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Jill: A Flower Girl

Page 7

by L. T. Meade

moments of ecstasy.Some of these blissful limes were visiting her to-day. She did not mindthe rain nor her empty pocket. She was glad she had pound the flowersover that plain deal coffin. It gave her delight to think that thepauper should go down to the grave as gaily decked for the burial as hisricher brothers.

  She stepped along quickly and lightly, singing short snatches of thestreet melodies of the day. The fact of having an empty pocket did nottrouble her to-night. She had only to draw on her secret store. Shehad only to take a little, a very little, from the money put carefullyout of sight in the old stocking, and all would be well.

  It seemed only right and proper to Jill that to-day should be the day ofgifts, that she should pour her flowers over a dead man, and should givethe few pence she had earned to comfort a sick child.

  These things were only as they should be, for to-night the crowning giftof all would take place, when she put her hand in Nat's and promised towed him before the registrar in three weeks' time.

  Jill reached home at last and ran lightly up the stairs to the top ofthe house. She was in a hurry, for she wanted to take some money out ofthe stocking to buy a suitable supper for Nat. If she could, too, shewould purchase a bunch of cheap flowers to decorate the room.

  In her excitement and strong interest, she, for the first time, gave hermother the second place in her thoughts. But as she reached theroughly-painted door which was shut against her, a sudden pang of fearwent through her heart, and she paused for a moment before raising herhand to raise the knocker. Suppose her mother should be ill again, asshe was the night before! Suppose--a hot rush of colour spread all overJill's dark face.

  Nat knew nothing of these illnesses of her mother's. Nat had never seenPoll Robinson except gaily dressed, bright good-humour in her eyes,pleasant words on her lips, and a general look of comeliness radiatingfrom her still-handsome person.

  Nat had always looked at Jill's mother with admiration in his open blueeyes. Jill had loved him for these glances. Nothing had ever drawn himnearer to her than his liking for the comely, pleasant-spoken woman, whowas so dear and beloved to the girl herself. Suppose he saw Poll asPoll was sometimes to be seen! Jill clenched her well-formed brown handat the thought. She sounded a long knock at the door, and waited with afast-beating heart for the result.

  To the girl's relief a step was heard immediately within, and Poll, herface pale, her eyes heavy from long hours of suffering, opened the door.

  "Oh, mother," said Jill, with a little laugh, "oh, mother dear."

  She ran up to the woman and kissed her passionately, too relieved tofind Poll in full possession of her senses to notice the white, drawn,aged expression of her face.

  "Mother," said Jill, "here's an empty basket, and has nothing in mypocket, either."

  "You look bright enough about it, Jill," said Poll. "No flowers and nomoney! What's the meaning of this ill-luck?"

  "No, no, mother, you ain't to say the word ill-luck to-night. Thereain't no such thing, not this night leastways. I'll tell you anothertime about the flowers and about having no money. Nat's coming, mother,Nat Carter, him as I'm keeping company with. And I'm--I'm going to say`yea' to his `yea' at last, mother. That's why there shouldn't be noill-luck on a night like this."

  Jill's sparkling eyes were raised almost shyly to her mother's. She wasnot a timid girl, but in acknowledging her love for the first time asensation of shyness, new, strange, and sweet, crept over her.

  She half expected her mother to fold her in a voluminous embrace, butPoll did nothing of the kind. She stood very upright, her back to thewindow, her massive figure flung out in strong relief against thebackground of evening light. But the pale, and even woe-begoneexpression of her face was lost in shadow.

  "I must take some money out of the stocking to buy supper with," saidJill. "Susy may be coming as well as Nat, there's no saying; anyhow I'dlike to have a good supper."

  She walked across the room to the place where the bureau stood.

  "Don't, Jill," said Poll suddenly. "I thought may be you'd be coming inhungry, and I has supper."

  "You has got supper ready, mother?"

  "Yes, child, yes. Don't stare at me as if you were going to eat me. Ithought may be you'd be coming in hungry, and that the boys would wanttheir fill, and that--"

  "Mother, you didn't think as Nat were coming?"

