Book Read Free

Discovering Danielle

Page 8

by L M Terry

  Chapter Eight



  “How are things going with your friend?” Liam asks over the phone.

  “Good, she is all moved in. She is enjoying my skills tremendously,” I say as I sprinkle cheese over the omelet I am making for Dani.

  “Are you bringing her with you to the cabin for the fourth of July bash?”



  “Yes, why does that surprise you?”

  “Because you have never once introduced a woman to any of us.”

  “Well, tis the season for firsts.” I whistle a happy tune as I continue making breakfast for my girl.

  “Don’t forget we are celebrating Sophia’s birthday. It’s a little late but the only time we could get everyone together.”

  “How is Anna doing by the way? Are they going to stop at number three?”

  “You’ll have to ask them. Dylan wants a baseball team, so I doubt it,” he says chuckling.

  “So, any baby in the works for you and Addy?”

  “No, Addy is focused on her career right now. Maybe after she finishes her residency but, we are in no hurry. Besides Sophia and Noah keep us all busy. I didn’t know how much work kids were.” He pauses before continuing. “I’m glad you finally decided to communicate with us again, Anthony.”

  “Yeah, well I was busy that’s all,” I tell him.

  “And you’re not now?”

  “I’m a different sort of busy let’s put it that way.”

  “Yeah, I bet. My dad has told me all about it. You sure you know what you’re doing with this girl?”

  “Absolutely,” I say dropping a rose in the vase I placed on the breakfast tray.

  He snorts on the other end. I hear Addy in the background, “Let me talk to him. Please, please, please.”

  I laugh, oh Addy, I have missed her. “Hey, darlin.”

  “Anthony, oh my gosh, it’s good to hear your voice. I’m so pissed at you. Remember when you wanted me in Mexico and now I’ve been here for four years and where the hell have you been?”

  “I see Liam’s potty mouth has rubbed off on you.”

  “Hmph. So, I hear you are coming to Colorado with us?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “You better. We were just about to set up an intervention.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Why doesn’t anyone believe that I was just busy.”

  “Because we know you that’s why. And we love you.”

  “Love you too doll but hey, I got to go. I promise I’ll see you in a few weeks.”

  “Wait! You aren’t going to tell me about her are you?”

  “You will meet her when we get to the cabin.”

  “Really? Yay!”

  I laugh. I love Addy. She holds the enthusiasm of a child but the wisdom of the old.

  “Yes, really. Love you, Addy, tell everyone hi for me and give those little tots hugs and kisses from Uncle Tony.”

  “Will do. Love you, see ya soon.”

  I let out a long breath. This has been a long time coming. I had all but cut off communication with my friends. The ache their happiness invoked in me was just too much to bear. Everyone is so happy in their relationships. Not that I need that, I don’t. But, it will be nice to have Dani with me when we all meet up next month. She will keep me distracted from whatever that ache is all about.

  “Wake up sleepy head,” I sing song over her, enjoying the site of her in my bed.

  Green eyes open slightly peeking out at me before her arm drapes over her face blocking the spectacular view. She groans.

  “What is it princess? You slept like the dead. You should be well rested.” I say plopping down beside her tugging her arm down.

  She tries to roll away from me, but I place my arm to the side of her to stop her retreat, pinning her under me. “I can’t take you, Anthony. You are too much, too much.” She says closing her eyes tightly, rolling her head back and forth.

  “Oh, I see what this is. You are embarrassed of the reaction you had to my epic massage skills last night.” I tap the end of her nose lightly. She groans again. “You better work through this fast, Dani, because this is just the beginning. Soon you will be screaming my name instead of God’s. We are just getting started. There is more, so much more I am going to show you.”

  She peeks one emerald eye open and then turns to look at the tray I brought in before turning back to finally meet my gaze.

  “Now that wasn’t so bad was it? Am I that ugly in the morning?” I ask teasingly.

  “Shut. Up. Is that for me?” She nods towards the tray.

  “Yep, eat up we have a busy day ahead.”

  She eyes me suspiciously but sits up grabbing quickly at the blanket to draw it up over her exposed breasts.

  I lick my lips, my eyes roaming over her. Absolutely, delicious she is. The post orgasm, sleepy look definitely suits her. “Here you go.” I pat her head and then head to shower leaving her staring after me. I know she wants to see more of me, especially since she has been at a disadvantage, I have seen every delectable part of her. She will, all in good time.

  When I get out of the shower she is gone, and the bed is made. I find her sitting cross legged in front of the windows in the living room staring at the ocean. “The bathroom is all yours.” She turns to look at me and I see she is twirling the rose I placed on her tray through her fingers.

  “Thank you, this is just so spectacular,” she says swiveling back to enjoy her morning view.

  “Dress is something comfy. Like yoga pants, t-shirt and sneakers today,” I tell her as I pour myself a second cup of coffee.

  She turns back and then stands abruptly. “You’re out of the suit!”

  I laugh. “Yes, I do own other things. Believe me I tried to wear a suit in my more adventurous pursuits but sometimes you just have to settle for sweats or jeans.”

