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The Man from Glengarry: A Tale of the Ottawa

Page 20

by Ralph Connor



  The ancient capital of Canada--the old gray queen of the mighty St.Lawrence--is a city of many charms and of much stately beauty. Itsnarrow, climbing streets, with their quaint shops and curious gables,its old market, with chaffering habitant farmers and their wives,are full of living interest. Its noble rock, crowned with the ancientcitadel, and its sweeping tidal river, lend it a dignity and majesticbeauty that no other city knows; and everywhere about its citadel andwalls, and venerable, sacred buildings, there still linger the romanceand chivalry of heroic days long gone. But there are times when neitherthe interests of the living present nor the charms of the romantic pastcan avail, and so a shadow lay upon Maimie's beautiful face as she satin the parlor of the Hotel de Cheval Blanc, looking out upon the mightystreets and the huddled roofs of the lower town. She held in her hand anopen note.

  "It is just awfully stupid," she grumbled, "and I think pretty mean ofhim!"

  "Of whom, may I ask?" said Kate, pausing in her singing, "or is thereany need? What says the gallant lieutenant?"

  Maimie tossed her the note.

  "The picnic is postponed. Well, of course the rain told us that; and heis unavoidably prevented from calling, and entreats your sympathy andcommiseration. Well, that's a very nice note, I am sure."

  "Where has he been these three days! He might have known it would bestupid, and Harry gives one no satisfaction." Maimie was undeniablycross. "And Ranald, too," she went on, "where has he been? Not even yourmusic could bring him!" with a little spice of spite. "I think men arejust horrid, anyway."

  "Especially when they will keep away," said Kate.

  "Well, what are they good for if not to entertain us? I wish we could dowithout them! But I do think Ranald might have come."

  "Well," said Kate, emphatically, "I can't see why you should expecthim."

  "Why not?"

  "I think you ought to know."

  "I, how should I know?" Maimie's innocent blue eyes were wide open withsurprise.

  "Nonsense," cried Kate, with impatience rare in her, "don't be absurd,Maimie; I am not a child."

  "What do YOU mean?"

  "You needn't tell me you don't know why Ranald comes. Do you want him tocome?"

  "Why, of course I do; how silly you are."

  "Well," said Kate, deliberately, "I would rather be silly than cruel andunkind."

  "Why, Kate, how dreadful of you!" exclaimed Maimie; "'cruel andunkind!'"

  "Yes." said Kate; "you are not treating Ranald well. You should notencourage him to--to--care for you when you do not mean to--to--go onwith it."

  "Oh, what nonsense; Ranald is not a baby; he will not take any hurt."

  "Oh, Maimie," said Kate, and her voice was low and earnest, "Ranald isnot like other men. He does not understand things. He loves you and hewill love you more every day if you let him. Why don't you let him go?"

  "Let him go!" cried Maimie, "who's keeping him?" But as she spoke theflush in her cheek and the warm light in her eye told more clearly thanwords that she did not mean to let him go just then.

  "You are," said Kate, "and you are making him love you."

  "Why, how silly you are," cried Maimie; "of course he likes me, but--"

  "No, Maimie," said Kate, with sad earnestness, "he loves you; you cansee it in the way he looks at you; in his voice when he speaks and--oh,you shouldn't let him unless you mean to--to--go on. Send him rightaway!" There were tears in Kate's dark eyes.

  "Why, Katie," cried Maimie, looking at her curiously, "what differencedoes it make to you? And besides, how can I send him away? I just treathim as I do Mr. De Lacy."

  "De Lacy!" cried Kate, indignantly. "De Lacy can look after himself, butRanald is different. He is so serious and--and so honest, and he meansjust what he says, and you are so nice to him, and you look at him insuch a way!"

  "Why, Kate, do you mean that I try to--" Maimie was righteouslyindignant.

