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The Man from Glengarry: A Tale of the Ottawa

Page 22

by Ralph Connor



  "The night for dreaming, but the morn for seeing." And so Ranald foundit; for with the cold, calm light of the morning, he found himselffacing his battle with small sense of victory in his blood. He knew hehad to deal that morning with the crisis of his life. Upon the issue hiswhole future would turn, but his heart without haste or pause preservedits even beat. The hour of indecision had passed. He saw his way and hemeant to walk it. What was beyond the turn was hid from his eyes, butwith that he need not concern himself now. Meantime he would clear awaysome of this accumulated correspondence lying on his desk. In the midstof his work Harry came in and laid a bundle of bills before him.

  "Here you are, old chap," he said, quietly. "That's the last of it."

  Ranald counted the money.

  "You are sure you can spare all this? There is no hurry, you know."

  "No," said Harry, "I can't spare it, but it's safer with you than withme, and besides, it's yours. And I owe you more than money." He drewa deep breath to steady himself, and then went on: "And I want to say,Ranald, that I have bet my last stake."

  Ranald pushed back his chair and rose to his feet.

  "Now that's the best thing I've heard for some time," he said, offeringHarry his hand; "and that's the last of that business."

  He sat down, drew in his chair, and turning over his papers with anervousness that he rarely showed, he continued: "And, Harry, I want youto do something for me. Before you go home this afternoon, will you comein here? I may want to send a note to Maimie by you."

  "But--" began Harry.

  "Wait a moment. I want to prevent all possibility of mistake. There maybe a reply, and Harry, old chap, I'd rather not answer any questions."

  Harry gazed at him a moment in perplexity. "All right, Ranald," he said,quietly, "you can trust me. I haven't the ghost of an idea what's up,but I know you're square."

  "Thanks, old fellow," said Ranald, "I will never give you reason tochange your opinion. Now get out; I'm awfully busy."

  For some minutes after Harry had left the room Ranald sat gazing beforehim into space.

  "Poor chap, he's got his fight, too, but I begin to think he'll win," hesaid to himself, and once more returned to his work. He had hardly begunhis writing when the inner door of his office opened and Mr. St. Claircame in. His welcome was kindly and cordial, and Ranald's heart,which had been under strong discipline all morning, leaped up in warmresponse.

  "You had a pleasant trip, I hope?" inquired Mr. St. Clair.

  "Fine most of the way. Through May and June the flies were bad, but notso bad as usual, they said, and one gets used to them."

  "Good sport?"

  "Never saw anything like it. What a country that is!" cried Ranald, hisenthusiasm carrying him away. "Fishing of all kinds and superb. In thoselittle lonely lakes you get the finest black and white bass, beautiesand so gamy. In the bigger waters, maskalonge and, of course, any amountof pike and pickerel. Then we were always running up against deer, mooseand red, and everywhere we got the scent of bear. Could have loaded aboat with furs in a week."

  "We must go up some day," replied Mr. St. Clair. "Wish I could get awaythis fall, but the fact is we are in shallow water, Ranald, and we can'ttake any chances."

  Ranald knew well how serious the situation was. "But," continued Mr. St.Clair, "this offer of the British-American Lumber and Coal Company ismost fortunate, and will be the saving of us. With one hundred thousandset free we are certain to pull through this season, and indeed, thefinancial stringency will rather help than hinder our operations. Reallyit is most fortunate. Indeed," he added, with a slight laugh, "as mysister-in-law would say, quite providential!"

  "I have no doubt of that," said Ranald, gravely; "but, Mr. St. Clair--"

  "Yes, no doubt, no doubt," said Mr. St. Clair, hastening to recover thetone, which by his unfortunate reference to Mrs. Murray, he had lost.The thought of her was not in perfect harmony with purely commercialconsiderations. "The fact is," he continued, "that before this offercame I was really beginning to despair. I can tell you that now."

  Ranald felt his heart tighten.

  "One does not mind for one's self, but when family interests areinvolved--but that's all over now, thank God!"

  Ranald tried to speak, but his mind refused to suggest words. Hissilence, however, was enough for Mr. St. Clair, who, with nervous hasteonce more changed the theme. "In my note to you last night--you got it,I suppose--I referred to some changes in the firm."

