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Battle For The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 4)

Page 11

by Bailey Dark

  Kane's smile has turned maniacal, and I have to consciously keep my hands from shaking. He reaches forward and runs his finger across my skin right above where the orb sits against my chest. "Part of me. This necklace is a protection for you, a gift of our relationship. This is a piece of the crown that I will forever wear on top of my head. It is the crown of many powers, and when you become my Queen, you will feel those powers emerging. Always wear this around your neck and nothing and no one can harm you." Looking back at me with a flash in his dark eyes. "Of course, except for me."

  He is proud of that remark. I bite my bottom lip quickly to keep it from quivering. He turns back to his rotting corpse and I slowly let the air trickle from my lungs. Now I know without a doubt, I must free Willem, otherwise, everyone will perish.

  Chapter 21


  The castle feels cold and unwelcome as I slink through the halls, back toward the crypts. I have been hiding in the shadows all evening, moving around, darting in and out of rooms in order to avoid staff and Guardsmen. I want to know for certain that I will be alone when I go down beneath to free Willem and tell him what I've realized.

  As I turn the corner, I hear heavy footsteps of someone approaching from the opposite direction. I slip into a large ornate ballroom, empty of any tables or decor. I press my back against the wall and close my eyes, waiting for whoever is walking past to be completely out of earshot. As I stand here, I still feel the warmth from earlier radiating through my veins. My powers have not left me this time, though I'm not quite sure how to use them fully. As I sit here, listening, images flash through my mind. I hear the woman's laughter that radiates through my dreams. I hear Drogaem's voice again, repeating the same line from earlier. My breath shutters and my eyes open wide, looking out into the dark ballroom. I understand now. I understand and it's far beyond what I imagined.

  Glancing down at my palms I notice they are glowing and I quickly close them, trying to center my energy. Suddenly my fear is boiling, rising in my chest and up into my throat. The man who controls my Kane, he is not just an imposter, he is Drogaem. Of all the souls that could be inside of him, Drogaem is the worst possibility. He's extraordinarily strong, cunning, and has no care for mortal lives in the least. Everything begins to make sense, my visions of him, my lack of contact with Kane, and the change in him when the crown was placed upon his head.

  Pressing my fist to my stomach I pull myself from the shock and listen out into the hallway. It is vital that I get to Willem, I cannot let him die. Even if he cannot help us until Drogaem has taken his corpse, and I have vanished into nothingness, at least he can help those who Drogaem plans to torture.

  I peek out of the doorway and look right and left, but whoever it is, has gone. Who I now know to be Drogaem, returned to his chambers at least an hour before. I slink down the hallway, waiting at the edge where the guards are posted. I reach into the small pocket sewn within the breast of my dress and pull out a black shimmering stone. Closing my eyes, and not really knowing what I'm doing, I pull the heat to the palm of my hand. I feel it surging, and when I look again, the light is swirling around the stone, lifting from my hand into the air.

  I glance once more at the guards and send the stone hurling in the opposite direction, down the hallway and around the corner. It grows in size as it plummets toward the back wall. It crashes into a doorway with a loud clatter and into whatever room lies beneath. The sound of breaking glass and falling furniture put the Guardsmen on alert. They immediately take off down the corridor, past me, and around the corner. As soon as they're out of sight I hurry down, disappearing into the stairwell that leads into the crypts. When I reach the bottom, I find that it is pitch black, only a small flicker of candles that sit at the base of the onyx slab where Drogaem's body rests.

  I know the walkways are clear and straight so I hurry down, pausing for a moment at the body, whispering to the mortals that hide in the corners. "Do not fear. Be strong."

  There's a dead silence for several moments before a small sheltered voice whispers back. "Hurry, or we'll all die."

  I swallow hard, unable to see them, and knowing full well that they most likely will perish, but what's important now is that I figure out how to save the whole of the Mortal Realm. It does not make me happy that a couple or a few may die to save the larger number, but I have to make a choice.

