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Forever With You (Misfit Tattoo Book 1)

Page 12

by Jennifer Labelle

  “Uh oh. What’s up?” Mel asked.

  “Toby finally talked to me the other night, and I figured out he’s your Mr. Idiosyncratic.” Harlow gave her a wide-eyed stare as she tried not to divulge too much information. Dee and Calista looked between her and Mel like they were lost.

  “That’s huge!” Her friend got up to give her a hug and sat back down. “You know that, right? Toby doesn’t talk to anyone.”

  “I figured out that much. Now I’m not sure what to do,” Harlow admitted.

  “Are you talking about the letter?” Dee asked. Harlow felt somewhat relieved that she knew as well. “Mel got me to read it when she originally planned to send it to the column.”

  “Letter? What letter?” Callie asked.

  Mel saved her from having to explain further. “I’ve known Toby for a very long time. He’s like family to me. A couple years ago, his fiancé died in a fire that trapped them both. He’s been stuck inside his grief over what happened ever since. I was worried about him and wrote a letter to Harlow with my concerns. Instead of sending it in, I was able to give it to her in person, thanks to your introduction,” she said. “I used a code name and called him Mr. Idiosyncratic to try and keep a little anonymity. Looks like it’s all aired out now, since Toby shared his past with Harlow, and she now knows the letter was about him.”

  “Wow, that was a mouthful,” Calista said. “What’s the big deal about the letter?”

  Harlow turned to look at her like she was crazy for not getting it. “The big deal is I feel like I should tell him about it. I’m afraid he might be upset that I knew about his tragedy, even though I wasn’t sure it was about him at the time. Make sense?” She rubbed her temples. “I also can’t say anything because Mel gave me the letter in confidence, and it’d be ethically wrong to break that trust.”

  “I honestly think you’re worrying for nothing,” Mel said. “I think it’s great that he told you his story, but there’s no reason Toby needs to know what I wrote to you. He’d probably just get really pissed off at me for it. I was worried. Now I look at him, and thanks to you, I see so much improvement. He never has to know about it. I know I won’t say anything. So why would you?”

  Harlow swallowed a lump in her throat. She had a bad feeling about this, but she also had to respect Melody’s wishes, even if she disagreed. Her gut was still telling her to lay everything out. Instead of arguing her point, she gave in. “If that’s what you feel is best. I guess I just felt guilty, like I’m withholding something from him. I don’t want to betray his trust or yours.”

  “Everything will be okay. You’ll see,” Dee assured her. “Our lips are sealed.”

  “If you’re sure.” Harlow sighed. She mimicked zipping her mouth closed before throwing away an imaginary key. They knew her concerns, talked about them, and there was nothing more to be done for the time being but to move on. She took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled. There were a lot of good things going on in her life, and she wanted to count her blessings instead of worrying about the little things she couldn’t change.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Toby snorted the minute their Uber pulled up and he saw the neon sign. Leave it to Carson to find every strip club in the area. His buddy looked excited to be there, though, so he’d suck it up and try to have a good time. Since he’d met Harlow, a variety of tits and ass didn’t have the same appeal as it used to. He had hers, and that’s all he needed. She was the bright light in his dreary existence.

  “Welcome to The Busy Beaver.” Carson slapped him on the shoulder as they now stood near the entrance. The place seemed nice enough. The large brick building looked like it might have once been a warehouse of some sort once upon a time. It seemed to be newly renovated and classy enough.

  Rebel laughed and rubbed his hands together as he strode to the entrance. “Well, what are we waiting for?”

  “You coming in or what?” Carson waved him forward, and Toby took a deep breath of fresh air before he followed them inside.

  “I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Carson dramatically clutched his chest and stumbled backwards as they took in the establishment. Toby rolled his eyes. Lord knew he loved him like a brother, but he was a little over the top at times like these.