  Ranald felt that he was being crowded against the ropes. He must getto freer fighting ground. "I think before you go on to that, Mr. St.Clair," he began, "I ought to--"

  "Excuse me, I was about to say," interrupted Mr. St. Clair, hastily,"Mr. Raymond and I have felt that we must strengthen our executive. Asyou know, he has left this department almost entirely to me, and he nowrealizes what I have long felt, that the burden has grown too heavy forone to carry. Naturally we think of you, and I may say we are more thanglad, though it is a very unusual thing in the business world, thatwe can, with the fullest confidence, offer you a partnership." Mr. St.Clair paused to allow the full weight of this announcement to sink intohis manager's mind.

  Then Ranald pulled himself together. He must break free or the fightwould be lost before he had struck a blow.

  "I need not say," he began once more, "how greatly gratified I am bythis offer, and I feel sure you will believe that I am deeply grateful."Ranald's voice was low and even, but unknown to himself there was init a tone of stern resolve that struck Mr. St. Clair's ear. He knew hismanager. That tone meant war. Hastily he changed his front.

  "Yes, yes, we are quite sure of that," he said, with increasingnervousness, "but we are thinking of our own interests as well asyours. Indeed, I feel sure"--here his voice became even more kindly andconfidential--"that in advancing your position and prospects we are--Iam only doing what will bring myself the greatest satisfaction in theend, for you know, Ranald, I--we do not regard you as a stranger."Ranald winced and grew pale. "We--my family--have always felt toward youas--well, in fact, as if you were one of us."

  Mr. St. Clair had delivered his last and deadliest blow and it foundRanald's heart, but with pain blanching his cheek Ranald stood updetermined to end the fight. It was by no means easy for him tostrike. Before him he saw not this man with his ingenious and speciouspleading--it would not have been a difficult matter to have brushed himaside--but he was looking into the blue eyes of the woman he had forseven years loved more than he loved his life, and he knew that when hisblow fell it would fall upon the face that, only a few hours ago, hadsmiled upon him, and upon the lips that had whispered to him, "I willremember, Ranald." Yet he was none the less resolved. With face set andbloodless, and eyes of gleaming fire, he faced the man that representedwhat was at once dearest in life and what was most loathsome in conduct.

  "Give me a moment, Mr. St. Clair," he said, with a note of authorityin his tone. "You have made me an offer of a position such as I couldhardly hope to expect for years to come, but I value it chiefly becauseit means you have absolute confidence in me; you believe in my abilityand in my integrity. I am determined that you will never have cause tochange your opinion of me. You are about to complete a deal involving avery large sum of money. I have a report here," tapping his desk, "whichyou have not yet seen."

  "It really doesn't matter!" interjected Mr. St. Clair; "you see, my dearfellow--"

  "It matters to me. It is a report which not only you ought to have, butwhich, in justice, the buyer of the Bass River Limits ought to see. Thatreport, Mr. St. Clair, ought to be given to Colonel Thorp."

  "This is sheer folly," exclaimed Mr. St. Clair, impatiently.

  "It is the only honorable course."

  "Do you mean to insult me, sir?"

  "There is only one other thing I would rather not do," said Ranald, ina grave voice, "and that is refuse Colonel Thorp the information he isentitled to from us."

r!" exclaimed Mr. St. Clair, "this is outrageous, and I demand anapology or your resignation!"

  "Colonel Thorp," announced a clerk, opening the door.

  "Tell Colonel Thorp I cannot--ah, Colonel Thorp, I am glad to see you.Will you step this way?" opening the door leading to his own office.

  The colonel, a tall, raw-boned, typical "Uncle Sam," even to the chinwhisker and quid of tobacco, had an eye like an eagle. He shot a keenglance at Mr. St. Clair and then at Ranald.

  "Yes," he said, helping himself to a chair, "this here's all right. Thisis your manager, eh?"

  "Mr. Macdonald," said Mr. St. Clair, introducing him.

  "How do you do? Heard about you some," said the colonel, shaking handswith him. "Quite a knocker, I believe. Well, you rather look like it.Used to do some myself. Been up north, so the boss says. Good country,eh?"

  "Fine sporting country, Colonel," interrupted St. Clair. "The game, Mr.Macdonald says, come right into your tent and bed to be shot."

  "Do, eh?" The colonel's eagle eye lighted up. "Now, what sort of game?"

  "Almost every kind, Colonel," replied Ranald.

  "Don't say! Used to do a little myself. Moose?"

  "Yes, I saw a number of moose and any amount of other deer and, ofcourse, plenty of bear."

  "Don't say! How'd you come to leave them? Couldn't have done it myself,by the great Sam! Open timber?"