  "You perhaps don't know," continued Kate, "but you can't help beingfascinating to men; you know you are, and Ranald believes you so,and--and you ought to be quite straightforward with him!" Poor Katecould no longer command her voice.

  "There, now," said Maimie, caressing her friend, not unpleased withKate's description of her; "I'm going to be good. I will just be horridto both of them, and they'll go away! But, oh, dear, things are allwrong! Poor Ranald," she said to herself, "I wonder if he will come tothe picnic on Saturday?"

  Kate looked at her friend a moment and wiped away her tears.

  "Indeed I hope he will not," she said, indignantly, "for I know you meanto just lead him on. I have a mind to tell him."

  "Tell him what?" said Maimie, smiling.

  "Just what you mean to do."

  "I wish you would tell me that."

  "Now I tell you, Maimie," said Kate, "if you go on with Ranald so anylonger I will just tell him you are playing with him."

  "Do," said Maimie, scornfully, "and be careful to make clear to him atthe same time that you are speaking solely in his interest!"

  Kate's face flushed red at the insinuation, and then grew pale. Shestood for some time looking in silence at her friend, and then with aproud flash of her dark eyes, she swept from the room without a word,nor did Maimie see her again that afternoon, though she stood outsideher door entreating with tears to be forgiven. Poor Kate! Maimie's shafthad gone too near a vital spot, and the wound amazed and terrified her.Was it for Ranald's sake alone she cared? Yes, surely it was. Then whythis sharp new pain under the hand pressing hard upon her heart?

  Oh, what did that mean? She put her face in her pillow to hide the redthat she knew was flaming in her cheeks, and for a few moments gaveherself up to the joy that was flooding her whole heart and soul and allher tingling veins. Oh, how happy she was. For long she had heard of theGlengarry lad from Maimie and more from Harry till there had grown upin her heart a warm, admiring interest. And now she had come to know himfor herself! How little after all had they told her of him. What a manhe was! How strong and how fearless! How true-hearted and how his eyescould fill with love! She started up. Love? Love? Ah, where was her joy!How chill the day had grown and how hateful the sunlight on the river.She drew down the blind and threw herself once more upon the bed,shivering and sick with pain--the bitterest that heart can know. Oncemore she started up.

  "She is not worthy of him!" she exclaimed, aloud; "her heart is not deepenough; she does not, cannot love him, and oh, if some one would onlylet him know!"

  She would tell him herself. No! No! Maimie's sharp arrow was quiveringstill in her heart. Once more she threw herself upon the bed. How couldshe bear this that had stricken her? She would go home. She would go toher mother to-morrow. Go away forever from--ah--could she? No, anythingbut that! She could not go away.

  Over the broad river the warm sunlight lay with kindly glow, and theworld was full of the soft, sweet air of spring, and the songs of matingbirds; but the hours passed, and over the river the shadows began tocreep, and the whole world grew dark, and the songs of the birds werehushed to silence. Then, from her room, Kate came down with face serene,and but for the eyes that somehow made one think of tears, without asign of the storm that had swept her soul. She did not go home. She wastoo brave for that. She would stay and fight her battle to the end.

  That was a dreary week for Ranald. He was lonely and heartsick for thewoods and for his home and friends, but chiefly was he oppressed withthe sense of having played the fool in his quarrel with De Lacy, whom hewas beginning to admire and like. He surely might have avoided that; andyet whenever he thought of the game that had swept away from Rouleau allhis winter's earnings, and of the cruel blow that had followed, he felthis muscles stiffen and his teeth set tight in rage. No, he would do itall again, nor would he retreat one single step from the position he hadtaken, but would see his quarrel through to the end. But worst of allhe had not seen Maimie all the week. His experience with Harry in theordering of his suit had taught him the impor
tance of clothes, and henow understood as he could not before, Maimie's manner to him. "Thatwould be it," he said to himself, "and no wonder. What would she do witha great, coarse tyke like me!" Then, in spite of all his loyalty,he could not help contrasting with Maimie's uncertain and doubtfultreatment of him, the warm, frank friendliness of Kate. "SHE did notmind my clothes," he thought, with a glow of gratitude, but sharplychecking himself, he added, "but why should she care?" It rather pleasedhim to think that Maimie cared enough to feel embarrassed at his roughdress. So he kept away from the Hotel de Cheval Blanc till his newsuit should be ready. It was not because of his dress, however, that hesteadily refused Harry's invitation to the picnic.

