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Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1

Page 18

by L H Whitlock


  The girls ran down the hallway, their boots clunking against the floor the only sound echoing through the long corridor.

  “Here, I found this.” Gloria tossed an E-Gun awkwardly to Lily, who caught it without breaking her stride.

  Checking the gun she rolled her eyes. No ammo. Damn, I should have looked for the weapons myself. She refrained from scolding the linguist. Really, despite the complications Gloria presented, she was grateful the woman had followed her and that she wasn’t alone on Ulrick’s ship. “What about the Electro Vibration Weapon?”

  “It’s out of power,” Gloria responded.

  Lily nodded. “Hey, thanks for coming. I do not know what I would have done if you did not come for me.”

  “Of course,” Gloria answered. “What should we do now?”

  “Let’s find the dock and get a ship. It is strange… we haven’t seen anyone yet,” Lily said, realizing just how odd it really was.

  They turned a corner and ran in nervous silence down a long metal hallway adorned with various pieces of art. Portraits framed in black hung from the walls and sculptures, historic weaponry, and artifacts from many races sat neatly on top of shiny pedestals. Small orbs floated like fireflies above the works of art, illuminating them in soft, golden light. Also strange, most didn’t take the time to collect fine art, but this looked like an expansive collection. Lily secretly wished they had more decorations on their Home Ship. Each time they managed to start a collection they destroyed the ship, losing their entire investment.

  “Wow! How did they even get this?” Gloria had stopped in front of a two foot sculpture of a warrior in elaborate armor.

  “What is it?” Lily asked, her interest peaking when she realized it was made out of the same green stone as the coin from Ulrick’s chest.

  “This is ancient, a very rare artifact from Hilia. Remarkable! Look at the detail,” Gloria said in awe. Lily could almost see the cultural and linguistic specialist drooling over the artifact.

  “Hey, we have to keep moving,” Lily said, glancing down the hallway.

  Gloria nodded. “Right, sorry.”

  They darted down the hallway and rounded the corner into another long hallway. A narrow black, burgundy, and gold rug accented its entire length.

  Neither of them talked as they ran; only the pitter patter of their feet filled the silence. They reached the end of the hallway and Lily swiped the key. The door blinked red. “Damn, he must have deactivated it.” Lily looked around for a possible escape route. “Lift me up. I want to see if they have a storage room up in the ceiling.”

  “Why would they have a storage room?” Gloria asked, leaning against the wall to catch her breath.

  “It is common. Keeps the clutter away. Kind of like an attic.”

  Gloria cupped her hands and offered the step to Lily.

  Lily placed a foot into her hands and Gloria lifted her up, swaying as she tried to keep Lily up right.

  Lily banged on the ceiling. “Damn, it’s stuck. Do you have a weapon?”

  Gloria guided Lily back toward the ground and checked her pockets. “Oh, yeah! I have this!” Gloria pulled out a grenade. “It’s not a knife or a gun. I’m sorry El. It’s what I could find.”

  “This will work perfect.” Lily took the explosive from Gloria, pulled the tab, and set it next to the door. “Run!” She yelled to Gloria.

  They barely rounded the corner before the grenade erupted, blasting a charred hole in the door. Gloria pressed herself against the wall. Lily peaked around the corner.

  “Do you think they heard it?” Gloria asked, walking back down the hallway.

  “I would bet my entire cycle’s budget they did.”

  “Where do you think everyone is?” Gloria asked, poking her head through the newly opened door.

  “I do not know. It is strange. Maybe this is someone’s personal house ship.”

  “You mean someone like Ulrick?”

  “I am afraid so,” Lily said. Gloria stepped through the blown out door, Lily followed. Portraits of planets hung on silver walls. Written above the pictures was a quote in ancient Hilian. “What does it say?” Lily asked as she studied a deep magenta planet with blue rings.

  Gloria looked at the phrase for a moment. “It says ‘In regards for many lost.”

  “Oh, so these are harvested planets. That explains why I do not recognize them,” Lily said, studying a portrait of a green planet with pink streaks.

