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The Diary: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Page 22

by Kate Speck

  Mr. Darcy smiled, “How is it possible that you lighten my heart even when I am most burdened? How did I manage to live eight and twenty years without you?” He embraced her as he kissed her tenderly. “I love you. I believe I can face anything with you by my side.”

  “William,” Elizabeth breathed out after he released her from his kisses, “I have... my diary... I have a diary that tells a little of the future at times and I can ask for Wickham’s location.” She nervously continued while she paced around the room while he eyed her with furrowed brows. “I am not a witch, William. That is what I have been trying to tell you these weeks. That was how I knew about Georgiana in Ramsgate and how I knew about you and the muddy fields.” She resumed as Mr. Darcy stepped backwards to stare at her intensely. “Even your letter to Anne Chapman, the spirit in my diary told me about it and how I found you to be the owner. I hope you believe me and that I am not insane. I do not want to keep anything from you but I know it must sound ridiculo...”

  She was stopped from continuing when there was a noise from the bedroom, “HELP! Anyone there? Help me!” Lieutenant Leigh shouted after waking from his injury.

  Mr. Darcy walked towards Elizabeth and kissed her lips. “I believe you. I trust you and whether you are a witch or not, I will stand by you. Let us see what Leigh remembers and I will ask you to write to your apparition in the diary.”

  Elizabeth smiled and they returned to the officer’s side to ask what he might recall from the attack.

  “I was talking to Wickham about his transfer to Brighton tomorrow and then I heard the door open. I thought it might be Colonel Fitzwilliam,” the lieutenant rubbed his large bump on the side of his head, “but it was only a few minutes after he left and not enough time to rest. I convinced him to take a couple of hours of break, sir, with Wickham’s hands bound and that he would not be able to attempt anything. The colonel had been covering multiple shifts for the others and had not taken more than an hour or two off from guarding Wickham for days, sir. Major Wilson and Lieutenant Jameson, you see, they are courting the Long sisters and Colonel Fitzwilliam suspects they will become engaged soon.”

  Mr. Darcy cleared his throat as he stood taller. “Back to the event, Lieutenant.”

  The officer stuttered, “Oh, yes, sorry, sir. I heard the door open and turned my head to look and bam! I must have been knocked out then.”

  Elizabeth enquired, “Did you see anything at all? What is the last thing you remember?”

  Lieutenant Leigh shook his head, “Only the skirts of a woman, Miss Bennet. It was a woman that struck me. I did not see the face but I know it was a woman.”

  “A WOMAN!” Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth both exclaimed.

  Chapter 29

  Mr. Darcy pulled out the ropes from behind the bed where Wickham had been tied. “It is cut. Someone cut Wickham’s ties and helped him escape and this could be the woman who is funding the assassination attempt! Who could it be? Who would have known Wickham was being held captive here and how did she help him escape?”

  Elizabeth pulled on Mr. Darcy’s arm and they left the bedroom for privacy. “William, my diary... it told me to beware of the visitors. Your aunt and cousin, along with Mrs. Jenkinson arrived shortly before my warning and I cannot fathom your aunt or Anne having anything to do with Wickham, can you? I know very little about Mrs. Jenkinson but it is rather timely that Wickham escaped while the colonel was distracted. Could Mrs. Jenkinson or perhaps even Anne’s maid be involved in the plot? She is but a poor companion but I am now suspicious of her and perhaps she is working under someone else?”

  Mr. Darcy scowled, “Mrs. Jenkinson has been with my cousin for about a year and I only know that Lady Matlock recommended her. She keeps quiet and tends to Anne all hours of the day to rarely leave her side. Anne’s maid has been with her for a little longer and I cannot imagine a poor girl involved in this but perhaps she was paid off to seduce Richard? We have no proof but I will question them both. Let us go and see if we can locate them right now. If either is indeed involved with Wickham’s escape, perhaps there is a trail to help us find him.”

  Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy ran to the main house after reassuring Lieutenant Leigh that Colonel Fitzwilliam will return shortly in order to search for Mrs. Jenkinson and were surprised to find her sitting at Anne’s bedside quietly reading from a book.

