The Teacher (Amish Country Brides)

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The Teacher (Amish Country Brides) Page 12

by J. E. B. Spredemann

  “But I cannot promise you perfection. Sammy said that if I stay near to Gott, then He will stay close to me. I am trying to do that. I’m trying to let Der Herr lead me. I have several people praying for me about this.”

  “Other people know about this?”

  “Some do, jah. Silas and Paul both promised to pray for me, as I have for them. Also, my bruder Josiah, and Sammy and Michael. All of them have agreed to help keep me accountable. I don’t want to have any more regrets. I want to live a life that is pleasing to Der Herr.”

  “But you are going against the Ordnung by being here. By being with me, ain’t not?”

  “Ach, I know.”

  “It is not pleasing to Der Herr to go against your authority.” She frowned. “I don’t want to be the one who comes between you and Gott, Jaden. I won’t be that person. Besides, we’ve already gotten too involved.”

  “What are you saying?” His brow furrowed.

  “I don’t know. Maybe we should take a break for a while. You have your proving time yet. How long has it been since you were with the other people?” She swallowed.

  He could tell she hated asking the question. But she deserved to know. “About five or six years. If it makes you feel better, I can get tested to make sure I don’t have any diseases.”

  “It would make me feel a little better.” She nodded. “But I think I need time to process this and pray about it. I really don’t know how much time I’ll need.”

  “But you’re not going to let Titus Troyer court you, ain’t not?”

  Martha sighed. “Jaden, how many times do I have to tell you that I have no interest in Titus Troyer? You can put that thought out of your head now.”

  “So…you want to just pray?” His frown deepened. “You’re not breaking up with me forever, are you?”

  “Jaden Beachy. Stop, already. Look, I’m still going to be here. I’m not going anywhere. But I want you to be sure. You need to spend more time with Michael’s grossdawdi, I think. And I don’t want you to lose your job. You should be a school teacher. All the kinner love you.”

  “But what about us?”

  “We’re waiting and praying, remember? And absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder.”

  “Praying. Right.” He shook his head. “Martha, I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to stay away from you.”

  “If you need a kiss, you can just come and get one. In secret.”

  “So, you’re not breaking up with me then?”

  “Jaden Beachy! Did you hear any of what I just said?” She thrust her hand on her hip, clearly put out with him. “Listen very closely. I. Love. You. I. Still. Want. To. Marry. You. Understand?”

  “Jah. But when?”

  Her smile returned. “It is not my place to do the asking or the telling. You know that.”

  “In the fall, then? Next wedding season?” He couldn’t hide his goofy grin.

  “Let’s see if we think we’re ready by then.”

  “I hope we are.”

  “I’m a little scared, Jaden. If you want to know the truth.”

  He took her hands in his, his thumbs lightly caressing her soft veins. “I know you are. The unknown is always scary. I’m not sure what more I can do to assure you.”

  “I think it is something Der Herr will have to place in my heart. I need peace.”

  “All I know is that Gott will be with us every step of the way, no matter what happens.”

  “That is something.”

  “Nee, that is everything, Martha.” He needed to pray that she could see that clearly.

  “Jah, you’re right.”


  Jaden hadn’t expected to return home to the deacon’s buggy in his bruder’s driveway. Ach, a visit with the deacon usually meant something was wrong or there’d been an infraction regarding the Ordnung. Had his bruder done something worthy of the deacon’s visit? Had the leaders learned of their clandestine Bible studies?

  He was tempted to hang out outside, after putting up his bruder’s horse, until the deacon left. But that action might be frowned upon. He didn’t want the deacon to think he was hiding out or anything.

  “Jaden Beachy.” The deacon nodded and shook his hand as soon as he’d walked through the door. “Just the man I wanted to see. May we chat outside?”

  Jaden frowned, then glanced at his bruder, quirking a brow. Josiah shrugged in return, nodding for him to comply with the deacon’s wishes.

