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Sweet Tarte (Sweet Enough to Eat, #5)

Page 3

by Wyatt, Dani

  “Victoria...” I grip her face as I slip out from my chair and pull her around toward me. “I’m a straight shooter. I’m vulgar, I swear, I’m demanding and I can be a prick sometimes. But, fuck, you have to know, I want you. My dick is so fucking hard right now, I don’t think there is enough blood pumping through the rest of my body to keep my vital organs functioning much longer.”

  “Wow.” Her bright eyes catch on mine. “If you keel over, I’ll dial 911.” She makes an X over her chest with one hand. “Cross my heart.”

  “Sorry if that’s too much information, but I don’t believe in holding back. There’s something about you. I don’t understand it, it’s like you’re pulling me toward you. I felt it when I first looked at you downstairs.”

  “I thought it was just me. Thought it was the wine. I’ve never had a drink before, wasn’t sure what I would feel like, but this might not just be the alcohol.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not alcohol. I fucking want you so bad, Victoria. My dick is about to tear right though my pants, trying to get to you. It’s like a lion that’s been caged too long.” I groan and drop my forehead to hers, and there’s a drumbeat deep inside me, telling me to take her.

  Claim her.

  Make sure she understands what it means to be mine.


  Even now, after our short time together, I can’t imagine letting her go. Whatever this connection is we have, it’s as tangible as the floor beneath my feet.

  “That would be a shame.” She half-whispers, her warm breath sweet against my lips. “Ruining a nice pair of pants like that.”

  I pull back to see the playful smile curve her sexy lips. This sweet thing is unraveling my world. Unwinding my control. She’s young. So fucking young. But it’s more than her youth and her beauty.

  She’s intuitive beyond her years. She has a palate to be envied, so rare in someone her age. She’s smart, probably brilliant, along with being sharp-witted and funny. She’s a package I never believed to be real. And her hold on me is tightening with every beat of my heart.

  I can’t believe I’m about to do what I think we are going to do. But, fuck if I have the willpower to stop it.

  The thought of not having her with me feels wrong. There’s a possessiveness rising up inside me that far exceeds the time we’ve been together. But I feel I’m in the flow of something bigger, something stronger than both of us, and far be it from me to fight what feels right.

  “Don’t move.” I trace a finger over her lips as I move to the door of the private dining room, flipping the lock closed and hitting the switch on the wall to draw the crimson velvet curtains across the glass door and the two other windows that look out over the main dining area.

  It’s my turn to take charge. She may have made the first move with that kiss, but I’m going to take this to the next level and beyond.

  Truth is, I’ve never done anything with anyone in one of my restaurants before. That’s a hard line with me, no messing around with staff, no messing around in front of staff, no messing around period. I’m the ice man, the rock. But now that we are here, this is hot as hell. Knowing we are in a fairly public place, with this girl that’s blowing my fucking mind ready to give herself to me, has my balls tight and my mouth watering for a taste of what I know will be the sweetest pussy on the planet.

  “I’ve tasted some of the finest food in the world. Cooked some of the finest food in the world. But, you know what?”

  I draw her hand in mine, pulling her with me as I walk backwards toward the sofa, facing the flickering fireplace. As I let my eyes wander down, I see her nipples pressing through the fabric of her sweater.


  I spin her into me, feeling the press of her breasts against my chest. “I know there will be no finer meal than what I’m about to have right here, with you.”

  A groan catches in my throat as I lower my mouth to hers and crush our lips together once again. She tastes of the sweet dessert and the fine wine and I’m drunk with her.

  The little control I have left slips away as her body melts into me, her hands curving around the back of my neck as she moans into our kiss, opening her mouth wider, her tongue as greedy as mine, looping and slipping together.

  I drop my hands to her ass, drawing it against me so she can feel what she’s doing to me. There’s no turning back when her hips start to move in tiny circles against me, my balls tight and ready to heave cum into her soft heaven.

