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by Romy Lockhart

  Chapter One


  My lips are swollen and every fibre of my being is singing out in pleasure. I gasp in a breath and open my eyes to find the room flooded in my warm golden light. Squinting, I wait for it to recede but it doesn’t seem to want to do that. My skin tingles as Logan leans in with his head to mine.

  “I feel kind of intoxicated right now,” he tells me, in a raspy whisper.

  I do too. It takes me a second, but I work out what it means that my mind is on a single track and my light won’t stop shining. I’m consumed by acceptance of my fourth, and we need to make it official.

  “It’s going to be like this until we sleep together.”

  “It is?”

  I nod slowly, hoping he takes it as a hint, before realising we’re still in a room with my other guys and an actual dead body. My desire wanes in memory of the latter. So much is going on right now. I try to will my Goddess light back into my body but it doesn’t seem to want to do much more than flicker a little at the concentrated effort. I step back. Maybe I just need to walk out of this heavy haze of lust I seem to have wandered into.

  “You don’t want to?” His voice is low, and his jaw is starting to set that way it does when he’s getting irritable. He’s upset and trying to hide it.

  “I do. You have no idea how much.” I press my lips together and shake my head. “There’s just so much else going on right now.”

  His bright blue eyes light up as he seems to realise what I’m talking about suddenly. “Raven.”

  He steps back and I blink as I look around. Everything is still glowing, washed over with my light. Asher is standing close by on my right side, Eli just behind. Nick is closer, behind Logan.

  “What’s going on?” Nick sounds like he’s in awe as he gazes at me.

  “I think it’s because we’re all together and I just accepted Logan.” I keep my mouth closed on the reason it’s not going away though. Pretty sure they didn’t hear me whisper it to Logan, but who knows? I wasn’t exactly thinking when it occurred to me.

  This all just feels kind of messed up. There’s a dead girl on the coffee table, and a sick one in my bed, and I all I can think about is getting naked with my newest boyfriend? Ugh. I wish I could will this away.

  “Eden needs to consummate her choice,” Asher says, turning to Eli.

  My skin flushes at his words. They’re only the truth, but I know my men struggled to accept this connection. It feels a little awkward. I know we’re not all going to get naked right now and that has nothing to do with the dead dark forces Goddess in the room.

  “We need to get Raven out of this room,” Eli says, moving forward. “Asher can compel people to forget. We should go with him.”

  They make a move and Nick smiles tightly. “I should stay with Elise.”

  He heads to the mini-bar and pulls some stuff out before disappearing into the bedroom and closing the door behind him. He doesn’t even look back. It’s really not like him to let an opportunity to make a filthy comment pass him by. I guess he’s worried about his friend. She got hurt because of me, really. I can’t stand the thought of that. If he blames me, even a little, he has every right to.

  “Call me when you want us back,” Asher says quietly as Eli hefts Raven over his shoulder.

  My sexy librarian leans in and kisses me briefly, but firmly, on the lips. “This is all going to be okay, Eden. I promise you that.”

  He opens the door for Eli and they leave. I’m finally alone with Logan, and my heart has fallen into my stomach. It doesn’t do anything to kill the light that’s spilling out over the room, but I feel so mixed up right now.

  “Hey, you okay?” Logan strokes my face to bring my gaze back to his.

  I nod, not sure what to say. How can I tell him this feels wrong?

  “Eden, I don’t want this to be like it was the first time. Please, tell me what’s wrong.”

  I take a deep breath. “Logan, I love you.”

  “But?” His gaze is steady as he waits for me to elaborate.

  “This feels unnatural.” I don’t know how else to say it. “I don’t want to feel like we have to do this, I don’t want that to be the reason this time.”

  “Eden, I want to be with you. More than anything. I don’t care what it has to do with this whole Goddess thing. I just want you. That’s all.”

  I gaze at him and his words punch through my doubt. I’m starting to get lost in the feeling that flooded the room with light again.

