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Redemption Series Boxed Set, Books 1-4

Page 9

by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 19


  I’d never had to pick up someone’s ashes before. My parents and Angelique were buried in a coffin in the ground with gravestones for people to visit them. I wouldn’t have that with Nora, and in a way, it pissed me off more than I ever knew it would. I took in a deep breath as I started the SUV and pulled out of the parking lot of the funeral home.

  “I can’t believe Nora did all this,” I spoke in a hasty tone.

  “Did what? Make things easy for you?”

  I glanced over at Zoey, who was staring at me through her sunglasses.

  “You think this is easy? You think I like traveling around with my sister’s ashes in the back seat? I don’t know why the hell she just couldn’t be buried next to my parents.”

  “She obviously had a reason for wanting her ashes scattered to these various places. They must have some sort of meaning.”

  “If they do, I don’t know anything about it.”

  “So do you have a plan or are we just winging it?” she asked.

  “Like I had time to plan anything,” I replied. “I guess we’re just winging it. Can you do me a favor and just be quiet? I need to think.”

  “Maybe you should have started planning yesterday after Mr. Gainsley left instead of going out and getting drunk.”

  “Are you serious right now?” I glared at her. “What I do is none of your fucking business. Got it?” I pointed my finger at her.

  “Got it, Mr. Grayson.” She put in her earbuds and stared out the passenger side window.

  Who the hell did she think she was?

  The next two hours were quiet ones. Zoey listened to her music while I drove down the highway and thought about things. The things I had to do once I got back to New York. I glanced over at Zoey from time to time. I knew how rude I was being, but I couldn’t help it. She was beautiful and she didn’t deserve to be treated the way I treated her since the first day we met. But I couldn’t let any type of feelings emerge. The man I used to be was gone, buried alive beneath the tragedies and pain I’d endured over the past few years. I was lost and Zoey seemed to be the type of woman who could find me. If I wanted to be found, I would let her. But I didn’t. Because if I was, then I’d be forced to live a life of happiness, only to have it stolen away from me at any given time.

  “Hey,” I spoke as I looked over at Zoey.

  She couldn’t hear me, so I tapped on her shoulder. Taking her earbuds out, she spoke, “What?”

  “Are you getting hungry?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Actually, I am.”

  “In another hour, we’ll be in Lone Pine, which is halfway to Lake Tahoe. We can stop and grab some lunch. Can you hold out?”

  “I can.” She smiled as she placed her earbuds back in her ears.

  Her smile was her best feature as far as I was concerned. It was genuinely sweet and each time the corners of her mouth curved upwards, it sent an unexpected warmth through me. A warmth that I had to fight off every time. We reached Lone Pine and stopped at a restaurant called The Grill. The moment we stepped inside, Zoey ran to the bathroom while the hostess sat us in a booth near the window.

  “Whew, I didn’t think I was going to make it,” she spoke as she sat down.

  “Why didn’t you say something? We could have stopped.”

  “You told me to be quiet so you could think,” she replied.

  I sighed as I picked up the menu.

  “Listen, Zoey. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together during this trip, so I think it would be in both our best interests if we tried to get along.”

  “I’m not the one with the problem, Mr. Grayson.” Her brow raised.

  “For fuck sakes. Can you please just stop with your comments? I’m trying really hard here to be nice.”

  “Then you’re going to have to try a little harder.”

  I clenched my jaw, and before I could say anything, the waitress came to our table to take our order.

  “What can I get you folks?” she asked.

  “I’ll have the cobb salad with honey mustard dressing, please,” Zoey spoke.

  “And for you, sir?”

  “I’ll have the turkey club with fries.”

  “Okie dokie. I’ll put that in for you.”

  I stared at Zoey from across the table. I was going to say something in response to her last comment, but I decided not to. She didn’t know what the hell she was talking about.

