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Grand Lake Colorado Series: A Complete Small Town Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 18

by Alexis Winter

  “The big picture window looks perfect there. It’s like it was there all along.” She goes to stand in front of it, looking out.

  “Come check out the kitchen,” I say, taking her hand and pulling her to the left.

  The kitchen has been completely torn out and replaced. All new tiles adorn the floor, countertops, and backsplash. There’s an island in the center, and it’s full of brand-new appliances, all matching the country theme. In the corner is a big round table that I built from scratch.

  “Through here is our bedroom.” I open the door in the kitchen to reveal our master suite. The bedroom is bigger than most, with a walk-in closet and private deck. There’s a master bath with a walk-in tiled shower with the old claw foot tub that was originally in the house, and a big closet to hold plenty of towels and anything else that needs to be stored.

  “This is all so perfect, Memphis.” She reaches for me, but I know if she gets those arms around me, I won’t let go until we’re both naked and breathless on the floor, so I dodge her reach.

  “Come on. Let me show you the kids’ rooms.”

  “Kids?” she asks, arching a brow. “There’s only one in here, you know?”

  I laugh. “I know, but soon enough, that one will be out, and we’ll be working on another.” I lead her back through the kitchen and living room and into the nursery. I open the door to reveal the freshly painted blue walls. The dark-colored hardwood floor is also in this room, but I found a big blue rug to place in the center, which warms the room up a bit. Already set up is the crib, changing table, dresser, and rocking chair. There are small toys and baby items around the room, but my favorite part is the picture I found of her and me back in high school. I had it framed and hung over the baby’s crib.

  She takes in the room with wide eyes. They land on the picture last. Tears fill her eyes as she walks closer, examining the picture more closely. “Where did you find that old picture?”

  “I found it in my stuff when I was packing up my old room at Mom’s. You remember that day?”

  She nods as she wipes the tears from her cheeks. “That was the day that you asked me to prom. You got the whole band to play ‘Hanging By A Moment’ by Lifehouse.”

  I smile as I remember how hard I had to work to get the band to do me that favor during their practice on the football field.

  She reaches for me, and this time, I close the distance between us, pressing my mouth to hers as I pull her to my chest. We kiss for a moment before I feel the baby kicking between us. I pull back slightly, looking down at her big belly between us.

  “He’s already staking his claim on you,” I joke.

  She smiles as she looks down. She takes my hand and puts it on her belly where the baby is kicking. “He’s kicking for you. He likes when you make me happy.”

  “Well, then he’s really going to like this,” I say, pulling her back and kissing her harder and faster, needing to feel her against me. As her tongue dances with mine, I can’t help but feel the overwhelming happiness bubbling inside me. I finally have everything I ever wanted. And all it took was for me to come back home. I have the love of my life. We’re going to be getting married soon, and we have the perfect house to welcome our growing family. Baby number one is already on the way, and we have plenty of time to make numbers two, three, four, and five, or as many as she’ll let me make. My father has finally retired and left the garage to me full-time. While she’s still working at the vet’s office, she’s taking business classes to set up her future for anything she wants to do as the kids grow up and prepare to leave us. I’m finally getting my happy ending, but we’re nowhere near an ending. This is only the beginning of us, the beginning of an epic love story that I can’t wait to tell our children and grandchildren.

  I pick her up against me and carry her back to our bedroom, which doesn’t yet have a bed. I lay her down gently on the floor and crawl over her body. “I love you, Jade Karma Seymour,” I whisper as I pick up her foot to take off her shoe.

  She smiles down at me, her blue eyes level with mine. “I love you, too, Memphis Alan Styles.”

  I roll my eyes at her using my middle name and drop the shoe onto the floor at my side before moving to the other. “And we love you, Xander Alan Styles,” I say, bending down to press a kiss to her stomach. The baby kicks and I pull away as she giggles loudly.

  “We’re finally here, baby,” I whisper as I lower myself down to her, pressing a kiss to her neck.

  She turns her head, exposing more of her throat to me. “It’s only the beginning,” she whispers, bringing her lips to mine.

  Copyright 2020 by Alexis Winter - All rights reserved.

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  My alarm goes off precisely at six a.m. I’ve been lying here with my eyes open for the last hour, willing myself to sleep the remainder of the time. However, all I did was daydream about my future. I silence the alarm and push back my blankets. I move to sit on the edge of the bed and turn on the bedside lamp. The room fills with a soft light that doesn’t even bother my eyes. Getting up, I make my bed before leaving the room.

  I walk into the living room and stoke the wood-burning stove—my only source of heat in this dream cabin of mine. I add in the wood, close the front, and start toward the kitchen to make some tea. I turn on the gas stove and pick up the kettle. I fill it with water and place it back on the burner. While I wait for it to boil, I prepare my breakfast of oatmeal with sliced strawberry, banana, and blueberries.

  By the time the oatmeal is ready, the kettle is whistling at me. I turn off the burner and pour the hot water over the teabag already in my mug. I take both my tea and oatmeal to the living room to eat by the heater. The sounds of the wood popping and cracking as it burns relaxes me. In one way, it almost centers me, gets me ready to take on the day. I love having the wood-burning stove. However, I could do without chopping the wood.

