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Search and Devour: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.14

Page 7

by B. A. Stretke


  Sergio was damn glad he was so enthralled with his beloved that he couldn’t take his eyes off him even when the guy was just walking to the bathroom. If he hadn’t been paying such close attention, he would not have heard the breaking of the glass or the sound a bullet makes as it cuts through the air. He couldn’t think about what might have happened. He had to keep a clear head and focus. The shooter was elevated enough to see into the bedroom, so chances were that he was on the rooftop of the office building across the boulevard.

  He grabbed his phone and called his boss, Killian Frey. He quickly explained the situation and hung up just as he heard movement from the first floor. Someone was inside the house, and the shooter was still watching the windows. He moved under the window and along the wall towards the door. The man inside would be coming in soon, and Sergio was going to be waiting for him.

  The doorknob turned, and the door slowly opened. The guy must have figured someone was waiting for him because he suddenly thrust the door open and burst into the room, guns blazing, peppering the wall by the window with shots. But he was human and moved as slow as a human.

  Sergio moved with the lightning speed of a highly trained vampire guard. He leapt on the man and twisted his arm to the floor, where he unloaded a few more rounds before the gun was torn out of his grip and tossed out into the hallway. Sergio then rammed him headfirst against the wall and away from the window in case his friend decided to spray the room.

  Sergio continued to tighten his hold around the man’s neck as he frantically fought for release, scratching at Sergio’s arm and attempting to twist from his grip. Sergio could have killed him easily at this point but didn’t want to make a mess of the room. It would have been discourteous to his friend who loaned him the residence and upsetting to his beloved, who would have to witness the carnage.

  He continued to tighten his grip until the man pulled a knife from somewhere and sliced across Sergio’s forearm. Sergio grabbed his hand and thrust the knife upwards, burying it to the hilt in the man’s throat.

  So much for a clean kill as blood pumped for several seconds from the hole in his throat as his life drained away. Sergio grabbed a t-shirt from the floor and wrapped it around his arm to stop the blood until the wound healed.

  He heard more people entering on the first floor but recognized them as his own and stepped away from the wall confident that the shooter had been dealt with. He turned to the closet as it opened, and a wide-eyed Keagan stepped out. When Sergio raised his arms beckoning him closer, Keagan raced across the room and jumped into his arms, wrapping his arms around Sergio’s neck and his legs around his waist.

  Either the blood on the floor and all over Sergio didn’t bother him, or he was too happy to notice. Sergio held him close, drinking in the amazing aroma of his beloved and thanking the powers that be for this beautiful human being. He felt Keagan’s lips on his neck, and the connection was heart-melting and the emotions between them so real and pure.

  “You’re okay.” Keagan’s anxious words fanned Sergio’s face just before Keagan began kissing his cheek and then claimed his lips. They embraced and gloried in the fact they were alive and well.

  Sergio turned towards the door when thunderous steps came bounding towards them. The Hadden men were filling the house and securing the area. He loved his Coven and his friends. It was Killian who came through the door first and immediately took note of the human on the floor.

  “The only casualty in here?” He asked.

  “Yes, sir,” Sergio responded while maintaining a firm hold on his beloved.

  “There were two on the first level. One was taken out by the rain of fire that came through the floor.” He smiled and indicated the area of damage on the hardwood. “Bad luck.” He smiled. “The other was apprehended and is on his way back to the Coven for questioning.”

  “What about the sniper on the roof?”

  “Master Hadden called in the big guns.” Killian stepped aside as a clean-up crew entered the room. “Kingston Nash took the guy out.” That had Sergio’s attention. Kingston and his partner Diego were professional assassins who originally belonged to the DuCane Coven, but once they found their third, their beloved Benny at the Hadden Coven, they settled down here.

  Sergio still had yet to put Keagan back on his feet. The man seemed to need the closeness and security, and Sergio was more than willing to provide.

  “Why don’t you clean up and pull on some clothes,” Killian suggested as he made to step out of the room and then spoke back over his shoulder. “Master Hadden wants you both back at the Coven until this matter is resolved.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I’ll wait for you downstairs.” Killian disappeared down the hallway and out of sight.

