Scold's Claim

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Scold's Claim Page 18

by Marie Hall

  "I really should not care at all if some jewel goes with them as long as they are gone," Io grumbled.

  "I should think you do not want to give them the satisfaction of taking even more from you than they did," Kate said and her expression said she didn't approve of Io's willingness to let it be.

  "What good now to be vindictive?"

  Jude snorted. "What good? The good of letting them know they cannot strike at you without it costing them."

  Io sighed and shrugged. Her friends were more like minded with her husband than with her on this matter, but that wasn't new. She'd been aware of how they'd talk between themselves on ways to thwart either Lady Charlotte or the Blakes. And when she'd hear one of those women screaming about something like finding salt in their wine, Io knew who was to blame. She almost wanted to ask what they did when she wasn't here to frown at them, but she knew she'd find pleasure in the stories and, well, that wasn't nice.

  "Do you want a bath, Io?" Kate asked again distracting Io from her thoughts.

  "I think it would be… nice," Io said with a smile that was returned by both. They left quickly then and Io was left feeling her life was becoming more normal and familiar again.

  Only no one knew as well as Io things could change in a heartbeat.

  Io leaned back against the pillows and finished working her hair into the braid. It was damp from the washing but would be dry enough should Xavier let her be about once he returned to the house. She'd dressed, though it was a simple gown, it'd be enough to satisfy Xavier's want to have her stand out as the lady here. Ann mentioned he'd already set a number of women working to sew more gowns. She'd waved off Io's protests much like Kate with a remark to letting him be indulging. Io was starting to think her women thought the best way to deal with men was to let them think it was all their will being done.

  A loud commotion in the hall beyond her door startled her, and she jumped when her door swung open and two soldiers rushed in.

  "Stay inside until I come back." Io heard Sir Roth say before the door was slammed closed and the two men turned and put their backs against it.

  "What is happening?" Io asked, staring at the men even as she pushed back to the far side of the bed.

  "My lady, I only know there was… an… accident," Harmond told her.

  Io scrambled off the bed and headed to the door. "Who was hurt? Who was hurt, let me pass," Io said, trying to push them aside.

  "My lady," Murphy said, working to block her but not actually touch her. "Sir Roth has gone to investigate the matter. Please do not upset yourself over something that could be no matter."

  Io glared at him. "If it is not a matter, then why are you inside with me now?"

  The man tipped his head to the side and gave her a crazed look. "My lady," he said with a chuckle.

  Io glared at him again but then turned her back and paced the room. Her husband probably directed this action. Let him have his worry? It didn't serve her well to let him have his worry if when something happened in the house, she couldn't be there to help. She paced back then away one more time before turning to yell at them.

  "Let me out of this room that I will attend this house and its people." They didn't budge and Io felt a knot forming in her stomach. What if someone was hurt or killed? She had an obligation to be at hand and give direction or comfort, and the more time that passed, the more her gut burned and her chest tightened. She started her pacing again until she could no longer bear it a moment longer. Picking up the laver she turned and hurled it at them. "Let me see to this house," she screamed as the men ducked and the laver hit the door and shattered.

  The two men resumed their post only to be shoved forward as someone tried to push open the door. They each drew swords, and Harmond determined who was trying to enter. With a slump in his shoulders, he stepped back then aside as Roth stepped through the door with Ann in his arms.

  "I told you," Ann said then sniffed.

  "What happened?" Io rushed forward to meet Ann as Roth set her in the chair. Before Io got her answer Sarah entered carrying a pitcher and rags. Ann bent forward and started hiking up her skirts.

  "Someone left a trap in the yard," Ann hissed through her teeth as the damage came into view. "I stepped in it."

  Io pressed her hands to her mouth, her friend's lower leg was swollen, bruised and looked to be crushed inward.

  "You are fortunate you were caught between the teeth, and wearing good boots." Sarah said getting down on the floor at Ann's feet. "I do not think it cut you too deep."