  I sit in my brown leather lounge chair, taking in the dark cabin. The walls are made up of rough-cut logs, along with the ceiling. The floors are good old-fashioned hardwood. Someone put a lot of work into this cabin. When I saw it, I couldn’t turn it down. Sure, I miss some of the fancier things, like central air in the summer, heated toilet seats, and a whole-home vacuum system, but this is so much simpler. I was told when I bought this place that it didn’t even have an indoor bathroom or power since it was just being used as a hunting cabin. I’m lucky the people I bought it from decided to add those things in order to make it a home instead of just a man cave.

  When I’ve had my fill of oatmeal, I take the dishes to the kitchen and wash them before going for a shower. The bathroom in the cabin is rather small, with only enough room for a tub and shower combo, a sink, and a toilet. There’s just enough room for one person to move about. But I’m not complaining. At least I don’t have to walk through the dense forest to use the bathroom. I turn the shower on as I unbutton my red and black flannel top. I check myself over in the mirror. My long blond hair is starting to look stringy, and I make a mental note to get it trimmed soon. My blue eyes are bright and shining, but my pale skin looks nearly transparent—the typical cry from a nerd who spends more time in front of a computer instead of being out in the sun like normal people. Maybe I’ll even tan at the salon while I’m there getting my haircut.

  I pull my eyes away from the mirror in an attempt to save my sanity. I know if I just stare at myself, I’ll fixate on everything I find wrong, like my stringy hair and vampirish complexion. I step into the hot flow of water and make quick work of washing and shaving. When I get out, the mirror is covered in steam.
I tie my towel around myself as I brush my teeth and hair.

  Thirty minutes later, my hair is dried and pulled back into a tight bun. The little makeup I wear is applied perfectly, a pearl-colored eyeshadow, brown mascara, a touch of blush, and a little shimmery lip gloss. I tuck my white dress shirt into my black pants and pull on the blazer that matches the dress suit. Walking back into my room for my shoes, I scrutinize myself in the mirror and see that despite picking at myself earlier, I look nice and put together.

  I slide my feet into a nice pair of black flats and gather up the rest of the things I’ll need for the day. It’s going on seven-thirty when I step out of the cabin. The sun is just rising over the horizon, painting the sky with yellows, oranges, and pinks. The birds are flying around looking for their breakfast, and it’s warm already with just the slightest breeze. I take a deep breath, taking in the crisp mountain air, with traces of a hint of wet earth and the moss growing up on the rocks by the small pond next to the cabin.

  I climb behind the wheel and look up at my property. Most would probably see it as rustic or maybe even run-down. But that’s not what I see. I see a beautiful escape settled right into the side of the mountain. There’s silence, relaxation, and, best of all, home.

  It takes me twenty minutes to drive into town. I park my car in the parking lot of the police station before grabbing my things and climbing out.

  “Morning, Nina,” Nate my coworker says, shooting me his toothy grin.

  I return his smile. “Morning. How’s that baby of yours doing?”

  He lets out a deep chuckle. “Getting big. She said her first words last night.”

  I can’t help but laugh at his excitement. “And it was?”

  “Dada,” he replies, his grin only spreading wider.

  “Daddy’s girl already, huh?”

  “That she is,” he says, opening the door to the precinct and allowing me to walk through ahead of him.

  “Thank you.” I turn to see him pull on his police hat.

  He sends me a nod and heads toward his desk while I make my way back to my small, dark office in the back.

  “Nina, did you hear?” Claire, a fellow officer asks as I’m walking past the break room.

  I decide to dip in and pour a cup of coffee. I drop my things onto the round table in the center of the room as I reach for a paper cup. “Hear what?”

  She smiles wide. “The new sheriff arrives today. I hear he’s just dreamy,” she says all breathlessly and schoolgirl-like.

  I laugh as I pour my coffee. “Still very single, are you, Claire?”

  Her smile falls as she rolls her head to the side to look at me with a bored expression. “Is it that obvious?”

  I giggle. “It is when you talk like that. You know, even if this guy is dreamy, you still can’t go after him. He’ll be your boss.”

  “Way to ruin my daydream, Nina.” She rolls her eyes but smiles, telling me she’s quite aware. “That won’t stop them, though,” she says with a laugh as she takes off out of the break room.

  I shake my head as I take my coffee and things to my office.

  I set my things down and start up my computer before taking a sip of my coffee. I look at the sketch I left laying on my desk from yesterday. It’s a part of the presentation I plan on taking to the city council in the next month or so. There’s a meeting once a month, so if I don’t have this done in three weeks, I’ll have to wait another month before I can propose my idea. I thought I had it ready to go last week. I thought it would be done for this month’s meeting. However, I decided to add some outside features like, basketball courts, skate ramps, and a pool.