  “We should be getting to Lake Tahoe around six o’clock. We’ll find a hotel, grab some dinner, and scatter Nora’s ashes tomorrow morning. Then we’ll get on the road and head to the Grand Canyon, which is about a twelve-hour drive.”


  “I’m thinking about renting a private jet to fly us from the Grand Canyon to Seattle because it’s almost a nineteen-hour drive.”

  “Nora specifically stated that we were to drive to these places except for Hawaii.”

  “Do you really want to be stuck in a car for nineteen hours?” I asked.

  “It doesn’t bother me. I’m sure it’s a beautiful drive. And again, Nora said no planes except to Hawaii.”

  “Nora isn’t here anymore and she won’t know. The only thing that matters is that we scatter her ashes.”

  “Trust me, she’ll know.” Her brow raised.

  I sighed.

  “Don’t start with that again, Zoey. Please. I’m in no mood.”

  The waitress came with our food and set the plates down in front of us. Our lunch consisted of nothing but good food and silence. Regardless of what Zoey thought, I was renting a private jet to fly us to Seattle.

  Chapter 20


  After we finished our lunch, we climbed into the SUV and got back on the road to Lake Tahoe. Carter pulled his phone from his pocket and contacted several private jet agencies that were unable to accommodate his request from the Grand Canyon to Seattle. But he did manage to rent a plane to get us to Hawaii.

  “This is bullshit,” he shouted as he threw his phone down. “How can there not be one fucking plane available?”

  I was silently smiling inside because I knew why. Nora didn’t want us flying to Seattle and she made sure it didn’t happen.

  “The minute I get back to New York, I’m buying my own fucking plane.”

  I sat there in silence and let him rant and rave.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?” he asked as he glanced over at me with his aviator sunglasses on.

  “I’m sorry you couldn’t get a plane and I’m sorry you have to be stuck with me on this road trip. Once we scatter Nora’s ashes and get back to New York, you will never have to see me again, Mr. Grayson.”

  He glanced over at me and didn’t say a word. Several moments passed, and suddenly, he pulled off to the side of the expressway.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Before we go any further, I think we need to have a talk. I don’t feel like I’m stuck with you, so get that out of your head. I’m just frustrated. That’s all. It has nothing to do with you and I don’t want you to think that I don’t want you on this trip. I’ve been through a lot, Zoey, and now that I’ve lost my sister, it just makes life a hell of a lot worse. You were there for Nora and I appreciate it. It just makes me mad that this is what she wanted and chose not to discuss any of it with me before she died. I visit the cemetery every Sunday, and now she won’t be there for me to visit her.”

  This was the first time since I’d met him that he opened up to me and I was grateful for it. I reached over and placed my hand on top of his. I didn’t care if he wanted me to do it or not, he needed comforting.

  “Cemeteries are good places, Mr. Grayson, but you need to understand that your loved ones are around you at all times. It’s only their bodies that are underground and that’s why people think they need to visit cemeteries. They do it out of respect for their loved ones, but their spirits/souls are around you at all times. You can talk to Nora anytime you want and she’ll hear you.”r />
  “I don’t believe in any of that. I’m sorry.” He removed his hand from under mine.

  “It’s okay. I can’t make you believe anything you don’t want to. But Nora can hear you wherever you are.”

  He took in a deep breath and pulled back onto the highway.

  “Can you do me a favor and look up some hotels in Lake Tahoe?” he asked.

  “Sure.” I gave him a small smile as I pulled out my phone and noticed I had a text message from Holly.

  “Hey, how’s the road trip going?”

  “Not good. He’s still the same old Carter Grayson. Mean, arrogant, and filled with anger. So far, I can’t seem to get through to him about anything.”

  “You will eventually. Just hang in there.”

  “Thanks, Holly.”

  “Text me some pictures later when you get to Lake Tahoe.”

  “I will.”

  I pulled up local hotels around Lake Tahoe.

  “Is there a specific hotel you’re looking for?” I asked him.

  “Something that’s a five star.”

