Grand Lake Colorado Series: A Complete Small Town Contemporary Romance Collection

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Grand Lake Colorado Series: A Complete Small Town Contemporary Romance Collection Page 15

by Alexis Winter

  “Okay, Noodle. I’m up.” She sits on the edge of the bed and looks back at me. “What time is it?”

  I look at my watch. “It’s going on ten.”

  Her eyes stretch wide. “Wow, no wonder Noodle is waking me up. He goes out at seven every morning.” She stands and stretches before pulling on some clothes. “Come on, Noodle,” she says, leaving the room to take the dog out.

  While she’s out, I stand up and pull on my clothes before heading to the bathroom. When I come out, she’s on the couch with her computer on her lap. When she notices me walking into the room, she closes it and sets it on the table.

  “Internet boyfriend?” I ask, taking the open seat next to her.

  “I thought if we’re really going to do this, that I needed to call things off with him, but he hasn’t been online in over a week.”

  “Maybe to him, there’s nothing to end.”

  She nods. “Maybe, but just in case, I broke up with him anyway. If he ever bothers to log back on, that is.” She looks at me and forces a smile. “It’s Saturday. What are your plans? Do you work today?”

  I rest my elbows on my knees. “Usually, I would, but today is the homecoming parade, and they’ve asked me to be on a float. I need to go home and see if I can find my old jersey.”

  “Oh, hold on,” she says, getting up and rushing back to her room. A few minutes later, she back with my jersey in hand. She tosses it over, and I hold it up, looking at it.

  “You still have this?”

  She smiles and her cheeks turn pink. “I didn’t have the heart to get rid of it. I mean, I know it’s your jersey, but to me, it was a lot more. It held a lot of memories, you know?”

  I nod my head and smile. “I’ll make sure you get it back after the parade.” I lean forward and give her a quick kiss.


  “You’ve been the one taking care of it for all these years. It’s been yours longer than it was mine.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “Why didn’t you go to college and play? I know you got a scholarship. At the time, I thought you turned it down to stay with me, but that clearly wasn’t the case.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I mean, football wasn’t it for me. I liked to play, but I played for fun, not because I loved it, not like most guys do. I didn’t want to just be known for one thing. I wanted to go out and find what I was passionate about.”

  “And did you find it?”

  I level my eyes on her. “Not for a long time. I kept looking and kept wondering why I wasn’t finding it. Then I realized that I had it all along. It wasn’t a game or a career. It was you.”

  “That’s the cheesiest line I’ve ever heard.” She laughs.

  “It’s not a line. It’s the truth. I thought I needed more, needed to be more, that more was expected of me. Then I realized that everything I needed, everything that’s really important in life, I already had…and left.”

  “You’re really not leaving this time?” she asks, her eyes filled with worry.

  I raise my hand and place it on her cheek, forcing her eyes to mine. I shake my head. “I’m really not leaving this time.”

  Her smile breaks free, and she closes the space between us with a hug and a long kiss.

  I head back to the house and I shower, shave, and get ready for the parade. I pull on my old football jersey, and it fits like a charm. Leaving my room, I find my mom already gone. I wonder if she’s going to the parade. I drive through town to the starting spot for the parade, and I find the float I’m supposed to be on. It’s got a giant paper-mache football on the back. On the front, it says, “Class of 2010.” I climb up on the float and start talking with some old classmates, some of who only came in for this parade. Before the parade starts, the entire football team here from my senior year has gathered. It’s fun talking and catching up with everyone after being away for so long. We all make a plan to meet up tonight at The Place for drinks and to talk about old times.

  The band starts playing, and the line of floats begin to move slowly forward. Someone shoves a bucket into my hands, and I look down to find it full of candy and beaded necklaces. It seems like the whole town has come out for this year’s homecoming parade. The float behind mine has today’s football team on it, and they’re loudly cheering as we drift down the road. It’s hard to believe that ten years ago today, I was right where they are. I look back and see the cheerleaders walking alongside their float, shouting and chanting. I remember being on that float and looking down to find Jade cheering in her uniform. I’m pretty sure the whole time I was on that float, I had a massive erection. It’s funny how little things can cause all these memories to come flooding back, even though I haven’t thought of them in years.

  We’re about halfway down Main Street when I look up and find Jade in the crowd, standing with Pearl and Blake. I toss them a handful of candy, then toss Jade the only beaded necklace that has tiny little footballs instead of rounded beads. She catches it, puts it on her neck, then smiles and blows me a kiss before waving like I’m her favorite person in the world. I see Pearl whisper something to her, and she smiles and nods. She looks content, and that makes me happier and more excited for the day.

  By the time the parade ends, I’m out of candy and hopping off the float. Jade, Pearl, and Blake make their way over to me. Jade jumps into my arms, and I pull her against me for a hug with a wide smile. I set her on her feet just as Pearl and Blake walk up.

  “A lot of people from my class are meeting up tonight at The Place. You guys want to go?”

  They all agree to go, and we all walk over to the bar, which is already filling up with the townspeople. Blake snags us a table while I grab us all a round of drinks. I get a pitcher of beer and four glasses. Jade meets me at the table with shots for everyone.

