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Harem Emperor: Book 1: Rise of the Dragon King

Page 19

by DragonTreasures

  “Heh, fine, don’t answer me, but don’t expect your daughter to have an easy night, silly old man. Letting me go just because your daughter loves me. What’s next? You’re going to have sex with a goat!”

  “Five seconds,” Seiryo summoned a second sword, walking towards Granite. “It will take me four seconds to kill you, and one second to kill my daughter. Keep talking and you’ll be seeing twenty of me.”

  “Hmph, you’re an old fool. I’m two hundred years younger than you. You’re going to die and the world is going to end! Protecting humans secretly for 1000 years! These little bugs should know the truth! Your only kept alive because he likes to bang human women! Jajajajaja!”

  Granite began floating upwards causing Seiryo to retract his sword. Even if he wanted to kill his daughter’s lover, he could tell Kansuke had merely two seconds left before his heart fully collapsed and carried his soul to another world. Dropping onto his knees, he turned around as five strange figures appeared out of his body, activating a Celestial Class Stored Skill called Angel Wish to begin restricting Kansuke’s organs.

  The two normally fierce black orbs on Kansuke’s bodies shuttered as a lifeless look stared up at Morine Masu as her large chest bounced towards his location. She still had blood on her eyes, and only saw part of Kansuke, however had no clue as to what had just occurred.

  Because Granite and Seiryo were leagues above all Gene Elementalists in the building, except Natsumi, only perhaps four to five people grasped the overall content of their dialog. However, for people like Morine Masu, below the Sovereign Stage, they only saw a few blurs before six people died in a single breath.

  However, those tendrils from Shoso’s Gene Element had pierced into Kansuke’s heart, contaminating the air of hope with the stench of his blood. A large billow of red dust floated upwards out of his chest as those five strange lights began casting perfect fire to restructure his ruptured heart and core.

  Frankly, if Seiryo had decided to stay home, and not watch the First Azure Provisional Torunament, Kansuke would’ve been unleashed into the after life. Not wanting to plague the angels with his son’s impetuous dick, he bent over and pushed away his hair, watching his eyes light up once again.

  Granting a slight kiss on his forehead, that strange man turned around and stopped Masu as she jumped into his arms. Feeling herself stuck in mid-air, she gulped before Seiryo laughed and poked the two wiggling forms shaking on her chest.

  “This is your fault.” Seiryo said, picking up her chin and staring into her golden eyes. “If you weren’t so hot, I wouldn’t have just started a war.”

  “I don’t care! Is Kansuke okay?” Masu responded, flailing her legs in the air, “He can’t die! To many women love his cock for him to vanish from this earth!”

  “Heh, he’s fine. He’s going to have more kids than trees on this earth. However, if you make me protect you again Kansuke! I’m going to kick you to the moon and back!”

  “Who are you?” Kansuke suddenly opened his eyes, and felt a strange hand squeezing his heart, helping it return to the breadth of its normal cyclic rhythm. “I don’t know why you protected me, but can you at least put on some clothes?”

  “Hahahahaha! This old geezer couldn’t find any clothes with your mom on his cock! Shut up and get off the floor! You owe me a hug, little tiger!”

  “I don’t know you,” Kansuke sighed, “However, since you saved me, I’ll hug you once you put on some clothes. I’m not gay, old man, and it’s too close to my face.”

  “Oh,” Seiryo rubbed his sons hair, in disbelief he forgot to get dressed. “Heh, someone give me some clothes! Hurry up before I kill you all!”


  Natsumi instantly appeared by Seiryo’s side and granted his request. Drops of sweat fell off his head as he looked at Kansuke and then back up at Sieryo before dropping his head. A second later, Seiryo became dressed in those silk blue robes, before holding out his hands akimbo and waiting for Kansuke to get off his ass.

  “Fine, I’ll hug you for three seconds, but don’t get any funny ideas old man!”