  “There’s a Hyatt Regency Resort, Spa, and Casino that’s a five star.”

  I read the description to him and he told me to call and book two rooms.

  “They only have a one bedroom cottage available for tonight,” I spoke.

  “Of course that’s all they have,” he spoke in a harsh tone. “Just hang up and call another hotel.”

  I called the other three that were five-star hotels and all of them were fully booked.

  “Now what do you want me to do?” I asked.

  “I guess we have no choice. Dial the other hotel and hand me your phone,” he spoke in an irritated manner.

  After reserving the only room available, he handed me my phone back.

  “Is this the type of problem we’re going to run into this whole goddamn trip?” he angrily spoke.

  “I think the best thing to do when we get to Lake Tahoe, is we should look up hotels for all the other places and book them tonight.”

  “We’re going to have to. Especially in Hawaii. We’ll be lucky if we don’t have to sleep on the beach,” he spoke.

  “Well, hopefully, it won’t come to that. But I’m not sure sleeping on a blanket in the sand with the roaring sound of the waves and the smell of the ocean would be so bad.” I softly smiled.

  He looked over at me, and when he saw the smile on my face, the corners of his mouth slightly curved upwards.


  The moment she placed her hand on mine, I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. A bolt of—fuck if I knew—jolted through me. There was only one other time in my life when I ever felt that. I remembered the feeling and I remembered it was many years ago, but I couldn’t remember when or where. Sharing a one-bedroom cottage with her was going to be difficult. But it was only for one night, and as soon as we got to Lake Tahoe, I would immediately book other hotels we needed during the course of our trip.

  “I need to pull off and get gas. You should try to use the restroom while we’re there,” I spoke.

  “Good idea.” She smiled.

  At the next exit, I got off and pulled into the first gas station I saw. I got out of the car and started to pump gas while Zoey went to the bathroom. As I stood there, holding the pump, I looked around, taking in the sight of the mountains. When I was finished, I couldn’t believe Zoey wasn’t back yet, so I went inside the station to look for her.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked as I found her in the candy aisle.

  “Just having a little sweet tooth at the moment.” She grinned.

  “Pick out anything you want. It’s on me. In fact, I think I’ll grab a couple things myself.”

  We both reached at the same time for the Snickers bar and our fingers lightly touched.

  “You like Snickers?” I asked as I looked at her.

  “I do. I guess you do too.”

  “It’s one of my favorites.”

  “Mine too.” She smiled.

  I grabbed the candy bar from the box and handed it to her. She graciously accepted and picked up a box of Junior Mints.

  “These used to be my mom’s—” She suddenly stopped and began to walk away.

  A feeling sank inside me. She told me that she was abandoned as a baby on the stairs of a church. In fact, her father, John, told me the same thing. What the hell was going on?

  “How could you possibly remember what your mom’s favorite candy was if you never knew your mother?” I asked.

  She swallowed hard and walked up to the cash register.

  “Zoey, answer me.”

  “Sometimes I call my dad Scott ‘Mom.’ It was hard growing up with two fathers and no mother. Sometimes, the kids at school made fun of me.”

  She was lying. I could feel it. But I was going to let it go for now. Soon enough I’d find out the truth.

  “I see. I’m sure that was hard,” I spoke.

  I pulled my wallet from my pocket and handed the cashier some cash.

  “Are you ready?” I asked her as I grabbed the bag from the counter.

  Chapter 21


  I let out a breath. He seemed to believe me. But there was one thing that Carter Grayson wasn’t, and that was stupid. I could trust him to tell him about my past, but he wasn’t ready to hear it, so it was best to keep my mouth shut, at least for now.

  Carter pulled up to the valet at the Hyatt Regency Resort & Spa. A nice young gentleman wearing square-rimmed glasses took our bags from the car and set them on the ground. Grabbing mine, I headed through the double doors that were being held open by another nice young man with a genuine smile.

  “Good day, Miss.” He tipped his hat.