  She takes her seat and holds up her shot. “To us, just like old times.”

  We all toast to that and toss back the liquid.



  Time passes quickly with the four of us together, drinking, laughing, and talking. There’s a band setting up on stage, and more and more people are piling in through the doors to hang out before the football game starts.

  “You guys want to go to the game? Come on. For old time’s sake?” Pearl asks, giving us all those big eyes of hers while she bats her lashes.

  We all agree to swing by the game when it starts. The music starts, and Memphis takes my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. He spins me around like a professional dancer, and I can’t do anything but laugh and grow hotter as I feel his body moving with mine. Pearl and Blake join us on the dance floor, and for a moment, it feels like we’re all back in high school again, except Blake wasn’t even on Pearl’s radar, not as much as his younger brother anyway.

  We dance and drink the day away until it’s time for the game to start. We all group together and make the short walk to the field a few blocks away. We stock up on soda and junk food before finding our spot in the bleachers.

  The homecoming game is one of the biggest games of the season around here, and the whole town shows up for it. The stands are so crowded that we’re packed in like sardines, but it’s the way everyone likes it. We’re a big football town and love the homecoming game because we always play the neighboring town. There have been years of rivalry between the two, and it’s always the best game.

  Not much is said between us as we watch the game. We cheer when we score, and we boo when the opposite teams gains on us. We’re neck and neck for the first quarter, and it keeps us all on the edge of our seats.

  I lean into Memphis and bump him with my shoulder. “It feels like a lifetime ago but just yesterday at the same time, doesn’t it?”

  He laughs. “It really does. I remember being on that field with these lights shining down on me.”

  I smile. “And I was sitting right here, cheering you on.”

  He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls m
e closer as his lips land on mine.

  “Jay, come to the bathroom with me?” Pearl asks.

  I agree, and we head down the stands and toward the bathrooms. While she goes, I head to the concession stand to grab some nachos. I’m standing in line when I hear a man say my name.


  I turn around at the unfamiliar voice and am face to face with Paul.

  My mouth drops open, and my eyes stretch wide as I try to figure out what’s going on. “Paul?”

  He smiles wide and nods. “It’s me.”

  I grab his wrist and pull him off to the side, away from the long line of people trying to get their snacks. “What are you doing here? How?”

  He shrugs as he tucks his hands into his pockets. “Sorry for just showing up like this. I haven’t been able to log back on, and I had some time off, so I figured I’d come see you. I stopped in town, and they said everyone was at this game, so here I am.”

  I giggle and smile, suddenly nervous. “You haven’t been able to see any of the messages I sent you?”

  “No, we had another big storm, and it knocked out a lot of power. That’s why I got some time off. Can’t work without power. And I was worried that you’d be concerned since you hadn’t heard from me.”

  “Jay, who’s this?” Pearl asks, coming up to stand at my side.

  “Oh.” I look from Paul, to her, and back. “This is…this is Paul,” I finally say, pulling it all together.

  Pearl looks from him to me with wide eyes. “Oh, Paul. Internet Paul?”

  He laughs and shoots her a warm smile. “That’s the one. It’s nice to meet you. Pearl, I assume?” He holds out his hand.

  Pearl manages to wipe away the shock covering her face and returns his smile. “Yeah, yep. I’m Pearl.”

  I grab her arm and pull her back a few steps, holding up my finger to Paul. “What the hell do I do?” I whisper, hoping he doesn’t overhear me.

  “I thought you said you broke things off with him,” she whispers back.

  “I did, but he hasn’t seen his messages yet. They had a storm that knocked out power. He thought I’d be worried, so he came here. I can’t break up with him after he’s traveled all this way.”

  “What about Memphis? Please don’t screw things up with him, Jay. He’s the love of your life, the one you never thought you’d get back, but you did. You did, Jay!”

  I take a deep breath. “I know, but Paul.” I gesture toward him, and we both look in his direction as he lifts his arm to check his watch.

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to take him back to my place. We’ll sit down, have a talk, and then I’ll break the news to him.”

  “And Memphis?”

  Fuck. Memphis. I can’t exactly tell him that I’m taking another man home to my apartment alone. “Just tell him I wasn’t feeling well and had to leave.”

  She nods.

  “No, then he’ll come check on me. Fuck, Pearl. What do I say?”

  She thinks it over for a moment. “I’ll tell him that your mom called and was needing your help. I’ll tell him that you’ll just call him tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” I nod. “Thanks. I never in a million years thought that he’d show up here.”

  “Me neither,” she agrees, stretching her eyes wide.

  She heads back to the stands, and I lead Paul out of the football field, toward my apartment building.

  “I only live a few blocks from here,” I tell him as he walks by my side.

  I can’t believe that he’s here. I can’t believe that he’s real. He’s drop dead sexy, just like in all his pictures. I smirk and shake my head.

  “What? What is it?” he asks, feeling out of the loop.

  “It’s just that…I was almost convinced that you weren’t who you said you were. I thought I was talking to some fifty-year-old man that lived in his mom’s basement. I thought your pictures were something stolen off someone’s Facebook profile. I’m a little shocked that you’re here. I mean, you’re hot! How are you still single?”

