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My Billionaire Ex's Secret Baby (His Secret Baby Book 9)

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by Jamie Knight

  I did a full one-eighty ready to attack this guy with all the might I could muster, but to my surprise, Aiden Harris was standing before me. I quickly realized that he was the muscular man who saved me before.

  I hadn't seen him in close to ten years, but my former high school boyfriend could still take my breath away. Aiden looked… better somehow. The boyish charm and good looks I fell for as a teenager had morphed into a more mature hotness. His face had hardened, his muscles were more defined, but his hazel eyes still rang clear. He may have grown up, but he was still Aiden.

  I wanted to run away and wrap my whole body around him at the same time. Aiden's intense gaze rendered me incapable of doing anything except weakly saying his name.


  Chapter Three


  I had no idea how long we'd been staring at one another. It could have two seconds or two years. Being with Aiden had always made time feel different.

  “Reagan,” he whispered. He said my name with such reverence, it was akin to being worshipped. But this higher plane of feeling didn't stop me from remembering the past. There was no way for me to leave either way, not when he was looking at me like that.

  And I wasn't sure if I wanted to go.

  Neither one of us was saying much of anything. We were both so in awe of the other. My curiosity did start to creep in, however. I wondered what Aiden wanted to do with me.

  “Aiden, I —”

  My ex didn't let me finish my sentence, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into a quieter part of the club. He wasted no time, placing his hands on either side of my face, bringing me into a kiss. There was no mercy in his hold. Aiden was here to take from me, and I was more than willing to give.

  Aiden continued to kiss me, but his big hands moved to explore my body. His left hovered over my breast, softly massaging it. His right hand was on my thighs, his fingers kneading the soft flesh down there.

  With his knee, Aiden forced my legs apart. My back was up against a wall, literally. In this position, he had near total control over me.

  “Do you remember this feeling?”

  Looking into his eyes, I saw the passion that he used to throw my way. One look from Aiden could melt me. He dominated me so completely. Not much had really changed. I was barely holding myself up. Aiden was the main thing keeping me from turning into a puddle on the floor.

  I didn't get much of a chance to answer before Aiden pulled my panties to the side and then slid one of his thick fingers inside of me. I tightened my hold on him, an almost painful spike of pleasure shooting up through my body.

  “Aiden,” I moaned as my eyes rolled back into my head.

  His mouth moved to my neck, teeth pulling at my sensitive skin.

  “You’re so wet,” he grumbled.

  Of course, I was. His whole muscular body was on mine. Sensations were running through me at a mile a minute. My brain could barely handle all the input. My thighs were covered in the wetness dripping from my pussy.

  Aiden’s fingers easily slipped in and out of me. I couldn’t hold on any longer and started to shake. His knuckle rubbed against my clit, stimulating a violent orgasm inside of me. It was enough to make me scream.

  As my body calmed down, I heard Aiden let out a soft chuckle. He pulled his head back to look at me, a lopsided smile on his lips.

  “I can still make you cum in less than three minutes.”

  I blushed immediately after he said that. He looked so damn proud of himself, just like he used to. And it wasn’t a lie. Aiden always was able to tie my insides up in knots, whether or not he was touching me. And when he did touch me, it was explosive. I was sure that no matter the amount of time that passed, Aiden would always be able to push just the right buttons on my body.

  The pause in the action made me realize that there were other people around us. I got so lost in Aiden, the entire club faded into the background. My blush deepened even further as my eyes darted back and forth over all the staring faces around us.

  “Don’t worry about them,” Aiden commanded. “Look at me.”

  I shot my gaze back to his, refusing to break it.

  His hands started moving. I felt as his fingers between us unbuttoning his pants, pulling them down slightly along with his underwear. My legs were lifted into his arms till Aiden picked me up off the ground, pinning me against the wall again. He positioned his cockhead at my entrance.

  I didn’t care about being in public anymore. All I cared about was feeling every last inch of Aiden’s hard cock. I wanted him to consume me. I wanted him to take me.

  “I want you,” I whispered. And I meant it.

  Aiden granted my wish, pushing his dick deep inside of me. Every ridge of his cock rubbed along the walls of my pussy. Nothing had ever felt more sublime.

  He didn’t remain gentle for long. Aiden’s pelvis started slamming into mine, pushing my whole body into the wall. He was showing me no mercy, just the way I used to like it. I still liked it that way.

  We continued angrily sexing our way through whatever this encounter was. Because, when I looked into his eyes earlier, yes, there was the passion from before, but also something ferocious. It should have scared me, but instead, it touched something inside of me. It drew me to my ex even more.

  My brain almost short-circuited as my body climbed to the highest heights. Aiden brought his hand to my breast, pinching my nipple roughly. That was the push I needed to get me over the edge. There wasn’t a lot of room to move with how Aiden had me pinned, but I could still feel the shudders racking though my body.

  Aiden’s hand tightened a bit around my breast before his cum shot into me. It dripped down me, coating my thighs. We held on to one another for a few seconds, and it almost felt like old times. Not the being in a club with other people potentially watching us fuck, but the fact that I actually felt close to Aiden.