  "Well," replied Ranald, slowly, "on the east of the Bass River--"

  "All that north country, Colonel," said Mr. St. Clair, "is pretty muchthe same, I imagine; a little of all kinds."

  "Much water, streams, and such?"

  "Yes, on the west side of the Bass there is plenty of water, a number ofsmall streams and lakes, but--"

  "Oh, all through that north country, Colonel, you are safe in having acanoe in your outfit," said Mr. St. Clair, again interrupting Ranald.

  "Lots of water, eh? Just like Maine, ha, ha!" The colonel's quietchuckle was good to hear.

  "Reminds me"--here he put his hand into his inside pocket and pulled outa flask, "excuse the glass," he said, offering it to Mr. St. Clair, whotook a slight sip and handed it back.

  "Have a little refreshment," said the colonel, offering it to Ranald.

  "I never take it, thank you."

  "Don't? Say, by the great Sam, how'd you get through all that wetcountry? Wall, it will not hurt you to leave it alone," solemnly winkingat St. Clair, and taking a long pull himself. "Good for the breath," hecontinued, putting the flask in his pocket. "Now, about those limits ofmine, the boss here has been telling you about our deal?"

  "A little," said Ranald.

  "We've hardly had time to look into anything yet," said Mr. St. Clair;"but if you will step into my office, Colonel, I have the papers andmaps there." Mr. St. Clair's tone was anxious. Once more the colonelshot a glance at him.

  "You have been on the spot, I judge," he said to Ranald, rising andfollowing Mr. St. Clair.

  "Yes, over it all."

  "Wall, come along, you're the map we want, eh? Maps are chiefly forpurposes of deception, I have found, ha, ha! and there ain't none of 'emright," and he held the door for Ranald to enter.

  Mr. St. Clair was evidently annoyed. Unfolding a map he laid it out onthe table. "This is the place, I believe," he said, putting his fingerdown upon the map.

  "Ain't surveyed, I judge," said the colonel to Ranald.

  "No, only in part; the old Salter lines are there, but I had to go awaybeyond these."

  "Warn't 'fraid of gettin' lost, eh? Ha, ha! Wall show us your route."

  Ranald put his finger on the map, and said: "I struck the Bass Riverabout here, and using that as a base, first explored the whole westside, for, I should say, about ten miles back from the river."

  "Don't say! How'd you grub? Game mostly?"

  "Well, we carried some pork and Hudson Bay hard tack and tea, and ofcourse, we could get all the fish and game we wanted."

  "Lots of game, eh? Small and big?" The colonel was evidently muchinterested in this part of Ranald's story. "By the great Sam, must go upthere!"

  "It would do you all the good in the world, Colonel," said Mr. St.Clair, heartily. "You must really go up with your men and help them layout the ground, you know."

  "That's so! Now if you were lumbering in there, how'd you get the timberout?"

  "Down the Bass River to Lake Nipissing," said Ranald, pointing out theroute.

  "Yes, but how'd you get it to the Bass? These limits, I understand, lieon both sides of the Bass, don't they?"


  "And the Bass cuts through it the short way?"


  "Wall, does that mean six or eight or ten miles of a haul?"

  "On the west side," replied Ranald, "no. There are a number of smallstreams and lakes which you could utilize."

  "And on the east side?"

  "You see, Colonel," broke in Mr. St. Clair, "that whole country is onenet-work of water-ways. Notice the map here; and there are always anumber of lakes not marked."

  "That is quite true," said Ranald, "as a rule; but on the east side--"

  "Oh, of course," said Mr. St. Clair, hastily, "you will find greatdifferences in different parts of the country."

  Mr. St. Clair folded up the map and threw it on the table.

  "Let's see," said the colonel, taking up the map again. "Now how aboutthe camps, Mr. Macdonald, where do you locate them?"

  "I have a rough draught here in which the bases for camps areindicated," said Ranald, ignoring the imploring and angry looks of hischief.

  "Let's have a look at 'em," said the colonel.

  "Oh, you haven't shown me this," said Mr. St. Clair, taking the draughtfrom Ranald.

  "No, sir, you have not seen my final report."

  "No, not yet, of course. We have hardly had time yet, Colonel, but Mr.Macdonald will make a copy of this for you and send it in a day or two,"replied Mr. St. Clair, folding up the sketch, nervously, and placing iton his desk. The colonel quietly picked up the sketch and opened it out.

  "You have got that last report of yours, I suppose," he said, with aswift glance at Mr. St. Clair. That gentleman's face was pallid anddamp; his whole fortune hung on Ranald's reply. It was to him a momentof agony.

