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The Secrets He Keeps: A Peril & Persuasion Novella

Page 11

by Amy Sandas

  Callista narrowed her eyes at that last comment, which he’d obviously added just to provoke her. Mason knew damn well she was not afraid of anything.

  But then again... Was fear holding her back?

  The answer hit her like a fist to her sternum. Dammit to everlasting hell. That wouldn’t do at all.

  Giving Mason a look that would turn most men to stone, she noted in a dangerous voice, “You know what? I’m pretty sure you’re the arsehole.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “That and more, as my duchess would no doubt attest.”

  “I don’t know how that woman puts up with you.”

  His smile then was full of pure male arrogance. “The lady loves me.” He lifted his fists and curled both arms to flex his biceps. “And these. She fucking adores these.”

  With another roll of her eyes, she turned and walked away. “You know the way out,” she offered over her shoulder as she continued from the room, his laughter echoing behind her.

  MAXWELL’S BUTLER GREETED her at the door with a shallow bow and a sweep of his arm toward the stairs. “You’ll find him in his sitting room, madam.”

  She’d suspected on her last visit that Erik had given instruction to allow her free entrance, but now she was sure of it. Why hadn’t he rescinded the order after last night? She would have if their situations had been reversed. She honestly never would have wanted to see his face again if he’d treated her the way she’d treated him.

  Heat flowed across her nape and her low belly twisted. This was going to be harder than anything she’d ever done.

  Though a hollow feeling settled in her chest—she refused to call it fear—she made her way up the stairs to the concealed doorway.

  During that first visit, she’d guessed his reason for so readily revealing the secret passage to his private rooms was to demonstrate his consideration of her—the great Madam Pendragon— as a business colleague. A professional equal. Having his butler lead her through the secret passage to his private rooms hadn’t been a careless choice. She knew him well enough now to be assured that Erik Maxwell did nothing carelessly. At the time, she thought it a clever if presumptuous move. Madam Pendragon had no equal and she’d been anxious to enlighten him on that basic fact.

  But now, as she triggered the latch to open the panel, a new understanding dawned.

  She’d come to Maxwell’s nearly a fortnight ago, prepared to stand toe to toe with him, to threaten him if necessary. He’d been yet another man who endangered her business, her very livelihood, and most importantly, her power.

  She had consistently ignored his assurances to the contrary and construed nearly everything he did as a manipulation to get what he wanted from her.

  And what was that exactly? What had he wanted?

  Just her.

  He didn’t need her power and influence. Nor her wealth. Nor her clients.

  He wanted her. And blast it all—she wanted him as well.

  Her steps lengthened with purpose as she headed toward the room where they’d shared the bottle of brandy. Striding through the open door, she saw him standing before the fireplace, staring into the flames. He was still in his evening wear from the night before though he wore no coat or cravat and his sleeves had been rolled back to his elbows.

  A combination of hope and fear churned inside her. It was a new sensation, something she wasn’t entirely certain she was prepared to experience. But she was here now and she refused to be a coward. Setting her shoulders and lifting her chin, she started across the room, her skirts making a soft sound as they swished about her legs.

  Alerted to her presence, he glanced over his shoulder. Surprise flashed briefly in his eyes before he turned to face her, putting the fire behind him and his face in shadow. He did not speak as she approached and neither did she.

  When she stopped in front of him, he squared his shoulders and removed his spectacles. She was close enough now to see his face, to look into his eyes. Close enough to draw in his familiar scent. Close enough to desire his touch.

  She steeled herself against the wanting. She’d come here intending to confess her feelings, but first, there was something she needed to understand. Titling her head, she tried to keep her expression as neutral as his as she looked up into his shadowed gray eyes. But an unfamiliar fire burned inside her. A fire she was struggling to contain.

  After a moment, he spoke, his voice quiet but strong. “I didn’t expect to see you today.”

  Callista made a dismissive gesture before replying, “I assure you; I didn’t expect to come here.”

  He lowered his chin and met her fierce gaze with one of calm intensity. “Then why did you?”

  “Before I answer that, I’d like you to explain something to me. And I’d like you to be completely honest.”

  “Always.” The single word rang true and poignant through her being.

  “What was your true intention when you offered to seduce me?”

  The corner of his lips twitched. “Getting you into bed was not a proper enough motivation?”

  Callista smiled in return. A practiced, knowing smile. “Of course it is. If it’s the only one.”

  There was a pause. Then his voice was thoughtful as he replied, “I’m prepared to answer you in full honesty. But it won’t matter if you’re unwilling to accept the truth.”

  She narrowed her gaze, daring him with a hint of danger in her eyes. “Try me.”

  Another twitch of his lips. “From the moment you appeared in the doorway to my office, I knew something remarkable had just entered my world. I was undeniably intrigued by your cunning mind and bewitching manner. I was determined to know you better.”

  “Do you feel you accomplished that goal?” She arched a brow imperiously. “Do you know me, Mr. Maxwell?”

  His silver-gray eyes sparked from beneath a furrowed brow. “I know your success was hard-won and that your business is much more to you than financial security. I know you have a hard time acknowledging that, despite your strength and influence, you still experience loneliness. I know you prefer to lead the way in your personal relationships and I suspect it’s because you’ve been disappointed in the past. People have taken from you—or have tried to,” he corrected with a tilt to his lips.

  Lifting his hand, he traced his fingertips across her temple as he swept a tendril of hair behind her ear while his gaze remained locked with hers.

