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Scold's Claim

Page 19

by Marie Hall

  "Let me think, there were more than a few of us in the game. I think it was Bristol who put up the knife." The man looked from the knife being waved in his face, past it to Io. "What is so important about the knife? It is not even well made. The guard is loose and there is a nah—"

  "Nick in the blade," Io finished, then leaned into Xavier who put his arm around her.

  "It is the very blade held to your lady's throat in the stable," Mark said, coming around to take the knife from Ian who looked ready to stab the man without courtesy of a full hearing. "Only the fact you are Sir Gerald's man has kept you alive to be heard," Mark said then took a long moment to look the man over. "My lady, what color eyes did you tell me the people in the stable had?"

  "One had black, with a cloudy eye, the other had green."

  "This man has blue eyes and his hair is most red, you did not say either man had red hair."

  Xavier saw the Harmond flush, red hair always got a man bullied and teased. Beside him Io sniffed and shook her head. "No, black hair, one and the other brown, but there were three men."

  "Indeed," Mark said as the door to the room opened and Bristol was dragged in confused and looking worried.

  "Sergeant Bristol," Xavier called sharply, snapping the man to order. "Did you engage in a game of dice and wager that knife?"

  The man looked from Xavier to the knife back to Xavier and nodded. "I did, my lord," he said and swallowed.

  "Has the weapon been in your possession long?" Xavier pressed. The knife was of poor quality, not something his men should be carrying which might be how it end up carelessly wagered in a bet.

  "A few months, sir."

  "Where did you obtain it?" He watched the man grimace and give a pleading look which seemed directed more towards Io than him.

  "Answer the question," Ian said and cuffed the man.

  "It was on the body of one of the men pulled from the lake," Peter Bristol said and no one missed Io's moan of disgust.

  "What men pulled from the lake? When?" Xavier asked, trying to recall the event.

  "My lord, when we searched near to home for our lady," Bristol explained. "We dragged the lake and…" The man paused as Io pushed her way between Xavier and the desk he stood behind so she could lean against him.

  "Go on," Mark told him.

  "We dragged the lake and pulled out two men." He looked around at all the faces in the room. "We reported all this, my lord. I took an inventory of their belongings and gave it to master Neville. He said take what we wanted and bury the bodies."

  "Do you happen to remember what the men looked like?" Mark asked.

  Bristol shrugged, "Ragged. Their clothes and shoes were worn. Only one buckle was functioning, and except for that knife, they had no other weapons we found. Although they did each have three pieces of gold on them." Xavier rubbed his brow, it'd be commonplace for a soldier to remember better what he was able to pillage from a body than the body itself. "I beg pardon, my lady," the man went on, "I do remember one thing because it seemed very grievous. One man had a very deep cut across his eye, from his brow to cheek. I cannot think he could see out the eye it crossed, and if he could, it was not well. I am sure we told Master Neville the description of each man well enough he could be identified should anyone come to ask."

  "They are dead," Io whispered. Not sure if it was a question or a statement Xavier replied with the only answer he could.

  "It appears so." He kissed the top of her head even as she turned in his arms to face the men, one still in chains.

  "I am so sorry, Harmond, I did not mean to accuse you so falsely. I—"

  "My lady," the man managed a chuckle. "It is well enough it has led to the discovery those who tried to harm you are in hell."

  "But—" Io tried again, and before Xavier could silence her, Harmond's next words put her in tears.

  "I serve you, my lady. Better my death than yours."

  "I do not wish that," Io almost wailed.

  Xavier would need to take time to explain the man's words and his reasons, but for now he needed to absolve the man as give him back his freedoms. "You have well enough proven yourself a loyal, faithful servant of this house. If you care to not continue service within my ranks, I will understand and give you a letter of service and a year's wages to see you hired by another house."

  The man actually snorted as he held his arms out to have the chains removed. "I want to serve no other, my lord, than those I serve here."