  Ranald glanced at his face, and paused. Then drawing his lips a littletighter, he said: "Colonel Thorp, my final report has not yet beenhanded in. Mr. St. Clair has not seen it. In my judgment--" here Mr. St.Clair leaned his hand hard upon his desk--"you are getting full valuefor your money, but I would suggest that you go yourself or send yourinspector to explore the limits carefully before you complete the deal."

  Colonel Thorp, who had been carefully scanning the sketch in his hand,suddenly turned and looked Ranald steadily in the eye. "These marks onthe west side mean camps?"


  "There are very few on the east side?"

  "There are very few; the east side is inferior to the west."


  "Yes, much inferior."

  "But in your opinion the limit is worth the figure?"

  "I would undertake to make money out of it; it is good value."

  The colonel chewed hard for a minute, then turning to Mr. St. Clair, hesaid: "Wall, Mr. St. Clair, I'll give you one hundred thousand for yourlimit; but by the great Sam, I'd give twice the sum for your manager, ifhe's for sale! He's a man!" The emphasis on the he was ever so slight,but it was enough. Mr. St. Clair bowed, and sinking down into his chair,busied himself with his papers.

  "Wall," said the colonel, "that's settled; and that reminds me," headded, pulling out his flask, "good luck to the Bass River Limits!"

  He handed the flask to Mr. St. Clair, who eagerly seized it and took along drink.

  "Goes good sometimes," said the colonel, innocently. "Wall, here'slookin' at you," he continued, bowing toward Ranald; "and by the greatSam, you suit me well! If you ever feel like a change of air, indicatethe same to Colonel Thorp."

  "Ah, Colonel," said Mr. St. Clair
, who had recovered his easy, pleasantmanner, "we can sell limits but not men."

  "No, by the great Sammy," replied the colonel, using the more emphaticform of his oath, "ner buy 'em! Wall," he added, "when you have thepapers ready, let me know. Good day!"

  "Very good, Colonel, good by, good by!"

  The colonel did not notice Mr. St. Clair's offered hand, but nodding toRanald, sauntered out of the office, leaving the two men alone. For afew moments Mr. St. Clair turned over his papers in silence. His facewas flushed and smiling.

  "Well, that is a most happy deliverance, Ranald," he said, rubbing hishands. "But what is the matter? You are not well."

  White to the lips, Ranald stood looking at his chief with a resolvedface.

  "Mr. St. Clair, I wish to offer you my resignation as manager."

  "Nonsense, Ranald, we will say no more about that. I was a little hasty.I hope the change I spoke of will go into immediate effect."

  "I must beg to decline." The words came slowly, sternly from Ranald'swhite lips.

  "And why, pray?"

  "I have little doubt you can discover the reason, Mr. St. Clair. A fewmoments ago, for honorable dealing, you would have dismissed me. It isimpossible that I should remain in your employ."

  "Mr. Macdonald, are you serious in this? Do you know what you are doing?Do you know what you are saying?" Mr. St. Clair rose and faced hismanager.

  "Only too well," said Ranald, with lips that began to quiver, "and allthe more because of what I must say further. Mr. St. Clair, I love yourdaughter. I have loved her for seven years. It is my one desire in lifeto gain her for my wife."

  Mr. St. Clair gazed at him in utter astonishment.

  "And in the same breath," he said at length, "you insult me and ask mypermission."

  "It is vain to ask your permission, I fear, but it is right that youshould know my desire and my purpose."

  "Your purpose?"

  "My unalterable purpose."

  "You take my daughter out of my house in--in spite of my teeth?" Mr. St.Clair could hardly find words.

  "She will come with me," said Ranald, a little proudly.

  "And may I ask how you know? Have you spoken to my daughter?"

  "I have not spoken to her openly." The blood rose in his dark face. "ButI believe she loves me."

  "Well, Mr. Macdonald, your confidence is only paralleled by yourprodigious insolence."

  "I hope not," said Ranald, lowering his head from its proud pose. "Ihave no desire to be insolent."

  Once more Mr. St. Clair looked at him in silence. Then slowly and withquiet emphasis, he said: "Mr. Macdonald, you are a determined man, butas God lives, this purpose of yours you will never carry out. I knowmy daughter, I think, better than you know her, and I tell you," herea slight smile of confidence played for a moment on his face, "she willnever be your wife."

  Ranald bowed his head.

