The Teacher (Amish Country Brides)

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The Teacher (Amish Country Brides) Page 4

by J. E. B. Spredemann

  Jah, that was probably the most likely thing. After all, people in their Pennsylvania district kept courtships hush hush until the wedding. And since they were gut friends, he had to share the news with somebody.

  Gott, please don’t let that be what it is. But if it is, please help my heart to be able to bear it.

  Nevertheless, she’d write back to Jaden. If they were going to end their friendship, she supposed sooner was better rather than later. Especially if he had someone special. And he most likely did, given how excited his penned words seemed.

  She sighed and pulled out her stationary. This very well could be one of the last letters she would send to Jaden Beachy. The thought made her sad. Melancholy, actually. This letter would be difficult to write, because she wasn’t feeling it. But she would pretend to be happy for his sake.

  Hello, Jaden.

  I’m so glad you’ve healed up now. The bee suit is probably a good idea.

  I just bought more thread for my quilt today, so maybe I’ll get some stitching done on it.

  Your surprise sounds interesting, but you know it’s not nice to tease someone like that. All I can do is wonder what your surprise might be. Could you at least give me a hint?

  Your friend,


  It was short, but sufficient. And for now, while her emotions were doing somersaults, it was all she could muster. It would have to be good enough. She’d send it off tomorrow.

  She thought on her day, now. The issue with Timothy and Bailey reminded her that marriage wasn’t always a walk in the park or a lovely buggy ride. It came with its own set of problems. Perhaps she should just be content as she was.

  Or maybe she should reconsider Titus Troyer’s offer. What if he was her only chance at having a family of her own?


  Jaden turned Martha’s letter over in his hands. “That’s it?” He mumbled the words to himself. She’d never written something so brief. Perhaps she’d been in a hurry. Or maybe she was just as excited as he was about his surprise and wanted to find out about it as soon as possible. There was only one thing to do.

  He’d better write her back right away and give her a hint as to what it was.

  Hello, Martha.

  If you must know about the surprise, I can give you a hint. A big one.

  Here is my surprise:

  I GOT A NEW JOB! Or, at least, I’m getting one soon.

  As you can tell, I’m pretty excited about it. I’m still not exactly sure when I will start my training for it, though.

  Before long, you’ll know ALL the details, but hopefully that is enough to satisfy your curiosity for now!

  By the way, I was surprised that your letter was so short. Not much news to tell?

  My brothers aren’t too happy with my news because it means they’ll have to help Dad out on the farm much more. But I think it will be good for them to learn more about farming and spend more time with Dad out in the field.

  Fathers can teach valuable lessons even when you don’t realize it. I’ve learned a lot from my father, and I look up to him greatly. He is a wonderful good example for us boys. I hope I can be like him someday, but I have a long ways to go.

  Anyhow, I feel like I’m prattling on now. I look forward to your next letter. Hopefully, it’ll be a little longer next time?

  Your friend,



  Martha couldn’t wipe the smile off her face.

  A job? That was it?

  Ach, she’d been foolish to jump to conclusions and let her thoughts run away with her. Jaden had even said he wished her letter had been longer! Did that mean he couldn’t get enough of her words? Ach, it seemed so.

  It was only a new job! So, she’d fretted over nothing for an entire week. Now she felt like a fool. But, fool or not, it was only a job!

  Jah, she’d be on a cloud all week, of that she was certain. And she’d be sure to write Jaden a longer letter this time.


  Jaden leaned back against the seat and settled in for the long ride to Indiana. He’d opted to hire a driver instead of taking the bus or a train. He preferred privacy over being in the public eye, even if it cost him a little extra money.

  Being Amish already attracted enough attention from passersby. He wouldn’t invite more. To some folks, his people were simply a novelty. Other folks were indifferent. And then there were some folks who were downright hostile. He’d never understand that. Why couldn’t people just mind their own things and leave other folks alone? The world would be so much better if everyone would just follow the Golden Rule, as he’d been taught—do unto others as you’d want them to do unto you. It was a simple concept, to his thinking.

  Nevertheless, he couldn’t wait to get to his destination. They’d do most of the trip today, then stop in the evening to enjoy a meal and rest at a motel overnight. Then they’d be on their way again first thing in the morning. If his driver’s calculations were correct, and if they left the motel when scheduled, he’d be at his bruder’s house around ten in the morning. From there, he planned to eat, freshen up, and relax until late afternoon.

  Hopefully, in the evening, he’d be able to visit Martha. If he hadn’t feared word getting out about his arrival, he would have chosen to wait until the next day. But he wanted her to be surprised. Ach, he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face.


  Martha’s thoughts had been preoccupied with Jaden again. Not a gut thing when one was in charge of putting supper on the table at a reasonable hour. Fortunately, she’d chosen something simple. She’d been craving tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. It was the perfect thing since the rain over the last few days had brought milder temperatures.

  She resisted the urge to peek into the oven at the coffee cake she’d made for dessert. It would be wonderful gut for an evening snack tonight. Everyone seemed to love her coffee cake, but she was quick to quell the pride that threatened to fill her heart.

