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For the Kingdom of Dragons

Page 16

by Julie Wetzel

  Things clicked into place, and Angela stopped to stare at him with an open mouth. “You’re going to use her as bait?” Could he really be so despicable?

  Kyle turned to face her. “If Daniel can’t find out who’s pulling Eugene’s strings, then yes,” he admitted. Pausing to take a deep breath, he let it out before continuing. “I know it’s cruel, but I will do whatever it takes to put an end to this before more people die.”

  “Including sacrificing your sister?”

  “It won’t come to that,” Kyle said sternly.

  Angela stared for a long moment processing his mood. Anger and determination rolled off him in waves. This was a hard decision for him. She let out a deep sigh and turned to go down the narrow stairs. “She’s going to be pissed.” The warm sound of Kyle’s chuckle sounded behind her.

  “That she is,” he agreed and started down the steps behind her. “But, I have no doubt she’ll forgive me.”

  Angela raised an eyebrow and shot him a doubtful look that earned her a sardonic laugh.

  “Eventually,” he added.

  If Kyle’s sister had anything in common with Angela, the ass-chewing he would get would be epic. Angela turned her attention back to the narrow stairway and carefully picked her way over the aged stones. Her mind turned Kyle’s plot over picking out several very large holes in his plan. “What are you going to do about Eugene?” she asked when she got to the bottom of the stairs. She turned to consider Kyle as she spoke. “Won’t someone notice his absence?”

  The corner of Kyle’s mouth curled as his eyes narrowed. “Daniel’s handling that.”

  A chill ran up Angela’s spine at the tone in Kyle’s voice. She had no idea what they had planned but knew it couldn’t be good. “What about your kingdom?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “Carissa is more than capable of handling it.”

  Angela bit her lip trying to put her worries into words. Without his throne, Kyle would no longer be the king. “But where does that leave you?”

  A mischievous glint shimmered in Kyle’s eyes. “Free for other things?”

  Heat rose in Angela’s cheeks. “Like what?” she asked. Her dragon swirled inside her, giving her an idea as to what it would like him to do.

  Reaching out, he took her hand and raised it up between them. “It’s been a long time since I’ve actively pursued anyone. I think it’s high time I changed that.” Lifting her hand, he pressed a soft kiss to the back. Desire lit his eyes.

  Angela’s toes curled in delight as her heart skipped a beat. The heat in his eyes warmed her blood. Desire pushed her breath from her. “Wow,” she whispered, reveling in the unfamiliar sensation.

  Reaching out, Kyle wrapped his arm around her. “Welcome to the wonderful world of dragon hormones.” He pulled her in against his body.

  Angela drew in a deeper breath as her nerve endings fired, making her skin tingle everywhere he touched her.

  “They can be amazing things if you don’t fight them,” he added. Leaning forward, he aimed a kiss towards her lips.

  Unable to resist the draw, she lifted her face and met him halfway. Desire danced through her, making her want more, but he pulled away without deepening the kiss.

  “Wow,” she exclaimed again, digging her fingers into Kyle’s chest to try to stabilize her world.

  “My thought exactly,” he whispered, giving her another light kiss.

  Leaning into it, Angela tried to deepen the kiss, but he retreated again, frustrating her.

  “But there will be time for this later,” he said, giving her another teasing kiss.

  “Yeah,” she growled in irritation. “But I don’t want to wait for later.” Pushing up to her toes, she pressed a powerful kiss on his mouth that he couldn’t back away from. Somewhere in their conversation, the apprehension that had been holding her back had drained away. She hadn’t come into this relationship in a normal way, but she was done with letting circumstance drive her to react. It was time to take action and own her situation. Right now. The rest of life could wait for later.


  “Good evening, Your Majesty.”

  The familiar voice tore Carissa away from Michael’s conversation with some random dignitary there to wish her the best in her new role. Twisting around, her eyes welled with tears at the sight of her adopted brother. “Patrick,” she mouthed soundlessly. He made it. She bit her lip, unable to share the joy she was feeling at his presence. Over the last two days, the emotions of her brother’s funeral and her coronation had burned through most of her magic, leaving her unable to hold the spell that allowed her to use someone else’s voice for more than a few minutes.

  Forgetting the conversation she’d been listening to, she went to her only living relative and threw her arms around his neck. To hell with anyone who thought her outburst was undignified. Kyle’s death hung heavy on her heart and seeing Patrick gave her hope. She wasn’t alone in her loss. Patrick had lost the closest thing to a brother he had ever known.

  “It’s good to see you, Carissa,” he said, rolling her into a deep hug. “My condolences on your loss and congratulations on your ascension, your highness.”

  Carissa stepped out of Patrick’s hold. She gripped his arm hard and shook her head, refusing her new title. He was family and she wouldn’t accept his recognition. Kyle had insisted they remain on familiar terms, and she would have nothing else. Had Patrick truly been blood, she would have gladly given him the throne in her stead. She implored him with her eyes to understand her meaning.

  Patrick lowered his head and smiled. “Of course, my sister.”

