I Need A Gangsta: Book Three (Gucci Gang Saga 3)

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I Need A Gangsta: Book Three (Gucci Gang Saga 3) Page 6

by B. Love

  Not long after, Christian was being called to the back to see Kindred. She didn’t know what to expect when she first saw him, but she couldn’t help but grin when her eyes landed on the handsome man. He had smooth, golden brown skin that seemed to literally glow as the sun shined down on him from his window. His eyes were tight, under turned, and light brown in color – staring into hers in that deep way that let you know he was invested only on the person he was looking at.

  Kindred’s square face was strong and chiseled, and he had a deep dimple in his left cheek. It was definitely deeper than the one in his right cheek. About an inch of hair lined his jaw, but he didn’t have a full beard. Just a thin mustache that aged his face a little. Swallowing hard, Christian allowed her teeth to show through her smile as she wiped her hand against her jeans before placing it inside of his.

  “The pictures of you and Nash do you no justice. You are beautiful, Christian.”

  Blushing, her head lowered as he pulled her closer. God. He smelled good too. “Thank you. You’re quite handsome yourself. I might have to hook you up with one of my sisters.”

  Kindred’s mouth formed an O before he smiled. “I’m definitely with that. For real.” Turning in the direction of his desk, he told her, “Have a seat.”

  As Kindred unbuttoned the only button that held his suit jacket together, Christian sat back in her seat and looked his tall frame over. Her mind tossed around all of her single sisters, trying to see if there was one she could hook him up with. Based off his looks alone, he was definitely Brook Lynn’s type. She loved brown skinned men with pretty brown eyes. Kindred having his own business was a plus.

  “Nash has already filled me in on your business and the original setup you had. He told me that you’re having a hard time finding a building, and that’s usually because a person is either really picky or they have a design in their mind that hasn’t been created yet.”

  “It’s probably a mixture of both. I think it also has to do with the fact that that was my first building, you know? It meant a lot to me. So even though I know getting a bigger building will provide me with the opportunity to make more money, that one will always have a little sentimental value to me. I’ll probably rebuild and just use it as a second location when I have this one up and running.”

  Kindred nodded as he unrolled the blueprint that was closest to his right arm. There were about five on his desk, and Christian admired how dedicated he seemed to be.

  “This is just a draft of what first popped into my head when Nash first called. He told me about your need for two levels, and he also showed me pictures of your original building when you had your grand opening.”

  Christian chuckled quietly as she stared at the draft in awe. He’d taken the best parts of her first building and incorporated them in this one. As he pointed to each thing, he gave her an explanation, and Christian was completely mind blown. From him incorporating storage, refrigerators, and a greenhouse in the underground layer for her weed and edibles to the built in shelving and low hanging chandeliers on the top layer.

  Her eyes watered as she released a shaky breath. “This looks perfect already. I legit can’t think of anything to make it better.” Chuckling again, Christian lifted the blueprint from the desk for a closer look. “How much will this be, and how long will it take?”

  “I have two jobs ahead of you, so I can have it done in six months max. Nash has already let me know that he will be paying.”

  The blueprint slipped from her hands as her head shook. “What? No. He can’t pay for this.”

  Shrugging, Kindred sat back in his seat. “That’s something you’ll have to take up with him. If you are committed to this design, we can start the paperwork to go on and get you on my schedule.”

  Speechless, Christian nodded. When Nash mentioned setting up the appointment for her, she wasn’t expecting him to actually pay for the building too. It would have had to cost at least six figures to have it done, and even though she knew he could afford it, Christian couldn’t allow him to do something so extravagant for her.

  As soon as they were done with the paperwork, Christian scurried out to her car and FaceTimed Nash before heading to her mother’s house. As soon as he accepted her FaceTime request, Christian’s nerves settled at the sight of his smiling face.

  “What do you think you’re doing offering to pay for this building for me?”

  Nash scoffed as he lifted his coffee mug to his lips. Today was one of the rare days that he took off from work, and by the looks of it, he was taking full advantage of his day of rest.

  “The fuck I’m supposed to do as your man. Fuck you mean?”

  “Nash, being my man doesn’t mean you have to literally take care of everything I need. I can pay for things myself and spoil you too.”

  “I know you can, but I’ma take care of it anyway.” Her eyes rolled as he took another sip of his coffee. “What you ‘bout to get into?”

  “Before or after I come sit on your dick and thank you and tell you how much I love you?”

  His smile wasn’t hidden behind Nash biting down on his bottom lip. “Before, nasty ass girl.”

  “I’m about to go see my mama, then I’ll be headed your way.”

  “Aight cool. Bring me some of that drumstick ice cream please. You gon’ make me some brownies?”

  “You can get anything you want out of me after what you just offered to do. Thank you, boo.”

  “Can I get a baby too?” Her mouth opened and closed as she stared into his eyes, trying her hardest to gauge his seriousness. “Hold on. This Kindred. I’ll talk to you when you get here, sweetheart.”