  Jaden followed the man outside.

  “The leaders asked me to stop by each home in our district to better explain the new changes to the Ordnung.”

  Jaden nodded, but held his breath.

  “Some have said you are courting a maedel from Bontrager’s district. Is this true?”

  “It is.” He wouldn’t deny it.

  “Are you aware that the new changes forbid the two churches to intermingle?”

  “What are you saying?”

  “You must cut ties with this maedel.”

  “But we are engaged.”

  “The wedding season isn’t until fall. Nothing has been published.”

  “Nee, but we’ve discussed it between ourselves.”

  “No matter. I’m sorry. I do not make the rules, I’m chust in charge of enforcing them.” The deacon’s gaze held sympathy, but his stance was unyielding. “If it makes you feel better, you are not the only one to have to break things off. There are others who have been courting longer than you have been here. Be grateful you are not one of them.

  “The leaders will be watching closely to be sure the Ordnung is kept. Since you are in the time of proving, I’m afraid it will be even more so with you.” The deacon tipped his hat, headed toward his buggy, then set off down the road.

  Jaden stood open-mouthed as he watched the deacon’s buggy disappear around the corner. Ach, he’d need to call Martha. But he had no idea what he would say. They’d already agreed—for the most part, anyhow—to not see each other until his proving was over. But what would happen after that? Would they continue to sneak around even though the Ordnung forbid it? And then what? They still planned to marry in the fall. They could marry in her district, but that would mean he’d likely lose his job and be shunned.

  He thought on Martha’s words. We will pray. Nee, he wouldn’t call Martha. Why add more worry upon her shoulders? They had already expected as much. For now, they would wait and pray like they’d agreed to do.


  In spite of her previous hesitation, Martha’s heart couldn’t help but overflow with joy. Ach, she and Jaden could be getting hitched this year! But as excited as she was, it seemed Mamm was even more so. As a matter of fact, they’d been working in the garden the last couple of days, preparing the ground for a gut celery harvest. Now was a gut time to start planting, if the plants were to be ready in the fall. If they decided against a wedding, they could always sell off the extra celery at Emily’s produce stand.

  She still wasn’t sure how everything would work itself out. She’d been diligent in praying for Jaden and his struggles. The secrets he’d shared with her had been alarming, she admitted. But then it was almost like someone had whispered in her ear and told her everything would be okay. Had it been the voice of Der Herr? She didn’t know.

  But she did know that their love for each other was strong. She wasn’t so naïve as to think they would never have struggles or they’d get along seamlessly. Every marriage took work. And even though her and Jaden’s situation was different, she was determined to stand beside him, support him, and pray for him.

  And being as it was, she knew that, with Der Herr on their side, everything would work out. It had to.


  For the weeks apart from Martha, Jaden had begun pouring himself into the portions of the Bible that Sammy had recommended to him. He loved that Sammy was in the same g’may and lived within walking distance of his bruder’s house. If Jaden had a question, he would just jump on one of his bruder’s horses and he
ad down the road to see Sammy.

  His faith grew stronger every day, and the temptations lessened. Der Herr had been faithful in fulfilling His promises of resisting the devil and drawing nigh unto Him. He loved having a faith that was real and measurable. He loved that Gott encouraged His children to prove Himself.

  He and Martha had agreed to keep in touch over the phone while he was going through his proving. Hearing her voice helped him stay grounded in their relationship, although their calls weren’t daily. It had been a few days now since hearing her voice, and he missed her.

  Just as he’d been preparing to dial her number, the phone rang.

  “Hello?” He spoke into the receiver.

  “Jaden? Is that you?” Martha’s voice sounded shaky, off.

  “Martha? Are you crying? Was itz lets, lieb?”

  “I need you to come over. Can you do that?”

  “Ach, of course. I’ll call a driver right now.”


  The phone clicked off.