  Sergio gently put Keagan back on his feet but still held him close. “It will be safer for you at the Coven. My Coven will protect you.” He told Keagan as he ushered him into the bathroom. They needed a quick shower and to get dressed so the cleanup crew could finish their job.

  They met Killian downstairs within fifteen minutes, and then they were on their way. Sergio had hoped to have these few days to allow his beloved to relax and for their bond to grow, but instead, their quiet getaway turned into all-out warfare. Josef called Sergio while he and Keagan were on their way back to the Hadden Center and briefed him on their findings in regards to the attack.


  Sergio had gotten his beloved somewhat relaxed now that they were back in his quarters at the Hadden Center. The events of the night were still keeping the young man on edge. “Here, have a drink. It’s just a whiskey and will help calm you.” Sergio handed it to him, and he reached out a tremulous hand and took it.

  “Thanks.” He said and took a tentative sip and tried to smile. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess right now.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart.” Sergio took a seat next to him and pulled him in for a hug.

  “I nearly got you killed.” The words came out with slight desperation.

  “I’m fine. That human was not a challenge or a danger to me. Besides, I would do whatever necessary to keep you safe. It’s who I am, and it’s how I feel about you. Your safety is my priority, so get used to it, baby.” Sergio continued to gather him closer until Keagan was pulled onto his lap and cradled there.

  He just had to hold him the near tragedy of this night had been too close. Holding him, breathing in his scent and feeling his warmth and emotions calmed and reassured his inner need to protect and defend. His beloved was still in grave danger, and that fact was torturing Sergio. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Keagan began to share his feelings.

  His words were soft and carefully spoken. “I’ve been alone for so long. I need you, Sergio, and I have never needed anyone. You’re here in my heart and filling my thoughts. You feel like you’re a part of me and having you close soothes like nothing else ever. I can’t say that I understand it, but I know that I never want to lose this, I never want to lose you.” He tilted his head back and looked into Sergio’s eyes. “Please don’t ever leave.”

  That statement tore at Sergio’s heart, his beloved still feared being abandoned. He believed, even after everything they’d gone through, that there was a possibility that Sergio would forsake him.

  Sergio brought him up close and pressed his cheek against Keagan’s as he spoke tenderly into his ear. “There is no power in this world that could separate me from you. Go ahead and lean on me; I will always be here.” They held each other for several minutes before Keagan spoke again.

  He cupped the side of Sergio’s face, and after a soft kiss to his lips, just a ghost of a touch, he said. “I will always be by your side.” It was a pledge and touched Sergio and emotions thick and wanting surged to the surface as Sergio took his lips in a kiss that absolutely devoured. Rough and hungry, he sealed their pledge.

  The sudden overwhelming sensations of possession and need were rippling across the surface of his
skin and bringing him back to an acute awareness that Keagan, his life and his future, were still in grave danger. This man controlled him, owned him, and made every second in his presence a beautiful thing. Sergio would kill anyone who threatened his beloved.

  He pulled back after a few heart-stopping minutes and drew in a ragged breath. “I love you, Keagan. You don’t have to say it back just know that my heart is yours forever.” Sergio didn’t want to force anything that Keagan wasn’t ready for, but he had to state his feelings and make it clear that he wasn’t going anywhere and that he was prepared to go to any length to protect him.

  “What happens now?” Keagan’s voice was a mere whisper, but the desperation was still evident as he stayed snuggled up against Sergio’s chest.

  “In a few minutes, I’ll be further briefed on the situation,” Sergio told him and began rubbing his arm and back in an effort to calm him further.

  “Who’s trying to kill me? I thought Cruise and Jason were dead?”

  “They are dead, but it would seem that the order for your demise went farther up the chain.”

  “What do you mean by that?” His tone was getting tense, so Sergio tried to be clear but confident.

  “Someone else ordered that you be eliminated because of what you witnessed. Cruise and Jason were following orders.”