  "Io," Xavier called to gain her attention. "Do you wish Harmond to remain on your guard?" She looked surprised by his question and turned to look at the man standing there smiling stupidly at his wife.

  "My lady, you do owe me a rematch. I cannot walk away with you having won two games to my one." The man worked his expression into a more insulted expression. Io managed to sniff and giggle before giving him a sharp nod.

  "Resume your duties as soon as you are able," Xavier said. There was a moment of quiet while the soldiers shuffled out, leaving only Mark, Ian and Gerald in the room. He rather hoped they would move on from this, but if Gerald had a grievance, he'd be justified.

  "You have Lucas working on the warrants?" Gerald asked, crossing the room to adjust the furnishing as they'd been before this afternoon. Io was sleeping in here. The door to her chamber had stuck at the worst moment and she wouldn't go back inside. A thick pallet was rolled up in the corner and would be laid out when she was ready to sleep. Something else she'd not done in a while.

  "He should have them finished soon and ready for your signature," Ian informed them. "And two barracks are ready to receive them."

  "Two?" Io piped up. "There are not so many as to need two. Are there?"

  "It is for safety, my lady," Gerald said. "We do not want those arrested to be able to overtake their guards before trial."

  There were that many, eighteen in all who'd in some way violated their oath to the house. Eleven of those would be charged with crimes punishable by death. But Gerald's answer was also true and it put Io at ease.

  "Tell Lucas to bring them to me as soon as they are done. And pick the men who will carry them out. I want to take as many before dawn so there is less… disruption to the house," Xavier finished, avoiding saying he didn't believe everyone would be taken easy. Catching them as they woke kept them from having a chance to fight. He'd have the three women taken last and have Io away from the house, as there was no chance they wouldn't kick, scream and cry.

  A knock at the door stopped all talk. Kate came through the door with a tray, on her heels two different soldiers. "You can eat now, Io," she said, setting the tray on the table by the big chair.

  Io shook her head, "I am not hungry."

  "Io, I prepared this myself. No other had a hand in and these two," she jerked her head back at the men behind her, "stood guard and watched me and the food the entire time. It is safe, you need to eat or we will never be able to go sledding."

  "Eat something, Io, please," Xavier cajoled as he took her arm and led her to the chair.

  Io sighed and lifted the napkin, but when he saw the smile lift the corners of her mouth, he knew she'd start eating again. He left her sitting trying to decide which of her favorite foods to start with and gathered with the men on the other side of the room.

  "Xavier are you sure we should take them now? We do not know who the third man is, and there is no proof who was behind the other attempts on her life," Ian said, looking back over his shoulder when Io laughed at something Kate was saying.

  "I predict within a few days our friend," Xavier set his hand on Mark's shoulder, "should have everyone's confession and know what they know about who led this insurrection."

  Mark now glanced at Io who was looking back that them as she put some chicken in her mouth. "What would you have me do?"

  "Whatever needs doing," Xavier said, smiling the whole time at his wife whose expression had become a little suspicious.

  "And how might you keep that from her?" Mark asked, his tone stat
ing plainly he didn't want to earn Io's ire.

  "I plan to take her out of the house the next few days," Xavier said, accepting the cup of wine Gerald poured. "The mill and the market, perhaps sledding." He took a sip, watching Io over the rim.

  "Really?" Ian took the next cup filled. "She has not been out of this room or more than arms distance from you since…"

  "Yes, I know. That is why I am going to take her out. She needs to find a little peace, a little happiness," Xavier informed them, remembering the advice of Nora. "You can begin the interrogations once we have left the house, and I will make sure you are given enough warning before we return. Get from them what you can however it pleases you to do so."

  "Even those women?" Mark rolled his cup between his hands.

  There was more than enough proof the three women from the kitchens were behind the poisoning attempts. One women in the market came forward in what Xavier knew was an act of self-preservation to say she'd sold the poison thinking it was for some rats. It was all Xavier could do to not march out there and kill the three where they stood. But he hoped they'd be able to tell him who was the mastermind behind these acts. A few more days were all he'd need and he'd bring Io's suffering to a complete end.