  A knock on the mudroom door drew her attention. From where she stood in the kitchen, she couldn’t see who it might be.

  “Martha, will you get that?” Mamm called from the top of the stairs. Where was everybody, anyhow?

  “Jah, sure.” She moved the pot of soup to the warming rack. The sandwiches had finished several minutes ago, but were keeping warm.

  Just beyond the door stood an Amish man, but he was facing the opposite direction. She frowned, wiped her hands on her apron, then turned the doorknob.

  And then he turned around.

  Martha gasped. “Jaden?” Her hand immediately flew to her wayward hair and she tucked the unruly strands beneath her kapp. Ach, she must look a sight!

  A smile stretched across Jaden’s face. Ach, she’d nearly forgotten how handsome he was. “Surprise!”

  “What are you…you’re here!” She hated when she got all tongue tied.

  “I hope it’s okay that I stopped by unannounced. I wanted to surprise you.”

  She looked down at her dirty apron, then tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. His eyes collided with hers and locked momentarily. She cleared her throat, then let her gaze fall to the floor.

  “You surprised me alright.” She shook her head. “Would you like to come in?”

  “I was hoping you’d like to go for a ride.” He gestured to the horse and buggy behind him. “I borrowed it from your brother, Silas.”

  Ach, Silas knew Jaden was here?

  Wait. Jaden wanted to take her on a buggy ride?

  “Have you eaten yet? Supper just finished and I was about to call everyone to the table.” She motioned toward the kitchen.

  “As a matter of fact, I haven’t.” His smile broadened.

  “Would you like to eat with us, then? I made plenty. It’s nothing fancy, just grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.”

  “I’d love to.” He glanced to the horse that was tied to the hitching post. “Our ride can wait.”


  Perhaps he should
have given Martha warning. She seemed a little out of sorts, but she looked lovely, to his thinking. Hopefully, the family wouldn’t mind that he had shown up right before supper.

  After they—Jaden, Martha, her folks, her brother Nathaniel, and sisters Susan and Emily—were seated around the table and the silent prayer had been uttered, he waited for one of the plates of sandwiches to be passed around. Ach, they smelled so gut! How long had it been since he’d indulged in a grilled cheese sandwich?

  “So, Jaden, what brings you out this way?” Martha’s father asked before dipping his sandwich into his soup.

  “Martha, actually.” He noticed that all eyes went straight to Martha and her cheeks blossomed with a becoming blush.

  Ach, he hadn’t meant to embarrass her. He hung his head. “Or, did you mean to Indiana?”

  “Jah.” Her father smiled.

  “Well, I actually wanted to share that with Martha on our buggy ride after supper.” He smiled. “I kind of wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “I see.” Her father nodded.

  “You’re full of surprises today, it seems,” Martha said, ignoring all eyes on her.

  “How is your father’s corn coming along?” Her father continued the subject. Thankfully, he hadn’t asked about work.

  “Ach, I almost forgot.” His gaze shot to Martha. “I brought you some corn. It was from last year’s harvest. My mamm kept it frozen. I have it in an icebox.”

  “Ach, your corn! I can’t wait to taste it. I’ll have to fix it up tomorrow.” Martha’s smile stretched across her face, causing her eyes to crinkle at the corners.

  “I better go get it out of the buggy. It should probably stay frozen until it’s cooked.” He excused himself, hurried to the buggy, and grabbed the paper grocery bag. He stepped back into the kitchen and held the bag up. “Should I put this in your icebox?”

  “Nee, I can do it.” Martha’s mamm volunteered. “Denki for this, Jaden. And for thinking of Martha.”

  He didn’t miss the look Martha’s mamm exchanged with her daughter. Clearly, she thought they were courting. Ach.

  He realized he’d forgotten to answer her father’s question. “The corn is coming up nicely. I see yours is too.”

  “Jah. Should have a nice harvest come September.”

  “I can’t wait to taste it.” Jaden grinned.

  “You’re planning to stay till September, then?”

  Jaden nodded, ignoring the questions in everyone’s eyes. “Jah. I’m sure you’ll hear all about it after our buggy ride.”

  But for now, he needed to keep his words to himself and finish the delicious meal Der Herr and Martha had graciously provided for him.


  The cool breeze felt wunderbaar on Martha’s face after being in the hot kitchen most of the evening. She climbed into Jaden’s, or Silas’s, carriage. Was she really going on a buggy ride with Jaden Beachy? Surely, he wasn’t courting her. Nee, they were just gut friends. That was all. He’d never expressed any romantic interest in her. Not really.

  But she was sure and certain that her family had misconstrued his visit as a date, which it wasn’t.

  She slid her gaze in Jaden’s direction as he held the reins. A smile played on his lips as though he harbored a delicious secret. Martha guessed that he was waiting until they were out on the road to speak his mind. Hopefully, it would be soon, because not knowing was driving her crazy.

  “You’re awfully quiet over there.” Jaden flicked a glance in her direction.

  “I’m patiently waiting. Or at least trying to.” She laughed.

  “I guess there’s no time like the present.” He grinned, turning onto the main road. “You know how I said I was getting a new job?”