  There was a long granite bar to the left of them, maybe six feet away. It was busy with both patrons and waitresses alike. Several tables and booths were situated to the right. They had a large stage going from one end of the place to the other like a catwalk, only with a pole. Then there was another section blocked by red velvet rope. The people in that area got extra attention, it seemed, and a bottle service. It made him wonder how much cash they had to fork over to sit there. Two bouncers stood by the entrance behind them—big, rough-looking dudes, too. They were muscle heads who looked like they’d taken a few too many steroids a time or two. There were more, of course, all over the place, but he couldn’t care less. Toby continued to check the place out and spotted the champagne room, VIP section, as if the sign itself wasn’t obvious. It was upstairs through a thick velvet curtain—the place where you got to have your own private show, if you had the extra cash. He figured if Carson got too annoying the way he was drooling and all, he might buy him some time in there, at some point, to catch a break.

  “Dude,” Rebel called out over the loud music and nudged his shoulder. “I think I see some seats over by the pool tables.”

  “You go grab them, and I’ll get the first round.” Toby tilted his head toward the bar and headed in that direction without waiting for a response.

  The women were really working it tonight. He was approached no less than ten times or more in a five-minute time span for a dance. In the past, he would have been all over them, but he just wasn’t feeling it tonight. They were gorgeous, but they weren’t…her. His mind went back to Harlow, of course. They’d been spending a lot of time together, and he loved every minute of it. She was great, and he couldn’t stop thinking about her, especially when they weren’t together. He was fucked. Totally falling head over heels and enjoying it. Then there were times the guilt consumed him.

  Damn it, James. Get your head on straight. Enjoy the night.

  Of course, that only made him wonder how she was enjoying her night.


  “What can I get you, man?” the bartender asked.

  Toby sighed. “Give me three Coors Light.” He held up three fingers and placed some cash on the bar top.

  “Tap or bottle?”

  “Bottles.” The guy nodded in his direction and took the cash with him. He returned a minute later with the three bottles of brew. “Keep the change.”

  With a nod, the bartender was on to the next person while Toby made his way to where his friends sat ogling the woman on stage.

  “Big applause for Chantel, everyone,” the MC announced.

  The crowd cheered louder, and Rebel let out a loud whistle for the dancer who just finished her performance as she exited the stage. Toby smiled and sat back as the man on the loudspeaker continued to introduce the next act. The lights dimmed, and a lone spotlight shone bright in the direction of the entrance from backstage.

  Ladies and gentlemen, please give a rowdy welcome to our very own Lacey! She’s new, she’s wild, and she’s got all the right moves. Give it up!

  A sexy silhouette stood still, waiting for the beat of the music to start up, before storming through the curtain that separated her from the rest of them. She was tall, she was stacked, and she was toned, with curves in all the right places. Toby could totally see the appeal, and yet she still had nothing on a certain brunette he couldn’t wait to see again.

  A pretty lace mask covered the top part of her face, and when the beat of Our Darkest Days’ “Porn Star Dancing” began to play, he was in awe. This Lacey could really dance. Straight, long, blonde hair cascaded down her back as she ripped off her top hat and threw it into the crowd. The hollers, whistles, and cat calls were non-stop throughout. The white dress sh
irt she wore was the next to be ripped off as she sauntered forward like a woman on a mission. The top parts of her breasts bounced on top of her sheer bra, and her hips swayed to the beat. She exuded a sexy confidence he admired. Lacey’s hands worked her body like magic, and damn, the woman was flexible. She bent forward and shimmied out of her shorts. It gave the men behind her a perfect view of her smooth round ass. All that remained was her thong. Once she discarded her bottoms, she stepped back a few paces threw her leg up in the air and grabbed her ankle until it touched her ear. She held the position and twirled for everyone. It was quite the site to behold, and he was sure every cock in the vicinity was rock hard.

  Carson spit out his beer, choked on it, and groaned. “Fuck me!” Toby smirked as his best friend scooted closer to the table. Carson leaned forward without taking his eyes off the very intriguing dancer. The man was mesmerized, and he couldn’t blame him one bit.