  I continue on, making my way to the other end where a large metal door sits. I narrow my eyes and squint through the darkness, finding a torch perched on the wall next to the door. I pull the light to my hand and wince slightly at how hot it seems to be against my flesh, yet my skin is intact and pale as it always is. Reaching up, hoping that it works I wrap my hand around the soaking cloth I watch as it ignites in flame.

  I want to be proud of myself, to feel the shock and awe of the powers that have always been inside of me, but there's no time. I quickly turn to the door and grab the handle but when I go to pull, expecting it to be latched, it swings wide open. I stumble to the side to keep myself up with the metal handle. I stand there peering into the dark, almost afraid to go in and see what fate may have found Willem. In my mind, I can still see the ripped flesh and bloated skin of the dead within the tomb of Drogaem on the island.

  I lick my dry lips, feeling the burn with drought as I take a step forward into the mausoleum. Before I can move completely through, Kane my shoulder and pulls me back out. I spin on my heels putting my hands up, the light immediately emanating from my palms. I breathe heavily, as the face in front of me becomes clear. "Riordan. What are you doing here?"

  "I should probably ask you that but I'm pretty sure I know." He looks behind him and takes my arm, pulling me to the side behind one of the large statues. "You shouldn't be here."

  I narrow my eyes wanting to make sure that he's on the right side. He senses my apprehension. "I came to clear up the mess so the Kane wouldn't recognize that Willem is gone."

  My face eases, and I extinguish the light from my palms, closing them tightly. "Willem is gone? On his own accord?"

  Riordan nods. "He was not killed. There are enough allies to Kane and to the throne within the castle walls that we were able to get him out safely. He took the Nephilim with him, I thank you for what he attempted to do."

  I let out a deep breath of relief, and lean back slightly on the statue. "I need to speak with him. This is far worse than I thought it was."

  Riordan's eyes drift around the tombs. "I know. Willem figured it out and let me know before he left. It's Drogaem within Kane's body."

  I nod, a feeling of sadness blistering in the pit of my stomach. "I should have waited, I shouldn't have blamed Willem for those things. If he were here…"

  Riordan's eyes drift back to mine and he shakes his head. "No. You did the right thing. We're all proud of that move. We’re also all a bit shocked at it. It was bold and cruel, fitting of the Queen of the Underworld."

  I shake my head and look away. "But it's not me. And now Willem isn't here."

  Riordan steps forward and reaches up, tilting my chin toward him, giving me a brotherly look of comfort. "Willem does not blame you for what you did. If anything, it was easier for him to leave, to escape knowing that you're willing to make sacrifices and do the hard thing."

  He releases my chin and I give him a stout nod, feeling my bravery slowly returning. "What do we do from here?"

  Within the shimmering lights of the fire flickering on the wall, Riordan looks larger, taller, and nobler. His black wings relax, shimmering specks of silver glistening in the fire light. He looks like Willem does, a proud Reaper, and someone willing to fight. It eases my mind just a bit, knowing I'm not fully alone. He leans in close. "The days of safety have passed. We have reached the final stretch. What happens within these next hours will determine the fate of, not only the Underworld but all the other realms that exist as well. Keep something sharp with you little princess, for the comfort of this castle is gone and within the shadows lurks Drogaem."

; Chapter 22


  Sitting on my bed, I feel like a stranger in the place that had become my home. The silence is now eerie. The dancing shadows from the flames of the candles send shivers up my spine. I can remember in the Mortal Realm listening to stories meant to scare children, stories that we all knew were made up, but still haunted us when we lay snug in our tiny beds, too fearful to go to sleep. But now, I live in those scary stories. Every step and every breath I take can possibly be my last.

  Riordan is right, I'm no longer safe at all, not even an illusion of safety remains. Drogaem has taken over my beloved, and I must protect myself. I don't want to kill Kane's body, but if it comes to the end, where I have to choose between him and the rest of the world and the Underworld, I will have no choice. What is a princess but a queen in training? The Queen protects the realm, and though I'm not Queen of the Mortal Realm, I am a mortal Princess. My duty lies with everyone, especially with Kane gone and no one stepping forward.

