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My Billionaire Ex's Secret Baby (His Secret Baby Book 9)

Page 7

by Jamie Knight

  Chapter Sixteen


  We rested a few minutes, tangled together. Then reality set in. I was at work, and we had things to discuss.

  Aiden untied me. I got my clothes back, but there wasn’t much I could do about cleaning myself up. I was covered in his scent, his cum — the inside of my thighs were sticky. It brought me back to our old relationship. If we had been in the house or weren’t in such a hurry, Aiden probably would have cleaned me up a bit. It was something he always enjoyed doing, apparently. I also liked it. It could somehow be more intimate than what had just happened before.

  I finished getting dressed and turned to see Aiden all cleaned up as well. Things definitely felt different between the two of us. Calmer, I would say.

  “So, you wanted to talk?” I asked as I straightened up the front desk of the clinic.

  I wasn’t nervous because I was worried Aiden wouldn’t take the news well. Clearly, he already knew everything. He said he did. It was more about having to say it all out loud myself. His would only be the second time I was admitting to anyone that Aiden was Bobby’s father. The start of this new chapter meant a whole lot to me.

  Aiden ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I know about Bobby, and about what my mother did. I know there was no man back then, and there’s no man now.”

  He knew quite a bit about what had happened. It was shocking to hear him so casually mention it all. Hearing the whole story condensed to such simple sentences made the horrible experience seem less dire than it had all those years ago.

  “Are you mad?”

  Aiden shook his head. “I’m not mad. I don’t understand why you ran away. I know that the note you left me was a lie. There was no other man. My mom made you write about those things. I don’t understand why you did what she wanted.”

  I let out a big sigh. “I guess I was scared. I never really fit into your life. It was an upper class, high society. It’s not your fault, you always loved me so deeply. Your mom got into my head, talking about the money, how you’d get bored of me, she even brought up Victoria. I should have been stronger. I’m sorry.”

  Tears started to come out of my eyes. I hadn’t expected to start crying. I already knew I was super emotional, but I thought I would have been able to keep it in.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

  Aiden walked right up to me and put his hand on my cheek, wiping away my tears with his thumb.

  “I totally understand if you want nothing to do with me, but Bobby would love to know you. You guys got along so well, and he deserves to know his father.”

  He looked me in the eye. “Reagan, I want to know Bobby, I do. He’s my son, how could I not. But I also want to get to know you again. I should have realized how hard it was for you to merge into my life. I already knew the people I was surrounded by were assholes. I had grown up with them. I guess I was delusional and thought they wouldn’t go too far. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you, and I hope you don’t hold that against me.”

  “Of course not!” He pulled me into his strong arms. I couldn’t believe Aiden blamed himself for anything that happened. Maybe, at the end of the day, we were both just young. “I guess both of us could have handled the whole thing better. But I’m glad we can be together now. I want to get to know you, too.”

  “So, it looks like we’re on the same page.”

  His face lit up in a smile. It was a smile I hadn’t seen in close to ten years. He was always so cute when he broke it out. I used to wish he would smile all the time. Something about seeing it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  “Yeah, we are.”

  I rested my head on his chest. There was so much comfort to be found in his body. The soft rise of his breath pushing his muscular chest into mine — it gave me solace. Something that hadn’t been easy to find these past few years.

  I was just about ready to take myself home, prepared to take on whatever the future held for Aiden and me. I picked my head up. Though I’d like Aiden to come over and spend the night, I didn’t want Bobby to end up confused, and I did need to get home in order to relieve the babysitter.

  I was on the verge of telling him all of this when something else crossed my mind.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “How did you figure all of this out. I can kind of understand the stuff with Bobby, but everything else. How did you piece that together?”

  Aiden’s cheeks colored, but for the life of me, I couldn’t guess why he would have any reason to feel embarrassed about figuring out a lot of what had happened.

  “You promise not to laugh.”

  “Well, if I find it amusing, I cannot promise you I will not giggle or chuckle. But I can say that I will try to be nice about it.”

  What in the world could it be that Aiden felt the need to be so secretive about? It couldn’t be so scandalous that I would entirely lose my marbles over the prospect.

  At least I didn’t think so.

  “So, I hired a PI to do some digging. She was the one who helped me connect a lot of the dots.”

  Thankfully, I didn’t start laughing, but that was because I didn’t think Aiden’s news was particularly funny. In fact, I was shocked that he would go so far just to reconnect with me.

  “I love you, Aiden Harris. And I was a fool to ever let you go.”

  “I feel the same exact way about you, Reagan.”

  I angled my face upward and kissed Aiden with all the might I could muster. We had almost a decade of passion to catch up on. I was excited to keep this momentum going.



  Six Months Later…

  We were finally introducing Aiden as Bobby’s dad to Bobby. The three of us had been spending a whole lot of time together. Aiden and I agreed that having the two of them get to know one another first was for the best. Bobby was in a very precarious emotional situation when Aiden first came into our lives. We didn’t want to push him closer to the edge.

  That seemed like it was a good plan because, over the past few months, Bobby’s behavior really improved. Having Aiden in his life had done wonders for him. All of his teachers were astounded. He was quickly becoming a school favorite, and I was so proud of my little cherub.