  It’s my dream to open a youth center for the kids in town. This is a very small community, and there really aren’t many things for the kids. Sure, there’s a park, the school playground, and the lake, but most of those places don’t have a chaperone, leaving plenty of kids to get into trouble or be picked on. The rise in teen misdemeanors has gone up in the last few months. Someone needs to intervene.

  When the computer comes on, I type in my login info and start going through my daily tasks. I make sure the server is up and running, start up the virus scan that checks over every computer in the office, and update the system for security purposes. While the computer does its job, I turn on the desk lamp and pick up my pencil to resume work on my sketch.

  Other than updating the system and running security checks, my job is basically to just sit here and wait for something to break. In the last two years I’ve worked here, I’ve picked up many hobbies as a way to kill time. I’ve been designing my own website mock-ups for the youth center to put into my presentation for the city council. With the rising numbers in juvenile crime I see from working here at the police station, the sketches of what they’ll see in the town, and the website that pulls the whole thing together and makes it feel real, there’s no way they’ll turn me down.

  Before I know it, the computer is beeping, letting me know the tasks I had set up are finished. It usually takes a total of three hours to update the system and scan every computer for security issues and viruses. I can’t believe I’ve lost three hours by sketching. I close out of things on the computers and look back down at my sketch. The whole thing looks perfect.

  The building is modern with its sleek design, but it also holds a few architectural aspects that will make it fit in with the rest of the buildings in the city. I want it to stand out, but I don’t want it to look out of place, since the town was founded over a hundred years ago, and most of the buildings are old.

  The front of the building will be a parking lot so it will look like any other store in town. But the back will have the courts and skate ramps. There will also be a little area outside where people can just sit in the grass and relax or where classes can be held on nice days. Inside will be the indoor pool that can be used year-round. The building will also include a cafeteria area where hot meals will be provided for the less fortunate kids who don’t have access to school lunches anymore due to summer break. There’s a community room with tables where we can do group activities, an art room, a few classrooms for when we start up classes like woodworking and SAT prep, as well as an up-to-date computer room where we will teach coding, typing, and other useful computer skills. All of this will be completely free to the kids, and it will not only keep them out of trouble, but it will also help them further their education in the summer and prepare them for college. I even plan on hiring some kids who may be looking for summer and weekend jobs. Just thinking about this project gets me excited.

  “Nina, the new sheriff is here,” Claire says with a knock on my door.

  I set my pencil down, turn off my desk light, and stand up. Glancing down at myself, I straighten my shirt and pull on my blazer. With a deep breath, I turn and leave my office, ready to meet our brand-new sheriff, who Claire probably already has a thing for. I laugh at the thought and shake my head.



  I walk into the precinct and am immediately greeted by the officer who mans the front desk. She’s wearing her black uniform, and her dark hair is pulled back under her black hat. She slowly looks up, and I can see the minute she realizes who I am. Her eyes are suddenly wide, and the corners of her mouth turn up into a smile. “Hello, Sheriff Moore. I’m Officer Claire Thomas. It’s nice to meet you, Sir.” She smiles and holds out her hand for me to shake.

  I shake her hand. “It’s good to meet you, Officer Thomas. What do you say about showing me around the place?”

  “Absolutely, sir. Follow me, and I’ll show you to your office. While you’re getting settled, I will round the troops for you to meet.” She steps out from behind the desk and leads me through the building to my office.

  The room is a typical office for a sheriff. Three of the four walls are windows with silver metal blinds. There’s a desk in the center of the room with two chairs in front of it and a row of filing cabinets behind it.

  “Here it is. I’ll go and gather everyone up
.” She rushes out of the room while I’m left standing in the center of the room.

  I turn and look out the windows at the officers sitting at their desk while Claire rushes to tell everyone about my arrival. Most of the men are laughing and joking until they hear that I’m here. Then their smiles are wiped away and replaced with a more serious look. I walk out of my office to address the team. The last woman to join causes my breath to hitch in my throat.

  Her blue eyes lock on mine before they quickly pull away. She looks nervous, with her fingers lacing together in front of her, but she straightens her back and squares her shoulders as she raises her chin. Her eyes find mine again, and she wets her thick, plump lips. Her chest is rising and falling quickly as she catches her breath. I can’t help but look her up and down. She’s dressed nicely in a black dress suit. Her white shirt is buttoned up the center, her big chest pulling at the front. Her blond hair is pulled back into a tight, sleek bun, and I can’t help but picture my hands running through it.

  I realize I’ve been staring too long by the way her eyes grow wide. It’s like she’s saying, “stop staring at me, you idiot, and pay attention.” I clear my throat. “Everyone, I’m Bryce Moore, and I’ll be the new sheriff in town. I recently transferred in from Denver. I’ve been on the police force for the last seventeen years. I joined right out of high school and have been working ever since.” I look them all over as they stand at attention in a long line in front of me. “I know I look like a no-nonsense type of guy, and while we’re here at work, that is true. But I also like to cut loose, and I plan on taking everyone for a round of drinks every Friday. That is the time to mess around and joke. While we’re here, I want everyone to keep things professional. Got that?”


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