  “Oh, pardon us, Mrs. Jenkinson.” Elizabeth quickly spoke, “We were wondering how Anne fares. Has she been sleeping all day?”

  Mrs. Jenkinson responded in a low voice, “Yes, Miss Bennet. She was awake for a little while but has been sleeping peacefully. Is there something you want from her? She needs to continue her rest.”

  Elizabeth could see Mr. Darcy shake his head and turned back to the companion, “Nothing else, Mrs. Jenkinson. Oh, has Sarah returned yet? We... we saw her in the gardens with Colonel Fitzwilliam and wanted to ensure she was... cover... recovered.” Elizabeth noted Mrs. Jenkinson’s eyes flash for a moment.

  “She is in the dressing room and is working. If you will excuse us, Miss Bennet.” Mrs. Jenkinson promptly replied and stood to close the door behind Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.

  Elizabeth took a few noisy steps and then grabbed Mr. Darcy’s arm to hold him in place. She gingerly stepped back to the door and placed her ear on it to hear Mrs. Jenkinson speak angrily, “Sarah! Get yourself out here, you chit. Were you caught fornicating with the colonel again? What have I told you about...” she could not hear further as it sounded as if they went into the dressing room.

  “I do not know what to make of it, William,” Elizabeth began while they walked to her rooms. “Mrs. Jenkinson seems to have never left Anne’s side but there is no way to vouch for her whereabouts if Anne had been sleeping all day. She certainly seems to know about Sarah and Richard, though. Do you think... is it common for... officers to... enjoy themselves like that? I had seen Mr. Lucas in a similar situation with a maid and I was not surprised by it but Richard alluded that it is common behaviour and I wondered...”

  Mr. Darcy smiled tenderly as he caressed her cheek, “Not I, Elizabeth. I am all yours. There will be no one for me but you.” He leaned down to kiss her lips, not caring if anyone might be witness. He placed his forehead against hers, “I cannot explain the actions of other men but I had been far too occupied to chase after loose women and have too many odious letters to write, remember?” he sighed, “I must send an express to the Secretary at War. He will not be pleased that Wickham escaped under my watch but I will have my men search London and have a dozen return to Hertfordshire to track him down. I had a likeness of Wickham from Pemberley brought down when we were searching for him last month and it is still in my townhouse. It should help identify him and he will not be hidden for long. Will you go and see what your diary will reveal? I know not how it works but I will trust you and if it will assist me, I will accept all the help I can get.”

  Elizabeth nodded and kissed his cheek, “I will do so now, William. Do not worry; I have faith that you will do all within your power to complete your assignment.” She left him to write in her journal while Mr. Darcy returned downstairs to compose the dreadful letter to his superiors of Wickham’s escape and the continued threat to the Prime Minister.


  Elizabeth sat at her desk to ask for Anne’s assistance, uncertain if the diary would cooperate or resist, but began to write:

  Do you know where Wickham is? Can you please help me, Anne?

  She sat for several moments in waiting but with no response, she impatiently wrote again:

  Please help us. It is urgently important to Mr. Darcy and me to find this villain.

  Elizabeth stared at the pages in disappointment that nothing was forthcoming and was about to close the journal when the black ink began to stir.

  Go to Kent tomorrow and follow your favourite path there, Elizabeth. I cannot assist you further and you must live your own life without dependence on me.

  Elizabeth promptly thanked Anne and ran out of her rooms
to search for Mr. Darcy. She knocked on the door to the library and saw him in conversation with the four officers.

  “Were you able to discover anything, Elizabeth?” Mr. Darcy asked discreetly while the other men turned to discuss their next course of action. “Wilson found a horse stolen from the stables and Wickham is likely long gone. Jameson sent a messenger to London to watch for the rogue, as the meeting with the assassins is to take place in the morning and he might turn up there to try to warn them. I wish to depart for town but I dare not leave you and Georgiana here unprotected.”