  “You are clever and crafty beyond anyone’s understanding. You’ve hardened your heart to protect it and you do not believe in love because you’ve witnessed how the emotion can be falsified and manipulated.” His focus dipped to her mouth and his words thickened as he added, “Your lips taste like heavenly sin, your skin is softer than silk, and your moans of pleasure twist me into knots.”

  Callista parted her lips as something intense began to snake through her, stirring up emotions she struggled to identify. She wanted to refute his claims but his words rang too true. Every one of them.

  His gaze lifted to hers again as the flat of his thumb gently brushed over her cheek. “But there is still so much I want to know about you. I want to know how you take your tea or if you prefer coffee. I want to know how your eyes look upon waking. I want to know what amuses you and what infuriates you. I want to discuss your hopes and dreams and fears over breakfast every morning and talk to you about the weather and the latest town gossip every evening.”

  She didn’t realize she’d begun to shake her head until his hand slid away from her face. His expression darkened as a furrow of disappointment clouded his brow. “You don’t believe me,” he stated in a low voice.

  That was the problem. She did believe him.

  She didn’t know what to think of everything he’d just said, but she couldn’t deny how she felt about it. Elated. Terrified. Hopeful.

  Turning away, she crossed to the windows, where heavy drapes blocked out the light of day. She pulled one of the drapes aside to gaze over the white and wintery scene. Carriages rolled along the
snow-covered street as people bustled about, bundled in furs and wool. So mundane. So domestic.

  For so long, her world had been contained within the walls of Pendragon’s.

  Mason dared her to take a risk.

  But how did one go about risking their very heart?

  She felt his presence as he silently came up behind her. “I don’t know how to do this,” she murmured quietly.

  “Yes, you do,” he assured.

  Letting the curtain fall back into place, she turned around. His gaze met hers and within them she saw a quiet conviction, calm confidence, and heated longing. His lips were pressed into a firm line, but it didn’t stop her from hungering for them. And suddenly, kissing him was all she could think about.

  That, at least, she knew how to do.

  Slipping her gloved hand around his neck, she pressed her body to his as she rose up to place her mouth against his.

  Though she wished he would, he didn’t encircle her waist with his arms or pull her in tighter. He stood there, patiently accepting whatever she was willing to give, leaving it up to her to push it further.

  And just like that, in a flash of certainty, her fear was gone.

  Wrapping both arms around his neck, she deepened the kiss. With passionate intent, she slid her tongue along his then drew his lush bottom lip between her teeth. Finally, his arms came around her and the satisfaction of being held secure in his embrace filled her with warmth and desire.

  Pulling back just enough to murmur against his lips as she looked into his lovely eyes, she said, “I know you didn’t want a concession, but I’m giving it to you anyway. You’ve got me.” His eyes blazed and she smiled. “Now what are you going to do with me?”

  He answered by shifting his hold to sweep her up into his arms before heading toward the door. “Now,” he replied with sensual intent, “I’m going to make love to you until we are both so exhausted we fall asleep with limbs sprawled and sweat cooling on our skin. And when we wake up, we’ll start again and again and again.”

  Her laugh was husky with anticipation. “And then?”

  At the end of the hall, they entered a large bedroom decorated in jeweled tones of sapphire and emerald. He carried her straight to the bed, where he followed her down to the mattress. Settling atop her, he took her face in his hands. His voice was rough and low as he answered her question in a thick murmur. “I’m going to devote myself to convincing you that love is real and wonderful and yours for the taking.”

  Callista’s heart thundered in her chest, and as she looked into his intense gray eyes, she realized she’d be a fool to deny the truth shining from their depths.

  And Callista was no fool.

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  Did you love The Secrets He Keeps? Then you should read Noble Scoundrel by Amy Sandas!

  To protect a daring young lady and her brother, he must defeat his villainous past or lose the only thing worth fighting for.

  Hardened by a childhood in the rookery and honed by years as a bare-knuckle boxer, Mason Hale revels in his reputation as a ruthless moneylender to London's Underworld. But everything changes when he commits to caring for his young daughter and the mysterious boy who protected her when Mason couldn't.

  When Lady Katherine Blackwell discovers someone is intent upon abducting her brother for an unknown purpose, she has no one to turn to except a man known for brutal efficiency in the boxing ring and on the streets. She just needs Hale to keep her brother out of danger while she uncovers who is behind the attacks.

  As the East End scoundrel takes up residence in their Mayfair manor, Katherine starts to suspect their bodyguard is made of more than brute strength and a brash attitude. And though Mason has no illusions regarding his sordid and violent history, the more Lady Katherine declares she doesn't need a hero, the more he wants to be exactly that.

  If you like shameless heroes, intrepid heroines, and undeniable chemistry, you'll love Amy Sandas's bold new historical romance novel, Noble Scoundrel.

  Read more at Amy Sandas’s site.

  Also by Amy Sandas

  Peril & Persuasion

  Noble Scoundrel

  The Secrets He Keeps

  Reformed Rakes Novella




  Regency Rogues

  Rogue Countess

  Reckless Viscount

  Rebel Marquess

  Relentless Lord


  Kiss Me, Macrae

  Reformed Rakes Box Set

  Watch for more at Amy Sandas’s site.

  About the Author

  Amy grew up in a small dairy town in northern Wisconsin and after earning a Liberal Arts degree from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, she eventually made her way back to Wisconsin (though to a slightly larger town) and lives there with her husband and three children. She spends her early mornings writing before heading off to her day job. The rest of her time is spent trying to keep up with the kids and squeeze in some stolen moments with her husband.

  Read more at Amy Sandas’s site.




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