  "It shall be as she wills," he said, in a grave, almost sad, voice. "Sheshall decide," and he passed into his office.

  All day long Ranald toiled at his desk, leaving himself no time forthought. In the late afternoon Harry came in on his way home.

  "Thanks, old chap," said Ranald, looking up from his work; "sha'n't beable to come to-night, I am sorry to say."

  "Not come?" cried Harry.

  "No, it is impossible."

  "What rot, and Maimie has waited ten days for you. Come along!"

  "It is quite impossible, Harry," said Ranald, "and I want you to takethis note to Maimie. The note will explain to her."

  "But, Ranald, this is--"

  "And, Harry, I want to tell you that this is my last day here."

  Harry gazed at him speechless.

  "Mr. St. Clair and I have had a difference that can never be made right,and to-night I leave the office for good."

  "Leave the office for good? Going to leave us? What the deuce can theoffice do without you? And what does it all mean? Come, Ranald, don't besuch a confounded sphynx! Why do you talk such rubbish?"

  "It is true," said Ranald, "though I can hardly realize it myself; it isabsolutely and finally settled; and I say, old man, don't make itharder for me. You don't know what it means to me to leave this place,and--you, and--all!" In spite of his splendid nerve Ranald's voice shooka little. Harry gazed at him in amazement.

  "I will give your note to Maimie," he said, "but you will be back hereif I know myself. I'll see father about this."

  "Now, Harry," said Ranald, rising and putting his hand on his shoulder,"you are not going to mix up in this at all; and for my sake, old chap,don't make any row at home. Promise me," said Ranald again holding himfast.

  "Well, I promise," said Harry, reluctantly, "but I'll be hanged if Iunderstand it at all; and I tell you this, that if you don't come backhere, neither shall I."

  "Now you are talking rot, Harry," said Ranald, and sat down again to hisdesk. Harry went out in a state of dazed astonishment. Alone Ranald satin his office writing steadily except that now and then he paused to leta smile flutter across his stern, set face, as a gleam of sunshine overa rugged rock on a cloudy day. He was listening to his heart, whoseevery beat kept singing the refrain, "I love her, I love her; she willcome to me!"

  At that very moment Maimie was showing her Aunt Murray her Londondresses and finery, and recounting her triumphs in that land of socialglory.

  "How lovely, how wonderfully lovely they are," said Mrs. Murray,touching the beautiful fabrics with fond fingers; "and I am sure theywill suit you well, my dear. Have you worn most of them?"

  "No, not all. This one I wore the evening I went with the Lord Archersto the Heathcote's ball. Lord Heathcote, you know, is an uncle ofCaptain De Lacy."

  "Was Captain De Lacy there?" inquired Mrs. Murray.

  "Yes, indeed," cried Maimie, "and we had a lovely time!" either thememory of that evening brought the warm blushes to her face, or it maybe the thought of what she was about to tell her aunt; "and Captain DeLacy is coming to-morrow."

  "Coming to-morrow?"

  "Yes, he has written to Aunt Frank, and to papa as well."

  Mrs. Murray sat silent, apparently not knowing what to say, and Maimiestood with the dress in her hands waiting for her aunt to speak. Atlength Mrs. Murray said: "You knew Captain De Lacy before, I think."

  "Oh, I have known him for a long time, and he's just splendid, auntie,and he's coming to--" Maimie paused, but her face told her secret.

  "Do you mean he is going to speak to your father about you, Maimie?"Maimie nodded. "And are you glad?"

  "He's very handsome, auntie, and very nice, and he's awfully wellconnected, and that sort of thing, and when Lord Heathcote dies he has agood chance of the estates and the title."

  "Do you love him, Maimie?" asked her aunt, quietly.

  Maimie dropped the dress, and sitting down upon a low stool, turned herface from her aunt, and looked out of the window.

  "Oh, I suppose so, auntie," she said. "He's very nice and gentlemanlyand I like to be with him--"

  "But, Maimie, dear, are you not sure that you love him?"

  "Oh, I don't know," said Maimie, petulantly. "Are you not pleased,auntie?"

  "Well, I confess I am surprised. I do not know Captain De Lacy, andbesides I thought it was--I thought you--" Mrs. Murray paused, whileMaimie's face grew hot with fiery blushes, but before she could replythey heard Harry's step on the stairs, and in a moment he burst into theroom.

  "Ranald isn't coming!" he exclaimed. "Here's a note for you, Maimie.But what the--but what he means," said Harry, checking himself, "I can'tmake out."

