Book Read Free


Page 12

by Vera Roberts

  “Is this my pussy?” He growled at me. He slapped my ass when I didn’t answer in time.

  “Yes!” I screamed as I felt the coils of orgasm began to unravel within me. I couldn’t control it nor did I want to stop it. I did know I wasn’t prepared for it.

  “I’m about to come…” My breath cries out as Cameron thrusts deep in me. “I’m about to fucking come all over your dick.” The orgasm put my body in a vise and I uncontrollably shook. He still thrust hard and fast in me.

  “Taylor!” He growled as he came shortly afterward. Cameron wrapped his arms around my body as the orgasm tore through him.

  We laid like that for a long moment – stripped and bare. I feel like I couldn’t get any closer to Cameron than this and each time we make love, I’m always proven wrong. I’m falling hard and deep for this man and it terrifies me.

  “What’s going on in that mind of yours?” He breaks my concentration.

  I lift my head and stare down at Cameron. If what I’m about to do puts me in the Pick Me Hall of Fame, so be it. “Thank you.”

  Cameron rolls me onto my back. His cock is still hard and he just smiles at me. “You’re welcome.” He chuckles. He caresses my face and kisses me. “I love you.”

  He said it and he was the first one to do it. I don’t feel pressure to say it back, but I wonder if he’s ever made this declaration with any of his other girlfriends. But honestly, fuck them hoes. He’s with me now and that’s all that matters.

  “I love you, too.”



  My eyes fly open as I hear what sounds like a deranged woman outside. There’s a bit of a distance between Cameron’s driveway and the front door yet I could hear her as if she was right below his window.

  The noise disappears and it’s silent again. Maybe I was tripping nuts and thought it was one of Cameron’s groupies. This man has a following that grows by the minute and the thirsty-ass comments from the desperate girls are something I’m still struggling to get used to.

  Cameron’s arms are wrapped around my body and I snuggle more into his embrace. Maybe I thought I heard a woman screaming and it was a dream. We were up all night making love and christening every place in his bedroom. My mind is delirious.

  My eyes close again and I fall back asleep but it’s short-lived. The silence lasts all but a few minutes. There’s a loud crash and screeching tires that follows. It’s definitely not a dream.

  I sit up and cover myself as Cameron sits up with me. He wraps an arm around me and stares out the window. “I got you,” he quietly says, “I need to handle something.”

  “What’s going on?” My heart is pounding and I’m trying to steady my breath. I thought this was a quiet neighborhood but I guess any place can be ghetto depending on the occupants.

  “I don’t know.” Cameron’s focus is on the window. “I’ll find out shortly, though.”

  “CAMERON!” A woman screeches as she pounds on the front door. “I KNOW YOU HEAR ME!”

  Cameron’s body went stiff and he breathes out frustration. “Shit!” Cameron flies out of bed and puts on some jeans and a T-shirt. “Stay here, Tay.”

  “What’s going on?” I sit up in bed and turn on the light. “What’s happening?” Soon, the bedroom door opens and two men come into the room, unannounced. I quickly cover myself and Cameron pays no attention to me.

  “Where is she?” He calmly asks. The world could be on fire and Cameron would still have the voice of calm.

  “Downstairs,” one of the men answer. I recognize the men from our first date. They’re not wearing suits like they were; they’re casually dressed. It’s Cameron’s personal security.

  “Shit,” Cameron quietly replies, “let me go deal with her before she wakes up the neighbors.” All of them leave the bedroom and I’m stuck wondering what in the hell is going on?

  Cameron and his security detail are gone for a while and I’m getting antsy. I quickly get dressed and make my way downstairs where I see a blonde, white woman clearly tweaking. She can’t stay still, and she’s loudly chewing a piece of gum.

  What’s more alarming is she’s dressed nice – she’s wearing Gucci loafers and a Fendi sweater. Her hair looks freshly blown-out. This isn’t a poor, strung-out junkie. This is a rich addict.

  “I just…” Her voice is a cross between begging and pleading. “…I just need a little to tie me over. You know, Allie just started her ballerina lessons and little Markie…little Markie is in preschool now.”

