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The Incubus- Mate and Bred

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by Fiona Thompson

  2016, Fiona Thompson. All Rights Reserved.


  The Incubus


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  The Incubus

  Sexy, deranged, and with the un quenching desire to breed, Duncan Drake hunts woman at night in the search of her. The one he can mate with who can tolerate his magic and his seed. For he is the Incubus and his power knows no bounds.

  Time after time he fails. The women he chooses grow sick and weak under his power, but still he can’t say no to them even as they wither and die. He thinks he might be alone forever and never have what his loins crave the most. Woman. Child.

  Sasha Bloodlust has been on the hunt to find this Incubus for six months, when it claimed the life of her sister. Now she’ll hunt him to the ends of the Earth toe end him. When she meets Duncan, they instantly click. She has no idea he’s the one she’s been hunting.

  Duncan knows Sasha has been hunting him so does what he does best. He beds her in an effort to stop her, but instead of growing weak, she grows stronger. Duncan realizes it’s her. The one mate he’s been searching for 1,000 years.

  And now he will finally get to breed, the one thing he needs more than anything. If only he can bend Sasha’s will to him. If only he can make her love him, the way he loves her.

  By the time Sasha realizes her horrible mistake, it’ll be too late. Already his fertile demon seed will take root in her womb, changing their destiny forever.


  Blair was withering. Dying.

  But still Duncan had to have her. Couldn’t leave her until the act was done. Her skin was dry, nearly callous. The lovely curve of her breasts was long gone and what was left was like an empty sack of saggy skin around brittle bones. Blair didn’t see the changes in herself or at how she was losing hair. Instead she just thought she had a cold.

  Her eyes shone silver with the life essence long depleted from her body. She thought it was a simple cold, something she would get over, but Duncan had seen it before. Hundreds of times as he searched, scowering the planet for a mate. The one woman born in centuries that could tolerate him, his evil seed and help her create that which the demon wanted more than anything.

  A child. A daughter. A succubus.

  For Duncan was Incubus. He would find his mate.

  But for now, he was as obsessed with Blair as he had been with all the others over the countless centuries in which he looked. Dating wasn’t fun, but bedding? Oh, that was where all the joy was. And despite that Blair’s beauty was long gone, Duncan rode her. Neither of them could tolerate to be separated. They were like banshees, wild and crazy for one another.

  Blair’s breaths were shallow as she clung to Duncan. Her fingers gripped his back and the brittle fingertips threatened to break under the pressure. Their kisses were slow, all devouring. They had been at this for hours. Maybe days. Even Duncan had lost count of the amount of time they had laid in that bed.

  He held her once supple leg up high, close to his body, feeling himself slip even deeper into her. His eyes closed Duncan let out a shaky breath and was able to feel every ridge, every muscle in Blair tighten. Her once flamboyant voice was quiet as she climaxed. She couldn’t even hold her head up anymore and rested down on the pillows.

  Duncan released her leg and slipped it slowly to the mattress and covered up her body. Still straddling her between his muscular thighs, he leans over to kiss her one last time. Blair moaned, her ghostly eyes closed and her chapped lips parted.

  When he kissed her, a wisp of a breath escaped from Blair into him. Part of Duncan wished it didn’t have to be that way, but it was his power—and his curse. To be free of Blair, her life force needed to be broken, but part of it would live forever in him.

  “Good night, my sweet Blair.” His voice was British because that’s what Blair had needed from him once—when they first met. His appearance too could change, but the one thing that never changed was how tall he was and how ripe with muscles his arms and abs were.

  It drove all the ladies crazy. Bringing them straight to him.

  When her eyes tried to open, Duncan held a finger to her lips. “Sleep. You’ve earned it.” He raised from the bed and pulled on the blue jeans discarded on the floor. The motel was cheap and smelled of day old liquor and Chinese food takeout containers.

  Blair’s death had been most hastened. She wasn’t as strong as he thought, but next time he hoped he would find a better specimen. A worthy partner. Duncan threw on his form fitting white t-shirt and headed for the door. One longing gaze at the corpse in his bed was all he allowed himself. Her death freed him of the curse. Now, finally, he was able to move on. Find another.

  It was time to hunt once more.

  Chapter One

  The phone call came in the middle of the night.

  Another woman’s body was found like a dried out husk. Void of life like she had been tortured for weeks. Maybe even a month.

  I stretched my long legs out of bed in the small apartment I called home and quickly dressed and headed to the crime scene.

  This son of a bitch, whoever the killer was, had been at it a long time. Twenty victims over the course of two years and I was desperate to stop him. It was personal. One of those victims had been a close friend of mine and now she was dead.

  The crime scene was a rundown motel room. From the smell of it, she hadn’t left this place in a while. Only a flimsy sheet covered her body and I couldn’t bring myself to look at her face as the coroner did his work.

  “Semen?” I asked.

  “Lots of it.” He answered. “From the bruising and fluid, I’d say they were at it a long time. Long time.”