  “Mother’s boy…” Seiryo replied, his happiness pouring out of the corners of his handsome countenance. “I have to go away for a while, so I wanted to come watch your match! Didn’t think I’d have to bat an eye on your behalf!”


  Two massive arms wrapped around Kansuke’s slender form before his spine nearly broke in half. Celestial Fire Dragon’s, especially father’s, loved their children above even the countless pussy that roamed the earth! Knowing he’d have to leave First Azure Province to try and save his daughter, he squeezed so hard Kansuke nearly split in half.

  At the same time, Morine Masu felt herself floating towards Kansuke, her large melon tits crashing into his face before she also latched around the two men in the middle of the arena.

  Morine Haru soon jumped down as this meet and greet occurred, taking a knee in front of Sieryo before pulling out a large bag of Gene Weapon Treasures. Even though he figured Sieryo was a Celestial Fire Dragon, the Gene Association secretly wished to connect with their hidden counterparts.

  Sieryo saw the generosity and let go of his son, causing Morine Masu to fall onto the grass as he turned around. He merely picked up the weapons bag with the Weapon’s Burough logo before tossing it onto the dirt filled ground.

  “I don’t need your stupid technology. I’ll crush those bastards without breaking a nail!”

  “It’s because you saved my daughter. Please accept it?” Haru had never felt so small in his life. “You saved my daughter while I froze. If you don’t take it, how will I bang my wife at night?”

  “Stop it! I’m never helping you humans. I have a crush on this little Kansuke here. He smells like one of my own.” Sieryo winked and wiped away Kansuke’s hair, giving him one last fatherly kiss on the forehead.

  The next moment, Sieryo disappeared like a flash of light, leaving Kansuke wiping off his head as he stared at the three girls running towards him.

  “Ew, he didn’t have to keep kissing me head. He’s acting like we’re related or something.” Kansuke had been too young to remember his father’s appearance, let alone his human form’s charming muscular features. He suddenly looked down at Natsumi who was still uncertain if he should move or not.

  “Now, I won the tournament right? Where’s your granddaughter, and why isn’t she on her knees yet?”

  Chapter 49: Final Prize

  “Tanabe Yutsuko! Stop being so embarrassed and bring the reward out!” Natsumi through away his face, shaking in fear from the preternatural events that had just occurred. “She’s scared of going out in public. You’re really going to enjoy my grand daughter.”

  “I hope so,” Kansuke said, getting off his knees. “However, do you know who that old man was? He smelled familiar, but I can’t put my name on it?” Kansuke looked at Masu, Haru, and Natsumi curiously wondering if they knew anything he didn’t.

  At this time, Bloom’s blue haired beauty charged directly into Kansuke as he waited for an answer. Being stolen off the ground by those two bulging boobs under her dripping wet shirt, she immediately bit his lips hard as tears poured off her sullen face.

  “What happened to the hole? Where did the hole on your chest go?” She poked with her fingers, wiping the tears away from her face. “and is your little dragon okay, too? Don’t tell me you’re a eunich now?”

  “Stop! Ow!” Kansuke grimaced, grabbing her dainty pale hand away from prodding at his heart. “I had a hole there a second ago! Now, are you guys going to answer me about who that man was?”

  “You really don’t know?” Morine Masu leaned down, feeling Kansuke’s chest. “He clearly wasn’t human? Also, you still haven’t told the Gene Association what happened when you were on the beach for vacation.”

  “I… I don’t remember. I got drunk and woke up on the shore,” Kansuke’s memory knew his origins as a Celestial Fire Dragon, but he’d be stupid to tell Masu that! “Perhaps me and tha
t dragon got drunk and shared a few beauties together?”

  “Ugh, just be glad you’re alive,” Bloom said, “Now, where is it? Where’s your big cock?”

  “Is it gone? Oh no! What happened to it?!” Bloom struggled to get through his belt, causing the entire audience to gasp in shock. A few of the mothers covered their children’s pure eyes, hoping to hide their innocence from this girls brazen behavior.