  "Not coming?" cried Maimie, the flush fading from her face. "What canhe mean?" She opened the note, and as she read the blood rushedquickly into her face again, and as quickly fled, leaving her pale andtrembling.

  "Well, what does he say?" inquired Harry, bluntly.

  "He says it is impossible for him to come tonight," said Maimie, puttingthe note into her bosom.

  "Huh!" grunted Harry, and flung out of the room.

/>   Immediately Maimie pulled out the note.

  "Oh, auntie," she cried, "I am so miserable; Ranald is not coming and hesays--there read it." She hurriedly thrust the note into Mrs. Murray'shands, and Mrs. Murray, opening it, read:

  MY DEAR MAIMIE: It is impossible for me to go to you tonight. Yourfather and I have had a difference so serious that I can never enter hishouse again, but I am writing now to tell you what I meant to tell youto-night. I love you, Maimie. I love you with all my heart and soul. Ihave loved you since the night I pulled you from the fire.

  "Maimie," said Mrs. Murray, handing her back the note, "I do not thinkyou ought to give me this. That is too sacred for any eyes but yourown."

  "Oh, I know, auntie, but what can I do? I am so sorry for Ranald! Whatshall I do, auntie?"

  "My dear child, in this neither I nor any one can advise you. You mustbe true to yourself."

  "Oh, I wish I knew what to do!" cried Maimie. "He wants me to tellhim--" Maimie paused, her face once more covered with blushes, "and I donot know what to say!"

  "What does your heart say, Maimie?" said Mrs. Murray, quietly.

  "Oh, auntie, I am so miserable!"

  "But, Maimie," continued her aunt, "in this matter, as I said before,you must be true to yourself. Do you love Ranald?"

  "Oh, auntie, I cannot tell," cried Maimie, putting her face in herhands.

  "If Ranald were De Lacy would you love him?"

  "Oh yes, yes, how happy I would be!"

  Then Mrs. Murray rose. "Maimie, dear," she said, and her voice was verygentle but very firm, "let me speak to you for your dear mother's sake.Do not deceive yourself. Do not give your life for anything but love.Ranald is a noble man and he will be a great man some day, and I lovehim as my own son, but I would not have you give yourself to him unlessyou truly loved him." She did not mention De Lacy's name nor utter aword in comparison of the two, but listening to her voice, Maimie knewonly too well whither her love had gone.

  "Oh, auntie," she cried, "I cannot bear it!"

  "Yes, Maimie dear, you can bear to do the right, for there is One inwhose strength we can do all things."

  Before Maimie could reply her Aunt Frances came in.

  "It is dinner-time," she announced, "and your father has just come in,Maimie, and we must have dinner over at once."

  Maimie rose, and going to the glass, smoothed back her hair. Her AuntFrances glanced at her face and then at Mrs. Murray, and as if fearingMaimie's reply, went on hurriedly, "You must look your very bestto-night, and even better to-morrow," she said, smiling, significantly.She came and put her hands on Maimie's shoulders, and kissing her, said:"Have you told your Aunt Murray who is coming to-morrow? I am sureI'm very thankful, my dear, you will be very happy. It is an excellentmatch. Half the girls in town will be wild with envy. He has written avery manly letter to your father, and I am sure he is a noble fellow,and he has excellent prospects. But we must hurry down to dinner," shesaid, turning to Mrs. Murray, who with a look of sadness on her paleface, left the room without a word.

  "Ranald is not coming," said Maimie, when her Aunt Murray had gone.

  "Indeed, from what your father says," cried Aunt Frank, indignantly, "Ido not very well see how he could. He has been most impertinent."

  "You are not to say that, Aunt Frank," cried Maimie. "Ranald could notbe impertinent, and I will not hear it." Her tone was so haughty andfierce that Aunt Frank thought it wiser to pursue this subject nofurther.

  "Well," she said, as she turned to leave the room, "I'm very glad he hasthe grace to keep away tonight. He has always struck me as a young manof some presumption."

  When the door closed upon her Maimie tore the note from her bosom andpressed it again and again to her lips: "Oh, Ranald, Ranald," she cried,"I love you! I love you! Oh, why can it not be? Oh, I cannot--I cannotgive him up!" She threw herself upon her knees and laid her face inthe bed. In a few minutes there came a tap at the door, and her AuntFrances's voice was heard, "Maimie, your father has gone down; we mustnot delay." The tone was incisive and matter-of-fact. It said to Maimie,"Now let's have no nonsense. Be a sensible woman of the world." Maimierose from her knees. Hastily removing all traces of tears from her face,and glancing in the glass, she touched the little ringlets into placeand went down to dinner.