  “Good day.” I smiled.

  Carter said hello and I followed him up to the reservations desk.

  “How may I help you, sir?” The cute brunette behind the desk smiled brightly.

  “Reservation for Carter Grayson.”

  “I’ll just need your driver’s license and credit card.” She grinned. “I see you’ve rented our one-bedroom cottage.”

  “Like I had a choice,” he spoke with a slight attitude. “It’s the only thing you had available.”

  “I’m sorry about that, Mr. Grayson. It’s one of our busiest times of the year. But I can promise you that you’ll love it. Our cottages are so cozy and the view of the lake is amazing. Plus, you’re only a couple of steps away from the beach.”

  “As nice as that sounds, it’s only a one-bedroom.”

  The cute brunette looked over at me in confusion.

  “We aren’t dating or anything. In fact, I don’t even think we’re friends, so he’s uncomfortable with the fact that there’s only one bed,” I spoke.

  Carter glanced at me with furrowed brows.

  “Oh,” the cute brunette spoke. “The couch is very comfortable.”

  “Just give us the keys, please,” Carter spoke to her.

  “Of course, Mr. Grayson. I’ll have Miguel, our bellhop, take your bags and show you the way. Your cottage is on the lower level, so it does feature a half bath as well.”

  “Wow. It sounds better already,” he spoke in a sarcastic tone.

  As soon as she handed him the keys, Carter walked away without as so much as a thank you.

  “I’m so sorry,” I spoke to her. “His sister just passed away and he’s having a hard time.”

  “I understand. I hope you enjoy your stay.”

  “I know I will. Him, I’m not so sure.” I gave her a small smile and followed him and Miguel, the bellhop, to cottage number three.

  As soon as we stepped inside the cottage, Miguel set our bags down and Carter handed him a tip.

  “This is so cute.” I smiled as I looked around.

  “If you say so,” Carter spoke in a rude manner. “Why did you say all that to the girl at the desk?”

  “Because she needed to know why you were being so rude. It’s not her fault they only had this one-bedroom cottage
available. In fact, you should be thankful that we even got this. Anyway, I will take the couch tonight.”

  “No. I’ll take the couch. You can have the bed. What kind of man would I be making a woman sleep on the couch?”

  The pain that radiated through my body as I bit down hard on my tongue jolted through me. Oh, the things I could have said to him. But I didn’t.

  “You paid for the room, Carter. It’s only right I take the couch and you take the bed.”

  “This discussion is over. Understand? I’m taking the couch.”

  “Suit yourself.” I put my hands up. “Wow, look at this view.” I smiled as I walked over to the window.

  Carter followed and stood next to me with his hands tucked into his pants pockets.

  “It’s nice. I can see why Nora wanted some of her ashes scattered here. Are you hungry? We can head to dinner.”

  “That sounds good.”

  We went up to the Lone Eagle Grill where Carter ordered the filet and I ordered the roasted chicken. Before our food was even ready, he had already downed two scotches compared to my one glass of wine.

  “They have a casino downstairs. How about we go check it out after dinner?”

  “I would like that, but how about you call some hotels and make reservations.” I smirked.

  “Shit. I didn’t do that yet, did I?” He pulled his phone from his pocket and began searching hotels. “We can stay inside the park at one of these horrific hotels or stay in Sedona at a nice hotel and then drive a hundred miles to the Grand Canyon.”

  “That’s about an hour and a half,” I spoke.

  “I really don’t want to drive another hour and a half, scatter her ashes, and then drive nineteen hours to Seattle. Fuck!”

  “I’ll drive to the Grand Canyon,” I spoke.

  He glanced up from his phone and shot me a look of disapproval. The waitress came over and set our plates down in front of us.

  “Enjoy your dinner.” She smiled. “May I get you another drink, sir?”

  “Yes, please,” Carter spoke.

  “If we scatter Nora’s ashes here tomorrow morning around eight, we can be on the road by nine,” I spoke.


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