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Matched: A Galactic Battle Series, Book 1

Page 23

by L H Whitlock

  He brushed his thumb over her cheek. “Ja’ Keo Gruna.” His deep, raspy voice set her aflame, bringing forth desires hidden deep within her.

  “Tendora Kuni Rumora Fixio.” The words slid off his tongue, a sensual whisper. He leaned over her, covering her with his body and captured her lips. It started out soft, sweet, and innocent then hardened into a demanding, lust-driven kiss. She groaned. He took advantage of her parted lips and conquered her, only stopping when she let out a muffled cry.

  Dropping to her neck he repeated the phrase as though to ensure that there was no chance she could deny the words. “Tendora kuni rumora fixio.”

  He suckled her neck until all she could do was wither beneath him. With each breath his scent filled her with the perfume of grand forests and the exotic lure of deep space. It built her desire like a drug.

  He stopped only to reposition himself so he was kneeling over her, one knee pressed between her legs. “Match of my heart, long have I searched. Accept my proposal and we shall be connected as one.” He bent low to capture her mouth once again, devouring the last of her resistance.

  A moan escaped him and he dropped his affections to nibble on her neck, sending a tingle of pleasure straight to her core. She was so focused on his teasing she hadn’t noticed his true goal until her dress was lifted over her head, leaving her laying under him in nothing more than a matching lacy bra and boy-short set.

  Her body flushed with heat as he slowly gazed over her. He didn’t seem to mind the battle scars that lingered on her skin; instead, he dipped his head to cherish a thin faded line on her chest from a battle many years ago. He brushed his tongue over her lacy bra, circling her nipples until they peaked beneath the delicate fabric. Moaning, she arched her back wishing he were lapping at bare flesh. As soon as the desire crossed her mind, he delivered and pulled the obstructing material from her, leaving her bare beneath his gaze.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured before taking her breast into his mouth.

  As he pleasured her, she began her own adventure and slid her hands over his broad shoulders and down to explore his battle-hardened abs.

  Ulrick ran his hand along the slope of her side, slowly as though he were making a mental map. He stopped at the edge of her underwear, traced his finger over the seam, teasing her. She bucked her hips in response, demanding he stop his games. He moved from her breasts and down her stomach only stopping to place delicate kisses upon her bare skin. She tried to guess where he was going next, to will him to her heated core, but he continued his relentless torture.

  Finally he stopped at the seam of the last remaining obstacle, the lace underwear she was desperate to be rid of. He pulled them off slowly, his dark eyes never leaving hers. Once she was free he dipped his head, placed kisses along her hips and inner thighs. “Ulrick,” she pleaded, needing his attention on her hot, wet core.

  He growled. The low rumble full of desire and triumph. He pushed her legs further apart and dipped his head between them. He lapped at her slowly at first then began a desperate feast. Her body tightened, toes curled, and vision blurred until all that was left was the sensation of the man between her legs.

  When he slipped a finger into her the world unraveled. She heard herself cry as her release washed over her in a flood of desire.

  “Ulrick!” She couldn’t find the breath to complete her request.

  Ulrick stood, lifted his shirt over his head then fumbled with his belt for several moments before finally dropping his pants and kicking them aside.

  Lily followed the valley of his tight abs until she came upon a defined waist. His markings moved in a fiery pattern that seemed to match the beating of her heart. He pulled down his boxers in one swift movement and stood before her in all his splendor. A warrior god ready for her taking.

  “Ja’ Keo Gruna, Tendora kuni rumora fixio.” The words left her without thought, rising from a place deep within.

  Ulrick’s eyes darkened. He dropped on top of her, covering her so completely all she could see was him. Distracting her with a kiss, he slipped inside her. She arched her back, moaned as he stretched her inner walls. He stilled for a moment then began the rhythm her body craved.

  Ulrick groaned, held her hands above her, rendering her useless to his plunder. “By the worlds.” The words ripped from Ulrick in a tormented gasp.