  "How was I to tell? When gels keep company with young men there's neverno knowing when they'll make up their minds to wed 'em. Anyhow I boughtsome supper this morning, and here it be. You come and look, Jill."

  Poll took her daughter's hand with almost unnecessary force, and openinga cupboard in the wall, showed a fresh loaf of bread, a pat of butter,some radishes, a good-sized pork-pie, and a pound of uncooked sausages.

  "There's a few potatoes in a bag there," said Poll. "We'll put 'em downto boil, and set the sausages on to fry. Ain't that a good enoughsupper even for Nat, Jill?"

  "Oh, mother, it's a feast fit for a wedding," said Jill, laughing withpleasure. "And flowers, I do declare! Mother, there's no one like you.You forgets nothing."

  "Don't praise me to-night, child, I can't quite abear it," said Poll."Go and smarten yourself up for that young man of yourn, and let yourold mother cook the supper."

  Jill went into the other room, coiled her black hair freshly round herhead, took off her gaily-coloured apron, and put on in its place a whiteone trimmed with embroidery. In her hair she stuck a crimson rose, andcame back to the kitchen looking demure and sweet.

  Nat arrived in good time, accompanied by his sister, Susy. The boyscame in after their day's work, and the whole party sat down to theexcellent supper which Poll had prepared.

  The meal was nearly drawing to a close when Susy, bending forward, saidin her sharp voice to Jill--

  "Nat tells me that you and he will most likely wed one another afore thenext Bank Holiday."

  Jill coloured, glanced at Nat, who was watching her with all his heartin his eyes, and then nodded to Susy.

  "And you and he mean to take the flat under this?"

  Jill nodded again.

  "It's early days for you to speak of these things with Jill, Susy," saidher brother. "We hasn't made up all our plans yet, Jill and me."

  "Oh yes, you has, Nat. And what I say is this, that seven shillings aweek is a sight too much for you two to pay. It's beginningextravagant, and what's that but ending in ruin? Yes, I'm out-spoke,"continued Susy, raising her shrill, confident young voice, "and what Isay is, `begin small, and you'll end big!' Ain't I right, MrsRobinson?"

  "For sure, dearie," said Poll, in an absent voice. She was scarcelyattending.

  "Be you a-going to get married, Jill?" exclaimed Tom in an ecstasy."Oh, jiminy! Won't we make the cakes and ale fly round on the day ofthe wedding! My stars, I'd like to go courting myself. Will you haveme to go company with, miss?"

  He pulled his forelock and gave Susy an impudent leer as he spoke. Shedid not take the least notice of him, but continued in a tone of solemnearnestness:

  "You know, Jill, that you and Nat are goin' to take the rooms underthis. And what I say is they're too dear and too many. What do youwant with four rooms all to yourselves? You'll be both out all day, Natwith his donkey-cart, and you with your flowers."

  "May be not," interrupted Nat. "May be I can 'arn enough for both ofus."

  "Oh, no, you can't, Nat; and Jill ain't the one to let you. You'll bothbe out all day, and you can't make no use of four rooms, let alone thefurnishing on 'em. Now I ain't talking all this for nothing. You areboth set on the rooms, and it ain't no use trying to turn obstinatefolks from their own way. What I want to say is this, that I'm willingto take the best bedroom off you, ef you'll let me have it, and pay you'arf-a-crown a week for it. And Jill can let me cook my food by herfire, and use her oven when I want to. That will be a bargain as 'ullsuit us both fine, and your rent 'ull be brought down to four-and-six.What do you say, Jill? I'm looking for fresh quarters, so I must h
avemy answer soon."

  Jill looked at Nat, who rose suddenly, went up to his sister, and laidone hand suddenly on her shoulder.

  "Look you here, my gel," he said, "Jill and I can say nothing to-night.We'll give you your answer in a day or so. And now, Jill, if you'll puton your hat we'll go out a bit, and have a talk all by ourselves and fixup matters."

  "It would be a right good thing for Jill to join the Guild," said Susy."You ought to persuade her, Nat. She'd be a

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