  “Mommy! Is he here yet?”

  Ever since I told Bobby that Aiden was his father, he had been super hyper to see him. Aiden had to take a small business trip, so I told Bobby a couple of days before Aiden returned. The two of us thought he might want some time apart, just in case Bobby didn’t take the news well. But Bobby wanted to see Aiden immediately.

  I kind of wished we’d done it differently because of how excited he was to see his dad, but Bobby had been able to keep that energy up for days, and this morning, he woke me up so early. But I wasn’t able to stay mad at my son.

  “He should be here soon. Your father did say he was on his way.”

  During the ‘get to know each other’ phase, Aiden and I also thought it would be best if we continued living apart. That evening we spent together in the clinic changed a lot of things for us, but there was still real life and the real world. I didn’t want to change things for Bobby too quickly. Plus, Aiden and I had just reconciled. We were mainly worried about messing things up again. Our love was tested once, and we had failed. We were being way more careful the second time.

  Maybe we were overcautious, but at the end of that, all three relationships were stronger.

  I was looking out the window when I saw Aiden’s car pull up. I knew he would be up in a couple of minutes, so I left my perch and went to fetch Bobby. He was mostly ready, so there wasn’t much I had to do.

  The door opened a few seconds later — I gave Aiden a key ages ago — and his ever-familiar voice reverberated through the house. “Hello?”

  Bobby perked up and ran out of the room before I could do anything. I could hear the two of them talking. It was too quiet to make out exactly what they were saying, so I we
nt to join them in the kitchen. I stayed against the wall because I didn’t want to interfere too much with the reunion going on between the two of them.

  “So, um, do you want me to call you Dad now?”

  “If you want,” Aiden shrugged, kneeling down to Bobby’s height. “I know this might be a bit confusing. If calling me Aiden is easier, we can keep doing that. Whatever you want.”

  Bobby turned around to look back at me. His eyes looked inquisitive, but he didn’t say anything before turning back around.

  “I think I’ll call you Dad. I like the way it sounds.”

  Aiden chuckled and then mussed Bobby’s hair with his hand. It seemed like the two of them would continue to get along swimmingly. I knew even if today didn’t go well, Aiden wanted to put in the work. He told me he had already missed out on eight years, and he wasn’t planning on missing another second. Hearing that made me feel horrible, though I knew that wasn’t his intention. He was just expressing his emotions which we all entirely valid. And he always made sure to tell me he didn’t blame me for how things turned out.

  We were healing together.

  “Would you like to go back to my house? I would like to talk about the two of you moving in with me.”

  “Yes!” Bobby lit up. He loved going to Aiden’s.

  It was his family’s old mansion. Aiden said he hadn’t lived there since moving out right after I left, but since he was going to be spending more time in Aspen, he wanted to make a home of the mansion. I’d been taking Bobby over all the time. He’d even spent a couple of nights there just the two of them. Our son had grown to really love the place.

  Bobby ran to his room to grab a few things giving me a little bit of time to speak with Aiden.

  “That went well,” I commented, trying not to grin from ear to ear.

  He looked down, somewhat hiding a blush. “I’d say so. I didn’t think he’d want to call me Dad so soon, but I don’t know.” He ran a hand through his hair.

  Gently, I slid my hand under Aiden’s chin and tilted his hazel eyes to mine. “Yeah, he loves you, Aiden. I mean, how could he not.”

  I gave the father of my son a quick peck on the cheek but couldn’t do more before Bobby ran in. He knew Aiden and I were together in that way adults were sometimes, but I’d never brought anyone around him in that context. I was still getting used to having different parts of my life come together, but I was excited.

  I looked down at Bobby, who was carrying his little bag. It was all the toys he’d want to play with and whatever books he was reading. Aiden had quite a lot at his place, we set it up like that, but there was always more Bobby wanted to bring, so we got him a little travel bag to fill up with whatever he wanted.

  “Are you ready to go, baby?”

  “Mmhm,” Bobby nodded.

  I didn’t need to take anything because Aiden made sure to stock up the house with enough stuff for all three of us. And, the first time we spent the night at the mansion, I made sure to take care of whatever he had missed. It was just Bobby who liked to bring more and more over.

  Soon we would be taking everything we owned there.


  After a long night of eating whatever food Bobby wanted and playing whatever games Bobby wanted, we were finally able to get him to go to sleep. Our son was full of energy and excitement, probably from everything that had happened, but that energy couldn’t last all night, and he finally tuckered himself out.

  Aiden and I were lying in his large king-sized bed together. I was cuddled up against his side.

  “Today went really well, huh?” he asked, brushing his fingers through my hair.

  “It went better than well. I would say it was perfect.”

  It was one of the best days of my life. It was the first time we felt like a true happy family. I couldn’t think of anything that would make me happier.

  “You’d say the day was perfect?” He looked my way and raised one eyebrow.

  “Yeah, you wouldn’t?”

  I knew Aiden enjoyed everything we did today, but he didn’t have to use the same superlatives as me to describe our time together.