  “Claire,” Cameron’s voice is low, “you know better to come here and at this time of night.”

  “I know, I know…” Claire mentions as if she knows it was a mistake. “…but I really need your help, Cam. Just this one time. Just this one time and I’ll leave you alone. I promise.”

  I look at the woman and I’m trying to remember where I saw her before. She looks awfully familiar.

  “Where’s Robert?” Cameron asks. “I know Robert didn’t let you drive over here like this?”

  Claire give s a sheepish grin and shrugs. “You know your brother…”

  Brother? This interaction is clearly more personal and Cameron is fully involved.

  “He has no idea you’re here?” Cameron replies and before Claire could answer, a tall, lanky White man barges through the front door. It’s Robert.

  “CLAIRE!” He grabs her arm and pulls her to the side. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Ow, you’re hurting my arm!” She yells at him. “I needed Cam’s help and you kept saying you would talk to him but it’s taking too long so I wanted to do it myself!”

  “I told you I would.” He lets go of her and walks up to Cameron. “Cam, I—” Before he could finish, Cameron hold up a finger.

  “Robert, I told you about this before. This is my home, my sanctuary. I don’t want anyone acting like they can come over and do whatever they please because we’re related.” Cameron sits on the bottom stairs as his security flanks him. “Now I have a broken gate I need to repair because you couldn’t control your bitch.”

  “And I’m sorry for that!” Robert hastily replies. “I’ll cover the damage and pay for a new one. Just…just help her out here. She’s going crazy without it and you know how she functions with it.”

  “And this is exactly why I didn’t want to do business with family. You give them something and they keep expecting more and more at the family hook-up price.” Cameron motions to his security. A man walks over to Robert and hands him something I couldn’t see, but I already know what it is. I feel sick to my stomach.

  Claire rushes over to Robert and grabs the items out of his hand. It’s enough to last her for a while, however long that is. “Oh, thank you, Cameron! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She jumps up and down like a person who just won the lottery. I guess she did in a sense. The lottery for drug addicts.

  “Leave.” Cameron orders and Claire and Robert quickly rush out the door. Cameron waits until they’re out of earshot and folds his head into his hand. I don’t know if it’s exhaustion, guilt, or annoyance. Maybe all three.

  “I’ll get the security gate back up tonight and get an estimate on replacement in the morning.” Maria says to Cameron. “It won’t be a thang at all.”

  “Good, good.” Cameron rubs his face. “I’ll deal with Robert in the morning. I need to talk to him about his wife’s behavior. It’s not the first time she’s done this but we’re putting a stop to the bad habits.” He stands up and turns to go upstairs. We meet eyes and Cameron is not happy with me. “I told you to stay in the bedroom.”

  “A woman sounded threatening and I wanted to see what was going on.” I cover myself upon seeing his security follow Cameron’s lead. “I had a right to know.”

  “I was handling it and you didn’t need to know about any of it.” He repeated, his voice flatter than before.

  Cameron’s demeanor is different. He’s not the nice Cameron with the charmin
g smile. This Cameron is threatening and intimidating. I’m not deterred. “Because you didn’t want me to know you’re a pusher?”

  The reality of the situation hits both of us. Cameron can no longer hide what he does from me. His eyes are full of anger and regret. “She is my brother’s wife and she needed help.” The way it comes out of Cameron’s mouth, it sounded like he was pained to say that much. “Go to bed, Tay.”

  “Go to bed, Tay?” My voice is naturally louder and more spiteful to match his tone. “That’s how you handle shit? Something I don’t need to see or know about, it’s ‘take my ass to bed, Tay?’”

  “Woman, watch your tone in my house.” Cameron climbs up the stairs and his voice is flat. We’re facing each other and Cameron’s face has no emotion. “Go to bed, now.”

  “Fine. I’ll go to bed. In my own bed.” I storm back upstairs and quickly start packing my items. I get dressed and call an Uber to come get me. I know better to stay around to see what will happen and I’ll be damned if I’m going to have Cameron act like he’s my damn daddy. Fuck him and fuck his crew, too.