  I’d never forgotten how he felt pressed against my body, and I thought I was never going to be this close to him again. I hated to admit it, but I still loved him, which made this whole night so much harder. Not thinking too hard about him had made it possible for me to move forward with my life. Aiden suddenly showing up again, shot all of my progress to hell. All that teenage giddiness was inside of me, but this time, it was mixed with so many other emotions.

  Aiden moved his head away from my neck so that we could look at one another. The awkwardness of the situation was starting to settle in. Maybe we were a little rash, deciding to have sex in this club, but the deed was done, and now it was time to face one another.

  We both cleaned ourselves up as much as possible.

  “So,” I started.

  I had no idea what to do. What was there to say to the man who I had to leave? It all left me heartbroken close to a decade ago. There was a whole lot I could tell him, actually, but I was way too afraid to speak the words.

  “So,” Aiden repeated, keeping his striking brown-green eyes on mine.

  Before either one of us could say anything else, another man came up to us. This fellow seemed oblivious to what had just happened.

  I was immediately nervous, thinking it was someone mad at Aiden. I felt safe, being by his side, but I was still a little jumpy from before.

  But Aiden didn’t look worried. In fact, he seemed to know the guy.

  “Aiden! I’ve been looking for you all night!”

  “Darren.” They shook hands.

  If I wanted to, I could have probably gotten away from this situation. Aiden was preoccupied with his friend, even if he kept throwing glances my way, but I doubt he’d make any kind of scene. The thing was, I wanted to talk with him. Even if it was going to be uncomfortable, I was kind of curious as to what he wanted to say to me. Or if what he had to say was worth hearing.

  So, I stayed and waited for his conversation with his friend to be over.

  “The club seems to be doing well. When you told me that you planned on opening one here, I was very excited.”

  So, it
was Aiden’s club. I should have guessed it. Of course, the BDSM aspect should have been a dead giveaway.

  “I know, Darren. You sent me a lot of emails.” Aiden didn’t actually seem annoyed. It was more of a gentle ribbing. Kind of like his old self when he used to poke fun at me.

  It was easy to see that Aiden was a very changed man. He didn’t have that optimism he used to. There was something darker about him now. But, just then, there a glimpse of the Aiden I had known.

  “Well, Aspen was in desperate need. The BDSM scene here is lacking. I’m sure you picked up on that when you were looking into opening your own club. But I just had to tell you that the environment you are fostering here will really be beneficial.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

  “Trust me. In the upcoming months, your position here will be solidified.”

  Aiden was kind enough, but it was clear to me he wasn’t engaged with the conversation. For me, the longer I stayed there, the more I wanted to leave. People were milling about, some in almost no clothing.

  This wasn’t the place to have whatever heart to heart I wanted to with Aiden. I quickly realized that. There were too many other people, and they were all in various states of undress doing all kinds of sexual things. It was too much.

  The thing was, it was hard for me to leave with him looking at me. And he was glancing at me more and more, probably picking up on how antsy I was.

  His friend was starting to notice the glances, and realization passed over his face.

  “I’ve kept you long enough. I haven’t had a chance to see the whole club, so I’m going to finish giving myself a tour.” He nodded at us both.

  “Yeah, sure.” It was kind of an awkward goodbye, and, soon, Darren was gone.

  Aiden turned his full attention to me. I instinctually took a step back, and he grabbed onto my arm, making sure I couldn’t get too far away. I had been having conflicting feelings about this confrontation all night, and, now that it was here, I wasn’t feeling any less uneasy.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him.

  “Where are you going?” he threw back at me.

  My unease was turning into nerves. Aiden was getting a little too familiar for my liking. And he needed to know it.

  Chapter Four


  “Let go of me,” Reagan demanded, looking down at my hand gripping her arm.

  She looked ready to slap the shit out of me. I could see in her blue eyes that there was fire. It didn’t matter that I just fucked the ever-loving shit out of her, and felt her cum all of my dick. If my feisty girl had some choice words for me, she was going to say them.

  “Are you leaving?” I begged.

  I hated sounding needy, but I kind of did just then. I didn’t want Reagan to leave, but if she didn’t want to stay, well then, there wasn’t much I could do to make her. I was a dominant man but only to a point.

  “I’ll leave if I want to.” Reagan nodded towards the front door of the club slightly, then her eyes returned to mine.

  We were lost together for a moment. Barely breathing, barely moving, just staring into the eyes of the person who meant the most to us so long ago. I never thought that I would be face to face with the love of my life again. The only woman I had let my guard down with. The only woman I had allowed to crush my heart.

  Reagan dropped her shoulders slightly, but she didn’t look away. She had calmed down a little, but I could tell she was still a little upset. However, a small part of me wanted to chuckle. Reagan may have liked to submit in bed, but she was always willing to stand up for herself in regular life. It was that spark that drew me to her. She was like a wildfire, hot and unpredictable.