  His mouth meets mine and I sink into his kiss. We stand there, making out like love-starved teenagers under a summer sun, for what feels like forever. I’m officially back on cloud nine and pulsating with need when he steps back to haul off his jacket and shirt. I follow suit quickly, discarding everything to stand before him naked and willing.

  He approaches and kisses me again, though we’re way past warming up now. I feel his impressive length throbbing against my stomach and it makes my core pulse with need. I’m already wet for him, ready to be taken, but he’s taking his time exploring my mouth in long, slow strokes. I moan against his tongue, pressing in close against his body and shivering as my nipples scrape against the muscled hardness of his chest.

  He pulls back, gazing at me intently. “I want to spend all night inside of you, Eden. We’ve had too many false starts. This time I’m never letting you go.”

  “I need you inside me, Logan. Now.” I look around before sitting down on the plush carpet under the window. The shades are drawn and we’ll have more room to move around here than on one of the couches.

  He gazes at me longingly as I spread my legs apart, taking a second to admire the view before falling to his knees before me. The ravenous need I sense from him is being held in check and I wish he would just cut it loose. I don’t know what’s holding him back.

  His fingers stroke through the fine blonde hairs above my pussy and his gaze fixes there as he murmurs, “don’t ever change, Eden. You’re perfect as you are.”

  I don’t get a chance to ask him what he means. His fingers plunge into my pussy and I gasp as he fingers me roughly, making my legs tremble. This isn’t the Logan I remember. The one who behaved as if I was as fragile as fine china. I lie down and arch my back as he fucks me with his fingers, making my pussy pulsate with deep, aching need. I want him so badly. I need him.

  “I was too gentle with you before,” he tells me. “I know that now. The dreams I had showed me that.”

  I gasp out a breath. “Dreams?”

  He takes his hand away and presses the tip of his huge dick to my soaked, throbbing cleft. I moan as he fills me, inching in and smiling as his body crushes mine to the carpet. “I dreamt about being with you, and them.”

  “Them?” My heart races at the thought, and it was already pounding like crazy over the thought of having Logan’s cock inside me again.

  He smiles wickedly. “Eli showed me how you like it.”

  My face flushes at the thought. “Oh, he did, did he?”

  “I thought it might be nice to surprise you,” he says, still not moving now that his cock is buried in me.

  “Oh, it was more than nice,” I say, wondering what the next part of the surprise might be. “Is your plan to never move now? Because there are other ways to keep your dick inside me all night.”

  He laughs. “So impatient, Eden. I’m not done positioning you for this first hard, deep fuck. I thought I’d let you catch your breath first.”

  Hard and deep with his size? Holy hell. He’s going to ruin me for the others.

  “Positioning me?”

  He sits back up and brings my legs up, so my heels rest on his shoulders. Oh. Holy hell. I felt full before he moved my legs. He just pushed everything to a whole other level with this move
. I moan at the little thrust that moves his dick forward an inch as he starts to bear down on me. The feeling is so intense I can barely handle it. His cock is going to rub me raw no matter how hard or gentle he gives it to me now. He’s so deep I can feel the first sparks of an impending orgasm already.

  “Tell me, if it gets too much,” he says, gazing down at me with eyes full of fire.

  “It won’t.”

  He thrusts and my legs tremble. As much as I want this, it’s almost too deep, too hard. He keeps going and I my pussy starts to milk his dick right before I come for the first time, biting down on my lip as he starts to fuck me a little harder.

  I release my lip and gasp out, “Logan, you’re going to destroy me.”

  He pauses. “You want me to stop?”

  “Hell, no.”

  He grins as he goes back to slamming that massive cock of his deep into my pussy. I feel my second climax rising as he turns his head to kiss my ankle. The slight movement slows him down and I shatter a second time under him, groaning in ecstasy as he continues. I see it in his face when he starts to get close, and I feel it when he speeds up even more to finish. I’m still riding the tail of my second orgasm as he comes inside of me.

  He lets my legs down and pulls out to lie down at my side and put one warm, muscular arm around me. He uses the other to prop his head up while he kisses my already swollen lips.

  “It’s still kind of bright in here,” he tells me.