  I need to get to my dagger, as it's the only way for me to kill Drogaem if it comes to that. The purple haze of the Underworld is lightening out my window and large gray clouds, streaming wisps of rolling mist dark in color like the thunderstorms that used to roll into the countryside at my father's castle. There are no thunderstorms in the Underworld, but I feel as if the tone outside mimics my own.

  It's a long way to the gardens, twisting and turning through the castle, hurrying past Drogaem's room. I'm specifically referring to him as Drogaem, until his soul no longer inhabits Kane's body. I understand now, that despite my heated and sultry attachment to Kane's physical body, my heart truly lies with his soul. I never thought that I would say that about Death, the man who took me from my home and destined me for a life of darkness and cold. But come to find out, it suits me pretty well.

  I put on a normal dress, a black and red clingy material that smooths over every one of my curves and leaves little for the imagination. The collar is a bright blood red, and laces cross over my breasts. This time I do not close it tightly, but instead, allow my supple breasts to bounce within the fabric. I feel bold, and strong, and ready for anything that Drogaem has to throw at me. But first I must get to the dagger before he finds me.

  Exiting my chambers, I glance down at the floor as several servant girls pass, hurriedly making their way to the other side of the castle. The servants are always in a hurry now, as they fear the man they think Kane has become. Little do they know, it's much worse than that. Once they pass, I move quickly down the hallway, turning the corner and pausing just a moment.

  I know the way to the gardens with my eyes closed and I know that at the end of this hallway, I turn right where I must pass by Drogaem's study in order to get to the garden. I don't know where he is this morning, but I can't wait any longer. I begin down the hallway taking my time, building my bravery within me. When I'm about halfway, something shimmers from the corner of my eye. I look right, finding the clear glass doors that lead to the garden. My brow furls as I know that I'm nowhere close to the place they always sit. But then I remember what Kane had said to me the first time I found them. His mother built these gardens and she is in control of who finds them. If Willem has escaped, then maybe she knows, maybe she is helping me.

  Whatever the reason, I yank open the door and hurry down the steps, curling my way around the pool. The water within moves in waves, unlike the normal stillness that I've seen in the past. The room isn't as bright and shiny, and when I look up, I see crackles of light as if lightning is moving above me. Everything is angry right now, and I don't know whether it's me, the Three, or Drogaem inching ever closer to his ultimate conclusion.

  When I reach the other side, I bend down on one knee and reach beneath the ledge of the pool. Seeking my hand down into the water, I feel the coolness just as I did the first time. Tucked within a small hole about a foot beneath the surface, I grasp the handle of my dagger. As I pull it out, a light glistens along the blade and I dry it on the skirts of my dress. It feels good to have it in my hands again.

  I reach around behind me, finding the cut out in the back of my dress and slide the dagger into the thin leather sheath I constructed before I left. I knew I had to conceal it as good as possible, and I wanted it to be easily accessible. I hurry back through the garden and up to the doors, pausing to look back at the quiet calmness for just a moment. I realize it may be the last time I see them, but I don't let the sadness overcome me. I cannot afford to. After going to free Willem, I had sat in my bedroom working out a plan. I could no longer meander about, slowly edging my way toward Drogaem. I had to take action, and it had to happen now.

  I know the power that he has currently sits within his crown. If I'm capable of getting the crown from Drogaem's head, and destroy it with my dagger, my hope is that it releases Drogaem's soul from Kane's body. It's the only plan I can think of. I continue down the hallway toward his study, praying to the Gods that he's inside. When I reach the doors, there are two guards standing on each side of the door. They step together, not allowing me to enter.

  I raise my chin and look them up and down. "Please step aside. I wish to see my King. As his bride, I have every right to."

  Both men keep their eyes forward, neither glancing at me for even a second. The man on the right squares his chin and puffs out his chest. "I'm sorry, he doesn't wish to be disturbed."

  I purse my lips. Feeling the blade of my dagger pressing to my back. "I suggest you check with him. I don't think he will be too happy that you turned his future Queen away."

  He continues staring ahead. "I'm sorry. He strictly forbids any distraction."

  I open my mouth to chide him when the door flies open, and my heart flutters for just a second seeing Kane's face. It quickly dissipates when he begins to speak and I remember who he truly is. "Move aside and let her in. Never keep my Queen waiting."