  "Ann," Io breathed, kneeling beside the chair. "I am so sorry."

  "Io," Ann gasped though Io couldn't tell if it was out of pain or surprise. "This is not your doing."

  "Of course it is not," Sarah scoffed and began gently wiping at the small trickle of blood. "Why would it be your fault?"

  Io leaned against the chair and clasped Ann's hand as she yelped and moaned while Sarah wrapped the wound.

  "Io, I was in the yard, I am sure this was an accident. No one would set a trap and hope you stepped in it rather than me. You are not even allowed outdoors." She smiled through the pain. "Sarah being such a tyrant as to not let you out."

  "Do not think I will not give you a pinch just because you are all scuffed up," Sarah griped, and Io found enough peace to laugh a little.

  "Ann?" Kate and Jude pushed their way into the room. "We heard you'd been hurt but you were not in your room." Kate settled on the floor to assess both the damage and Sarah's handling of it.

  "I tried to get her there," Roth said, glaring at the woman. "She insisted I bring her here first."

  "Yes, and I was right. You had my lady all upset," Ann said dismissing the gruff man's complaints.

  "Yes, do not lock me in my room like a child when something happens in this house," Io scolded, getting to her feet.

  "My lady, it is your husband's wish that you not be drawn out and distracted," Roth said with no apology in his words.

  Is that what this was? Had someone struck at Ann hoping to make Io drop her guard? Was her being back in the house going to be more dangerous for the people than when she was gone?

  "Io, Io." Ann reached over and tugged on her skirts. "It was an accident. Someone careless with equipment. Come, you know this has become a problem. This is not your doing."

  Io wasn't as certain, but she nodded in agreement because her friend was in pain, and she didn't want to be disagreeable.

  "You will not be walking about the next few days," Kate was saying as Roth stepped up and plucked Ann from the chair.

  "We must rearrange some duties," Sarah said, collecting the supplies and standing. She turned and looked pointedly at Io. "Upset that man no more, Io. Lest you never be free to help out again."

  "Free, more she should be to sore," Ann quipped as Roth carried her out.

  "Or that," Sarah agreed.

  Io looked at both then turned to see Kate and Jude working not to laugh. "All of you are awful," Io pouted then laughed.

  The others joined in leaving the men gaping opened mouth at them. "The whole of your species is disturbed," Roth complained.

  "Ah, not so, sir," Ann said as she wrapped her arms around the man's neck and rested her head on his shoulder. "It is simply there is no man alive who is clever enough to understand us."

  More laughter rang out, and Io was relieved enough to let Kate help her settle on the bed again. "Do not let this worry you so much Io," Kate told her as she grabbed a pillow from the floor and set it behind her back.

  "You think it is only an accident, more carelessness?" Io asked and didn't miss how Kate hesitated and averted her eyes.

  "Io, you are safe here."

  "I may be but what of you and Sarah and Jude? What of everyone else?"

  "Io, it is not any of us anyone has intended to see dead, and—"

  "Before, but what if they—"

  "Io, please do not make this something it is not," Kate said and crawled on the bed beside her. "I promise everyone will be
careful. More careful than we have been." She gave Io a hard squeeze then stood and left her with her thoughts.

  Maybe it was an accident. She'd complained several times people left tools lying about. One such tool, a pitchfork, left lying on the ground ended up through her leg. And while she wondered if she hadn't been given a mean horse on purpose, there was no way anyone could have predicted she fall in that spot when she was thrown. Careless accidents happened often and sometimes ended in death. She'd make sure she started back reminding people to take care and reduce such things.

  "My lady?" Io turned to see Harmond standing in the door with a backgammon board. "Sir Roth and Sir Gunther thought perhaps you would like to not be left like a lump to rot."

  With a relieved sigh and a smile Io waved the man over. He set the game on the bed then moved to pull the chair around and adjust her side table so they could face each other in the match. They played two good games each winning a match and started their third when a knock drew their attention.