  He’s right. My Goddess light hasn’t receded. “Then I guess we have more work to do.”

  “You’re insatiable,” he says, stroking my face. “I love you, Eden. I’ve waited so long to be with you it feels like a dream now that we’re finally here.”

  “It does,” I murmur, dwelling on the fact as he begins kissing me again.

  It really does feel like a dream. All three of my guys found a way to accept Logan because they knew I loved him. Now he’s mine and the room is bathed in golden light in celebration. Which would be awesome, if I wasn’t also kind of worried about how long it was going to take to get my Goddess light under control.

  It’s nothing, I reassure myself. It’s linked to finally establishing my fourth, to all of us accepting him completely. It just feels so surreal. Maybe that’s the problem. I don’t really believe this is real. Not yet. I wonder what it’s going to take to make me believe.

  Chapter Two


  What I wouldn’t give for a pair of Beats right now. Listening to Eden’s moans as Logan fucks her brains out in the other room is a special kind of torture. It’s only made about a million times worse by the guilt-trip I’m already on just by sitting here on a bed next to a girl who almost died. Twice.

  I check Elise’s pulse and feel her forehead to check her temperature. She’s doing okay. Not great, but she’s going to pull through. I hesitate over calling Tanya. I’m not sure how much she knows. Chances are she was used by Raven, but I don’t want to risk calling her when I don’t know for certain. I’ll need to speak to Eden first and she’s kind of busy right now.

  Can’t quite believe what she’s doing, if I’m being honest. We’re hardly out of the woods yet with that dark forces Goddess still on the loose and gunning for Eden. We don’t know what could happen next, or when.

  I crack open a can of soda and a bag of chips. The TV would drown out the sex noises, but I have to keep the sound low so I won’t risk waking Elise. She could probably do with sleeping for a week after everything she’s been through.

  The lame low volume movie barely keeps my attention for two minutes at a time. My mind keeps wandering. My eyes drift to the bottom of the door after about forty minutes. Eden’s light is still filling up the main room of the suite. Whatever she needs to do to get it under control hasn’t been achieved. Makes me smirk a little, thinking Logan might not have what it takes to satisfy our Goddess on his own.

  That thought was pure evil, and I know it. Still, I start to wonder what would happen if I decided to help him out. It’s possible that’s what Eden needs. Considering what happened when three of us were with her, Logan really might not be enough on his own.

  I try to content myself with the movie, but my gaze keeps drifting to the light shining under the door. Getting up, I go to the door and listen in. They’re still fucking. Huh. I listen, waiting for them to finish. When they do, I’ll give them a second before I offer some help. Don’t want to crash the party in the middle of their big dance. I’ll just test the water once they’re resting. My insatiable dick’s already straining at the thought of joining them. It doesn’t care that I hated the guy earlier today.

  I don’t know how exactly I feel about him now. It matters, but right now it kind of doesn’t. I know about the dreams he’s had. I saw it when Asher touched me in the bathroom. Eli’s had them too. He won’t be uptight about a three-way. He knows it’s going to happen. Maybe it’s a little soon, but I don’t think so.

  A sigh escapes me. Maybe I’m just desperate for Eden’s touch. Where’s Eli when I need him? He’s way better at reining me in than I am. I run a hand through my hair, hearing it when Eden and Logan stop and waiting once more to give the light a chance to recede.

  I check on Elise. She’s still sound asleep. I doubt she’ll wake any time soon.

  Stay, or go? I find myself going back to the door and turning the handle.

  The brightness of Eden’s light is blinding as I walk into the room and close the door behind me.

  “I thought you might need some help.” I wait for Eden’s response as my eyes adjust to the light and I find them lying on the soft carpet in front of the window.

  Eden glances at Logan who nods slowly, before locking her gaze with mine and nodding too. “Bring lube.”

  Luckily for them, I left some under the coffee table.

  I appraise Logan’s naked body openly as I unbutton my jeans and grab the bottle. His muscles are not a surprise. The size of his semi-erect dick kind of is.