  He sat up a bit and leaned on his elbow. “I think it was close to perfect. There’s just one more thing that I think would bring this day to absolute perfection.”

  “What’s that?”

  Aiden didn’t answer immediately, turning over slightly to reach into his bedside drawer. I couldn’t see what he had in his hand. He was hiding it rather well.

  “What are you holding?”

  “I wanted to ask you something, Reagan.” He knelt next to me.


  “I feel like it should have been done with a lot more pomp, but this just felt like the right moment. I don’t know why I’m drawing this out so much. I should just come out and say it, but… oh boy, I am nervous. You’re one of the few people who can make me nervous, not that that’s a bad thing.”

  Aiden rarely rambled like this, but it usually meant he was gearing up to say something close to his heart.

  “What is it, Aiden?”

  “I want to ask you to marry me, but I’m not entirely sure how to do it, and the idea has been turning around in my head for so long, and I wanted to do it perfectly, but maybe these things can’t be done perfectly —”

  “You want to marry me?”

  “Huh?” Aiden finally came out his rant to look up at me. His hazel eyes were shining.

  “Show me what’s in your hand.”

  He furrowed his brow before opening up the fist he had made and, in his palm, was a ring box.

  “Yeah, will you marry me?” He looked so nervous like he was about to pass out. I wasn’t going to make him wait any longer.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you! Of course!”

  Aiden smiled and opened up the box, revealing the most beautiful solitaire diamond ring I’d ever seen. He took it out and slid it onto my finger.

  I brought both of my hands onto either side of his face, placing a long and passionate kiss on his lips. I wrapped my arms around him and mounted his body. Once I was comfortably on top, Aiden laid down on the bed. I ran my hands up and down his chest.

  “What do you want to do tonight?”

  “Maybe I could tie you up, blindfold you, maybe we could get some wax.” Aiden ran his fingers up and down my arms, making my hair stand up on edge. I brought my body down, pressing my chest into his. Our faces were a breath apart.

  “Being bound sounds lovely.”

  Aiden nodded. He kissed me lightly, turning his body to slide me off onto the mattress as he got up. I watched him walk around the room collecting things and unbuttoning his shirt at the same time. When he was done with the last button, he pulled it off, revealing his hard, muscular torso. It was hard to believe sometimes that such a handsome man was going to be my lover for the rest of my life.

  I took off my own clothing, sliding off my dress, bra, and panties. I didn’t want anything to get in the way of our fun. Laying back on the bed, I let myself relax. My pussy was already aching, and I was excited about our night together. I let my eyes flicker closed.

  There was a soft chuckle as Aiden came back to the bed. He didn’t say anything. Instead, he slid a finger up my ankle. It was an old way of communicating between us. I lifted my leg, so he could tie the silk cord around it. There was a pull as it was wrapped to the bedpost, and Aiden tested the biding. He repeated the process with the other leg and both my arms.

  Spread eagle with my arms tied tight over my head, I felt my excitement growing. But still, I didn’t open my eyes. There was something about the surprise that was driving me wild.

  “It’s going to be that kind of night?” Aiden hummed.

  I let a grin cross my face. “It is the perfect night.”

  A sharp slap slammed into my left breast. It stung, burst with feelings of pleasure, and set my tit swinging all at the same time. I gasped then moaned. Another slap hit me right in the clit. Shock ran through me, along with electric sho
cks of pleasure.

  “More,” I gasped. “Harder.”

  Another chuckle filled the room. “You don’t get to make demands. Do you want to be punished?”

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  I waited for another slap, but it didn’t come. Instead, suddenly, two of Aiden’s thick fingers pushed into my wet pussy roughly. The feeling was so intense, I could barely breathe. His thumb circled my clit, rubbing and brushing at different intensities as his fingers pumped in and out of me. It was hard and fast and rough to the point that I couldn’t hold back.

  “Oh, God,” I begged. “Not yet. Not yet.”

  Aiden didn’t listen. He didn’t hold back. His warm wet tongue replaced his thumb on my clit. He licked, sucked, and tickled my folds until my whole body was humming, and I was crying out. My hips bucked. My body twitched, pulling at the silk on my wrists and ankles. Instinctually, my legs tried to pull together, but they couldn’t. I was open and bare to anything Aiden wanted to do to me.

  My pussy ached. It tensed and quivered, signaling my impending orgasm. My legs pulled, and my toes curled.

  Then all the sensation was gone. It left me at the heights of pleasure without release, and I whimpered. “No!” My body squirmed against the sheets. “Please. Please. Aiden, please.”

  My pleading was answered by the brush of his massive cockhead against my lower lips. He slid it through my juices, up and down till my pussy opened wider. I thrust my hips upward, but my love only put in the first inch of his hard cock. It stretched me out, but I wanted it all. His slowness was maddening.

  “Do you want me?” Aiden asked.

  “Yes!” I begged. “Give it to me. Give me your hard cock!”

  He slid in fast, filling my pussy up all the way to my cervix and stretching me around his girth. Then he stopped and held. I twisted, savoring the feeling of every inch of him. We were connected.

  Aiden pulled all the way out and then thrust in again hard. I gasped as his hips slapped into my thighs and his balls pounded on my ass.


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