  Her body is small, in a way childlike, but her tits are all woman and so is her ass. When I rock back into her, dry humping until I can hardly breathe, I finally break away, looking into her eyes, pupils dilated, cheeks flushed and lust evident in her eyes.

  “What do you want?” I manage, needing her to give the final okay. I’m not sure I’m thinking clearly and I’d kill myself if I did this wrong. If I rushed her or made her feel pressured. I want it to be right, even if I have to wait.

  She draws a shoulder up to her ear, her dark hair falling in waves over those pink cheeks. She worries her lip between her teeth and finally looks down, but her voice rises up to give me the greatest gift I’ve received so far in this life.

  “I want you to make love to me. That’s what I want.”

  “Then that’s what you’ll get. But I have to tell you, Victoria...” Her eyes are on mine, a hint of concern in her brow as I finish. “This is just the beginning. Not a conquest. Not the destination. I want the journey with you starting right here.”

  She gasps as I bring my lips to her neck, kissing and biting down, marking her as mine.

  Because she is.




  THAT DREAMY FEELING is taking over again.

  I’ve never imagined how I would lose my virginity in all that much detail. I knew it would have to be with someone I cared about. That’s about as far as I ever took the fantasy train.

  So, how is it that I care about this man I met a few hours ago—enough to give him something I can only give once, and never take back?

  It will be his forever, and I know so little about him except that his voice, his scent, his touch—his mere presence—make me feel like we’ve forged a bond over years, not hours.

  Desire pounds thought me like a drug as he tugs my body closer, the warmth of his breath on my lips, along with the confidence and power that radiate from him, only multiplying the feeling of intoxication.

  His body is hard beneath his suit. My softness molding against him as my breath catches in my throat, and his teeth once again pinch the skin of my neck, sending bolts of electric lust exploding down all the way to my toes.

  When Dimitri releases my neck, we are nose to nose, a rumble coming from his chest as his hands rest on my cheeks.

  “This feels like it’s not real.” My voice shakes. “But I also feel so alive. Like I’ve just woken up from a coma. Is that crazy? Is this crazy?”

  “It’s crazy. But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. It doesn’t mean anything, except it’s extraordinary. I want you so much, I don’t even understand it.”

  “Me either.” I whisper, my hands running down his chest, my imagination conjuring the hard muscle there into my mind, imagining what his skin might taste like. What all of him might taste like...

  “When you walked in, I saw you. I imagined this...” He pauses. “It took me by surprise, I’ve never reacted to anyone this way. I knew I had to have you, I just wasn’t sure how I would make it happen. I never thought it would be this fast, but it’s right. Nothing that feels like this would be anything but right.”

  The heat between us intensifies as he kisses his way lower, pulling the neck of my sweater to my shoulder, licking and biting as I arch into him, the wetness between my legs undeniable and beginning to make the insides of my thighs slick where they press together.

  When Dimitri’s face comes back in front of mine, his eyes are dark and intense. He lowers a hand down the back of my thigh, finding the hem of
my skirt and pressing it upward, making me tense and gasp.

  He tilts his head as I shiver, licking my lips, unsure how this is all going to go, but knowing I have to tell him this is my first. He will be my first.

  “You are sure?” He asks again, and I nod, feeling the growing bulge against my body as his eyes fix on mine. “Has anyone touched you before?”

  I pinch my lips together, shaking my head and whispering my answer. “I have. No one else. I’ve never done anything, not really. A few rushed kisses at a high school party once.”

  His hand moves up my inner thigh as something like a smile lights his eyes.

  “You are everything, Victoria. Tell me what you want, right now...”

  My throat is tight, but his question is so sincere, and for whatever reason I want to answer him truthfully.

  “I want to know what it feels like to be touched.” He doesn’t answer, so I clarify. “By you. Please, touch me.”