  She was consumed with a fire that sensitized every inch of her skin. Her markings merged with his, spiraling together in a lust-filled dance. Desire built until all she could do was grip onto his shoulders and keep up with his pace. Her entire body tightened with the promise of relief on the horizon. Just as every muscle quivered with release, Ulrick cried out and joined her in ecstasy.


  Ulrick sat in bed with Lily’s head resting on his thigh. He stroked her hair, enjoying the soft strands as they slid between his fingers. Every now and then she would sigh as though in a pleasant dream. The sound made him ache for more. He watched with satisfaction as his markings moved and spiraled around her, forever imprinted onto her arm. The contrast of chocolate brown and black created an unusual pattern. Most Hilian markings were black, but he found he enjoyed their unique mix. He was proud to wear her markings upon his arms. It linked him to the beautiful warrior for all eternity. With one look everyone would know she belonged to him, and he to her. It made his heart swell.

  Lily’s RAB dinged. Not wanting to rouse his mate, he grabbed the device and pushed what he thought was the off button.

  “El, where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you forever!” Brock’s stern voice came through the RAB. The small screen showed the picture of the man’s dark scruffy face and shiny metal arm. “What the fuck! Where is Lily! If you hurt her I swear I will rip you apart.”

  “Lower your voice or you will wake my mate.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about your mate! Where’s Lily?”

  Ulrick couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. He felt like he had just won a duel, and was showing his trophy to his competitor. He tilted the screen so Lily was in the picture. “As I mentioned before, she is resting.”

  For several seconds, utter silence filled the other line. “What do you mean she is your mate?” Brock asked, his voice eerily low.

  “She is my predestined match. You can see the evidence in her markings, as you see mine have mixed with hers. This can only happen if she is my true match.”

  “You bastard! How dare you take her against her will?”

  Ulrick clenched his teeth. How dare this male accuse him of such an act! “I have done nothing of the sort! She agreed to my proposal. She is my mate. I suggest you come to terms with it. She chose me.”

  “Fuck you!” Brock bellowed.

  Ulrick lost his control. “I said she chose me! I suggest you move on.”

  “What is going on?” Lily asked rubbing her hand across her eyes.

  “You sonofabitch. Where are you?” Brock roared.

  Lily yanked the screen away from Ulrick. “Brock! Are you guys okay?” Ulrick felt a stab of jealousy at her sincere question.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you Lily! How could you betray us? All so you could sleep with…with him?”

  Ulrick snarled. He grabbed for the RAB but Lily pulled it out of his reach.

  “Brock, I did not betray you.” Her voice was laced with pain. “It is a long story. Ulrick has been putting together an alliance against Golan, he needs the Renegade’s help.”

  “And you believe this? He’s just trying to get his way with you, and it worked.” Brock crossed his arms over his chest. “I have to say, I might have expected this from someone else, but never you.”

  “He saved the Hilian race and has been hiding them from Golan. I met with the Developers, they arranged this entire attack. This could be the end of the war!” Lily desperately tried to explain the situation but Brock interrupted her every few words, offering her an insult or accusation.

  Ulrick grabbed the RAB. “Enough. We all have a par
t to play. I suggest you begin playing yours. We will meet with Rowan and see you on your base.” Ulrick turned off the RAB before Brock could say another word. Lily looked at him, the hurt evident in her eyes.

  “I’m going to wash up.” She mumbled then slid off the bed, her still nude form beckoning him. Perhaps a physical display will help improve her mood? No…This was not the time.

  She looked down at her arm and ran her fingers across the ever moving chocolate and black designs. “How…What?” Her brows furrowed as she glanced back at him.

  Ulrick cleared his throat. “I may have forgotten to mention that.”


  Lily stepped into the steaming hot shower and allowed the water to wash away the memory of Brock’s accusation. She looked down at her feet, which sunk beneath a hologram of a field of flowers. Cute, but I’m not in the mood. She scrubbed pink soap over her markings, hoping they would return to normal, unfortunately they did not.