  "No, I will not go," he said, with blunt decision, after listening toHarry's pleading. "It is Lieutenant De Lacy's picnic, and I will havenothing to do with him, and indeed he will not be wanting me!"

  "Oh, he's forgotten all about that little affair," cried Harry.

  "Has he? Indeed then if he is a man he has not!"

  "I guess he hasn't remembered much of anything for the last week," saidHarry, with a slight laugh.

  "Why not?"

  "Oh, pshaw, he's been on a big tear. He only sobered up yesterday."

  "Huh!" grunted Ranald, contemptuously. He had little respect for a manwho did not know when he had had enough. "What about his job?" he asked.

  "His job? Oh, I see. His job doesn't worry him much. He's absent onsick-leave. But he's all fit again and I know he will be disappointed ifyou do not come to-morrow."

  "I will not go," said Ranald, with final decision, "and you can tell himso, and you can tell him why."

  And Harry did tell him with considerable fullness and emphasis not onlyof Ranald's decision, but also Ranald's opinion of him, for he felt thatit would do that lordly young man no harm to know that a man whom he wasinclined to patronize held him in contempt and for cause. The lieutenantlistened for a time to all Harry had to say with apparent indifference,then suddenly interrupting him, he said: "Oh, I say, old chap,I wouldn't rub it in if I were you. I have a more or less vagueremembrance of having rather indulged in heroics. One can't keep hishead with poker and unlimited brandy-and-sodas; they don't go together.It's a thing I almost never do; never in a big game, but the thing gotinteresting before I knew. But I say, that Glengarry chap plays a mightygood game. Must get him on again. Feels hot, eh? I will make that allright, and what's the French chap's name--Boileau, Rondeau, eh? Rouleau.Yes, and where could one see him?"

  "I can find out from LeNoir, who will be somewhere near Ranald. Youcan't get him away from him."

  "Well, do," said the lieutenant, lazily. "Bring LeNoir to see me. I owethat Rouleau chap an apology. Beastly business! And I'll fix it up withMacdonald. He has the right of it, by Jove! Rather lucky, I fancy, hedidn't yield to my solicitations for a try at the other game--from whatI remember of the street riot, eh? Would not mind having a go with himwith the gloves, though. I will see him to-morrow morning. Keep yourmind at rest."

  Next morning when LeNoir came to his work he was full of thelieutenant's praises to Ranald.

  "Das fine feller le Capitaine, eh? Das de Grand Seigneur for sure! He'smak eet all right wit Rouleau! He's pay de cash money and he's mak eetde good posish for him, an' set him up the champagne, too, by gar!"

  "Huh," grunted Ranald. "Run that crib around the boom there LeNoir;break it up and keep your gang moving to-day!"

  "Bon!" said LeNoir, with alacrity. "I give 'em de big move, me!"

  But however unwilling Ranald was to listen to LeNoir singing thelieutenant's praises, when he met Harry at noon in the office he waseven more enthusiastic than LeNoir in his admiration of De Lacy.

  "I never saw the likes of him," he said. "He could bring the birds outof the trees with that tongue of his. Indeed, I could not have done whathe did whatever. Man, but he is a gentleman!"

  "And are you going this evening?"

  "That I am," said Ranald. "What else could I do? I could not helpmyself; he made me feel that mean that I was ready to do anything."

  "All right," said Harry, delighted, "I will take my canoe around for youafter six."