  Elizabeth fondly rubbed his hand. “Thank you, William. I know you guard us fiercely but I do not wish for you to go to town.” She leaned closer and whispered, “My diary advises us to go to Kent. It mentioned to follow my favourite path there and I know not what that means, as I had taken many walks in the few mornings prior to your arrival. But it said to go tomorrow. Can I go with you? I must see for myself which paths and where it will lead. It seems Wickham is connected with Rosings Park after all.”

  Mr. Darcy kissed her hand and turned to his men. “Colonel, my betrothed has suspected one of the parties from Rosings involved in this matter and I would like to investigate further by travelling there tomorrow when our aunt returns home. We will provide Lady Catherine our personal escort there to search for further clues there.”

  Colonel Fitzwilliam frowned, “Rosings? Why would Wickham be headed there? Do you not wish to go to London?”

  “Rosings first, Richard.” Mr. Darcy announced. “I have cause to believe we are needed there.”

  Although not understanding his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam nodded to his commanding officer and replied, “We will have Colonel Forster’s men join us this evening and can take them with us as additional reinforcement. We can divert a few of them to London so they can report their findings when they join us in Kent but would like to leave two men here to guard Georgiana. Do you wish to leave first thing in the morning?”

  Mr. Darcy took a deep breath, “We will depart after the wedding. Lady Catherine will wish to see the fanfare of Miss Bingley but as soon as it is over, we will take our leave. I will inform Bingley of our schedule but wish to support him for his sister’s wedding. Elizabeth will be joining us, Richard, as soon as I receive permission from her father, and perhaps one of her sisters can join us also.” He turned to the youngest officer, “Leigh, you will ride in the carriage with us. Although you are up and about now, you will need time to recover and I dare not place you on horseback yet.” He nodded to the group. “Go and make the arrangements.”

  Elizabeth saw the young man smile in relief as the officers left to see to their duties. She wrapped her arms around Mr. Darcy’s waist as he embraced her, “You are truly a good man, and I am prodigiously proud to be marrying you, William. We will capture Wickham and all will be well.”

  They heard the bustling of the servants outside the room, as guests were expected for a pre-wedding dinner to be held with several families of the neighbourhood. Miss Bingley had planned her own dinner parties to show off her wedding celebrations and Jane had been losing her mind to keep up with her demands but acquiescing as the last few requests before Miss Bingley would be gone from Netherfield after this night.

  “I must go and change.” Elizabeth smiled. “I have not heard of such a fuss for a wedding, with a celebratory ball before the wedding takes place and another grand breakfast after the ceremony with forty dishes to be served, but Jane has shared with me that Charles has begun to look for an estate in Derbyshire, even if the current owner is so generous with the terms of the lease.” She winked. “Miss Bingley will never leave Hertfordshire while she is Mrs. Robinson and Charles and Jane are willing to put up with her nonsense until tomorrow. It is dreadful that she is so unlike Charles, and even Mrs. Hurst is not so demanding but only follows her younger sister’s directions. But I hope you will not mind a very simple wedding for us. Some women might consider her wedding day to be the greatest achievement of her life but I look forward to the many joyous years of being your wife to be the pinnacle of my accomplishments, having a family together and spending many adventurous years with you instead.”

  Mr. Darcy laughed and kissed her lips. “I have yet to meet a more beautiful and sensible lady and I hope we have many daughters like you. Elizabeth, can you tell me more about how your diary works? If you ask a question, does it tell the future of any topic? I know not how it is possible and it is beyond my comprehension, but I hope it is not an evil spirit or that it will demand something of you. I worry for your well-being, whether in body or soul.”

  “It is not evil and I believe she wishes to do good to set things right,” Elizabeth explained. “The apparition is called ‘Anne’ and she said she is trying to right the wrongs of her past. I thought she might be Anne Chapman or perhaps your own mother, but after speaking with Lady Catherine, it did not seem that your mother had left unfinished businesses and it must be another spirit.” She caressed his cheek, “I trust her. She is not a diviner who will tell me all I want to know for a coin, but she said that she could only help me a little and that I must live my own life with my choices. Sometimes she answers right away, at other times, she is without word for weeks.”