  She places the rose back in the vase now sitting on the counter and then lets her eyes roam over me once more before making her way to the bedroom. She stops abruptly. “Wait, where are we going?” She eyes me shiftily.

  “I have another spectacular view to show you. Chop, chop we will be late,” I say shooing her along.

  “You are impossible,” she grumbles on her way out.

  After an hour or so of coaxing I finally get her to the car. “Tell, me about your dad.”

  She glances nervously out the window. “Seriously, Anthony, just tell me where we are going.”

  “Will that change anything? We are going regardless. Just sit back and enjoy the view. Now, I want to hear about your dad. What was he like? What did you two enjoy doing together? Things like that. Spill it.”

  “I gue….” She throws me a dirty look catching herself on the guessing thing she always does. “We liked to paint together. He is the one who taught me everything I know. We would load up on the weekends and drive around until he found something he wanted to paint and then we would set up there. Sometimes it would be as simple as an abandoned farmhouse. He loved to paint things that nature was trying to steal back. Then after a few hours we would take a break and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It was fun, I miss those days,” she drifts off sadly.

  “Sounds nice. My parents died when I was five in a car accident. I bounced from foster home to foster home until I found myself in a shit load of trouble. If I hadn’t bumped into Manuel I would probably be in jail or dead. Manuel started the business that I work for. He is responsible for turning me on the straight and narrow.” I don’t know why I just shared all that with her. I never share. Never. Being with her is just easy, I guess I let my guard down…shit, now I’m guessing.

  “I’m sorry about your parent’s. That is so sad.” She reaches over and places her hand on my thigh.

  Her hand is like fire on my leg. I stare at it, finally dragging my eyes away to focus on the road. “It’s okay. I don’t remember them, so it’s hard to miss what you don’t remember.”

  She pulls h
er hand back and twists her fingers, thoughts running through her head. “Do you have photos of them?”

  Her question surprises me, it is an unusual one to ask. “No, I had a few but I ran away from so many foster homes they got lost in the shuffle.” What surprises me more than her question is how it makes me feel. Shit, this is why I live fast…to keep from thinking.

  “Um, well if you remember anything about them maybe you could describe them to me, and I could sketch them for you. I know you were little and all but, I kind of have this knack for doing things like this. That is why the residents at Sunnybrook like it when I draw for them.”

  “I don’t know if I could recall enough about them. But, thank you. I’ll consider it.”

  She smiles shyly. “It would be nice to be able to repay you and I don’t have much. Please do think about it.”

  “I will.” She smiles at me again before turning her attention to the puzzle of where we are headed.

  When I learned she had the talent of painting or drawing what others described to her I immediately thought I would hook her up with my friend Addy. Addy lost all the photos of her Dad in a fire. I never once thought about having her sketch my parents. The fact that she even cared enough to offer cracked this iron thing beating in my chest a bit. Just a bit. I almost feel guilty for what I am about to do. Almost.

  No turning back now. Go big or go home.



  “No fucking way, Anthony. No,” I say desperately trying to crawl over to the driver’s side of his car as he attempts to tug me out the passenger door.

  “Dani. Get. Out,” he growls gabbing my ankle and tugging with one hard pull.

  He yanks me right out onto the solid ground. “Fuck you. I’m not doing this!”

  “Yes, you are. We are doing it together. Me and you and it is going to be exhilarating!” He is grabbing me under my arms now trying to set me on my feet.

  I go dead weight on him. “No, no, no, no. You don’t understand! I can’t!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

  He picks me up off my feet, hauling me kicking and screeching to a bench near his car and sits down tossing me over his legs. Ass in the air, he swats. Hard.

  “What the fuck, Anthony. Please!” I curse at him as I try to block his blows by covering my ass with my hands.

  “Settle down and I will stop swatting this fine ass,” he hisses threw clinched teeth.

  I go perfectly still. He just fucking spanked me…in public! My eyes scan the area, but we are the only ones here besides the guy I saw towards the middle of the bridge.

  “That’s better.” He flips me upright setting me on the bench beside him.

  “I don’t want to do this,” I whisper looking behind me at the death jump he is about to make me take.

  “Listen, we are doing this together. We are going to tandem jump. All you need to do is hold on to me. It will be fine. I’ve bungy jumped many times.”

  I shake my head feverishly back and forth. “What is wrong with you? This is day two and you want me to jump off a bridge. What sane person asks that of someone?”

  “Did I say I was sane?”

  I roll my eyes at him and then say the only thing I can think of saying, “red.”

  “Sorry princess. That doesn’t work here. We jump.” He tugs me up and pulls me towards the bridge.

  Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. My heart is beating fast and my ears are ringing a death toll. This cannot be happening. Why would he start with this!

  “Jasper, how are you doing this fine day?” Anthony says as we near the guy standing on the middle of the bridge with all sorts of equipment around his feet.

  Jasper laughs. “I’m great but the little lady with you looks like she is about to throw up.”

  I glare at him but then think he may be my last chance at avoiding falling to my death. “You are right, I think I am going to throw up. Tell this guy,” I stop and point at Anthony, “that he is certifiably crazy and that he cannot make me do this.”