  However, Masu soon went further and pulled down the zipper on his pants. All this time, her father stood next to her too scared to move a muscle! That definitely was a Celestial Fire Dragon, and he definitely wanted to protect Kansuke! Seeking a safe haven from his insanity, he stumbled away towards the large exit to main street, as the two girls began fighting over his cock.

  As for the rest of the audience, they all were too frightened to stick around. Only a few truly perverted individuals staunchly remained in their seats before Natsumi gave them the death glare, killing intent raging from his eyes.

  At this moment, his little princess, the grand daughter he spoiled, came out of the same hallway from which Haru had tripped. A short skirt narrowly revealing her butt cheeks as the wind gently touched against her exposed pussy.

  “I-m… I’m a virgin!” Yutsuko said, bowing in front of Kansuke. “Please be nice to me, and don’t hurt me!”

  Her large boobs bulged against her buttons, nearly popping them off her shirt, as her short checkered skirt revealed her pussy to Kansuke’s eyes. At this time, Kansuke merely stood up and nudged away Bloom and Masu, telling them he and this girl had a special ‘date’.

  “Your going to enjoy it. Tell her girls how good this dragon feels in your cunts.”

  “He’s right,” Bloom smiled cheerily, rubbing her hands against her breasts. “However, are these your real boobs! Why are they so gigantic.”

  “They… they get bigger when I’m nervous. Are they okay for you Kansuke?” She just met him and she already had to give her vagina to him! Why did her father promise Kansuke such a provoking request, and why did her body feel so hot?

  “I think they’re the perfect size. Excuse me, but you have to bend over or I can’t bang you.”

  “Oh, oh right. Sorry… I’m new to this!” Yutsuko ushered up her skirt, revealing her pretty pink pussy to the world. Sitting back onto the tournament stage, full off broken tiles and blood, she soon felt two heads begin catering to the wet hole in her body.

  “You can leave now, Natsumi. I’ll give you back your grand daughter in an hour.” Kansuke patted his chest as Masu and Bloom began licking her pussy. “I promise I’ll only cum in her if I enjoy her body. However, you still didn’t answer who that old man was.”

  “He-… He was a Celestial Fire Dragon. However, make sure she’s back before night time or I’ll kick your ass!”

  “It’s only 3 pm. Are you really threatening me with that?” Kansuke laughed, looking at her chest heaving with two heads dancing in between her pearly thighs. “I guess I owe that old man a thank you. However, I don’t think you want to watch this moment. I’m sure your granddaughter is going to enjoy it.”

  “She’s… she’s ALL YOURS!” Natsumi couldn’t believe his actions! Once he took Kansuke to Twelve District he’d make sure to beat his ass so hard his face fell off! However, right now, he still saw two scarlet red eyes provoking his heart to burst.

  That Celestial Fire Dragon seemed like a harbinger of terror. If he wanted to protect Kansuke from the heavens, they’d most likely listen diligently to his most miniscule request!

  “Good, she’ll thank you when she’s moaning.” Kansuke’s inglorious smile rose up on his saliva covered lips. “Thanks, you can leave now.”

  Kansuke walked up to that checkered skirt, fluttering in the wind, as his large dragon appeared out of his pants. The girl gulped wondering how such a terrifying rod could fit into her tiny cunt. However, soon, she began moaning as three tongues flared against her clit and opening.

  “Oh~~~ I’m sorry grandfather~ but it feels so good!”

  “I should’ve been a slut earlier! Oh, Kansuke! Put it in my tight little body!”


  Natsumi burst off towards Twelve District, hovering off the ground, as he crunched his fists so hard blood spilled out of his hands. “I don’t believe it! He’s actually banging my grand daughter! The prince is going to be so furious!”

  Natsumi had presented his daughter as one of the twelve possible harem members for the Governors son’s harem. When he got back to Twelve District, the amount of explanations he’d have to cogently demonstrate would be ridiculous!

