his hips kept up their torturous pace. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his lips to mine. He mimicked the movements of his hips with his tongue and I was lost in the pleasure.

  My climax was rapidly approaching, and my short nails dug into his broad shoulders. He picked up the pace slightly, and I felt us both galloping toward our release. Just when I thought I couldn’t take the pleasure anymore, the coil in my belly unfurled and I exploded around him, driving him to his own orgasm.

  He groaned into my mouth as he pumped his hips steadily. When we’d both come down from our high, he pulled his head back to look at me. His hazel eyes were so beautiful as we lay there, him still buried deep inside of me.

  His hands gently cupped my face. “Adrienne, I love you.” His voice rang out clear, the depth of his emotion evident in his tone.

  My eyes welled with tears I desperately tried to blink back. I didn’t want to miss a second of this moment with him.

  “I love you too,” I whispered, unable to speak any louder than that around the lump in my throat.

  His answering smile was brilliant, his eyes lit from within. “The second you left, I regretted not telling you because I knew even then. In fact, I’ve known for some time. When I thought I’d never get the chance to tell you, it tore me apart. You should hear those words every day, multiple times a day. I intend to tell you that I love you until you’re sick of hearing it.”

  I laughed around the tears I was still fighting off. “That might take a while,” I warned.

  He leaned over and kissed the tip of my nose. “I’ve got time.”

  We spent the next few hours naked and wrapped in each other’s arms. There wasn’t a spot on my body that Nicholas hadn’t run his hands over to check for any lingering injury, although I assured him I was fine.

  I was better than fine.

  I was in love.

  More importantly, I was loved back.

  We basked in the afterglow, lost in our own bubble until the outside world could no longer be ignored. After the fifth time Nicholas’ phone rang, he finally left my arms to retrieve it, and I shrugged his large t-shirt back on. His eyes stayed locked on my body as he grabbed his cell and came back to bed. It was as if he needed to be looking at me or touching me at all times.

  I wondered how long my time with Massimo would continue to affect us. How long we’d be looking over our shoulders. How long it would take Nicholas to be able to leave my side in peace, assured I’d be there when he got back.

  I didn’t dream, thankfully, because I knew they’d be filled with nightmares. My brain hadn’t even begun to process everything I’d endured, and I instinctively shied away from that. I didn’t want to think about what he’d done, or live in that moment any longer. At some point, I knew it would need to come out, but I was content to push it down and leave it for another day.

  I watched his masculine profile as he scrolled through the missed calls and messages on his phone. When he was done, he pivoted his body on the bed until he was facing me. Sensing this was important, I sat up as well.

  “They have Massimo in custody.”

  My heart stopped for a moment before restarting at double its pace.

  “How?” I choked out.

  “My guards waited for him in that apartment until he returned. They took him in and he’s being held at Parliament.”

  “Is he in, like, vampire jail?”

  Nicholas’ lips twitched. “Yes. We have special cells that are meant to hold even the strongest of our kind.”

  My shoulders slumped, and I released a long sigh. He was behind bars. He couldn’t get to me. The relief was overwhelming.

  “How long will he be locked away for?”

  Nicholas shifted uncomfortably on the bed. “That depends on you, actually. He’s being charged with assaulting Charlotte and killing the humans my men found in that apartment. Those crimes don’t need witness testimonies.”

  I heard the words he hadn’t said. “But the crimes against me do,” I guessed.

  He nodded, regret lining his face. “They need your testimony about the torture you endured. Your side of the story will put him away for a long time.”

  I digested everything he’d said, trying to face the facts. I’d have to see Massimo again. Look into the eyes of the man who’d brutally beaten me. Be in the same room with him during the court proceedings.

  “Do I need to be there the whole time? Or can I just give my testimony and leave?”

  Nicholas shook his head. “All we need is your version of the events. After that, I’ll take you out of there. You’ll never have to see him again,” he promised.

  I nodded, thankful I’d at least have that reprieve. Surely, I was strong enough to stand a half an hour in his presence. We’d be surrounded by other vampires, and guards, and I was sure they’d have him restrained in some way. He wouldn’t be able to get to me. He wouldn’t be able to hurt me. I’d be fine. I repeated this over and over to myself, hoping the words would take root and set my mind at ease.

