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Just One Night

Page 3

by Rachel Lenna

  Chapter 3

  I decide enough is enough.

  “Prissy is it?” I say knowing that we have caused enough of a scene. Jaydan is just watching me with a look I have never seen before. I don’t know what that means but he looks kind of space cadeted. Like the lights are on but no one is home.

  “Yes.” She snaps.

  “Here’s how it is. I am dating Jaydan, have been for well over six months.” I grab his still hand and kind of pull him over the bar as I tuck his arm into the crook of my arm. “I adore the guy and appreciate a girl with good tastes such as yourself but I would absolutely love it if you would please back off from my boy? He really is taken and I really don’t like to share.” I kiss his cheek again for good measure, lingering longer partly because this is the second time I have gotten so close and he smells eatable and partly because the girl isn’t going down easy. I pull away, wiping his cheek. His skin is rough, like the five o’clock shadow most women find so sexy.

  Prissy and Jaydan both stare at me open mouthed. I lace my fingers with his but release his arm so he can stand up straight again. I stare her down. In the end she sighs and I know then I have won. “Fine,” She concedes. “Jaydan can you please just get us our drinks?”

  Jaydan stares at me instead of moves so I nudge him. “Their drinks babe.” I gesture towards to the rows or alcohol behind him.

  “Right.” He says snapping to it. He gets them quickly without another word Prissy who quickly pays her money – full price - before disappear into the thickening crowd. Jaydan is still quiet and I frown.

  “Have I done something wrong?” I ask, nervous. “I thought that’s what you wanted me to do.”

  “It was,” He answers not looking at me. “But you have never kissed me before.”

  I blush bright red in nanoseconds. “I’m sorry!” I squeak, jumping off the table. “I just thought she was a little too persistent to just believe words. If I had known it would have offended you I wouldn’t have. I’m sorry!” I grab my bag and jacket, practically throwing the drink down on the bar. “I got to go. See ya.”

  “No wait.” Jaydan says trying to grab my arm. “Tara stop. That’s not what I meant.”

  I ignore him running for the door, wobbling a little bit as the brand new heels I bought protest with the quick pace. “Tara!” Jaydan calls again. “Tara stop!” I ignore him, humiliated beyond belief and am almost at the door when an almost familiar giant body blocks my path.

  My head snaps up and I see Hugo standing there, staring me down. “Little lady stop.”

  I do because I don’t have a choice. He is in my path and like three times my size. I look up at him and sigh. “Please let me go. I need to go home.”

  “Tara if you really want to go of course I won’t stop you but I think you need to give Jaydan a chance to explain.”

  “Uh no.” I say, a fresh wave of humiliation spreading over me. “I need to go.”

  “He’s practically tried to leap over the bar to try and catch you.” Hugo adds and I pause. “You sure you don’t want to find out why?”

  “No.” I say, not sure.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I am that humiliated enough that I don’t need a double helping thanks.” I say, making a move to go around him. I get this feeling that he won’t hurt me, something in my gut says that he really is a teddy bear and a true gentleman.

  “He goes on break in around ten minutes. Why don’t you come sit with us and see what he has to say?” Hugo tries again. “At least then you won’t kick yourself for not finding out and wonder about it forever.”

  “Damn you.” I mumble under my breath. “Using that psychobabble on me.”

  “Tara.” Jaydan says behind me. I freeze and panic all at the same time. “Tara come on please. I go on break in ten minutes just stay. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” He grabs my arm and I panic again.

  “I… um… I…” I feel trapped.

  “Come sit with us little lady.” Hugo encourages. “Jaydan won’t be long.”

  I look into Hugo’s eyes searching for any hint of insincerity. I don’t find it. He seems to genuinely care about his friend. I sigh in defeat. “Fine.” I refuse to look at Jaydan and he lets me go with a sigh too, his feels more like relief but. “But I’m going home straight after okay?” I insist feeling like I need to have some say in how my night turns out.

  “Totally.” Hugo agrees as Jaydan nods, lets my arm go and disappears without a word. Hugo links arms with me and escorts me back to their table. I find it odd that as I walk with him people stare and part ways for us. Usually I have to battle the squishy crowd to get anywhere.

  “Who the hell are you?” I mutter under my breath.

  “Hugo.” He chuckles.

  “More like the pope.” I mutter again as we reach the table.

  Hugo chuckles again as he clears his throat. “Gentlemen shut up for a minute!” He waits until the three guys at the booth stop moving. “This little lady is Tara, the famous Tara. Tara this is Cameron, Tyson and Steven.”

  There is a round of hi’s as I look from one burly man to another. They are all built and well over six foot each. I feel so intimidated I almost high tail it and run. Hugo must sense my apprehension because he places a hand on the small of my back, “Take a seat next to Cameron here.” He says gesturing to the quietest guy on the table. “Did you want another drink?” The boys all hoot and holler yes but I shake my head.

  “Um okay.” I say sliding into the cushy seat as Cameron moves over. “No thanks.” I add.

  “So you’re Jaydan’s girlie friend.” Tyson grins at me.

  “Girlie friend?” I repeat, confused. “What?”

  “Shut up Tyson!” Steven scolds. Clearly they know something I don’t.

  “You shut up.” Tyson hisses at Steven, kicking him under the table. They share a glare and I watch with interest, wondering whether or not the evil looks they are giving each other are real or all pretend.

  “Don’t mind them.” Cameron says quietly. “They both think they are better than the other. It’s all horse play til one gets too big for his boots.”

  “I was wondering.” I smile at him. “So how old are you guys?” I ask for conversation starters. They don’t look to be much older than me, except for Cameron.

  “Twiddle dumb and twiddle dee here are both twenty.” Cameron smiles. “I’m twenty four. You?”


  “Wow, you look younger, I would have thought seventeen max, with a fakie.”

  “Nah I don’t do fakies.” I reply knowing he is talking about fake ID. “I guess I’m just lucky. But you are the only one who has said that too me.”

  “Always a first for everything.” Cameron returns just as Hugo plops down next to me as much as a big muscly guy can. He places another red lemonade in front of me. I look at him questioningly.

  “Jaydan said cos you spilt most of your other one he wanted you to have this one.”

  “Oh.” I say dumbly, dutifully taking a sip, my gaze turning straight to him. Jaydan is watching us and smiles when I catch his eye. I blush again before darting my gaze back to the boys.

  “He's a good guy little lady.” Hugo says out of nowhere.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Jaydan. He's a good guy.”

  “I know that.” I sigh.

  “Just making sure.” Hugo pats my shoulder. “You know, just in case.”

  “In case what?” I ask puzzled.

  “In case you know, you wanna go there but weren’t sure.”

  “Hugo I am so out of his league.” I say before I think.

  “What?” Tyson stops bickering with Steven long enough to stare at me dumbfounded. “You’re kidding right?”

  “What are you talking about? What you mean am I kidding?” I ask feeling like a deer caught in headlights. “I’m not his type.”

  “Tara do you even know his type?” Steven pipes up.


  “Exactly.” Stev
en almost sounds offended on his friend’s behalf.

  “Boys that look like that… Never go for girls that look like me.” I murmur.

  “Tara you’re gorgeous.” Hugo exclaims, he looks genuinely surprised that I don’t believe that. “Surely some boy has said that to you before somewhere?”


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