  "And," continued Ranald, with a little hesitation, "he told me he wouldbe wearing a jersey and duck trousers, and I think that was very fine ofhim."

  "Why, of course," said Harry, quite mystified, "what else would hewear?"

  Ranald looked at him curiously for a moment, and said: "A swallow-tail,perhaps, or a blanket, maybe," and he turned away leaving Harry moremystified than ever.

  Soon after six, Harry paddled around in his canoe, and gave the stern toRanald. What a joy it was to him to be in a canoe stern again; to feelthe rush of the water under his knees; to have her glide swiftly on hersoundless way down the full-bosomed, sunbathed river; to see her put hernose into the little waves and gently, smoothly push them asunder withnever a splash or swerve; to send her along straight and true as anarrow in its flight, and then flip! flip to swing her off a floatinglog or around an awkward boat lumbering with clumsy oars. That was to bealive again. Oh, the joy of it! Of all things that move to the will ofman there is none like the canoe. It alone has the sweet, smooth glide,the swift, silent dart answering the paddle sweep; the quick swervein response to the turn of the wrist. Ranald felt as if he could havegladly paddled on right out to the open sea; but sweeping around a benda long, clear call hailed them, and there, far down at the bottom of alittle bay, at the foot of the big, scarred, and wrinkled rock the smokeand glimmer of the camp-fire could be seen. A flip of the stern paddle,and the canoe pointed for the waving figure, and under the rhythmicsweep of the paddles, sped like an arrow down the waters, sloping to theshore. There, on a great rock, stood Kate, directing their course.

  "Here's a good landing," she cried. Right at the rock dashed the canoeat full speed. A moment more and her dainty nose would be battered outof all shape on the cruel rock, but a strong back stroke, a turn of thewrist, flip, and she lay floating quietly beside the rock.

  "Splendid!" cried Kate.

  "Well done, by Jove!" exclaimed the lieutenant, who was himself anexpert with the paddle.

  "I suppose you have no idea how fine you look," cried Kate.

  "And I am quite sure," answered Harry, "you have no suspicion of whata beautiful picture you all make." And a beautiful picture it was: thegreat rocky cliff in the background, tricked out in its new spring greenof moss and shrub and tree; the grassy plot at its foot where a littlestream gurgled out from the rock; the blazing camp-fire with the littlegroup about it; and in front the sunlit river. How happy they all were!And how ready to please and to be pleased. Even little Mr. Sims had hischarm. And at the making of the tea, which Kate had taken in charge withRanald superintending, what fun there was with burning of fingersand upsetting of kettles! And then, the talk and the laughter at thelieutenant's brilliant jokes, and the chaffing of the "lumbermen" overtheir voracious appetites! It was an hour of never-to-be-forgottenpleasure. They were all children again, and with children's hearts werehappy in childhood's simple joys. And why not? There are no joys purerthan those of the open air; of grass and trees flooded with the warmlight and sweet scents of the soft springtime. Too soon it all cameto an end, and then they set off to convoy the stately old lady to hercarriage at the top of the cliff. Far in front went Kate, disdainingthe assistance of Harry and Mr. Sims, who escorted her. Near at handthe lieutenant was in attendance upon Maimie, who seemed to need hisconstant assistance; for the way was rough, and there were so manyjutting points of rock for wonderful views, and often the very prettiestplants were just out of reach. Last of all came Madame De Lacy, climbingthe steep path with difficulty and holding fast to Ranald's arm. Withcharming grace she discoursed of the brave days of old in which herancestors had played a worthy part. An interesting tale it was, but inspite of all her charm of speech, and grace of manner, Ranald could notkeep his mind from following his heart and eyes that noted every stepand move of the beautiful girl, flitting in and out among the treesbefore them. A
nd well it was that his eyes were following so close; for,as she was reaching for a dainty spray of golden birch, holding by thelieutenant's hand, the treacherous moss slipped from under Maimie'sfeet, and with a piercing shriek she went rolling down the slopingmountain-side, dragging her escort with her. Like a flash of lightRanald dropped madame's arm, and seizing the top of a tall birch thatgrew up from the lower ledge, with a trick learned as a boy in theGlengarry woods, he swung himself clear over the edge, and droppinglightly on the mossy bank below, threw himself in front of the rollingbodies, and seizing them held fast. In another moment leaving thelieutenant to shift for himself, Ranald was on his knees beside Maimie,who lay upon the moss, white and still. "Some water, for God's sake!"he cried, hoarsely, to De Lacy, who stood dazed beside him, and then,before the lieutenant could move, Ranald lifted Maimie in his arms, asif she had been an infant, and bore her down to the river's edge, andlaid her on the grassy bank. Then, taking up a double handful of water,he dashed it in her face. With a little sigh she opened her eyes, andletting them rest upon his face, said, gently, "Oh, Ranald, I am so gladyou--I am so sorry I have been so bad to you." She could say no more,but from her closed eyes two great tears made their way down her palecheeks.