  “Well, it’s here. In Indiana.”

  “Ach, it is?” Her eyes widened. “Seriously? So, you’re not just visiting. You’re moving here?”

  “That’s right. To my bruder’s Amish district. I’m staying with him until I find a place of my own.”

  “Ach, Jaden! That’s wunderbaar!” She felt like hugging him, but she wouldn’t, of course. It wouldn’t be proper for friends.

  “I thought so. But the bad news is that we probably won’t be writing letters anymore. It might be kind of silly since we’ll be so close.”

  “I wouldn’t mind. But seeing each other in person is even better, ain’t not?”

  “It is, for sure.”

  “So, what job are you taking then? Have you started yet?”

  “Nee, not yet. Remember I mentioned the training?”


  “Well, I was hoping you could maybe help a little with that.”

  Her lips twisted. “Me?”

  “I’m taking over the school in my bruder’s district. Their teacher is getting hitched and they wanted a male teacher who wouldn’t leave once he settled down. Somebody permanent. Josiah suggested me to the leaders, since I’d substituted before for a short time. I’ll meet with them, then with the parents who are on the school board, this week.”

  “Ach, you’re going to be a teacher too? I can hardly believe it.” Warmth filled her.

  “Believe it. I’m here in the flesh, ain’t not?” He chuckled.

  “That, you are. But you need my help?”

  “I do. Since I don’t need to join the class until next week to see how things go on there, I hoped that I could join you this week. Maybe be your helper, see how you handle your classroom, and hopefully get some pointers.”

  “Ach, the kinner would love that. Especially if you play ball with them at recess.”

  “Really? You don’t mind?” His smile grew.

  “Nee. Not at all. It’ll be fun having another adult in the classroom.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “Maybe you can even help me grade papers afterward.”

  He nodded. “I can do that.”

  “Wow, you did have a big surprise!”

  “Hopefully, a pleasant one.” His brow arched.

  “The most pleasant.” That was when she finally noticed where they were going. “The schoolhouse?”

  He pulled into the side yard. “You wouldn’t happen to have your keys with you?”

  “Nee, but I keep an extra one hidden.” She winked.

  He slid down and tied the horse to the hitching post.

  “You’ll have to keep your eyes closed while I get the key.”

  “Don’t trust me, huh?”

  “I do, but the schoolboard insisted that I tell no one where the spare is kept.” She shrugged. “Sorry.”

  “I guess you gotta follow the rules.” He closed his eyes, but his smile remained in place. “You’re not going to disappear on me or anything, are you?”

  “Well, that would be pretty rude of me, wouldn’t it? You come all the way from Pennsylvania to see me, then I go missing.”

  “People would talk, for sure and certain.”

  She laughed. “People are already talking.” She twisted the key in the lock. “You may open your eyes now.”

  “Thank you. I was starting to fall asleep.”

  “Standing up?” She chuckled.

  “It was a long drive from Pennsylvania. We drove most of yesterday. I’m not used to sitting that long. I’m feeling lazy.”

  She thought about his home in Pennsylvania. Since her family left their home state when she was quite a bit younger, she hadn’t missed it all that much. But Jaden’s situation was different. “I’m sure your folks are going to miss you.”

  She walked into the classroom and Jaden followed.

  “Ach, I’ll miss them too. It’s pretty much my first real time away from them, and away from home.”

  “You’ll adjust. It’ll be weird at first because you don’t know a lot of people in your bruder’s district. But once you get to know people, you’ll be more comfortable. Getting to know the kinner will help you connect with the parents. If the kinner like you, the parents will.”

  “Let’s just hope they’ll like me.
” He chuckled. He walked around the classroom, perusing the desks, the décor, the children’s projects she’d stapled to the wall.

  “I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t. You’re a very kind person.”

  Jaden stopped all of a sudden, then stared at her.


  “I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me.”

  Her? Nice? She felt like snorting. But she couldn’t help but be kind in Jaden’s presence. He had an aura about him that seemed to rub off on her. He truly brought out the best in her. “It’s the truth.”

  “May I share something with you?”

  “Of course. Anything.”

  “I think you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”

  “Ach, Jaden. You can’t mean that.”

  “I most certainly do.” He insisted.

  “Well.” She shrugged, not really knowing what to say. “Denki. I think of you as a really gut friend too.”


  “Jah.” Jaden frowned, but turned away before Martha could field his expression. Was that what he wanted? What she wanted? Friendship? He’d thought so. But now that he was here with her, his feelings were becoming all ferhoodled. In his heart, he desired more than just a friendship with Martha. But his mind told him it could never be, no matter how much he wanted it.

  Ach, maybe spending time with her wasn’t such a gut idea after all.

  Martha stood behind her desk looking very much like a teacher. “We typically start the day around eight thirty…”

  She continued, but Jaden could no longer comprehend her words. Thoughts roared in his head and seemed to drown out everything around him. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t be here with her.

  “Jaden? Did you hear me?” She snapped her fingers.

  He blinked. “Ach, I’m sorry. What was…what did you say?”


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