  Jaden worried the entire car ride over. What could be wrong? Had someone fallen sick or gotten injured on the mission trip? Was the family okay? A hundred different scenarios played through his head, but none of them prepared him for this.

  She handed him a small white plastic device that reminded him of his mamm’s digital thermometer, but there were no numbers on it.

  He stared at the thing, completely puzzled. He shrugged. “What is it?”

  “What do you see?” She swiped away a tear.

  “Just two blue lines.” He stared at her. “What does it mean?”

  “I’ve been sick for the last three days. Mamm asked about us, and I told her the truth about what we did.”

  He stared at her. Blinked. What was she trying to tell him?

  “Jaden, I’m in the familye way.” A fresh crop of tears surfaced on her eyelashes.

  “You’re…” He swallowed. “Martha? Is this…this is for real? We are going to have a boppli?”

  “Jah.” She heaved a sob.

  A boppli? He thought on it for a minute. This meant they had to get hitched now. Nee, they couldn’t have a normal wedding, but…

  “Ach, this is the answer to our prayers!” Even though he should feel guilty, excitement bubbled in his chest.

  “What?” She sniffled.

  “Think about it, Martha. I didn’t tell you this, but the deacon came by two weeks ago and told me that I had to break our engagement. We wouldn’t have been allowed to marry. But now, we will have to.”

  “You act as though it is a gut thing. It is not. We should have waited to share the marriage bed till we got hitched.”

  He took her hands in his, offering an encouraging smile. “Ach, Martha. A boppli is always a gut thing. Nee, we didn’t go about things the right way. But we will make things right.”

  “But what will we do?” She stared at him. “We won’t be able to hide it from the g’may.”

  “We will go talk to Sammy. He always has the answer.”


  Sammy rubbed his beard, his gaze pinning Jaden. “Ach, I do not remember you confessing this sin. You have been hiding things.”

  “I’m sorry, Sammy. Since I’m confessing, I might as well tell you that it happened on Der Herr’s day too. My sins are many, I’m afraid.” Jaden sighed, then reached over and squeezed Martha’s hand. “We have already repented before Der Herr and have decided to stay pure till we get hitched.”

  Sammy eyed Martha for confirmation. “This is true? Not that I don’t trust Jaden.”

  Martha nodded, her cheeks ablaze with color.

  “What do you think will happen as far as the leaders go?” Jaden queried.

  “My guess is the same as it was with Michael and Miriam. You will have to go to the justice of the peace. Likely tomorrow.”

  Martha gasped and Jaden’s eyes widened. “Tomorrow?” They both asked in unison.

  Sammy nodded. “Then you’ll be in the Bann for another six weeks. I’m not sure what will happen with your job.”

  Martha squeezed Jaden’s hand, proffering reassurance. “There are other jobs, ain’t not?”

  “Right.” Jaden scratched his cheek. “I’ll also need to start looking for a place of our own. We can stay with my bruder now, I know he won’t mind, but we will want to be on our own before the boppli comes.”

  Sammy nodded. “That’s a gut idea. And if you think about it, it’s not all bad. Since Martha is Silas and Paul’s schweschder, you will now be related to them. According to the new rules of the Ordnung, that opens the door of fellowship.”

  “So Der Herr truly did work this out for us.” Jaden’s smile broadened.

  “Jah, He did. All things work together for gut, for those that love Gott and are the called according to His purpose.” Sammy shook his finger at Jaden. “But that does not mean He is condoning your sin. Chust because Der Herr makes a message out of our mess, does not mean our messes are a gut thing. It chust means we have a gut Gott.”

  “Do we ever.” Jaden grinned.

  “For certain.” Sammy’s eyes connected with Jaden’s. “He who has been forgiven much, loves much. I think this applies to you, sohn. Der Herr will do many gut works through your life, if you allow Him to.”