  Nodding with her mouth partially open, Christian disconnected the call. She couldn’t tell if Nash was in a playful mood or if he was serious, but she was damn sure going to find out when she made it to her place. A part of her wanted to tell her mother she’d see her another day just so they could have this conversation now, but she headed to her mother’s place anyway. Knowing Nash, he was just talking shit as always, but Christian still had to be sure.

  And she had to decide before she made it to him how she would feel either way.

  Not wanting to overthink it before they were able to discuss it, Christian tried to allow her mind to focus on anything other than the conversation they’d just had. As she drove, she listened to Niia, allowing the music more so than the actual words to settle her mind. She’d ended up listening to both of her albums before she was pulling into her mother’s driveway.

  Though they’d been texting daily, Christian hadn’t spoken to her mother since she told her that she and Derrick were going to try and work things out. Christian assumed she wanted to talk to her about him or her father, and she hoped their conversation would be about Derrick. She was on too high of a cloud for talk of Ricky to bring her down.

  “Hey, baby,” Porsha greeted, opening the door wider so Christian could step inside.

  “Hey, Mommy. Everything okay?”

  Porsha muttered, “Uhhh,” as she hugged Christian. “Yes, and I’m not quite sure. But you can change that for me.”

  Christian followed her mother into the kitchen, where she fixed them both a cup of spiked vanilla caramel coffee. As Porsha lit her cigarette Christian sparked a blunt.

  “Okay, my anxiousness is getting the best of me. What did you want to talk to me about?”

  Smiling, Porsha cupped her coffee with both hands, reminding Christian of Leigh. “Well, Derrick and I are going to get back together, and we found a way to get what we both want.” Porsha set her cup on the table. “I want to have another baby, I just don’t want to carry the baby and give birth again, so we decided to have a surrogate.”

  “Oh my God,” Christian screamed, leaping from her seat just to sit back down. “So I’m really gonna have another little sister? Or brother? Yay!”

  Chuckling, Porsha nodded. “Yes, but, there’s one other thing that I wanted to talk to you about.” Releasing a sigh, Porsha scratched her thumb before r
unning her hand down her neck. “I’d want to use my egg if possible, but… I… was wondering… if you’d… carry the baby for me.”

  Tilting her head, Christian blinked rapidly, waiting for her mother to continue. Because that couldn’t be it.


  Porsha’s smile was soft. Voice low. “It’s no secret that there was a rift between us when your father left. And I take full responsibility for that. I feel as if I lost out on time to really bond and connect with you during my detached phase, and I was hoping that maybe this could be our way of bonding closer than we ever thought was possible. I… would love it if you’d carry my last child for me.”

  Christian’s finger went into her ear, as she found it hard to register the words that were coming out of her mother’s mouth. Porsha took her silence as an opportunity to continue.

  “I’d be with you every step of the way of course. Anything you need we will get. Whatever you want or need you can have. If you say no, I will understand, especially since you don’t have your own children. I just wanted you to know that you’re my first choice.”

  Porsha sat back and sipped her coffee, as if she hadn’t just requested something that shook Christian to her core. How she’d gone from thinking about having her own baby with Nash to being asked to be a surrogate for her mother and Derrick was beyond Christian. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think. Couldn’t get past what Porsha had just said.

  It didn’t matter. Porsha switched the subject and began to talk about the latest gossip in the family. Christian nodded and tried to stay in tune with what her mother was saying, but all she could do was keep replaying over and over again that her mother had just asked her to carry her baby.

  Nash sensed something was bothering Christian the moment she stepped into his home, but that was confirmed when she headed straight for his kitchen for a shot of Apple Amsterdam. She hadn’t even bothered to take the time to fix herself her favorite Lemon Drop as she took the Vodka to the head. Nash watched her, wondering what could have transpired from the time they talked to now to get her in this kind of mood. It had to be something with her mother.

  Had to be.

  Sitting the bottle on the counter, Christian wiped her mouth as her face twisted up. Her body shook as the liquor cascaded down her throat, getting a smile out of Nash.

  “You wanna talk about it?” he checked, crossing his arms and ankles as he leaned against the refrigerator.

  “Yes, but you’re gonna need a drink for this too.”

  “Aw hell. What happened?”

  Smiling for the first time since she arrived, Christian walked over to Nash and gave him a hug. Looking up and into his eyes, she pleaded silently for a kiss. That was one wish Nash had absolutely no problem fulfilling. Cupping her cheek, he tilted her head and pecked her lips three times before sliding his tongue into her mouth. Christian moaned before pulling away and confessing, “God, I needed that.”

  They went into the living room, where they sat side to side. Knee to knee. Christian’s hands were cupped in her lap, covered with one of his.

  “There’s no easy way to say this.” She paused and chuckled, throwing Nash off a bit. “My mother and Derrick are back together, and they want to have a baby, but my mother wants me to be her surrogate.”

  Nash’s eyebrows lifted as he sat back in his seat. “Damn, Gucci,” he muttered, looking straight ahead as those words settled within him. He understood why she came in and headed straight for the liquor now. That was a mighty request, one that he knew she wouldn’t take lightly at all. “That’s an honor that they asked you, but a big weight to put on you as well. What did you say?”

  “To be honest, I didn’t really say anything. She just let me know that I was her first choice and she’d be there with me every step of the way. She told me she understood if I said no, and then we started talking about something else.”