  Lacey pumped her hips and crawled sexily across the stage to accept a bit of the cash from the eager customers in pervert’s row. When she reached the pole, she sat up, arched her back, and slid up to a standing position. Her legs wrapped around it, and she climbed to the top. She spun herself around and round, flipped herself upside down, and stretch out as she hung on backwards. Her smile was radiant, and her body was slick.

  “Holy crap. Look at that,” Rebel said. The guy rubbed his eyes and did a double take. Toby smirked and took a chug of the bottle in front of him. The amber liquid went down smoothly, and he wasn’t sure which he was enjoying more: the performance on stage or watching the two knuckleheads beside him completely entranced. He’d known each for a while now. Carson for longer, of course, and he couldn’t recall the last time a woman seemed to affect them like this.

  “I call dibs, you fuckers.” Carson gulped. “I think I’m in love.”

  Rebel snorted, and Toby chuckled. “Fine with me. I’m into Harlow anyway.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Rebel winked then addressed Carson. “Good luck with that. I bet every guy in here feels the same way.”

  Carson flipped him off, and Toby shook his head. The song was coming to an end. Lacey reached up to grip the bar and twirled herself back down the pole. Once her feet were secure on the stage, she did a complete body flip and landed gracefully with her arms in the air. She blew the entire establishment a kiss for her finale.

  It was a fucking epic performance, and the bar went wild with applause.

  “I’ve got to see if I can get a lock on some time with the lovely Lacey.” Carson abruptly stood and went in search of someone who worked there to get his dance. Rebel’s shoulders shook with laughter, and Toby rolled his eyes.

  “Damn, Reb. Never thought I’d see the day. Carson’s already hooked.”

  “It’ll be fun to see how this plays out. Got a feeling our boy’s going to be a regular from now on until he gets this chick out of his system.” Rebel grinned and shook his head as if in disbelief. “Want to play some pool?”

  “Sounds good, brother. Go wrack them up.” Toby followed Rebel to one of the vacant pool tables and kicked some ass at it for the most part. It wasn’t long before Carson joined them, sulking.

  “She’s not available for a private dance. What kind of bullshit is that?”

  Toby shrugged. “Don’t know man. Want to play the winner?” He gestured to the pool table.

  Rebel gave him a chin lift, and soon, the entertainment was put to the back of everyone’s mind. They enjoyed the game, each other’s company, and the drinks they slugged back. It turned out to be a good night, after all.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Dear Harlow:

  Why do good things always come to an end? I just got dumped. We were together a year and a half, and he left me for my sister, of all people. I’m so hurt and angry I’d just love to kick both their A$$@$. So, while I take a deep breath and remind myself I look horrible in orange, I’m at a loss on how to proceed.

  I did throw all his crap to the curb, him included. And my sister, well, she can kiss my…I’ll leave that to your imagination. Have you ever had this type of situation happen on the column before? Any tips to get through it?

  The man, I can get over eventually. The jerkoff told me he was sleeping with her while we were on an intimate dinner date. Like a sucker, I thought I was there because he was going to propose. Boy was I wrong.

  Do you think I’ll be able to salvage the relationship with my sister one day? Sadly, we used to be so close, but as it stands, it doesn’t feel like I’ll ever be able to forgive her betrayal. Help!

  If anything, it was just nice to vent, and let’s face it, I cried too.

  ~Hopeless, Hurt, and Betrayed in Minneapolis~


  Dear Hopeless, Hurt, and Betrayed:

  First, I believe your Prince Charming is out there. I’m sure of it. It just takes some of us longer to find him than others.

  Secondly, some good things come to an end because they just weren’t meant to be. Unfortunately, we get cheating stories written in often. They don’t get any easier, and there is no right answer or tips to follow. You did the right thing by getting rid of him as soon as you could. The man sounds like a real loser, and you deserve better.

  It’s always best to know your self-worth.