  I let go of her arm because I didn’t think she was going to leave. My ex was just doing her usual thing. Whenever Reagan got angry, she would get extra huffy before calming down to a slow boil — at that point, she could be reasoned with.

  I wasn’t sure why she was mad with me, though. I was the one who should have been mad, given what happened all those years ago.

  “What do you want from me?” Reagan asked, crossing her arms over her ample chest.

  The short black dress she was wearing barely concealed her impressive body. Our little encounter hadn’t helped either. Most of her left breast was still exposed, the neckline of the dress pulled and rumpled. The hemline was wrinkled too, parts sliding up to reveal most of her thighs.

  I liked the way she looked — obviously just fucked. The memory made me hard, even though it was less than a half-hour before, and her juices were still slick on my cock. But that’s the way this girl was, addictive. I would never have enough of her.

  Reagan puffed herself up, so she was standing at her full height. I was still a bit taller, but it was easy to see she was trying to assert herself. She was powerful in her own way.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” I muttered.

  My head was swimming. I couldn’t focus, my eyes wanting to dart down to her thighs and the sweet pussy between them. We were so close to the bar. I could throw Reagan over the counter, pull up her skirt, and thrust into her tight center again. Lust ran through my veins, hot and heavy. My dick was hard and starting to drip precum.

  “About what?” she snapped, bringing my eyes back up to her strikingly attractive face. “You haven’t seen me in almost ten years. You never looked for me or tried to contact me. I’ve been in Aspen this entire time, the same name. You could have found me if you wanted to, Aiden. So, the only reason you haven’t come to see me or talk with me is because you didn’t want to. We’re not long-lost friends, Aiden, so stop acting like we are.”

  There was a lot of rage in her words. She must have been wanting to say that to me for a while, but I was confused. A relationship is a two-way street. I wasn’t about to take the blame for all of this. I was the victim here.

  Placing one arm onto the bar, I trapped her between my body and the wood. “I hate to be the one to remind you, love, but I didn’t end our relationship. You left me, remember?”

  “But,” Reagan started to trail off almost immediately. I waited to see if there was going to be any rebuttal, but she was just stammering her way through nothing.

  “Exactly.” I leaned closer, pushing my hard cock into her hip. “You’re the one who didn’t want to know me. You’re the one who left me for another man. I thought that’s what you wanted, to never see me again. After I read your letter…”

  “Stop,” she cut me off with a wave of hands.

  I stepped back.

  She was so upset she was shaking. The conversation was upsetting. Reagan’s gaze had fallen to the ground as if she was ashamed, but she looked back up to me. It was like she was pleading for something. “Aiden,” she started, but she stopped talking when her phone rang. She took it out from her pocket and looked at it for a second before answering.


  She turned away from me, talking as quietly as she could into the phone. I couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end, but whatever it was, it had Reagan freaked out.

  “I’m on my way now.” She hung up her phone and looked back over at me like I didn’t matter at all. She didn’t explain. Reagan didn’t ask for help. Her eyes were blank. “I have to go.” She didn’t offer any kind of explanation beyond that.

  Without a goodbye, the love of my life walked away from me and out of the club. She never even turned back to give me one farewell look. Reagan hadn’t left anyway for me to contact her, no phone number, no email. She didn’t even say that I should.

  This was not happening to me again.

  It felt like we were about to get somewhere with our conversation, that I was about to get some sort of explanation for why she just up and left. There was no way I was going to let it end there. I already let Reagan disappear from my life once before, I wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice.

  I had people here who would watch the club for me. They knew exactly what needed to be done. I already had my
keys on me, so I followed Reagan out of the club, intending to find out what had her so worried. And, maybe, we might be able to continue our little conversation and come to a mutually satisfying ending.

  Chapter Five


  I followed not too far behind Reagan’s car until we reached a suburb of Aspen. I wasn’t totally sure where we were at — it had been some time since I’d driven through these streets — but the area didn’t look completely unfamiliar.

  She parked in front of a midsized, brick home and ran inside. I made sure not to park too close by to avoid being seen.

  Maybe it was Reagan’s house. I had no way of knowing, but she didn’t park in the driveway, so I doubted it. My ex was right when she said that I hadn’t tried looking for her. When Reagan had left me nine years ago, I scrubbed her from my life. But I knew that this wasn’t where she used to live.

  I had spent a lot of evenings at her childhood home, a trailer in a trailer park, with her and her mother. Those were some of the best times of my life. We were from two different worlds, Reagan and me. My wealthy parents were nice enough, but it was just warmer at Reagan’s simple house. Her mom wasn’t so worried about appearances and good breeding. I could relax and be myself when I was there. I had felt safe. I had felt normal.

  I wasn’t that little boy anymore, so none of it really mattered now. Not really.

  I was debating about going up to the front door and knocking on it, but not too much time later, Reagan rushed out with a little boy in tow. Seeing him threw me right back into my seat.

  I had no idea she had a kid. How was I supposed to? She was right about the fact that I never went looking for her. She had made it pretty clear that she was done with me. I saw no reason in chasing after someone who wanted nothing to do with me.


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