  First, no one in the entire Association would believe a Celestial Fire Dragon actually helped a level 26 Gene Elementalist like Kansuke! Managing to look at the camera broken in two in his pocket, he couldn’t help but sigh at that subtle pat he received as Seiryo burst into the sky.

  Seiryo had gone out of his way to shoot out small scorch seeds to pierce away all phones that were currently recording in the audience! Even he, a level 88 Gene Elementalist, could barely move his hand to try and deflect that bullet before two fierce eyes glanced at his heart.

  He seemed to be saying, “tell anyone I’m connected to Kansuke and I’ll rip of your head!” Throwing away his camera into the Sealed Territories below, he spotted a legion of dead creatures, and two massive forms still fighting in the distance.

  His mouth opened up, releasing a few more words, before he angrily sped off towards the twelve District.

  “You guys in First Azure Province are in for a wild ride. It looks like one of these bad boys is about to win!”

  *ugh~~~~ ugh~~~~*

  Natsumi ignored his granddaughters moans before he turned into a quick bullet traveling into the dangerous lands of monster and fiends. However, for the next hour, even at 200 miles an hour, he couldn’t help but hear Yutsuko’s niave voice.

  “Oh, Kansuke~~~ I finally feel alive! Please make me cum more! Please~~~~”

  “You’re such a bad granddaughter.” Kansuke unbuttoned her white shirt, sending a button flying towards the audience. “Because of you, no one remained in the stadium? Aren’t you ashamed you’re such a slut?”

  “No! For you I’ll do anything!” Juices splashed towards Michi’s and Bloom’s face. “I’ll even let you suck my tits… Do you want to?”

  Kansuke laughed, shaking his head as his dick rushed in and out of her body. “Silly girl, I already took your virginity, and you’re nervous about me sucking your tits!”

  “You… you also haven’t kissed me.” Yutsuko wrapped her pale legs around his head, shaking her red hair to get it out of his face. “This is so backwards! I didn’t even kiss you and you’re already… already… agh!!!”


  Kansuke bit down on her tits before slowly kissing his way up to her face. Noticing the two girl sucking on his balls, he grabbed Bloom by her Blue hair before shoving her towards her lips.

  “Here… Kiss her as I cum on her face. I don’t want to ruin her first time!”

  “Ugh… I’m going to cum! Do it! Do it!” Yutsuko bit her lips before Kansuke’s cock flaired out of her body. Bloom cheekily kissed her before winking at Kansuke as a splattering of juice fired towards her.

  Yutsuko wiped away the stream of fluid before Kansuke wiped away the spray from her red eyes and dipped back into her body. After a few more minutes, she’d cum so many times she looked like a fish out of water, shivering with countless streams of cum all over her face, and inside her body.

  “I’ll kiss you the next time I see you.” Kansuke helped her pull up her underwear. “If you ever need me, I’ll be at 113 East Street.”

  “Ugh, you’re too much, Kansuke.” Masu complained, smacking him on the chest. “I was your prize ,but you take Natsumi’s granddaughter instead! When are you going to let me be in your harem!”

  “Never, you’re only a side dish,” Kansuke patted her on the head. “However, perhaps when I’m able to beat you in a fight, I’ll consider letting you join

  “Heh, he’s scared of you!” Bloom blushed, embarrassed that she’d almost done the deed in public. “However, let’s go home! I heard you got something in the mail from Twelfth District!”


  Dear Readers!

  Thank you for reading Celestial Dragon King, Harem Emperor. As like many new indie Authors, we all desperately require reviews from kind hearted folks, so if you have a few minutes please leave a review on

  I'm already working on the second book for the series, and can't wait to share Kansuke's awesome journey with you.

  Hope you enjoyed it, and have it in your kind heart to compell some new readers into sharing in this universe.

  Here is a link to the page,, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For reading, and any support.





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