  "Oh, Maimie, Maimie," said Ranald, in a broken voice, "tell me you arenot hurt."

  Again she opened her eyes and said, "No, I am not hurt, but you willtake me home; you will not leave me!" Her fingers closed upon his hand.

  With a quick, strong clasp, he replied: "I will not leave you."

  In a few minutes she was able to sit up, and soon they were all abouther, exclaiming and lamenting.

  "What a silly girl I am," she said, with a little tremulous laugh, "andwhat a fright I must have given you all!"

  "Don't rise, my dear," said Madame De Lacy, "until you feel quitestrong."

  "Oh, I am quite right," said Maimie, confidently; "I am sure I am nothurt in the least."

  "Oh, I am so thankful!" cried Kate.

  "It is the Lord's mercy," said Ranald, in a voice of deep emotion.

  "Are you quite sure you are not hurt?" said Harry, anxiously.

  "Yes, I really think I am all right, but what a fright I must look!"

  "Thank God!" said Harry fervently; "I guess you're improving," at whichthey all laughed.

  "Now I think we must get home," said Madame De Lacy. "Do you think youcan walk, Maimie?"

  "Oh, yes," cried Maimie, and taking Ranald's hand, she tried to standup, but immediately sank back with a groan.

  "Oh, it is my foot," she said, "I am afraid it is hurt."

  "Let me see!" cried Harry. "I don't think it is broken," he said, afterfeeling it carefully, "but I have no doubt it is a very bad sprain. Youcan't walk for certain."

  "Then we shall have to carry her," said Madame De Lacy, and she turnedto her son.

  "I fear I can offer no assistance," said the lieutenant, pointing to hisarm which was hanging limp at his side.

  "Why, Albert, are you hurt? What is the matter? You are hurt!" cried hismother, anxiously.

  "Not much, but I fear my arm is useless. You might feel it," he said toRanald.

  Carefully Ranald passed his hand down the arm.

  "Say nothing," whispered the lieutenant to him. "It's broken. Tie it upsome way." Without a word Ranald stripped the bark of a birch tree,and making a case, laid the arm in it and bound it firmly with his silkhandkerchief.

  "We ought to have a sling," he said, turning to Kate.

  "Here," said Madame De Lacy, untying a lace scarf from her neck, "takethis."

  Kate took the scarf, and while Ranald held the arm in place she deftlymade it into a sling.

  "There," said the lieutenant, "that feels quite comfortable. Now let'sgo."

  "Come, Maimie, I'll carry you up the hill," said Harry.

  "No," said Ranald, decidedly, "she will go in the canoe. That will beeasier."

  "Quite right," said the lieutenant. "Sims, perhaps you will give mymother your arm, and if Miss Kate will be kind enough to escort me, wecan all four go in the carriage; but first we shall see the rest of theparty safely off."

  "Come, then, Maimie," said Harry, approaching his sister; "let me carryyou."