  Io sighed as she watched Edmee come through with a tray. She didn't like this girl, she tended to side with Hester in matter of the kitchens, and Hester was Charlotte's pet. But Hester was removed from the kitchens, and Ann might not be preparing her meals now, but Io knew someone trustworthy was. Edmee was just the servant delivering it.

  "Mistress," the girl choked out and dipped a bit. She knew she was disliked and Io's favor was the only favor to be had. "I brung you supper." She took a tentative step forward. "Mistress Gail prepared it for you."

  "Very good, set it here on the bed." Io indicated the space at the foot.

  "Wait, now." Cuttler stepped in. "That meal must be sampled," he said, lifting the cloth. Io watched him lift the bread, tear a piece and taste it. He waited a moment then lifted a slice of cheese, the ham followed and then he tore off one whole leg from the chicken and bit into it. Again he waited, any poison wouldn't take very long to take hold. A few more moments and he nodded the meal approved. Edmee crossed the room at a near run, set the tray down, dipped her knees again and all but fled the room.

  "I will leave you to eat," Harmond said and started to rise.

  "No, let us play one more." She looked at the tray of food and frowned. "It will all keep, and I have no appetite right now.

  They played another game and Io would occasionally take a slice of cheese from the tray to nibble on. One last roll of the die and Io set her last checker off the board. Her little shout was drowned out by Harmond's groan.

  "We shall have to rematch, my lady." He stood and stretched as Io exchanged the game board for her tray.

  She whipped off the cover and reached for some more cheese only to find a solid block with no other pieces cut to eat. She searched the tray for a knife then the bed to see if it had fallen. She lifted the covers and then the tray.

  "My lady?"

  "They did not give me a knife to use." She laughed. It was no matter the only thing she needed it for was the cheese.

  "Here I can cut it for you," Harmond said and drew a blade from his hip.

  Io's heart stopped and only by chance did her scream beat the vomit out of her mouth as she rolled back off the bed. She landed hard on her hip, scrambling up, she rushed to the door. No matter how she pulled the damn thing wouldn't open. Had she been locked in? "Let me out. Help." She banged on the door and looked over her shoulder to see if he was on her yet. "Help." The door pushed open with enough force she was knocked to her arse, but the moment she was on her feet, she was out, determined to get as far away as she could. How far she got she didn't know, but she slammed into a solid body so hard the breath was knocked out of her.

  "Io." She heard her name but it took a moment to put a name to the voice. "Io?" Ian called again and she felt arms go around her so hard it hurt. The knight held her so tight she thought he'd break something, but it didn't feel tight enough and she scrambled closer, reaching to get further in his arms. "Io?" her feet left the ground and she was shifted up until her head fell on his shoulder.

  "He is going to kill me," she sobbed.

  "Who?" Ian demanded.

  Io lifted her head and turned to look back. The man stood now in the middle of the hall with several blades on him. Ian followed her stare.

  "Io, why do you say that?" Ian asked, turning and carrying her further down the hall.

  "He," she sucked in a breath and tried again though she still thought to vomit again, "he has," she gasped in a few more breaths. "The knife. His knife." She lifted a shaking hand to her throat. "That is the knife." She sucked in another breath. "That is the knife." She gave into the sobs and clung to Ian as the world tilted sideways.

  Chapter 15

  "Io, are you ready?" Xavier asked as he pulled his trembling wife closer. The shaking of her head was almost unperceivable, but he noticed and held his hand so the door remained closed. He'd give her another minute to gather her nerve.

  When he returned home two days ago, he thought his worst problem was finding ways to make Io happy again. He'd spoken with the midwife and healer Nora about Io's continued weakness. The woman assured him she was well healed from her miscarriage, and should he wish, he could again get her with child. While it might be fine news for another man, it was hardly a matter for him. He'd not even intended to get her with child the first time. He'd been thinking of perhaps speaking with her, but he'd only gotten that far in the process. More important was Nora's advice that Io find some more joy in her doings. Frankly speaking, Io was sad. Not unhappy, according to Nora, there was a difference. She was sad. She didn't appear to hold long to the small joys she found. Nora couldn't say what might make her happy, but she said he should. Only he didn't know. If what he was already doing wasn't enough, he'd have to give some real effort to discovering other things that Io would enjoy.