  “She doesn’t know you very well does she?” he says ignoring me.

  “Not yet, but she is learning.”

  I watch as Anthony straps himself in gear over his legs, groin and waist. Jasper grabs another set and walks towards me. I back up with my hands in front of me. “Nope, not happening, Jasper.”

  Anthony laughs telling his friend that he will get me set up. “I’m not sure if she bites yet. Might be good to keep your distance.” I glare at him and he has the audacity to wink at me.

  “Fuck you.”

  They both chuckle. “God damn, Anthony, you are a ballsy motherfucker,” Jasper says backing up giving Anthony the lead.

  Before I know it I am being manhandled and strapped in. I bite the side of my cheek so hard a metallic taste forms in my mouth. I’m shaking like I’m about to freeze to death even though the air is warm, and the sun is shining. I see and feel none of it. Fear has its talons in me, holding me hostage while Anthony just keeps on keeping on.

  Jasper hesitantly moves closer and begins to tug at the harness double checking Anthony’s work. “Don’t worry sweetheart, it will be over soon.”

  I shake my head back and forth. I’m in shock. That has to be what this is. I’m on a fucking bridge over a narrow river, how the hell did this happen?

  Jasper opens a gate off the side of the bridge and steps out onto what looks like a four by four-foot piece of wood hanging off the side. He moves to the side and reaches for my hand. I shake my head back and forth silently telling him no, but Anthony firmly pushes on the small of back until I am on the damn thing grabbing for Jasper like he is a long-lost lover.

  He peels me off of him once Anthony joins us and turns me towards him. I immediately drape myself around Anthony as he wraps me up in the cocoon of his arms. “It’s okay baby. Breathe.” Jasper has a grip on the rigging at our backs as Anthony walks us out to the edge of the platform.

  “Please. I will hate you forever if you make me do this,” my voice quivers against the wind.

  “You won’t hate me. Look where you are. You have come this far, I bet you never could have imagined that you would get to this point, but here you are. You are stronger than your fear. Fear is just an emotion, you can feel it, you can tremble from it, but you can also laugh in its face and jump to spite it. It doesn’t control you. You and you alone are the master of your emotions.

  I open my eyes and stare into his. The wind whipping my hair, wrapping it around my face. “H-how will we g-get down, w-will he d-drag us back up?” I ask trembling in his embrace.

  “No, look below. See the boat they will come over and get us down after we jump.”

  I slowly let my eyes drop and sure enough there is a tiny boat in the river. My stomach is my throat. “I don’t t-think I c-can move my f-feet to j-jump.”

  “Just hold on to me. I will get us over. Ready?”

  “N-no,” I laugh slightly. How fucking crazy am I? Jesus, this man is going to get me killed but he is right, here I am standing by his side, ready to jump…to just simply jump.

  I startle when Jasper speaks, “ready man?”

  Anthony says confidently, “yes.”

  Jasper leans in close to me and turns my face to his. “You are in good hands sweetheart. Take a nice deep breath.”

  As I inhale, listening to Jasper’s instructions, Anthony hauls us over the edge and…

  I am falling.



  In more ways than one and that scares me more than jumping off a bridge.

  “Holy shit!” I yell as we bounce mere feet above the water.

  “You did it!” He hugs me tight as we sway back and forth.

  “Oh my god. I did, didn’t I?” I laugh. How, how did this happen? Two days ago, I was hiding in my apartment afraid to even go outside and now I am literally hanging upside down off a fucking bridge.

  He chuckles and kisses me on top of my head as the boat approaches us. “I think you can conquer
anything from here on out, don’t you?”

  “Thank you, Anthony. Thank you, oh my god, I can’t believe I just did that. You truly are a pain in the ass though.”

  “So, I’ve been told.” He laughs as he reaches for a stick that the men in the boat are holding up to us.

  Chapter Nine



  On the drive back home, I can’t sit still in my seat. I jumped off a fucking bridge! Now, I want to see what else I can do. “Never in a million years would I have thought that I would have done that.”

  Anthony laughs and takes my hand in his. “You did good. It only took me dragging you out of the car and turning you over my knee.”

  “Oh yeah, about that.” I punch him in the shoulder, and he feigns pain by rubbing at it.

  “Oh, you loved it,” he teases.

  “No. I didn’t. I didn’t even have time to process whether or not I loved it, I was too terrified of jumping.”

  “That just means we need to try it when you’re not so stressed out. I’ll make mental note of that.”

  I suck my bottom lip between my teeth. This man, uhm, hmm, I really don’t know. “You are going to do that again?”

  He glances at me and then back at the road. “Well, yeah. You are right it wasn’t really the ideal situation to see if it turns you on or not. Don’t you want to know?”

  “I guess…shit I mean yes.” I stare at my hands. It feels weird to be talking to him about this stuff. But, yet who else would I talk to about my fantasies other than him. He is the one who could make them all happen.

  “Then we will try it again, in a more private setting. With less clothes, yes, less of those.” He taps his finger over his lip as he thinks.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Shoot. You know you can ask me anything.”


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