  Christian chuckled quietly as Nash finally looked over at her.

  “Have you given it some thought?”

  She shrugged, now the one looking away. “I have. I mean, you’re right; it is an honor that she asked. And her reasoning makes sense. Our relationship became strained, and this way, we could for sure grow closer than we ever thought was possible. But I’m not one hundred percent sure I want the first child I give birth to, to be for someone else.”

  “I feel you. Shit, what if you get too attached and don’t want to give the baby up?”

  “Right. Or what if it’s so horrible of an experience that I don’t want to have my own baby? Then I’ll be the one looking for a surrogate for us.” She cut her eyes at him briefly before covering her face and shaking it. “If we decided to get married and have a baby.”

  “What you acting like you don’t know what’s up for?” Nash removed her hands from her face and waited until their eyes were connected to continue. “Of course we’re going to get married, and of course you’re gonna have my seeds. Ain’t no fuckin’ question about that, Christian.”

  Her head dropped as she blushed momentarily. When she lifted it, she asked, “So what should I do?”

  “It’s up to you, sweetheart. You first have to decide if you’re willing to do something like this. And if you are, when. You have to decide when and on what terms. This is your body and your choice. Only you can make it. And all three of us will be okay with whatever you decide.”

  Her hands lifted to her cheeks as she blushed again. “I’m absolutely smitten over you, Nash Owens. Every day you make me love you more.” Now he was the one blushing as she leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I thought us getting together would change the dynamics of our friendship, but you’re still the very best one I’ve ever had. I love you so much, boo.”

  “I love you too. Now can you fix a nigga some to eat and proceed to sitting on this dick like you said you would?”

  Christian giggled as she stood, but her laughter died quickly when she said, “Oh!” and turned back around. “About that. When we were on the phone… you asked if I could give you a baby. Were you serious about that?”

  Nash released a long breath as he lowered himself on the couch to get more comfortable. “I was but I can wait. We’re just getting started with this new phase we’re in and I don’t know if I really want to share you with a baby just yet. So we can wait for as long as you want to.”

  “I feel the same way. How about we just let it flow for now, and when we’re both ready, I’ll get off my birth control? Let it happen when it’s meant to happen?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Yay,” she squealed before heading towards the kitchen.

  As Nash walked away, he envisioned her hips spreading, big belly, and wide nose. Would he be able to handle her carrying a baby that wasn’t meant for him? He didn’t know, but whatever she decided, Nash would have to be okay with it and support her every step of the way.

  Leigh was nervous. Even though her therapist, Dr. Ranger, told her she didn’t have to be. Even though Ransom told her she didn’t have to be. She still was. For her session, Dr. Ranger asked if she would bring Ransom along, and he of course agreed. Today’s session was what Dr. Ranger called a fast flow session because it wouldn’t last more than fifteen minutes unless they asked for it to.

  As Dr. Ranger thanked Ransom for coming and gave him the same spiel she gave her about this being a safe space, Leigh zoned out into her own little world. Though she was curious about what Ransom would share she was also nervous to hear it. The last thing she wanted was for his truths to halt their progress. She kept telling herself not to take it personally – no matter what he said.

  “So,” Dr. Ranger started, regaining Leigh’s attention. “Tell me about your childhood, Ransom. Is that your real name?”

  Ransom smiled and nodded. He had to have been asked that a million times in his lifetime, including by Leigh when they first met.

  “Yes, Ransom is my real name. And I had a normal childhood I guess.” Ransom shrugged and relaxed in his seat.

  “What would you constitute as normal?”

  “Both of my parents were in the home. They loved me and loved each other. No abuse, no drugs.” He smiled, and Leigh could only imagine why. “It was just normal.”

  Dr. Ranger nodded as she scribbled something onto her notepad. “And what about now? How is your relationship with your parents?”

  Ransom’s head tilted. Legs opened slightly. “My father had a heart attack. Worked too much.” He scratched his neck with his pointer finger. “But I loved and respected the fuck outta him while he was still here. Excuse my language.”

  She smiled as she scribbled more. “Never think you have to filter yourself for me. And your mother?”

  “We’re good. That’s my heart. I do any and everything I can for her.”

  And that was true. When Ransom was young, his parents were able to provide a pretty decent life. His mother stayed home, and his father worked. After getting a promotion at work, he moved them into a six-bedroom home in Germantown. Six months later, the company downsized and got rid of his father’s position. Because William had gotten in through a connect and no degree, his job options were slim at that point.

  To avoid going into debt, they sold the house and returned to the hood. His mother’s grief was apparent, but she never complained about having to downgrade. Instead, she started to work so they could save enough money to purchase their home again. William started working two jobs, and the stress of it all caused him to have a heart attack. He didn’t have any life insurance, and the weight of their family was placed on his mother’s shoulders.

  That’s when Ransom decided to step up as the man of the house to take care of her and his two younger siblings. He started selling drugs, and the rest as they say is history.

  “Do you think your parents relationship shaped your view of relationships?”

  “Most definitely. They made me value love and marriage, but my mother, more than anything, made me value the present moment after my father died.”


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