  As I’m waiting, I hear Cameron’s bedroom door open and close. I have nothing to say to him. If he wants to treat me like crap, he can find another girl to do it with. I’m not the one he wants.

  “Girl, put down your bags.”

  It’s not Cameron; it’s Tesh. She’s looking at me with her arms folded and she slowly sucks on a piece of candy. “You’re not going anywhere tonight or period.” The way she says period, it’s clearly with a T. PERIODT. “Stop.”

  “This has nothing to do with you, Tesh.” I sniffle and adjust the bag strap. “This is between me and Cameron. I’m leaving him for good.”

  “You’re not going anywhere and stop the games.” She walks over and removes the bags from my shoulders. “You’re staying put.” She takes my hand and leads me to the sofa by the fireplace. She pats my hand and shakes her head. “You’re not the first woman he’s brought over here. You’re not the first who’s threatened to leave him at any time.”

  “Thank you for reassuring me Cameron is a class-A asshole.” I retort and Tesh only smiles in response. “My Uber should be here any moment.”

  “Cameron has business that has nothing to do with you. He has family issues he wants to protect you from. He may come off as distant, but it’s for your own good. The less you know, the better.” It’s a foreboding warning.

  I’m sure many down-ass chicks don’t care about what their man does as long as he keeps her laced up. I don’t want any of that on my conscience. “I’ve had family members who’ve struggled with drugs, Tesh. I’ve had friends die of overdoses. This is not something I can just mind my own business to.” I shake my head.

  Everything is starting to make sense. The way he spoke to those guys on our first date. That business meeting on the private jet that made his heart race. The long meeting at the jewelry store. How he and Que always had something to do and somewhere to go.

  Cameron has extra security not because of his dad but for his own protection. “How many people has he strung out? How many lives has he ruined?”

  “Cameron is doing nothing different than the numerous doctors all over the country who gladly fill out needless prescriptions and put someone else’s child or parent under duress.” Tesh rolls the candy in her mouth. “Are you going to do the high and mighty act with them as well?”

  “Oh, fuck you.” I reply and Tesh chuckles. The longer I stay, the more irritated I become. “This isn’t funny. Real lives are at stake here.”

  Tesh is quiet for a long moment before she speaks again. “No one has more to lose than Cameron.” She softly replies. “He would never put you in harm’s way.”

  “I’m sure many drug dealer girlfriends thought the same thing before the first shootout or robbery.” I roll my eyes.

  Tesh smiles at me. “If you want to leave, Cameron won’t make you stay. Keep in mind, this is his lifestyle, take it or leave it. He’s a busy man with a lot of connects all over the world. I’ve never seen him do drugs and he barely likes to drink liquor. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drunk.”

  He lives a clean lifestyle in comparison to what he does for a living. The irony isn’t lost on me. “What about his sister? Where does she fit in all of this?”

  Tesh sighs a deep, spiritual Negro sigh. “She wants nothing to do with the family. She only shows up for photo-ops and that’s it. Heather and Eric are lucky if they get a Christmas card from her.”

  There goes those smoke and mirrors again. The perfect, happy family isn’t so much in reality. As long as they present a clean-cut image for the family, that’s all that matters. “I need to leave.”

  “If you insist,” Tesh gets up and I follow her. “I hope you don’t think he’ll change because it’s you. Many women have thought the same as you and here he is.”

  I sense a guilt trip vibe from Tesh and I don’t understand it at all. Why am I being guilted for leaving a drug dealer? My Uber has arrived and I pick up my bags. I walk down the long, spiral staircase and pass his security. I don’t see Cameron and it’s for the best.

  We have absolutely nothing to say to each other.


  “There’s Ms. College Graduate!” Gabe greets me as I enter Fresh Espresso. “What’s going on, Future Boss?”

  I’m about to graduate in a few hours and I’m anything but ecstatic. Many people would be thrilled to be leaving college. I’m nursing one of the worst heartbreaks ever and trying to tough it through finals at the same time. This really sucks.