  Carissa released the tight hold she had on his arm and let out a relieved sigh. He understood. She met his eyes and wished she didn’t have to borrow someone else’s voice. There was so much she had to tell him, but that would have to wait until she had rested.


  Carissa turned to greet Michael as he came up to stand next to her. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight. With her free hand, she touched her chest and waved at Patrick before gesturing back to Michael.

  Michael nodded his understanding and turned to face Patrick. “Hello,” he said, holding out his free hand. “I’m Michael Duncan, Carissa’s husband and mate.”

  Biting her lip, Carissa watched as Patrick’s eyes jumped to the gold in Michael’s white hair. Although they had invited Patrick and Kathryn to their wedding, her adopted brother hadn’t been able to make it. This was the first time the pair had met. Would Patrick approve of Michael?

  “I guess that would make you the crowned prince,” Patrick said, taking the taller man’s hand. “Congratulation, I’m Patrick Markel.”

  Carissa glanced at Michael and smiled when Patrick’s name sunk in, making Michael freeze.

  “Markel?” he said in a curious voice. He raised an eyebrow and gave Carissa a questioning look.

  Her smile widened and she nodded. She watched the wheels behind Michael’s eyes turn. They weren’t telepathically connected like some bonded pairs, but their unique situation had given them an understanding of each other. Markel wasn’t a very common name. She could see him making the connection. “My brother,” she mouthed.

  Michael’s head snapped back to meet Patrick’s smiling face.

  “Adopted brother,” Patrick corrected.

  Michael squeezed Patrick’s hand a little tighter before releasing it. “I didn’t know Carissa had any other family.” He stepped closer to Carissa and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders.

  Usually, Michael let her stand on her own due to her position, but it was charming when his protective side flared. Carissa leaned into his side and waited to see how things would play out.

  Understanding flashed in Patrick’s eyes and he nodded his head. “It’s sad that I missed your nuptials, but my wife had taken ill and wasn’t able to make the trip. I do hope you enjoyed the gift we sent in our stead.” He turned a questioning gaze to Carissa. “You did receive it, yes?”

chael’s fingers tightened on her arm. Carissa rubbed her hand over his to soothe him. She nodded to Patrick. She’d been shocked when Kyle had delivered the antique baby cradle Patrick had sent. She wasn’t sure how old the thing was, but the dragons carved in the polished wood spoke of ages past. The beautiful craftsmanship had weathered the test of time very well.

  “Good,” Patrick said, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I do hope to hear you’ve put it to good use very soon.”

  Michael shot her a questioning look.

  She shook her head and motioned for him to leave the subject alone for now. She hadn’t shown him the cradle and wasn’t ready to talk about a family at the moment. But, then again, she was now the last of her line and the throne would need an heir. She drew in a melancholy breath and let it out. She didn’t want to start planning a family so close to the death of her brother. Changing the subject, she looked back to Patrick. “Where’s Kathryn?” she mouthed.

  “She couldn’t make it,” he said in a regretful tone. “There’s so much going on right now that she didn’t feel comfortable coming out, but she sends her best regards and insists that I invite you out for a visit when things have settled down.”

  Carissa let her head cock to the side to show her amusement. Although Kathryn was technically part of the royal family, she enjoyed the quiet of her simple life and tended to avoid high profile functions. Carissa understood and wished she had that luxury at times. Still, she was disappointed that Kathryn chose to skip out on Kyle’s funeral. No matter how little time they actually spent together, they were still family. She should be here to support Carissa. Taking a steadying breath, Carissa let go of the pain of her disappointment and nodded her head in agreement. It had been several years since she and Kyle had been out to visit. A trip to Dunham was sadly overdue. Without Kyle. The thought made Carissa’s breath catch, and she swallowed back the pain before her eyes could tear up again.

  “Promise me.”

  The serious tone of Patrick’s voice grabbed Carissa’s attention away from her grief and she met his gaze. There was something intense in his eyes that she didn’t understand, but it disturbed her. She caught his hand and nodded her head again.

  “As soon as things are settled here,” he said squeezing her hand. His voice dropped to a whisper. “Alone. No guards, no escorts,” his eyes jumped to Michael and back. “Just family.”

  Carissa bent her head to the side and let her brow furrow in question, but Patrick didn’t explain. He just held her hand tightly. After a moment she pointed at Michael with her eyes and looked back at her adopted brother.

  Patrick’s lips thinned, but he nodded.

  “I promise,” Carissa mouthed. Something in Patrick’s tone added weight to his request.

  “You and him,” Patrick reaffirmed. He shot Michael a pointed look. “As soon as things are settled.” His eyes came back to Carissa, and he squeezed her hand to emphasize his words. “And tell no one.”

  Carissa’s spine straightened and she nodded again. Something was up.

  Patrick leaned closer and dropped his voice even lower. “Swear on our brother’s empty grave.”

  Carissa jerked back as if he slapped her. How could he say such a thing? She stared at her stepbrother but could see no remorse in his eyes. Carissa knew she was good a reading people’s emotions, but nothing about Patrick showed grief, just the intense drive to get her solemn oath. What the hell was going on? “I swear it,” she mouthed.

  Standing up, Patrick shot her a pleased smile. “Very good.”