  Thirdly, as for your sister, that’s a tough one that only you can answer. She isn’t worthy of your trust or your time, but who knows what the future holds for you both? It could change.

  In the meantime, cry some more, scream, or punch a pillow to get out those frustrations to make you feel better. And always know you can write in anytime to vent, as you put it. I’m happy to lend you an ear.

  Big Hugs,




  Time flew by as summer turned into fall. Harlow and Toby had been together for a couple of months now. It was confusing trying to label what they were. Toby warned her he wasn’t sure he could deal with a serious relationship from the beginning, but as time went on, she couldn’t help but want the commitment. She was his, regardless, and Harlow knew without a doubt that she loved him wholeheartedly. Scars and all. Just as she suspected he was in denial and might love her too.

  It was a chilly October evening, and Harlow pulled the lapels of her jacket closer together against the wind as she walked down Main Street. She was meeting up with Toby at St. Anthony’s Main Theater for their date. “Sorry I’m late,” she said, leaning forward on the tips of her toes so she could give him a kiss. “What are we seeing?”

  “In the spirit of this time of year, I figured we could see Halloween. You can’t beat the classics.” Toby grinned. “Feel free to get as close as possible if you get scared.”

  “Hm, I just might,” she said. “I’ve seen all of the old ones. Let’s just hope this new one is just as good as the rest. Can you believe it’s been, like, forty years since the original came out on the big screen?”

  “That just makes me feel like I’m getting old when you put it that way.” Toby chuckled as he handed her a ticket to get in. “It came out a little before my time, but like you, I’ve still seen them all.”

  “Okay, then.” Harlow giggled. “Come on, old man. I need some popcorn.”

  “I’ll show you old,” Toby said. Harlow squealed in delight as he lifted her up and spun her around.

  “Okay, okay.” Harlow held onto him as he put her down and enjoyed his comforting embrace for a moment longer. “My man’s not old at all. He’s a thirty-three-year-old sexy, manly man. Big, tough, and talented. Now can I have my popcorn?”

  “Your man, huh?” Toby winked. “I like the sound of that.”

  Heck yeah! Well, okay then.

  Harlow smirked as Toby grabbed her hand and led the way to the concession stand. It was such a good start to the night. She couldn’t wait for the rest and decided tonight was the night she was going to tell him the depth of her feelings. She just hoped it didn’t backfire.

  “Just one more thing before the movie s
tarts,” Harlow said. They had their popcorn and jumbo drinks on hand and had just sat down in the packed theater. “Scared or not, I want to be close to you, Toby. Will you hold me later, if I need it?”

  “Oh, baby.” Toby leaned in closer. “I’ll hold you, kiss you, touch you…” The lights dimmed, and the movie began when Toby showed her with one hell of a kiss that left her breathless.

  Almost two hours later, they were back outside again, walking hand in hand and on their way to Harlow’s place. Her apartment was closer than his to the theater.

  “So how was your dinner with Calista?” Toby asked. Calista had called Harlow earlier in the day asking for a little girl time to talk about a few issues she was having. Which was why she’d met Toby at the theater instead of going with him from the start.

  “It went well, considering. She’s got a lot on her mind right now with work. She’s thinking of leaving the restaurant and opening up her own catering business.”

  Toby whistled. “It’s good to have goals. I hope it all works out for her, then.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Harlow said. “She’s been working at Caliente for the last four years as a sous chef and loving it. But now there’s a new owner, and from what I hear, he’s a real piece of work. Calista is such a strong person, a hard worker, and she’s resilient, so I have no doubt she’ll succeed at whatever she puts her mind to. I’m not very worried at this point.”

  “Caliente? I’ve never been.” Toby shrugged. “What kind of restaurant is it?”

  “It’s an upscale place with French-inspired cuisine. I’ve only been once myself, to tell you the truth, when Calista started there. It’s good food but really hard on the wallet.” Harlow smiled. “I could take you there sometime, if you’d like.”


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