  It was a depressing meal. Mr. St. Clair was irritable; Harry perplexedand sullen; Maimie nervously talkative. Mrs. Murray was heroicallyholding herself in command, but the look of pain in her eyes and thepathetic tremor on her lips belied the brave smiles and cheerful wordswith which she seconded Aunt Frank.

  After dinner the company separated, for there were still preparationsto make for the evening. As Mrs. Murray was going to her room, she metHarry in the hall with his hat on.

  "Where are you going, Harry?"

  "Anywhere," he growled, fiercely, "to get out of this damnablehypocrisy! Pardon me, Aunt Murray, I can't help it, it IS damnable, anda whole lot of them are in it!"

  Then Mrs. Murray came, and laying her hand on his arm, said: "Don't go,Harry; don't leave me; I want some one; come upstairs."

  Harry stood looking at the sweet face, trying to smile so bravely inspite of the tremulous lips.

  "You are a dear, brave little woman," he said, hanging up his hat, "andI'll be hanged if I don't stay by you. Come along upstairs." He stooped,and lifting her in his arms in spite of her laughing protests, carriedher upstairs to her room. When they came down to the party they bothlooked braver and stronger.

  The party was a great success. The appointments were perfect; the musicthe best that could be had, and Maimie more beautiful than ever. Insome mysterious way, known only to Aunt Frank, the rumor of Maimie'sapproaching engagement got about among the guests and produced anundertone of excitement to the evenings gayety. Maimie was too excitedto be quite natural, but she had never appeared more brilliant andhappy, and surely she had every cause. She had achieved a dizzy summitof social success that made her at once the subject of her friends'congratulations and her rivals' secret envy, and which was the moredelightful it would be hard to say. Truly, she was a fortunate girl,but still the night was long, and she was tired of it all before it wasover. The room seemed empty, and often her heart gave a leap as her eyesfell upon some form that appeared more handsome and striking than othersnear, but only to sink again in disappointment when a second glance toldher that it was only some ordinary man. Kate, too, kept aloof in a veryunpleasant way, and Harry, devoting himself to Kate, had not done hisduty. But in spite of everything the party had been a great success,and when it was over Maimie went straight to bed to sleep. She knew thatRanald would be awaiting the answer to his note, but she could not bringherself to face what she knew would be an ordeal that might murder sleepfor her, and sleep she must have, for she must be her best to-morrow. Itwould have been better for all involved had she written her answer thatnight; otherwise Ranald would not have been standing at her door in theearly afternoon asking to see her. It was Aunt Frances who came downto the drawing-room. As Ranald stood up and bowed, she adjusted herpince-nez upon her aristocratic nose, and viewed him.

  "You are wishing to see Miss St. Clair," she said, in her very chilliesttone.

  "I asked to see Maimie," said Ranald, looking at her with cool, steadyeyes.

  "I must say, Mr. Macdonald, that after your conduct to my brotheryesterday, I am surprised you should have the assurance to enter hishouse."

  "I would prefer not discussing office matters with you," said Ranald,politely, and with a suspicion of a smile. "I have come to see Maimie."

  "That, I am glad to say, is impossible, for she is at present out withCaptain De Lacy who has just arrived from the East to--see--to--inshort, on a very special errand."

  For a moment Ranald stood without reply.

  "She is out, you say?" he answered at length.

  "She is out with Captain De Lacy." He caught the touch of triumph in hervoice.

  "Will she be back soon?" inquired Ranald, looking baffled.

  "Of co
urse one cannot tell in such a case," answered Miss St. Clair,"but I should think not." Miss St. Clair was enjoying herself. It didher good to see this insolent, square-jawed young man standing helplessbefore her.

  "It is important that I should see her," said Ranald, after a fewmoments' thought. "I shall wait." Had Miss St. Clair known him bettershe would have noticed with some concern the slow fires kindling in hiseyes. As it was she became indignant.

  "That, Mr. Macdonald, you shall not; and allow me to say frankly thatyour boldness--your insolence--I may say, is beyond all bounds."

  "Insolence, and when?" Ranald was very quiet.

  "You come to the house of your employer, whom you have insulted, anddemand to see his daughter."

  "I have a right to see her."

  "Right? What right have you, pray?"

  Then Ranald stood up and looked Miss St. Clair full in the face witheyes fairly alight.