  I adjust my legs to give him better access to the throbbing parts of me. The parts that are screaming his name in pulses and decadent wetness.

  “I will. I’m going to touch you. Taste you. Own you. Possess you. Adore you. I hope you are ready for me. I do nothing halfway. When I want something, I go after it with everything I am. I am not an easy man, but I am loyal. I will give you everything, my heart. Everything I have...”

  The way he talks, with no fear or shame, is the sexiest thing I’ve ever encountered. It’s not enough that he looks like sex in a suit, or that he smells like every dream I didn’t know I should have had, but his confidence leaves me melting. And even if I wanted to protest, I don’t think I could.

  His hand inches up my leg and I count the seconds, trying to stay in the moment as well as stay standing as my legs quiver and turn to Jell-O.

  When his hand grazes upward before finally pausing at this magical spot where my thigh meet my pussy, and just lingers there, I think I might scream.

  He kisses me, slow this time, his tongue moving over my teeth before he bites at my lower lip, pulling it outward as I gasp, the warmth of his unmoving hand driving me crazy.

  “God, please...” I beg, wiggling my hips as I try to move his hand to where my clit is, willing him forward. “I want you to touch me...”

  “Understand, Heart, I’ll touch you how it pleases me. When it pleases me. In ways it pleases me. You will become my sweet, virgin whore.”

  His words pierce directly into the most erotic parts of me, pushing me to a shuddering mini orgasm. I never though of it before...being called something like that. And if I had, I am sure I would have expected myself to haul off and punch the offending mouth that spoke such an insult.

  But, noooooooo.

  He called me a whore.

  His whore.

  And I liked it.

  Jesus, America, what is happening to me?

  My heart is beating so fast I can barely catch my breath. I want him to move his hand, for fuck’s sake I want that, but I don’t dare shift or try to manipulate things because I can feel his control and it’s only making me more crazed to be forced to wait.

  “Have you cum before? Rubbed yourself with your fingers? On your pillow? Used any toys?”

  Each word sends a direct hit to my clit, which is throbbing to the point of pain as his fingers slip just under the elastic of my incredibly unsexy panties, to brush at my outer lips, making my knees buckle as a wild throaty choking sound bubbles from my throat.

  “Yes. Sometimes.”

  “Sometimes what? You didn’t answer my question. How did you make yourself cum?”

  His now dark blue eyes study my face as I try to figure out the answer, because it’s hard to think.

  “My pillow.”

  “Ahhhh.” He closes his eyes for a moment as I tighten my grip around his shoulders, needing the support. “You put the pillow between your legs?” I nod and he keeps on. “Climbed on top?”

  “Yes.” I breathe out. “Please can you touch me? Please?” I’m desperate, need clutching at my throat.

  “When I want to touch you, I’ll touch you. I thought I made that clear.”

  “Yes, sir.” I mouth, unsure where the words come from but knowing it feels right as he leans in and flicks his tongue across my lips, making me tremble. “Yes, I climbed on top, rubbed myself on the pillow until I came.”

  “That’s a good girl. I like when you call me Sir, and when you tell me the truth.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He kisses me again as his fingers slip lower, stroking me so softly I’m unraveling, the room feeling like it’s on fire. His fingers glide along my lips, barely pressing into the sensitive slit as I shudderingly draw breath, my eyes fluttering open and closed as I watch him watching me, and the moment is so heady I feel drugged.

  “You are so wet, my heart. It’s leaking out of you. Is all that wonderfulness for me? Because of me?”

  I nod, the depth of the situation settling on me like a yoke on my shoulders. This man is so worldly, experienced, yes, even famous, even rich. I’m so out of my depth here he could do anything, flip the switch and become some Mr. Hyde, but even as my logical mind battles for a moment of control, the other decadent parts of me cave to the sensation of his fingers slipping inside my folds. Spreading me, exploring me, his mouth on my ear.