  I thought I would be spending my graduation with Cameron and instead, I’m alone once again. Between my mother abandoning me and Cameron intentionally hiding his dope game from me, my graduation is honestly the worst ever.

  I put on a bright smile because I don’t want anyone to know my business. East Atlanta gossip travels faster than a New York minute and Cameron and I never claimed each other on IG. It was private and it’s better to stay that way.

  It didn’t help the pangs of guilt I felt about my decision. I wanted to go and apologize to him for leaving him then my conscience made me realize how stupid that was. I’d become too invested in him, in us.

  Would I have been okay with everything, knowing he has family members hanging on for a hit? Could I turn the other day knowing someone person was choosing drugs over their children and Cameron was the cause behind it?

  Still, as I glance down at the sparkly bracelet Cameron had given me, I wonder if my decision was truly a smart one. Now I understand how Heather deals with Eric’s various misgivings. Nothing was going to stop her from going to the Hermes store.

  “I’m doing well,” I blatantly lie. Gabe doesn’t need to know my business and I barely even want to think about Cameron.

  “Any plans for tonight?” He asks. “I know every club is living it up right now.”

  “My girls have plans for me and they’re not filling me in. But I promise I won’t get too drunk.” I know I’ll get tanked but no one needs to know that.

  “Good girl.” Gabe pulls out his paper and pencil. “What you want today?”

  “Let me get the Michelle Obama.” I nod to the board.

  “Black, strong, with a little sugar.” Gabe nodded. “And a piece of icebox pie?”

  “You know it.” I pull out a twenty and place it in the tip jar. “Is my Daddy available?”

  “He’s in another meeting, but you can head on back.” Gabe nods. “I’ll be there in a bit with your items.”

  “Thanks, Gabe!” I smile and head back to my Daddy’s office. Just like before, he’s in there arguing with someone about his shops.

  “And I told you, the offer is no.” Daddy’s voice is firm and clear. “I’m not going to sell now or ever. I’m too invested in this city. Sorry but no is my final offer.”

  “You play a hard bargain, Lamont.” I recognize the woman’s voice from before. She’s back again. I have to give her credit for being persistent.
“Not many people would turn down three point five million dollars.”

  My jaw drops. Three point five million? What in the hell is my father thinking?

  “Well, I’m one of them.” Daddy’s voice is low. “Thank you for your time.”

  “Very well.” The woman gets up and walks out of the office. She turns to see me with a smile on her face. “There’s the Birthday Girl.” She leaves with security following her.

  The vibe I picked up from her before returns. There is something about that woman that is just uneasy and I can’t shake it. Now I understand why Daddy doesn’t want to sell to her, or to anyone.

  I walk into his office and Daddy is sitting back in his leather chair with a hand covering his mouth. He looks perplexed and deep in thought. I’ve seen my father bothered about something only a small handful of times in his life but this time is clearly different.

  My father looks like he was threatened.

  “There’s my baby girl,” Daddy’s face morphs into the man I love and know. He gets out of his chair and gives me a huge hug and kiss. “You told me you were going to graduate from college even before you entered high school and here you are! I’m so proud of you today!”

  “Thank you, Daddy.” I kiss him back. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” He motions to a chair and I sit down. Gabe brings our food and drink before he leaves us in silence. I silently debate before I tell my father the news about me and Cameron but it’s best I just come out with it. “I broke up with Cameron a few weeks ago. I didn’t tell you because I wanted to be focused on school.”

  Daddy doesn’t blink at the news. My father has never known for me to have a boyfriend, let alone date. He knows I’m serious about my school and taking over his coffee shop so he’s not at the least bit bothered by the news.

  He shrugs and digs into his pie. “Was it a clean break?”

  “Yes.” Cameron didn’t even attempt to run after me and hasn’t spoken to me since. He still follows me but he also follows like 600 other people so he probably doesn’t care enough to unfollow. Or he might be one of those idiots who wait for the person to unfollow so they could block.


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