  But Maimie glanced up at Ranald, who without a word, lifted her in hisarms.

  "Put your arm about his neck, Maimie," cried Harry, "you will go morecomfortably that way. Ranald won't mind," he added, with a laugh.

  At the touch of her clinging arms the blood mounted slowly into Ranald'sneck and face, showing red through the dark tan of his skin.

  "How strong you are," said Maimie, softly, "and how easily you carry me.But you would soon tire of me," she added with a little laugh.

  "I would not tire forever," said Ranald, as he laid her gently down inthe canoe.

  "I shall send the carriage to the wharf for you," said Madame De Lacy,"and you will come right home to me, and you, too, Miss Raymond."

  Ranald took his place in the stern with Maimie reclining in the canoe soas to face him.

  "You are sure you are comfortable," he said, with anxious solicitude inhis tone.

  "Quite," she replied, with a cosy little snuggle down among the cushionsplaced around her.

  "Then let her go," cried Ranald, dipping in his paddle.

  "Good by," cried Kate, waving her hand at them from the rock. "We'llmeet you at the wharf. Take good care of your invalid, Ranald."

  With hardly a glance at her Ranald replied: "You may be sure of that,"and with a long, swinging stroke shot the canoe out into the river. Fora moment or two Kate stood looking after them, and then, with a wearylook in her face, turned, and with the lieutenant, followed Madame DeLacy and Mr. Sims.

  "You are tired," said the lieutenant, looking into her face.

  "Yes," she replied, with a little sigh, "I think I am tired."

  The paddle home was all too short to Ranald, but whether it took minutesor hours he could not have told. As in a dream he swung his paddle andguided his canoe. He saw only the beautiful face and the warm lightin the bright eyes before him. He woke to see Kate on the wharf beforethem, and for a moment he wondered how she came there. Once more, as hebore her from the canoe to the carriage, he felt Maimie's arms clingingabout his neck and heard her whisper, "You will not leave me, Ranald,"and again he replied, "No, I will not leave you."

  Swiftly the De Lacy carriage bore them through the crooked, climbingstreets of the city and out along the country road, then up a statelyavenue of beeches, and drew up before the stone steps, of a noble oldchateau. Once more Ranald lifted Maimie in his arms and carried her upthe broad steps, and through the great oak-paneled hall into Madame DeLacy's own cosy sitting-room, and there he laid her safely in a snugnest of cushions prepared for her. There was nothing more to do, but tosay good by and come away, but it was Harry that first brought this toRanald's mind.

  "Good by, Ranald," said Maimie, smiling up into his face. "I cannotthank you for all you have done to-day, but I am sure Madame De Lacywill let you come to see me sometimes."

  "I shall be always glad to see you," said the little lady, with gentle,old-fashioned courtesy, "for we both owe much to you this day."

  "Thank you," said Ranald, quietly, "I will come," and passed out of theroom, followed by Harry and Kate.

  At the great hall door, Kate stood and watched them drive away, wavingher hand in farewell.

  "Good by," cried Harry, "don't forget us in your stately palace," butRanald made no reply. He had no thought for her. But still she stood andwatched the carriage till the beeches hid it from her view, and then,with her hand pressed against her side, she turned slowly into the hall.

  As the carriage rolled down the stately avenue, Ranald sat absorbed indeepest thought, heeding not his companion's talk.

  "What's the matter with you, Ranald? What are you thinking of?" at lastcried Harry, impatiently.

  "What?" answered Ranald, in strange confusion, "I cannot tell you."Unconsciously as he spoke he put up his hand to his neck, for he wasstill
feeling the pressure of those clinging arms, and all the way backthe sounds of the rolling wheels and noisy, rattling streets wroughtthemselves into one sweet refrain, "You will not leave me, Ranald," andoften in his heart he answered, "No, I will not," with such a look onhis face as men wear when pledging life and honor.


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