  I feel a bit of pity for the Guardsmen, as they were only trying to protect themselves by doing his bidding, but it worked. I walk into the room, stepping forward in front of the desk. Stopping, I turn toward him before he closes the door and has a chance to see any sort of outline of the dagger on my back. My nerves are in my throat now, and I know that I need to dive in, without thought. When he turns to face me, I look at him for only a moment and hurry forward, throwing my arms around his neck. Without hesitation, I close my eyes and press my lips to his. I am hoping that I feel at least a glimmer of what it was like to kiss Kane, but instead I feel revulsion. I force myself to keep pressing against him, my stomach turning.

  When I believe I can't take it any longer, I feel something. It starts as a spark and begins to grow. As it begins to take shape, I recognize it immediately. It's Kane's spirit, and it's growing stronger. I open my eyes, seeing his shut tightly, a smirk on his lips still pressed to mine. I know my kiss is making Kane stronger inside of him, and if I can help him, bring him to the surface as I take the crown, he can help me.

  I move in closer, feeling his hands against my thighs. He grips one to my waist and runs the other up my shoulders clinging to the back of my neck. I turn my head to the side and part my lips, begrudgingly allowing his tongue to gently swipe across mine. I focus all of my attention on Kane, trying to block out the coldness and disgust I feel kissing a man that is not him.

  That spark is growing and growing, beginning to flame out and I feel it strongly in my chest. I let out a small whimper, and though it is for Kane, Drogaem kisses me deeper believing it is for him. This is the moment. This is when I either save us or I don't. I press my fingers through Kane's dark hair and into his scalp. Very carefully and as sensually as possible, I begin to move my hand upward toward the crown. I cannot see it, but I know it's there and I know I'm just inches away.

  As the tips of my fingers feel the cold gnarled steel, Drogaem's hand whips up and grabs my wrist, pulling his face away from mine. I try to move away from him, but his grip is strong and I can feel my skin bruising beneath his fingertips. His lip snarls and curves into a
grin. He begins to laugh, a deep and unsettling sound that reverberates through the entire castle. "Did you really think that your mortal body could ever please me? I loved you when you were a God and my equal, but you will never be anything close to that again."

  Chapter 23


  I don't know what he's talking about, why he would call me a God, I'm just a mortal. But none of it matters, his incoherent rants and mumbling mean nothing to me. The secret is out, and he knows that I know who he is. Rage floods over me and I rip my arm from his hand and stumble backward. My hands begin to glow and I grit my teeth. "Give Kane back to me!"

  Drogaem reaches up and settles his crown tightly on his head, a look of boredom on his face. "I never had any intention of keeping Kane for a long period of time. What am I truly to do with this body? It's weak and pathetic. Don't worry, little Princess, Kane will be free in time."

  My brow furls and I run my tongue along my lips, confusion setting in. "I don't understand. Why do all of this then? Why hide it?"

  Drogaem throws his hand in the air and walks over toward the desk. "Because this body is not like mine. Your little friend Willem, or his rebel army would surely have killed me. But don't be mistaken, your precious God will not come without a cost."

  My eyes narrow and I step slowly toward him. "What do you want?"

  He turns back toward me, a maniacal smile on his face. He looks nothing like the Kane that I remember. "Simple. You must subjugate yourself to me, in order for me to return Kane. You didn't actually think I would allow you two to be together, did you? Silly mortal."

  My teeth clench as I'm tired of hearing that statement. At the same time, I have found myself in a position where my choices is to either attack and possibly die, or to do as I have always done. I am no stranger to service. From the moment I was born I obeyed my father. When I was handed off to Kane, at first, I obeyed him. Then I obeyed his brother, Aidan, and now I'm being asked to do it for Drogaem. I try not to think about what that actually means, as it doesn't settle well in my stomach. My only chance, humanities only chance is Kane. I knew that I would have to make a sacrifice, and if getting Kane back meant I had to give myself to Drogaem in whatever way he wanted, then I have no choice. Only then will Drogaem be able to be stopped.


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