  "Then we will begin at dawn," Gerald said and finishing his drink, set the cup aside and headed for the door. The three paused to say goodnight to Io, and not long after, Kate collected the tray and left as well.

  Xavier crossed to her, and she scooted around to make room for him to sit, then adjusted again so she sat in his lap. The way she curled against him alerted him something was amiss. "Io, what is the matter?"

  She looked at her hands in her lap and picked at her nails. "I accused that man and it could have cost him his life, and I was wrong."

  "Io, I told you, I would not act rashly. It is not my intent an innocent should be harmed." She nodded but continued to pick at her nails. "What else is bothering you?" A moment later, she shrugged her shoulders, sighed then leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Do not think yourself into circles again. What happened with Harmond is exactly how it should happen. It will be the same with everyone who is taken." He gave her a tight squeeze. "I may be the devil's own when on the battlefield," he said in her ear, letting his lips brush her. "But I do not ever wish to bring harm to my own people." She shuddered then nodded.

  Leaning forward, Xavier lifted the book from the table. They hadn't read together in several days, and with nothing left to steal his time with her, it was a good time to try and work through the quiet relatable story about the descent into hell.

  He read a while then let Io take over until they were called to the hall for the last meal of the day. The mood was light and it seemed to lift her spirits, but she wouldn't be returned to her chamber, preferring to lie on the floor in his cabinet. She lay quietly, though he didn't think she slept, as the warrants were brought in for signature. And when he slipped in beside her, she didn't push back against him. She was trying to work something out, and he'd have to give her the chance to do that. To trust she'd come to him before she came to some dark, dire conclusion which made her act rashly. Perhaps to focus on helping her find some joy was the best he could do for now.

  Xavier leaned against the post to watch Io laugh at whatever the craftsman was telling her about the sled he held up. He'd have to give in soon and take her sledding. It was the last of her wishes at this point. And with the success the last three days' outings had on restoring Io's good humors, he didn't want to take a step backwards and deny her.

  A long day out could also give Mark the chance he needed to finish questioning the people about their part in trying to kill Io. Xavier was aware more than one person was behind the plot but it seemed none of those being held now seemed to know for sure who it was directing everything. Most confessed to following a strong suggestion on making Io's life miserable, but they couldn't or wouldn't tell who'd given the commands to do her physical harm. Which meant he could only punish those who'd done the deeds, not who set them to do it.

  Io's merry laughter rang out and Xavier noted more people gathered around her. He pushed off the post and scanned the crowds. Io greeted most without reservation, and as Xavier took a step forward, he saw the four men acting as her close guard take a hard look at those near her and relaxed. He needed to trust the men could judge the threat against his wife and act accordingly. He wasn't always going to be right at her side. Still, as more crowd closed in, Xavier couldn't resist stepping towards her.

  "Xavier," Ian set a hand on his arm. "You need to come with me."

  There was a strange urgency in the man's voice. With a last look in Io's direction, he turned and followed Ian through the market to the tanner. Ian pushed past the hides hanging from the rafters and went straight to the man who owned the shop.

  Xavier noted right away the man seemed nervous, and he took a moment to look around the area to find the cause for the man's hand wringing.

  "Bart here," Ian began, "says these are every last one of the skins he has, minus a few rabbit skins." Ian waved his hand around, and again Xavier looked at everything hanging and laid out on the tables and racks. "He is your only recognized tanner for the house." Xavier nodded but without confidence. That'd be something Io would know. "He said these are every pelt and hide from the last year."

  "And?" Xavier was waiting for Ian to get to his point.

  "Look around, every hide from the last year is currently before you. Do you not find something missing?" Ian asked and the tanner shifted like he was ready to run.

  Xavier began a closer inspection of what was before him. "What am I looking for?" he finally asked, frustrated with not seeing anything amiss as Ian suggested he should.