  Tears pricked Martha’s eyes as she stood in front of the justice of the peace, holding hands with her beloved. She glanced behind them and smiled at those who had come out to celebrate their union as husband and wife. Mamm and Dat, Jaden’s bruder Josiah and his fraa Nora, her breider Silas and Paul and their fraas Kayla and Jenny, her schweschder Emily, their niece Bailey and her husband Timothy, and Jaden’s gut friend Sammy and his gross sohn Michael with his fraa Miriam. Her best friend Amy stood as her witness, as did Josiah for Jaden.

  In spite of all that had happened with the leaders, gladness filled her heart. At her age, she didn’t care for a big fancy Amish wedding. This simple Englisch wedding, surrounded by those she loved, felt absolutely perfect. Nee, it wasn’t exactly how she’d envisioned it. But Der Herr had seen fit to bless her beyond measure anyhow. He’d fulfilled the longing of her heart.

  She had everything that mattered—the sweetest husband in the whole world, whose boppli she now carried, the support of those who loved her most, and a Gott she’d begun a brand-new relationship with just yesterday. She couldn’t wait to see what the future held, but she knew that whatever transpired, Der Herr would be with them through all of it.

  And His love was more than she could ever ask for.


  As Jaden held a brand new boppli in each of his arms, he couldn’t help think of the verse he’d read and pondered over that morning. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. And Der Herr had. No matter what the devil had placed in Jaden’s path to try to trip him up, he’d clung to Der Herr and found victory.

  Not that he was never tempted or fell or had achieved perfection. Far from it. But when he did fall, Der Herr was waiting on the sidelines with open arms to help dust off his knees and get back into the race. He found that having a fraa helped greatly with temptation and the sins of his past. Der Herr had replaced his old sinful desires with new desires that brought glory to Gott.

  “Are you going to hold them all day or do I get to see our sohn and dochder?” Martha teased.

  Jaden stared down into the innocent eyes of the precious lives Gott had created through them. He still couldn’t get over Gott’s goodness to him. “Kumm, little ones, your mama wants to hold you.”

  “Their aentis and onkels will be arriving soon, so I want to hold them all I can.” His fraa smiled as Jaden reluctantly handed over their adorable bopplin.

  Thinking of aunts and uncles…needless to say, Susan and Nathaniel returning home from their mission trip to find Jaden and Martha hitched and expecting a boppli, had been nothing less than shocking.

  Equally shocking was the day Nathaniel had showed up to their men’s
fellowship. Jaden thought on it now…

  “Let’s welcome Silas and Paul’s brother Nathaniel to our group,” Sammy had said.

  They’d each shaken his hand, but Nathaniel frowned when he saw Jaden. “Is he part of this group too?”

  Sammy looked back and forth between Nathaniel and Jaden, seeming to sum up the situation. “We’re all sinners saved by grace, here. If you are not a sinner, maybe this isn’t the group for you.” Sammy’s gaze pierced Nathaniel.

  Nathaniel had acquiesced and by the end of their meeting, Jaden and Nathaniel had come to an understanding and a friendship of sorts. Now, it seemed Nathaniel hardly remembered Jaden’s past failures.

  “It’s too bad you have to go back to work tomorrow. It’s so soon.” Martha’s words yanked him from his musings and her frown propelled him toward her.

  He bent down and kissed her forehead. “The scholars need me there. You will have your schweschdern Emily and Susan here to help with whatever you need. Besides, I’ll be home by four. The life of a teacher may be demanding, but the hours are gut.”

  “Jah. I do miss it sometimes.”

  “You won’t be missing anything now that we have these bopplin, I assure you. They will keep you busy, no doubt. I just hope we can be gut teachers for these little ones.”

  “I think that as long as we point them to Jesus—the ultimate teacher—they will do fine.” She caressed the bopplin’s fine hair.

  Jaden leaned down and kissed Martha’s lips. “You’re right fraa. You are absolutely right.”


  (Continue for Author’s note!)

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Jaden and Martha’s story! Jah, it was different.


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