  "Miss St. Clair, have you ever known what it is to love with all yoursoul and heart?" Miss St. Clair gasped. "Because if not, you will notunderstand me; if you have you will know why I must see Maimie. It isseven years now since I began to love her. I remember the spot inthe woods; I see the big tree there behind her and the rising groundstretching away to the right. I see the place where I pulled her out ofthe fire. Every morning since that time I have waked with the thought ofher; every night my eyes have closed with a vision of her before me. Itis for her I have lived and worked. I tell you she is mine! I love her!I love her, and she loves me. I know it." His words came low, fierce,and swift.

  Miss St. Clair stood breathless. What a man he looked and how handsomehe was!

  With but a moment's pause Ranald went on, but his voice took a gentlertone. "Miss St. Clair, do you understand me? Yes, I know you do." Theblood came flowing suddenly to her thin cheeks. "You say she is out withCaptain De Lacy, and you mean me to think that she is to give herself tohim. He loves her, I know, but I say she is mine! Her eyes have told methat. She is mine, I tell you, and no man living will take her from me."The fire that always slumbered in his eyes was now blazing in full fury.The great passion of his life was raging through his soul, vibrating inhis voice, and glowing in his dark face. Miss St. Clair sat silent, andthen motioned him to a seat.

  "Mr. Macdonald," she said, with grave courtesy, "you are too late, Ifear. I did not realize--Maimie will never be yours. I know my niece."At the sad earnestness of her voice, Ranald's face began to grow pale.

  "I will wait for her," he said, quietly.

  "I beg you will not."

  "I will wait," he repeated, with lips tight pressed.

  "It is vain, Mr. Macdonald, I assure you. Spare yourself and her. I knowwhat--I could have--" Her voice grew husky.

  "I will wait," once more replied Ranald, the lines of his face growingtense.

  Miss St. Clair rose and gave him her hand. "I will send a friend to you,and I beg you to excuse me," Ranald bowed gravely, "and to forgive me,"and she left the room. Ranald heard her pass through the hall and up thestairs and then a door closed behind her. Before he had time to gatherhis thoughts together he heard a voice outside that made his heart standstill. Then the front door opened quickly and Maimie and De Lacy stoodin the hall. She was gayly talking. Ranald rose and stood with his backto the door. Before him was a large mirror which reflected the hallthrough the open door. He stood waiting for them to enter.

  "Hang up your hat, Captain De Lacy, then go in and find a chair while Irun upstairs," cried Maimie, gayly. "You must learn your way about herenow."

  "No," said De Lacy, in a low, distinct voice. "I can wait no longer,Maimie."

  She looked at him a moment as if in fear.

  "Come," he said, holding out his hands to her. "There was no chance inthe park, and I can wait no longer." Slowly she came near. "My darling,my sweetheart," he said, in a low voice full of intense passion. Then,while she lay in his arms, he kissed her on the lips twice. Ranald stoodgazing in the mirror as if fascinated. As their lips met a low groanburst from him. He faced about, and with a single step, stood in thedoorway. Shriek after shriek echoed through the house as Maimie sprangfrom De Lacy's arms and shrank back to the wall.

  "Great heavens," cried De Lacy, "why it's Macdonald! What the deuce doyou mean coming in on people like that?"

  "What is it, Maimie," cried her Aunt Frank, hurrying down stairs.

  Then she saw Ranald standing in the doorway, with face bloodless,ghastly, livid. Quickly she went up to him, and said, in a voicetrembling and not ungentle: "Oh, why did you wait, Mr. Macdonald; goaway now, go away."

  Ranald turned and looked at her with a curious uncomprehending gaze, andthen said, "Yes, I will go away." He took a step toward Maimie, his eyeslike lurid flames. She shrank from him, while De Lacy stepped in hispath. With a sweep of his arm he brushed De Lacy aside, hurling himcrashing against the wall, and stood before the shrinking girl.

  "Good by, Maimie; forget that I loved you once."

  The words came slowly from his pallid lips. For some moments he stoodwith his burning eyes fastened upon her face. Then he turned slowly fromher and groped blindly for his hat. Miss St. Clair hurried toward him,found his hat, and putting it in his hand, said, in a broken voice,while tears poured down her cheeks: "Here it is; good by, good by."

  He looked at her a moment as if in surprise, and then, with a smile ofrare sweetness on his white lips, he said, "I thank you," and passedout, going feebly like a man who has got a death wound.


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