  Mr. Darcy nodded, “I understand, my love. I am glad to have the supernatural assistance for now but also frightened by it and will restrain from using it like tarot cards. We make our own choices and we will determine our own future, even if you are destined to me through the oracle.” He kissed her affectionately. “I will see you soon, Elizabeth. We will get through tonight and be on an adventure tomorrow after I speak with your father. I will ride to Longbourn now.”

  Elizabeth agreed and departed for her rooms. Although not in the mood for a pre-wedding celebration for the woman she detested, there was to be dancing and she looked forward to formally standing up with Mr. Darcy as her betrothed.


  Elizabeth looked around the ballroom near the end of the night and smiled to see her neighbours speaking animatedly with each other, complimenting Jane for being hostess to one of the grandest events of the year. Their acquaintances were enthusiastic in congratulating Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy for their engagement and although the event was held in honour of Miss Bingley’s marriage to Mr. Robinson the following day, the denizens of this little town were little impressed with the woman who continued to look down on everyone else, as it was common knowledge that Mr. Robinson had been looking for a wife for several years and nearly all of the single ladies at the party had refused him at one point or another. Jane, Elizabeth, and Mary had all been requested courtship by that gentleman before and even the Misses Long were happy to have turned him down, now in courtship with Major Wilson and Lieutenant Jameson. Elizabeth beamed to see Hester and Matilda Long dancing joyfully with their officer beaus.

  She also observed Lady Catherine approving of her parents and was surprised to find that her father had made the extra effort to speak with the grand lady and was pleased to see them conversing amicably. Miss de Bourgh was nowhere to be seen and she guessed Mrs. Jenkinson was staying with her, and Elizabeth was curious how Wickham could be connected to Rosings Park. Having received permission to travel to Kent with Mary the next day, she was determined to assist in re-capturing Wickham so that Mr. Darcy would be successful in completing his duty.

  “May I have the next dance?” She heard a deep voice speak behind her and turned to see Edmund Lucas standing in his finest clothes. She frowned, not understanding how he dared to approach her again after what he had attempted on Oakham Mount.

  “I might not be allowed to refuse but you should not be asking, Mr. Lucas.” She glared up at him. “Had you not learned your lesson before?”

  Mr. Lucas chuckled, “I received permission from your betrothed already, Lizzy, and he has graciously accepted my grovelling for forgiveness and I would like to ask the same of you. Your engagement is now public and you and Mr. Darcy left no doubt that you two belong together after three dances
tonight. I apologise for my abominable behaviour before and wish to be friends.”

  Elizabeth quirked her brow and looked behind to find Mr. Darcy staring at her. They had danced the first, the supper, and the set after supper, and were to stand up for the last set at the end of the ball, but there were two sets more to go and she wanted to confirm his approval. She saw his small nod but with a continuous scowl and knew that although gracious enough to accept Mr. Lucas’ apology, all hell would break loose should her childhood friend attempt anything else.

  “I will accept, Mr. Lucas. Please ensure you are on your best behaviour, though, as I can see that Mr. Darcy is gathering his officers to watch you from every angle and will not hesitate to continue what I had interrupted him from finishing if you are less than honourable.” Elizabeth retorted with tease.

  Mr. Lucas looked around and saw all the officers watching him closely and gulped. “I promise, Lizzy. I mean, Miss Bennet.” He placed her hand on his arm and they lined up for the next dance. They spoke genially of simple topics as they stepped easily during their dance. “I finally realised that I had been given everything I wanted in life and had become an insufferable numbskull until you refused me and then I behaved so badly. I had no one to correct me, even if Charlotte had tried, with my mother doting on me and spoiling me to the point of my attempting to hurt you. I am deeply sorry, Lizzy. I... I still love you but I understand we are not meant to be.” Mr. Lucas continued his speech as their set ended. “I will attempt to be a better man, Lizzy. I only regret that I did not learn my lesson until after your heart was captured but I will never forget now. I hope you will forgive me. I never meant to hurt you.”


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