  “I’ll do it,” I said, my shoulders back and my chin up. I wasn’t one to run away and hide. I’d face him and help condemn him for what he’d done to me and everyone else he’d hurt.

  Nicholas ran a hand through my long hair. “Your strength amazes me, Adrienne.”

  Warmth flooded my chest at his compliment. I felt far from strong, but if that was what he saw, I wouldn’t correct him. Besides, maybe I could eventually see myself through his eyes and find a way past all this.

  I realized then that there was still one thing bothering me. One piece of the puzzle that had been left out that I needed completed before I could face Massimo again.

  “Before the court hearing, I want us to bond,” I said`1.

  His jaw dropped along with the hand that was in my hair. “Adrienne,” he began but stopped, seemingly at a loss for words.

  “I love you and you love me. I don’t want to wait. I don’t want there to ever be the chance that someone could take me away from you again. If we bond first, I won’t be afraid to see Massimo again. I’ll know that I’m yours and that your bond with me trumps anything he could hold over my head. I won’t be his anymore, I’ll be yours.” I hesitated for a moment before adding, “If you’ll have me.”

  The next thing I knew, I was on top of Nicholas again, straddling his hips, his eyes looking up at me, glowing with emotion.

  “If I’ll have you?” He growled. “There’s nothing more I’ve wanted from the moment I laid eyes on you. The idea of getting to keep you forever is so unbelievably tempting, it’s killing me. But I can’t do this because you’re afraid. Because you’re running from something. A bonding isn’t like a human marriage where if we don’t like each other anymore in a few years we can simply call a lawyer and split our assets. If one of us were to die after we’ve bonded, the other would waste away shortly after. Our life forces will be entwined.” He reached up to stroke the side of my face. “This is forever. And that word means a lot more to a vampire than it does to a human. You’ll be stuck with me for centuries. For time immeasurable. I can’t let you do that while you’re scared.”

  I stared down into Nicholas’ burning eyes. The stubborn set of his jaw told me he wouldn’t relent, but I still needed to try.

  “Nicholas, please.”

  He lay there beneath me, his eyes searching mine. I watched emotion after emotion stream across his face as he weighed my words. Finally, he cupped my face and brought it down to his for a sweet kiss.

  “We will bond, Adrienne, I promise you
that. But not while you’re afraid. Not while you’re running from him.”

  I released a huge breath and nodded. I knew what I wanted, Massimo or no Massimo. But Nicholas deserved more. I’d bond with him when there was no motivating factor besides my desire to be with him. I owed him that much.

  Chapter 27

  The hearing was scheduled for the following night, and I spent the time in between worrying about seeing Massimo again. I knew logically that I had nothing to fear, but there was something about seeing the man who tortured me that twisted my insides.

  Nicholas walked into the bedroom a little while before we were due at court, dressed in a sharp navy suit and a bright red tie. He looked so handsome my mouth went dry and it took me a minute to speak.

  “You clean up nice,” I said, trying to use my flippant tone to disguise how badly I wanted that suit off and him back in bed. Spending another night in Nicholas’ arms was definitely preferable to what lay ahead of me.

  Nicholas’ eyes traveled down the length of my body. I looked at myself, smoothing my hands down my black pencil skirt and adjusting the collar of the white blouse I wore. He stepped closer, his hands sliding around my hips to the small of my back. Nicholas tugged me closer, and I tripped into his embrace, his strong arms catching me with ease.

  “You look good enough to eat.” His playful tone was something new that had emerged in the past twenty-four hours. It was as if Massimo’s incarceration had relaxed him enough to let loose a little more.

  I slapped his arm playfully. “Didn’t you do enough of that last night?” I asked, hoping he wouldn’t notice the heat I felt coloring my cheeks.

  He raised a hand to my face, stroking what must have been a fierce blush. “Never enough,” he said gruffly.

  I closed my eyes and basked in the warmth I felt radiating off him. In just a few hours, I’d be able to forget my past for good and lose myself in him. We had forever to continue to grow and get to know each other and I couldn’t wait.

  I pulled away with a sigh, instantly missing the feel of his body against mine. “I want to get this over with,” I said.


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