  "This man handles every animal brought to slaughter," Ian said and took hold of one of the skins hanging up. "I see any number of cattle and sheep hides. A good number of ass." He grabbed a dark grey hide with the telltale dark stripe down the middle. "I see several horse hides, a black there." He pointed. "A couple of roans there and there." Again he pointed. "What I do not see—"

  "Where is it?" Xavier yelled, swinging around to face the man who trembled before him. "If this is every hide, where is it?"

  "My, my lord, I can… I can explain," Bart stuttered and began to sweat even in the chill winter air.

  "Then do so. Now."

  A few moments later, Xavier was nearly running back towards Io. It was already past noon and he needed to be on his way. Ian tried to volunteer, but he felt he needed to be the one. It was a failure he might be able to remedy. He pushed his way through the crowd and took Io's arm so she'd stop her conversation with the very old man sitting on a stool.

  When she looked, she was instantly alerted something was changed. "Xavier?"

  He regretted the fear in her voice instantly. "There is nothing wrong, Io, but something has come to my attention, and I must see to it."

  "Oh." Her pout was so beautiful he couldn't resist bending down to kiss it. "We must leave the market?"

  He kissed her again and chuckled. "No, you may stay. Ian will make sure you are returned home, but I will not be returned this day and maybe not be until late on the morrow." He hesitated but he needed to be honest. "Or the next morning." He watched her pull her bottom lip between her teeth. "You will be safe. And I promise we will go sledding as soon as I return." That last cheered her instantly.

  "All right," she said. "But you must take me. You cannot send me with Gunther this time."

  "I would not miss such a pleasure as to go sledding with you." He bent and kissed her again then turned and headed to where he'd left his mount. Ian managed to get him his own escort and a few supplies. He rode out of the market and towards the destination and the smile on his face when he rode back through the gates was going to have to be cut off. Now to see what Io thought.

  Chapter 16

  Io reached for the piece of armor she now knew as the couter. It was the small piece that went over a man's
elbow. She, Kate, Ann and Sarah were sitting on the floor helping Thomas polish Xavier's equipment while the boy also worked on his reading lessons. She'd not seen Landon for a few days, not that she wanted to, but he should have at least been standing around glaring at her while she arranged the chambers.

  Looking around, Io was satisfied she could finally occupy the apartments she'd share with Xavier for the rest of her life. Dipping her cloth in the oily, wax substance used to keep the armor in its best condition, she smiled wryly. The floor still needed to be repaired, but for now, the rug she brought in was enough. Some of the furniture needed work, mostly hers and she did wonder about it. But it mattered so little now. The bed took a bit of thought, but the skilled craftsmen at the house were able to fashion something temporarily. When Xavier returned, they'd share this room as they were meant to.

  She was about to open her mouth to correct Thomas on a passage he was reading when the door slammed open. Everyone jumped and screamed and pieces of armor went flying.

  "Io," Xavier shouted, rushing into the room. "Come, hurry. You have to see."

  "See what?" Io asked, getting to her feet.

  "You have shoes?" Xavier asked as he grabbed her skirts and yanked them up to check. "Good. Come, hurry," he said, pulling her along.

  "Xavier?" Io called, hoping he'd give her a chance to catch her breath, but his enthusiasm was immense and contagious, and she laughed as she crashed into his back when he stopped suddenly at the main doors to pull his cloak off and wrap it around her shoulders.

  "You will never believe, Io," he said and started them across the yards. They crossed the inner bailey at a near run, but when he entered the outer yards, he stopped, swept her up in his arms and commanded, "Close your eyes. No looking."

  "Xavier?" Io complied with a chuckle, but when the smell from the stables grew strong, she felt her stomach knot. Holding on and reminding herself she trusted this man to not hurt her, she tried to focus on the feel of his arms around her, then steadying her as she was set on her feet with another warning to not peek. There was some shuffling, and then Xavier leaned in close and spoke in her ear.


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