  “Someone was a porn star in a previous life,” I murmur, wondering how much bigger it gets when he’s hard.

  Eden gasps at me as if she can’t believe I’d comment on it, but I know she totally can. How could I not? That thing is impossible to miss.

  “Guess that’s one advantage I’ve got over you,” Logan says, a little hint of bitterness in his tone.

  Yeah, there’s that tension I was waiting for. Should have guessed it wouldn’t stay hidden for long. Probably shouldn’t have said anything, but then Eden would know I wasn’t being myself. I think that would upset her more. Get ready for some choppy waters, Goddess. Things aren’t going to run smoothly, but, I think, they’re going to be fun.

  “Let’s not start comparing,” I tell him as I haul off my T-shirt. “Eden might be forced to choose a favorite, and I’m pretty sure I know more ways to pleasure our Goddess than you do.”

  “Nick!” Eden’s shocked, but also a little amused. She gazes at Logan and his smile seems to settle the tiny bit of tension in her expression.

  He’s cool with this despite the slight prickliness. He knows it’s not going to be a walk in the park, but he’s game for whatever. He’d have to be, or Eden would never have accepted him as her fourth.

  “I just made Eden come six times,” he tells me, his gaze cool when he looks my way. “So I think I know what I’m doing.”

  “Oh, I heard,” I reveal, making Eden blush furiously.

  I step out of my jeans and move toward them, wondering on the best position for the three of us. I sit at Eden’s other side and glance down at Logan’s now fully erect cock. DVP probably isn’t an option here. This guy hasn’t just been blessed with length like Asher, he’s incredibly thick too. She struggled to take me and Eli all at once in that limo even if she did love every second of it. I doubt Logan would be into it. Besides, she asked for lube, so I’m guessing she’d like anal. I figure out the best way to go and get to my feet.

  “We need something to elevate you while you ride Logan,” I say,
moving quickly and grabbing the seat cushions from one of the couches. I toss them down beside Logan and he frowns up at me. I shrug. “Just trying to make double penetration a little easier.”

  I enjoy the way my words make him scowl. He’s feeling weird about this, and the truth is so am I, and I know I’m acting differently with him that I would with anyone else. If weirdness came up with Asher or Eli, I’d back off. Figure out what’s causing the problem and fix it so we could move past it.

  I can’t with Logan. He needs to know he’s not always going to have his way. I won’t be submissive to him. There’s no way to back down that doesn’t end with him playing God to Eden’s Goddess.

  “Maybe we should start with something less...” Eden starts, before Logan cuts in.

  “Tell us what you want, Eden.” His voice is soft, but direct.

  She’s already flushed, the way she gets when she’s embarrassed over sharing sexual desires, but I can tell she’s feeling that same way she usually does when her cheeks suddenly burn crimson. Her gaze is a little less eager to meet ours.

  I get down onto my knees in front of her and kiss her mouth softly, finding her full lips swollen, then I press gentle kisses down her neck and brush her hair back from her ear where I pause to make sure she stays flushed.

  “Tell him you want my dick buried inside your ass while you ride him,” I whisper into her ear. “Tell him you need two cocks to satisfy you.”

  Her breathing quickens and I watch the rapid rise and fall of her chest as she turns to Logan. She might be tempted, but she’s too afraid of how he’ll take it to chance saying anything. I didn’t expect her to do it, not really. I just wanted to remind her that this is about what she wants.

  She opens her mouth suddenly and the words come out in a rush. “Nick knows what he’s talking about with this stuff, Logan. If he says we need cushions, we need cushions.”

  Logan nods slowly, but snatches the lubricant out of my hand as I move back from Eden. “Fine.”

  Eden gazes at the bottle and I can see the thought of taking that monster cock of his in her tight ass is bringing split feelings of excitement and apprehension to her expression. She likes the thought of him screwing her that way, but she’s afraid he’s too big for it to be pleasurable. He might be, I don’t know. What I do know is if that thought excited her it’s because Logan is strictly a paint-by-numbers, vanilla routine kind of guy.


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