  It wasn’t that she regretted her decision, because she didn’t. But, it was going to be a never ending battle to prove her innocence now that her markings linked her to Ulrick. Would everyone react the same as Brock had? She had expected him to be angry, but she was still hurt by his words.

  A knock sounded at the door. After wrapping herself in a towel Lily opened it, secretly hoping it was Ulrick ready for round two.

  Gloria beamed at her. “Hey. Can I come in?”

  Lily motioned for her to enter and couldn’t help but stare as she walked past. The girl’s normally golden hair was a violet purple. “What happened to your hair?”

  Gloria’s face lit up. “Don’t you just love it! It’s shampoo! Each time I wash my hair it changes color!”

  Lily had to admit that the violet hair contrasted beautifully with her lavender eyes. “It looks gorgeous.”

  Looking in the mirror, Gloria used one finger to stretch out her eye lid then with the other hand she applied a thin line of fuchsia eyeliner. “Wow! Look at all the flowers.”

  “I know. Isn’t it cool?” Lily wiped a circle into the steam on the mirror. She sighed in relief when her blonde hair reflected back at her.

  “Mine is a pond with a bunch of fish. They are so pretty. I was standing on a lily pad!”

  Lily used an absorber rag to dry out her hair. “Really? It must change each time it is used. We have to get one for our ship.”

  “For sure.”

  “Hey…your markings changed.”

  There was an awkward pause and heat rose to Lily’s cheeks.

  Gloria squealed. “So the deeds been done, huh?”

  “What makes you think that?” Lily tried to act innocent, but she knew her face gave her away.

  “Oh, please. Your markings are combined. That’s what happens when Hilians are bound together. So tell me about it.”

  “You knew about this?” Lily motioned to her arm. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I knew if you found out you would be upset. It’s hard enough walking around with Hilian markings, but now you’re linked to Ulrick.” Gloria looked at her apologetically. “I’m sorry, but you have the right to be happy. If I told you about them you may never have admitted how you felt about Ulrick.”

  Lily smiled at her and pulled her shirt over her head. “Brock found out. He is really pissed off.”

  Gloria braided her hair off to one side. “He’ll get over it. I know he’s your best friend. Give him some space. He’ll come around.”

  A knock at the door interrupted them. “We will be at the meeting point in ten minutes,” Ulrick called out.

  “Okay,” Lily yelled back through the closed door.


  “Prepare for docking.” Chuck’s monotone voice came though the ship’s comm.

  “We are ready,” Ulrick replied. The ships slowly navigated into position. Once the ports were lined up they would lock together. Then it would seal and pressurize the attachment, allowing them to transfer from Ulrick’s Home Ship to the Renegade’s transporter.

  “How long do you think it will take us to get to base?” Gloria asked.

  “I do not know,” Lily responded.

  The port locked to Ulrick’s ship with a bang and a whining sound echoed from the connection as the devices adjusted to lock together. Lily’s heart pounded as the doors slid open. Two men Lily didn’t recognize stood on the other side.

  “Thanks for meeting us. Please come aboard so we may proceed to base.” The guards stepped to the side and ushered them in. They wore the standard issue black cargo pants, tucked into lace up combat boots, a black tee-shirt, and combat vest.

  “Thank you. We look forward to our meeting.” Ulrick replied and stepped into the connection.

  Lily indicated with a wave of her hand for Gloria to go next and the purple-haired woman joined Ulrick on the other side of the port.

  Lily smiled at the soldiers and followed after Ulrick.

  Pain exploded at the base of her head and she folded to the floor. Her surroundings grew hazy and the clangs of boots echoed in her ears. She could just make out the sound of her name, but it was far, far away. Rough hands wrapped around her biceps, dragging her through the port. She fought to keep her eyes open, but the room spun and she gave in.


  Yelling drew Lily back into consciousness. Her head throbbed to the cadence of the screams and she gripped her head with a groan. Bile burned the back of her throat and a searing pain radiated from the base of her head.