  Even like this he still fucked her? What a sick freak. He liked controlling woman, well Sasha was one thing he couldn’t control. She’d get him. Sasha was sure of it.

  “Transfer her body to the morgue. If you find anything we can use at all. I want to be the first to know.”


  Morning comes and goes before I learn the victim’s name. It leads me to a dormitory where nice girls, the kind who still called their Momma every day. I hand them out tissues when the one named Terri blows her nose. “Blair was seeing someone. She told us she caught his eye.”

  “Did you meet him? Catch his name?”

  Terri shook her head. “We never met. Blair said he was real shy, but, she slipped once. Told us his name was Sebastian. They were serious.”

  An angry friend leaned forward. “Look, Blair picked him over us. She dropped out of school and stopped coming around.”

  Terri’s eyes widened. “Don’t speak ill of the dead, Morgan!”

  I raised my hand to stop them. “So she ran off with him?”

  Terri folded her tissue. “To get married she said. They were serious. He kept talking about having a baby. He wouldn’t hurt her. She loved him.”

  I’ve heard that story before. Heard a lot of them, but the truth was, Sebastian didn’t want to meet her friends for a reason and I was going to find out why.

  I excused myself and planned to run and by a sandwich. Down the stairs I skipped and saw a sandwich shop on the corner. That’d be perfect. Just the type of place I was looking for.
  Chapter Two

  Some would say it was dangerous to hang around the detective investigating the murder you committed, but Duncan had never been caught before. Not in hundreds of years. He didn’t think he’d get caught now. Besides, there was something about this detective.

  Sasha was her name. He heard that name roll off the other officer’s tongue and it was like a song to Duncan’s soul. If he even had a soul. He wasn’t exactly sure.

  But he knew beauty when he saw it and Sasha was gorgeous. Even in her black pants and white dress shirt, he could make out the curves of her hips. Her waist was hourglass and her ass was so fine as they came. He was always a butt man.

  Her hair was luxurious curls and her skin perfection. Her lips were pouty and her eyes held a fire to them.

  Duncan couldn’t help following her into the sandwich shop. He sat a booth away while she sat perched on a stool and ate her sandwich. It was risky to take one so close to discovering his identity, but as he watched her lick stray mayo off her lip, Duncan didn’t think he had much of a choice.

  He headed to the counter and just as she was about to pay her bill, Duncan slid his wallet out. “Don’t worry. I have this.”

  Sasha turned to him and their eyes locked for the first time. Oh, she was sexy. He felt the way her soul tugged him forward right away. Damn, this girl was strong. Stronger than most he had met on his adventures.

  “That’s not necessary,” her voice was softy, but husky.

  “Have to pay it forward, right? Good deed down for me. Now, I have to do one for you.” Duncan smiled at her.

  Sasha smiled at him and took a sip of her iced tea. “I hope this isn’t an attempt to hit on me because I’ve seen all kinds.”

  Duncan chuckled. “Please, no, but you can call me…. Duncan.”

  “Okay, Duncan.” Sasha stood from her chair. “I have to get back to work, but thanks for lunch. I’ll repay the favor to someone else.”

  She pushed passed him and Duncan rushed to keep up with her. “Wait, let me take you to dinner? Tonight?”

  Sasha turned with a sassy smile on her face. “Here I thought you weren’t hitting on me.”

  Duncan shrugged. “It’s hard to let a good opportunity pass by.” His power flowed from him. She wouldn’t be able to resist his charm.

  But she did.

  “Sorry. I’m too busy to date.”

  Duncan froze and watched her go. No woman had ever spurred his advances before. She might be the one. The real one.

  The one who would bare him child after child.

  But it seemed first, he was going to have to work for it.

  Chapter Three

  In the morning, I went down to the morgue to get the autopsy results. Dr. Francis Smith was in her lab coat as she paced back and forth. On the slab in front of us was the dried out husk of Sebastian’s latest victim. I tried not to look down at her tried out eyes or her brittle pale skin.

  “She died of technically now nutrition and dehydration. There are no signs of bodily injury or harm. No torture, but there are signs she had sex. Multiple times, if not hundreds from the stretching and the tearing.”

  I crossed my arms and shifted my weight from 1 foot to the other. My temperature was rising. “Semen?”

  “We weren’t able to find any semen or any skin or hair under her fingernails. We know someone was with her, but we can’t pinpoint who that person might be.”

  How was it possible that someone could do this to another human being but leave no trace? Iwould find this guy if it was the last thing I did. “The first sign of anything, call me.”

  Francine nodded and parted with a friendly smile, but there was desperation behind her eyes and grew into the pit of my stomach. On the way out towards the elevator, my phone rang. I pulled it free and sought was my sister.

  “You want to grab a drink?” Rebecca asked.

  God did I. “Yes, please.”


  We grabbed two martinis in a little place downtown. The ambience was relaxed and warm while still allowing a good view of the city streets. Seated beside the bar meant there was a lot of chatter, clinking of glasses, and I was able to hear the bartenders throaty laugh. It was sexy, trembled down my spine. I guess I must’ve had too many martinis, at least for one in the afternoon.