  The sudden change in Patrick’s demeanor shocked Carissa. She blinked, unable to believe what just happened.

  “Then if you’ll excuse me,” he said, bowing over her hand, “I’ll take my leave now.” He stood up and released her as if nothing had happened. “You have others awaiting your attention. Have a pleasant night, your highness.” He nodded his farewell to Michael and retreated before Carissa could react.

  When Patrick’s words and actions finally broke through her shock, she took a step forward to call him back and explain himself but stopped. She glanced around at the elegant crowd awaiting her attention. She was being watched. This was not the time or place for that conversation. She let out a breath and watched as Patrick made his way through the crowd towards the door.

  “What was that?” Michael asked. His hand ran down Carissa’s back in a comforting way.

  Carissa shook her head and let Michael’s presence soothe her. She had no idea what had gotten into Patrick, but his actions had shaken her out of her grief. Something was up, but she didn’t have time to deal with it now. She turned her attention back to the gathering and looked around. This was supposed to be a solemn occasion, but she just couldn’t shake Patrick’s words. “Swear by our brother’s empty grave.” How could he take Kyle’s death so lightly? No matter how she tried, she couldn’t figure it out. There was only one thing she could do. Once the coronation was over and Eternity was put in order, she would be making a trip out to see Patrick. And, one way or another, he would explain himself.


  Acknowledgements. This is the part of the book that takes me the longest to write. Not because I don’t have a lot of people to thank. I do. And I’ve thanked them. Over and over in every book I’ve done.

  No. Acknowledgements are the hardest part for me to write because it’s my time to talk to you. The readers. And what do I have to say? What pearls of wisdom do I have to share that will make your lives better? What apologies or excuses do I make for the length of time it’s taken to get this book out?

  I’ve written on this for over an hour and still don’t have answers to those questions. I don’t have any apologies or excuses for the delay on all of my writing. Things came up. I dealt with them. Good art is not something you can rush.

  As for pearls of wisdom, I’m not sure I’m qualified to give any. I’m just some random chick, sitting in her kitchen in pajamas. My husband is teasing me by making clicking noises and my coffee is getting cold. None of that screams wise. The best piece of acumen I can come up with is “If you’re baked, don’t bake.” And no, I’m not baked, although I had a friend who had her oven set on fire by a lovely, young lady that was higher than a kite. Moral of the story, don’t do drugs, but if you do, order out and have it delivered.

  I think that’s enough rambling for now. As to the people I need to thank. First off is my husband. Teasing and distracting aside, he helps me get through the hard times. My son for knowing not to touch mommy’s special pencils and notebooks, my mother and Aunt Laura for alpha reading for me, all my beta readers, CTP for publishing me, the dynamic trio (as my husband calls them) for listening to me when I need help, Ethan G. for everything he does, my readers for sticking with me through all these books, and Jackie at Hobbytown for understanding I need 12 weeks off in a year for book events. I love you guys.

  About the Author

  Originally from Ohio, Julie always dreamed of a job in science. Either shooting for the stars or delving into the mysteries of volcanoes. But, life never leads where you expect. In 2007, she moved to Mississippi to be with her significant other.

  Now a mother of a hyperactive red headed boy, what time she’s not chasing down dirty socks and unsticking toys from the ceiling is spent crafting worlds readers can get lost in. Julie is a self-proclaimed bibliophile and lover of big words. She likes hiking, frogs, interesting earrings, and a plethora of other fun things.

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  If you enjoyed For the Kingdom of Dragons, we recommend you read Julie's other series: Kindling Flames. Enjoy the first chapter of Kindling Flames (Gathering Tinder) now!

  * * *

  * * *

  Rupert surveyed the carnage, while the screams of approaching sir
ens split the air. Flames licked at the night sky as they consumed the once beautiful home. Stepping back into the shadows of the neighboring houses, he watched as the fire truck roared up and spilled out first responders to quench the raging inferno. The light of the fire glistened off the bloody mess on the lawn that had once been his friend.

  Turning from the chaos, Rupert slipped into the night, trying to wrap his mind around events. It had been nearly a month since the first of his people went missing. It took two days to determine that the bloody chunks strewn across the lawn of the first unexplained fire had been the missing man. The body had only been identified by the cell phone and wallet found in the mix. The police concluded that he came over to help his neighbor and was caught up in whatever had flash-burnt the home. Rupert had called for patrols of the surrounding area in an attempt to find what was responsible for the death. Now, a second fire had broken out, and another of his was dead. But how? He hadn’t been away from Brian for very long. What could reduce a body to fist-sized bits in a matter of minutes?

  A tawny wolf appeared out of the darkness to rub against his leg. Rupert scrubbed his fingers into the scruff at the back of the wolf’s neck. “They will pay,” he promised. Whoever had done this would pay dearly. Rupert’s mind turned on the possibilities. There was no way a human could have killed like that, but what could? A rampant werewolf? A crazed wolf could have caused that degree of destruction, but it would have taken much longer than the few minutes allotted. A vampire? They had the strength and speed, but how had they gotten the fire to engulf the home so quickly? The fay? There were certainly possibilities there.


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