  “Why would he Harvest planets then put up a mural for them?” The pictures seemed to go on and on, entire clusters of once thriving planetary systems covered the sleek walls.

  “I don’t know. It’s sad, to think that all of these planets are extinct,” Gloria said, making her way quickly out of the room.

  Lily followed. The door at the end of the room was open. Lily peaked out, seeing that the coast was clear, she stepped into a living area. Textured rugs softened the metal floors. Chairs, representing carpentry from many planets, were eclectically placed along the edges of the room, facing the glass walls. A large meeting table sat in the center of the room, the clawed legs reminded her of the craftsmanship found on Gunttel. Between some of the armchairs were coffee tables, some skinny, some larger and others worn with age. An office area was arranged on the far end of the room with wooden desks and rolling chairs. Lily stepped into the room, her footsteps softened by a sky blue rug. She tried another door across the room, it was locked. Lily glanced at Gloria. “Do you have another grenade?” Gloria frowned and shook her head.

  “I think we need to go back. We can’t get through that door and there is nothing else.”

  “All right.” Gloria went to open the door they entered through, but it did not budge. “It won’t open!”

  “Okay, let’s just search around the room for a way out, or anything useful.” Lily walked up to a desk sitting along the edge of the room, reveled in the woodsy smell, and pulled out a drawer, throwing its contents onto the floor as she sifted through it. She opened up an old looking piece of paper to find a map that looked very similar to the one she stole from Ulrick before. She folded it back up and slipped it into her shirt pocket.

  After all of the desk drawers were dumped out, Lily moved to the next table to continue the process, scattering the papers all across the plush orange carpet in her wake. “Have you found anything?” When Gloria didn’t respond, she turned around to see Ulrick standing in the center of the room and Gloria passed out on the floor next to him.

  “Gloria! What have you done?” Lily crouched low, preparing for attack.

  “Do not worry A’ Kilini. She is simply unconscious.” His dark eyes never left her face. Her cheeks flushed and her markings moved with his, in a slow, spiraling dance.

  “I hate to give you ultimatums, but if you do not come with me I will throw you over my shoulder. You are welcome to fight back, but it is just you and me. Think about how this will end.”

  Lily stared at him, her mind conflicted. She ultimately decided it was not worth the struggle. He obviously didn’t want to kill her so the odds were in her favor. Though a sneaking thought told her she wouldn’t mind being thrown over his broad shoulder and carried away. Lily bent to grab Gloria, “Fine. She comes with us.”

  “Please, allow me.” Ulrick walked over to Gloria, picked her up, and started for the door, pausing to wait for Lily.

  Jealousy bit at her, her face flushed with anger and embarrassment. Ulrick was not touching Gloria in any sensual way, but she had a hard time fighting the bitter feelings as they rose in her chest. She heard herself involuntarily huff.

  “A’ Kilini, I am simply helping your friend. At your request she will come with us. If you have changed your mind I shall leave her here.”

  His coolness was enraging. How dare he place his hands on another woman! The more she thought about it the angrier she became until she was making up completely extravagant and unrealistic scenarios.

  Lily forced her legs to follow the large man ou
t the door. Gloria’s foot knocked against the frame as Ulrick tilted to exit the room, but her friend remained asleep. They stepped through the destroyed door. Ulrick paused to enter a code into a control panel and a small, two foot door opened and four robots crawled out. They had rounded bodies and eight long legs that held them high above the ground, making their proportion look odd. The critters scurried across the room in an odd chorus of clatters. A few climbed the wall, stopping once they reached the ruined door. One leg on the mechanical creature transformed into a welding gun, it touched it to the door, shooting sparks into the air.

  “You won’t be able to get through the doors without my authorization. Please refrain from blowing them up,” Ulrick said, his eyes twinkling with silent laughter.

  Butterflies sprang to life in Lily’s chest. Is he teasing me? She followed Ulrick back into his room. He took a moment to place Gloria in a smaller guest room.

  Lily’s chest tightened, she was now alone with the ancient warrior.