  “This virgin cunt belongs to me now. Do you understand? I will take you.” His other hand tightens around my waist as he spins us from the wall, and before I can gasp I’m sitting on the soft velvet sofa, Dimitri next to me with his hand between my thighs. The sofa is the same crimson as the draperies that are the only thing between us and the prying eyes of patrons that must already know what’s happening in the private dining suite of the most famous restaurateur in the country.

  He withdraws his fingers and I feel the loss of the connection when he brings them to his lips, drawing them inside on a growl. “My palate is one of the most refined in the world. And you, my heart, are the most consuming, addicting flavor ever to entice my taste buds.”

  He kisses me and I taste myself on his lips. It’s more erotic than I could have imagined. His hand grips my knee, pulling it wide, then the other, until my skirt is high on my hips, my legs parted, and I feel the cool air of the room on the blazing heat he’s created in my throbbing sex.

  His thumb brushes the tip of my clit and I practically jump into his lap, throwing my head back and feeling the electricity buzz through me.

  His mouth is at my ear, “You will be my muse. You will crave me like nothing you’ve ever longed for before. I will be the one thing in your life you will need, over and over. I will need that from you, need to know of all the flavors that have and will tantalize you, it is only us—each other—that can satisfy from now on. You understand, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” I breathe as his fingers strum my open pussy, faster, slower, harder, softer, until I’m clinging to him, my head in his shoulder, legs wide as he slips one finger just inside my opening, fucking me slowly before increasing his tempo as his thumb presses on my clit and I have no more control.

  My throat is tight, my nipples like pebbles as I hear him groan as if in pain, and I can barely breathe. My thoughts twist and turn, unfocused as I bring a hand down and fumble for him.

  “Fuck.” He grunts out as my hand finds his length.

  His thumb only moves faster as I slip my hand up and down, trying to find the top of the massive erection beneath his trousers, and as I stroke up and down, the tension inside me builds and erupts as his words echo in my ear.

  “I need you, my heart. Like I’ve never needed anyone before. I hope you’re ready...”

  I tighten my grip on his massive hard on, letting him know without words.

  I’m ready.

  God help me, am I ready.



  “JESUS.” I GROAN. “I’ve never been so hard. I’ve never been so sure.”

  I could drive nails through cinder blocks with my hard-on, and my balls are wo
und so tight her pussy is going to be dripping for a week with what I will be giving her tonight.

  It’s taking all of my control to not spin her around, drive her face down onto the rug, tear her panties off and give her every inch of me in one painful pounding, like something inhuman beast hell-bent on his own satisfaction. On his own urgent need to take what belongs to him, so the world knows...

  No one will ever touch her but me.

  But I won’t. I wouldn’t. Because she means far too much for me to risk any harm coming to her.

  I groan at her touch, ready to cum from the heat on my fingers, the beauty of her face. And from the way her sweet cunt just drenched my hand, she’s ready.

  So am I. I am so fucking hard. I want so deep inside that sweet pussy of hers she won’t know a life without me ever again. I want her walking around, dripping with me. Her panties soaked with me. My scent on her at all times, so any other swinging dick knows, she’s fucking off limits.

  When her eyes focus on me again, I just want to look at her for hours, but her hand is stroking my dick and it has other ideas.

  “God, that was amazing.”

  “Not like riding the pillow?”

  She shakes her head. “Nothing like. More like riding a bike with training wheels, then suddenly taking a ninety-mile-per-hour ride on a Harley down the Pacific Coast Highway. No comparison.”

  “You know, that’s just the beginning, my heart.” My cock is dripping, soaking my boxers and seeping through to the front of my slacks as I kiss her soft lips, then her warm cheek.

  “I know. I want this...” She gives me a squeeze and my balls lock down as my need clutches around my throat.

  “I want to give it to you. More than you could even understand.”

  “Does this feel good?” She whispers, the desire to please me in her voice as her eyes push me closer to the edge.


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