  He laughs and takes my hand in his. It almost feels like I’m cheating on Memphis, even though we haven’t sat down and talked about what we are yet. He asked me at the garage, but I couldn’t answer him. “I’m single because I work too much. I’m halfway around the world from all of my friends and family, and my phone and internet service are shotty on a good day. It’s impossible to maintain any kind of relationship. That’s why I was determined to not lose you.”

  I take a deep clearing breath. “I can’t believe you came all this way.” We’re in front of my apartment building now, and I lead him to the door. I slide my hand into my pocket and pull out the keys, unlocking it. The moment it’s open, Noodle comes running out, straight to the yard to do his business.

  “That’s Noodle,” I say, pointing in his direction.

  “He’s cute.”

  We wait a few minutes and Noodle comes in. We follow along behind him and sit on the couch.

  “Can I get you anything? You’ve come a long way. You have to be hungry or thirsty.” I stand and move toward the kitchen, opening the fridge and digging around for anything. I haven’t been to the store lately, so a Coke and chips it is. I take the items back to the living room.

  He takes the soda and takes a long drink. He waves off the chips, but I’m nervous and open the bag to stuff one in my mouth.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually here,” I say around my loud crunching.

  He smiles wide, showing me his perfectly straight, white teeth. “I know. I’m excited too.”

  I roll my eyes. “I wish there was more around here to show you.”

  “Your place will work just fine.” He winks and I get the hint. But there is no way I’m showing him around my place. I know we’ll end up in the bedroom, and I need to avoid that. But breaking up with him now, after he’s made such a long journey to see me, seems harsh. It has to be done though, especially if I want to give Memphis and me a real shot.

  “Paul, I have to tell you something,” I start but stop when someone knocks on the door.

  I take a deep breath and stand. “Hold that thought.” I move toward the door, but before I can get to it, it opens and Memphis walks in. He’s wearing a smile until he sees Paul sitting behind me. His smile falls as his jaw tightens. Anger fills his eyes and paints his features.

  “Memphis, I can explain.”



  I’m watching the football game when Pearl makes her way back from the bathroom.

  “Where’s Jade?” I lean over and ask.

  “Oh, her mom called and needed help with something. She said she would get ahold of you tomorrow.” She offers up a smile before diverting her eyes back to the field.

  I wonder why she didn’t let me know herself but shrug it off and watch the rest of the game. It takes another hour before the game is over and the crowd is thinning out. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check to see if she’s left me any messages, but there’s nothing on the screen. Blake and Pearl take off back to their car, but I decide to head over to Jade’s to make sure everything is okay. After spending the night last night, the last place I want to be is back in my childhood room. I really need to find myself an apartment since I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.

  I get behind the wheel and make the short drive over to her place. I knock on the door and then open it, letting myself in. When I see that she’s here and in one piece, I smile as relief washes over me. On the short drive from the field to her place, I managed to convince myself that something was wrong, but here she is in one piece. Then my eyes find the strange man sitting on her couch.

  I look back at her and she seems nervous. “Memphis, this is Paul. Paul, this is Memphis,” she introduces.

  I lean over to shake his hand, a little confused. “Paul…isn’t that the guy you met online?”

  She forces a smile and nods. “Yes, it is. They had a massive storm that knocked out the
power, so we haven’t been able to talk for a while now. He didn’t want me to worry, so he made the trip here while they’re working on restoring power.”

  I nod. “Can I talk to you? Privately?”

  “Sure. Paul, the remote is right there. Make yourself at home, and I’ll be right back.” She walks with me outside.

  The moment I’m on the sidewalk, I turn to face her. “Jade, what the fuck?”

  “I know, I’m sorry,” she says, raising her hands to rub her temples. “Worst timing ever, right?”

  “You’ve got to tell him.” I motion toward her apartment.

  “I know. I just…feel so bad. I mean, he traveled halfway around the world for me. And I swear, I broke things off between us, but he just hasn’t seen it.”

  “So what’s your big plan here? Are you just going to act like you’re still with him while he’s here, maybe kiss him and screw him while you’re at it?” Anger is getting the best of me. I shouldn’t have said that, I realize the moment the words leave my lips.

  She acts like I’ve reached out and slapped her. “Are you kidding me right now?” Her black brows are drawn together in what I can only imagine to be amazement at how stupid I am. “If you wouldn’t have run off the way you did, I never would’ve started internet dating to begin with. Yeah, I know it’s a shitty situation, but I will deal with it how I see fit. And for you to imply that I’d sleep with him is far too mean to say, even for you. Now please leave. I have company.” She turns to leave. I can’t let her walk away right now, not while there’s a guy in there waiting for her, not in the middle of our fight.

  I spin her around and pull her to my chest, pressing my lips against hers. I kiss her like I’ll never get another chance to kiss her—I might not after what I just said—and I don’t let her pull away until we’re both left breathless.

  She looks at me with angry eyes as she wipes her mouth. She takes a deep breath, and her shoulders visibly fall. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Memphis.” Without another word, she turns and walks back inside.


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