  “Where are the others?” The question seemed to jump from her throat, her voice thick with accusation.

  “They are safe little one. I assume they are currently at your Base. I made sure they were safe before leaving the area.”

  Lily’s eyes narrowed. “Why should I believe you? You attacked Gloria; knocked the poor thing out! You know she is no match for you, there was no reason to be so brutal.” She crossed her arms, refusing to look at him directly.

  Ulrick watched her with deep midnight blue eyes, a twinkle of curiosity radiating from their depths. “I did not attack your friend, A’ Kilini. I walked into the room and she fell to the ground. Has she ever expressed this illness before?”

  Lily’s face flushed. Not only did her friend pass out with fright, but she just realized she was still wearing his shirt. “Before we go any further, I want some normal clothes.” Lily tugged on the hem of her shirt.

  “Of course. May I have my map back?” Ulrick walked over to the closet and pulled out an outfit.

  Lily bit her lip, pulled out the map hidden in her shorts, and handed it to Ulrick. He, in return, handed her an outfit.

  Lily looked at the fabric. The short dark purple dress was only a few inches longer than what she currently had on, and was a silky fabric with an intricate lace pattern along the bust. “Do you have any real clothing? People don’t just walk around looking like this. Why do you have all these outfits anyways?” She shoved back the jealousy that rose in her throat. These weren’t from another woman, were they?

  “My friend Mickaal has given one to me every year for the past fifty cycles. He told me it was so I would be prepared when I found my mate. If the clothing is not to your liking, we will get rid of them.” Ulrick pulled out another outfit and handed it to her. This was a pair of yellow pants with a matching bra, but nothing else.

  “Oh geez,” Lily said, walking past Ulrick to the closet. After a moment of looking she realized the man did not seem to own any normal clothing. She pulled out a soft white tee shirt and a pair of shorts, and walked to the cleansing room to change. The shorts were much too small for her liking, but at least she didn’t have to worry about her ass showing.

  When she was finished changing, she found Ulrick in the kitchen placing two bowls of brun on the table and filling glasses with tea. The aroma made her stomach growl and she hesitantly took a seat across from Ulrick, her eyes never leaving him. Why is he doing this? What does he want? While she knew she should run, her mind demanded answers and her body could not deny that there was a strong and ever present attraction.

  “I will have clothing generated for you in the morning. Where would you like to begin?” Ulrick asked as if reading her mind.

  Lily thought for a moment. She really didn’t know where to begin, questions raced in her head. “Where is everyone?”

  “They were summoned to Base. They were low on fuel and had to be escorted back. I believe Gustavo is being questioned.”

  Lily bit her cheek in thought. “How would you know that?”

  “I placed a bug on you when we were in Briella. It split; one remained with you, the other on Base.” He paused as her eyes widened. “It is not for the reason you think, I simply need to track the coordinates in case I needed to find you.” He sat down at the table and took a sip of tea from a cup that seemed smaller than normal in his large hands.

  Lily’s brow knitted. “Why do you want to track me?” Her breath caught in her throat.

  “You are my Ja’ Keo Gruna, and therefore your safety is my responsibility. And, I would like to propose an alliance with the Renegade.”

  “I am not your anything and I definitely do not want to pledge an alliance with you. Now, if that is all, I am going to leave and find my team.” Lily crossed her arms, and narrowed her eyes, studying him.

  Ulrick sighed, rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. “Do you know what Ja’ Keo Gruna translates to?”

  “Yes, it means your mate.”

  He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “You are my one and only. You cannot deny the pull between us. Your markings give you away. We are matched.”

  She flushed. It was true that her markings were moving non-stop over her arms, spiraling, twisting, and spreading heat through her body until it pooled in her core. She unconsciously rubbed over them, trying to ease the tingly sensation.

  Ulrick continued, “Hilian’s have a single pre-destined mate. Each was born for the other. There is no one else. The Gods gave us the ability to recognize our mate with a single look. Our Kinsling, our markings, are proof of that.” He reached across the table to rest his hand on hers. She allowed the contact longer then she should have then pulled away. Ulrick huffed quietly. The sound seemed odd coming from a man of his size.