  He was putting a list together in his mind when he came through the gates and was pulled from his horse, dragged across the yards and into the house by a soldier who sounded to be trying to explain something dire but was talking too fast and with no continuity Xavier couldn't follow along. He'd managed to remain calm until he realized he wasn't being taken to Io's chamber or even to his cabinet but rather the room Sarah usually occupied, the one Io used right up until she ran. The door was pushed open and he stepped in.

  Gerald, Seth, Lucas, Ian, Mark and Gunther all sat squeezed on the small bed which groaned under their weight. Jon, Sarah and Jude stood on the other side worry and fear on their faces. Three more soldiers also stood in the small space. Before he could demand an explanation Ian made to stand. As he did, a hand shot out from under the bed grabbing his leg and tripping him back. How the bed didn't snap… Ian got up again then quickly down on his knees.

  "Io, Xavier is here now. Will you come out?" The huge man who so often would be the one to bellow orders over the battlefield barely lifted his voice to a whisper.

  Xavier heard a sob, then a sniff then Ian stood and waved everyone off the bed as Io slid out from under. She looked disheveled but unharmed and that was all he took in before she was in his arms almost crawling up his body so he had to hold her. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and cried while he was given a detailed account of what took place.

  Io spent the entire time from then until now jumping at everything, refusing to or unable to sleep. She'd barely eaten given the tray she'd tipped over was eventually tossed to the dogs and again, several of them died. Somehow the food that was tested passed, but some portion was tainted.

  Xavier already set Lucas to writing the warrants, and as soon as he heard from the man Io accused of trying to kill her, those would be carried out. There'd be no time wasted now. The boldness of the assassin was growing. Xavier wouldn't risk they managed to subvert his safety measures again. The moments after the incident, no one was aloud past the gates, guards were double at the walls and orders given that everyone should make the minimal movements needed for meals and the like until told otherwise. The killer was in the house and he wouldn't be getting out.
br />   "Xavier?" Io called and shifted a little closer to him.

  "All you must do, Io, is listen to him. Judge his words and tell me what you think of them." Xavier set his hand on her arm and squeezed. "He will be in chains, Io, and there will be no weapons in his reach." Io nodded and Xavier signaled the door should be opened.

  James Harmond walked in of his own accord. His chains dragging, and surrounded by four other soldiers, he didn't look like a man caught in the act of committing murder. And that went with what he'd been told both by his men and by the man himself. He'd not tried to kill Io. He wasn't even sure what made her think he had. Xavier saved the one question he needed to ask so Io could hear the answer.

  "James Harmond, Constable standing for the Honorable Sir Gerald Stanton, you stand accused of heinous acts against a noble lady. What do you say?"

  "I committed no act against the Lady Io, Brice my lord. I would not," Harmond said without hesitation and without any deception in his voice.

  Next to him Io trembled, and turned so she didn't have to look at the man. Xavier knew it was because she trusted him once. This was hard for her. It shook her faith in all the men set to protect her. It was time to give her back her trust.

  "I have heard you give answers to all my questions. I have but one more question to ask." Xavier waited as the man pulled back his shoulders, he had to be contemplating his own death at the moment. If what he said didn't satisfy Io, he'd hang before sunset today. The man nodded ready to hear the question. "Where did you come by the knife you wielded in Lady Io's chamber?"

  The man started, actually flinched. "The knife, my lord?"

  "This knife," Ian snapped, lifting the weapon from the table and waving it in front of the man's face.

  "My lord, I won it in a game. Dice, a few days ago." He seemed confused but Io's gasp sounded relieved as she turned to face him.

  "It is not your knife, Harmond?" she asked softly.

  "Well it is, my lady, I won it."

  "From who?" Xavier pushed.


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