  Rebecca swallow the rest of her martini and one gulp. She raised her hand to signal for another and I just laughed. “Don’t you think you should slow down?” I asked.

  She waved me off. “That’s the problem with you Sasha,” she leaned forward and gave me a playful scowl. “You’re all work, and no play. You’ve been that way since college and you really need to live up.” Rebecca popped the olives into her mouth.

  “You mean wise up?”

  “That too. It’s Friday, no one’s going to care to blow up a few meetings or whatever it is you do during the day.”

  “But the dead people my care if I don’t solve their cases Rebecca.”

  Rebecca shrugged. What would’ve worked on a regular person, just didn’t phase Rebecca. “You’ll solve it eventually. You always do, you’re great at your job. That’s why everyone loves you, but the dead can wait white have a few drinks with your sister.”

  I could’ve argued with her, but it was pointless. Someone set to martinis down front of us, and I picked up my glass. Rebecca said a quick toast, and we cling to our glasses together. “Drink up, you’re going to need liquid bravery.”


  “Don’t look now, but someone is watching you.”

  I glanced over my shoulder, and Rebecca chastised me. “I told you not to lock,” Rebecca whispered.

  I couldn’t help myself. I would’ve told her that, but a sense of dread fell upon me. It was Duncan, the man from last night. He was the bartender and he was the one who had 30 left and sent a shiver down my spine. I almost would’ve thought he was following me, if he didn’t work here.

  Leaning across the bar, he smiled at me and tossed me a wink. I didn’t mean to smile at him, but I couldn’t help myself. I sat straight and stared straight at my sister. “We better order some food now.”

  “I thought you had get back to the office?” Rebecca smile was playful. She always could see right through me.

  “I think I have little time.”


  After lunch, Rebecca and I went our way. As I grabbed my coat, I noticed that Duncan was sinning against the bar instead of s standing behind it. Leaning his back against the bar, he had his arms crossed and his ankles and he was wearing a smug current. I knew there was no .way I can get away without speaking to him, and part of me wanted to speak to him.

  But I couldn’t let him know that.

  “Are you following me, officer?” Duncan asked.

  “Hardly.” I smirked and moved my purse over from one shoulder to the next.

  “I didn’t know police officers socialize with working a case.”

  “How do you know I’m working the case?” I asked.

  “I’ve seen your type. You’re always working the case.”

  It was hard to argue with logic like that. “I’ll see you around, Duncan.”

  “My shift just ended. I know you’ve just had lunch, but maybe I could interest you and some gelato. There’s a great little stand not to far from here. My treat, what do you say?”

  My brain was screaming to say no. A guy that good-looking, with that much charisma in a killer smile, was dangerous. To me into my heart, but so badly I wanted to say yes.

  “Sure. I’d like that.”

  What possibly could go wrong?

  Chapter Four

  Spending time with Sasha, had been one of the highlights, possibly of Duncan’s life. She was engaging and smart. Their quick dessert date, turned into an all-night affair. But it couldn’t last forever. Not if Duncan wanted to get her to bed.

  So he offered to walk her home.

  Strolled side-by-side, close enough to touch, but Duncan didn’t make a move. He was too af
raid to scare her off. He wait to make his move until they were standing upon her threshold. Girls always loved that.

  “This is me.” Sasha pointed up a flight of stairs toward a small apartment building.

  “I’m sorry to see the night end.” Duncan took her hand and kissed her fingers. They hurried up the stairs of the apartment building and Sasha turned to say goodbye.

  She smiled at him. “I’m not usually like this. I’m sorry. I feel so…shy.”

  Duncan took her face in his hands and stared deep into her eyes. Smoke circled in her pupils and her mouth parted. Her plump lips were moist, hungry for her. First, Duncan leaned in slow and when Sasha didn’t resist, he kissed her. Soft and tender. When her lips closed against his, Duncan slipped his tongue into her mouth.

  Warm and tasted like her vanilla desert just fine. Sasha’s strong fingers stroked his neck, pulling him in even closer. Their warm bodies pressed up against each other.

  It was going to happen. Tonight was the night.

  “Good night,” Sasha bit her lip and stumbled as she slipped the apartment door open.

  Good night? Duncan didn’t understand what had happened…no woman ever said good bye to him before they had sex. This was impossible.

  “I hope,” Duncan cleared his throat. “I’ll get to see you again. Soon.”

  Sasha nodded. “I’d like that.”

  The new idea hit him. “Dinner then? Tomorrow night?”

  She thought over. Maybe a moment too long for his liking. “Okay," Sasha’s eyes fluttered about in there was a definite sparkle to them. “Make it Chinese.”

  Duncan smiled and kissed her hand one last time. “Whatever you wish, my dear.”

  When she left, the door slammed shut and Duncan stared through the glass watching her go. He was sure was the future mother of his children. His wife.

  A soul strong enough to resist his power had to be strong enough to grow his child. One way or another, Duncan promised. He’d turn her into a kept woman. Treat her like royalty.


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