  “May I see your necklace?”

  Lily brought her hand up to the string of delicate rocks that hung around her neck. She had forgotten she was wearing the stolen necklace. Another wave of embarrassment overtook her. Well, this is awkward. Before she was able to respond, Ulrick was standing behind her tracing the necklace with his fingertips. She shivered against his delicate touch, goose bumps blooming over her bare neck. He unclasped the chain, holding it gingerly as he walked back to his seat. In dazed curiosity she watched him pull five small stones from his pocket, each meticulously carved into a small sliver with a hole in the center. He tenderly undid one end then strung the loose rocks on.

  “What are you doing?” Lily asked as he tied the latch back onto the string.

  He walked behind her again, circling her neck with the string of stone and latched it back in place. “This is a Grun’Jari. A male presents this to his mate so she knows how long he searched for her. Each stone represents a place I visited during my search. My journey was over one hundred and fifty cycles. It would be my deepest pleasure if you accept this demonstration of my commitment.” His eyes seemed to soften, the midnight blue orbs burning into her.

  She knew if she accepted her fate would be sealed, but she couldn’t find the strength to say no. There were so many stones on the necklace. He had visited so many planets, searched for so long. For her. Is he happy with what he found? She bit her lip trying to rid her mind of the unpleasant thoughts.

  Ulrick moaned, taking her lack of response as an acceptance.

  “Even if I am your Ja’ Keo Gruna I still won’t align with you. You’re a traitor! You sold out Hilia for your own gain. You destroyed hundreds of civilizations.” Her eyes stung as she bit out the words. “Even if I was once meant for you, our paths have decided against that.”

  Ulrick’s eyes dimmed, showing a hidden sadness. “I am all of those things, but it has not been without purpose.”

  “I am sure it was not.” Her voice was thick with accusation.

  “Allow me to show you. Travel with me to Aray.”

  “I am not going anywhere with you, especially in Golan’s ship! The minute a soldier finds me I am dead.”

  The tension in Ulrick’s jaw slacked. “We
are not on Golan’s ship. We are on my personal Home Ship. It is not part of Golan’s army, nor is it on his radar.”

  “How can you be sure of that?” Lily asked.

  “He has tried to track me several times, but my ship has the power to TIP, making it hard for him to keep up. I lost them many hours ago,” he added with a smirk.

  “How are you able to TIP? The Developers designed that technology, and they are not aligned with Golan.” Lily banged her hands against the table. “Two siding bastards!”

  “It is true that only the Developers have the technology to TIP, but they are not working both sides. They have shared the advancement with me, but not with Golan.”

  “Giving you the technology is the same as giving it to Golan.”

  Ulrick sighed. “Once we get to Aray it will be easier for me to explain.” He dropped his face into his hands, as though searching for the right words. “Aray is the location of an artificial planet. It is where the Hilians now live.” His eyes never strayed from her.

  “What? Is that the planet from your note? The ones the Developers made? It’s true?”

  Ulrick’s brows furrowed, a frown hardening his handsome face. His muscles bulged as he crossed his arms over his chest. Lily couldn’t help but notice how his markings moved over the expanded surface. She found her eyes lingering far longer than she intended.

  Ulrick continued his story, his voice edged with anger. “Did you think I abandoned Hilia and joined Golan for no reason? Hilia was on the verge of destruction. Golan’s army was too large, too rich, and too advanced to be defeated. Hilia had just come back from a long war with Vin-yua. Many of our troops were injured or scattered throughout the galaxy. It would have been many rotations before they were able to regroup. Golan came to me, told me of his attack. He wanted to take out Hilia while we were weak.” He paused, the catch in his voice barely noticeable.

  “And?” Lily asked, sitting on the edge of her seat, her voice a whisper.

  “He agreed to relocate a few hundred Hilians if I joined him. If not, he would destroy the entire planet and the Hilian culture would be extinct within ten cycles. I made the choice and joined with Golan.”


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