  She brushed over the area with her fingers and drew them away, tacky with blood. She opened her eyes and the room blurred, a blinding light washing out her surroundings.

  A female voice gasped and the thud of boots pounded in her skull. Arms pulled her up, resting her head on a lap.

  “Lily, Lily. Oh…Ulrick, she’s awake.” A hand smoothed over Lily’s forehead. “Can you hear me?”

  “Ugh.” She opened her eyes to see Gloria leaning over her, purple hair spilling over her shoulders.

  “Can you hear me? How many fingers am I holding up?”

  Lily squinted, making the outline of two fingers, though she was getting a double image. “Two,” she whispered, her voice raw.

  “Lily!” Ulrick’s voice boomed, drawing another wave of nausea. “A’ Kilini. Are you okay? Damnit! Gloria, is she okay?”

  “Ulrick…” Lily managed before her voice croaked. She tilted her head, looking for him.

  “It’s okay. He’s in the next cell. Yeah, she’s okay. She has a concussion. But she’s conscious at least.”

  “Keep her head elevated. She needs to rest.” Ulrick’s voice was strained as though he were struggling.

  Gloria smoothed her palm over Lily’s head. “Just relax for a bit.”

  “What happened?”

  “You were hit in the head. The soldiers…they attacked us the moment we entered the ship.”

  “Who are they with?”

  Gloria sighed. “We don’t know yet. Chuck was there…I don’t…I don’t know if he’s against us or if the Renegade is.”

  Lily struggled to her elbows, Gloria pulled her back down. “Don’t! Just relax. We can’t get out of these cells right now anyway. Just relax.”

  Lily’s vision blurred in and out. With a nod she closed her eyes and allowed Gloria’s soothing touch to lull her to sleep.


  A dull pain pulsed through her head. It was better than before and her stomach was settled. Her pillow shifted and she remembered that she was resting her head on Gloria’s lap.

  A wave of light momentarily blurred her vision. She blinked rapidly, her eyes watering against the assault. When her eyes adjusted she looked up at Gloria. She was leaning against a glass wall, her arms folded over her chest, and her eyes shut. Her hair was fading from the purple and was now a murky blonde.

  Lily groaned, her body stiff and heavy as she pulled herself into a sitting position then struggled to her feet. Ulrick sprang to his feet in the cell next to hers and pressed his palms against th
e glass wall. Lily slowly made her way over to him, taking the time to study her surroundings.

  The cells were made almost entirely of a see-through material. She doubted it was actually glass as that was too easy to break. It was a common transporter ship, but she had never been in the cells before. She knew enough to know that the door was charged with electricity that would shock you if you attempted to get out. The other cells were vacant, making the prison appear like one gigantic room. Lights consumed the ceiling, illuminating them in a cold, bright glow.

  Coming up to the wall separating her from Ulrick, she pressed her palms to his, with only the glass separating them. He smiled, his eyes clouded and hair mussed.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She nodded. “My head hurts, but I think it is getting better.”


  “How did they manage to catch you?” Lily asked with a small smile.

  Ulrick scowled; his forehead creasing. “They knocked you unconscious the moment my back was turned. I attacked, but they told me if I did not surrender they would kill you. They had a gun on you. There was nothing I could do.”

  “You should have beat the crap out of them and let them shoot me.”

  Ulrick’s jaw clenched and his eyes darkened.

  “I am kidding.” She brushed her hand over the wound on the back of her head. It had stopped bleeding and was crusted over, tangling her hair with dried blood.

  “You’re up!” Gloria said, walking over to join her.

  “Yes. Thank you for allowing me to use you as a pillow.”

  Gloria smiled, the light reaching her lavender eyes. “Anytime! I’m so glad you are okay. You tried to talk to me a few times and I was very worried you weren’t going to get better.”

  “How long was I out?”

  “Too long,” Ulrick supplied, his head dipping.


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