  “Who, who ordered it?” Keagan's grip on the front of Sergio’s shirt was tightening by the second as his distress began to spike. Sergio channeled his calm to his beloved through their bond, and soon Keagan was once again starting to relax.

  “The man who was killed while carrying your ID was no accident or random act. Two men in suits beat him to death. He was killed because they believed that he was you. He was killed shortly after his encounter with you. He had your blood on his hands and clothing, which lead the vampire of the pair to scent him as you and then validate it with the ID.” Sergio explained as it was explained to him.

  “I still have a vampire out to kill me?”

  “He was just a hired assassin, not anyone connected to Cruise or the Ruby Light. The other man with him was human and, according to people who knew him, worked for Harold Ramsey.”

  “How am I going to live my life with a hired killer after me. I thought it was over.” Keagan started to become emotional again, and Sergio quickly drew him up tight in his arms.

  “The vampire and the human are both dead,” Sergio told him.

  “They’re the ones who tried to kill us at your friend’s house?” Keagan asked.

  “Yes, but a man like Ramsey will not stop with one dead assassin. He will hire another.” Sergio figured he needed to be truthful, completely truthful.

  “So, what do we do?”

  “We kill Ramsey, and everyone who is a party to this plot.”


  Keagan listened and sorted out the information that Sergio related. It was straight forward and clear but also mind-blowing. He wasn’t completely sure what was going to happen apart from the fact that he realized that Sergio would not desert him, and that was a certainty.

  He sat on Sergio’s lap and soaked up his strength and calm, and soon he felt the beginning of sleep. The adrenalin must have worn off because now he found himself struggling to stay awake. He felt himself being lifted and carried, and soon he was laid out on Sergio’s bed.

  “Sleep sweetheart, don’t worry, I’ll watch over you.” He heard Sergio say and then felt a kiss on his lips as the blankets were tucked around him. It felt so good to sleep even though he wished that Sergio had laid down with him. He understood Sergio had a job to do and knew that although he wasn’t in the bedroom, he wasn’t far away.


  Sergio poured himself another whiskey and called out for Kash to come in when he knocked briefly on his door. He needed the company of a good friend right now as he fought the urge to hunt down Harold Ramsey and gut the bastard.

  He immediately recognized the scent of Master Hadden along with Kash as they entered the apartment and walked towards him. He set his drink down and gave them his undivided attention.

  “Relax, Sergio.” Master Hadden told him as he took a seat and indicated for Sergio to do the same. He and Kash sat on the sofa across from Master Hadden. “I know what you’re feeling, and I need you to think clearly and wisely. I was in a similar situation with Walker. Ed Massey, the former crime boss, had kidnapped Walker and threatened his life. I went off halfcocked, and although achieved my desired ends, I also left the scene wide open for someone like Harold Ramsey to take over.” He paused, and Sergio felt his Master touch his mind getting a read on his emotions.

  “Kingston and Diego are getting a location on Ramsey from the intel that Killian gained from our captive.” Killian Frey could get info from a rock; the man had skills that went way beyond simple mind sweeps. Sometimes, a forced mind sweep could result in everything being lost, wiped clean, so to speak. Sergio understood why they didn’t want to take that chance unless they were left with no other choice. Getting any manner of being to talk was Killian’s specialty.

  “The vampire he captured cleared up the question of why they were after your beloved, and it was as suspected. As you were told, Ramsey needed the Masseys out of the way. Ed was easy enough to dispatch, but young Jarod posed more difficult.” Master Hadden stood as did Sergio and Kash.

  “The danger to Keagan is in the fact that he saw them kill Jarod, which destroys Ramsey’s story that he died in a car accident and opens him up to a backlash from those who do not support Ramsey’s ambitions. So, I’ve instructed Nathan to spread the news along with the video and supporting evidence letting everyone know what really happened to Jarod Massey and his father.” Master Hadden told them with clear satisfaction.

  “The cat is out of the bag,” Kash commented.

  “Exactly, now go and enjoy your beloved Sergio, see to his contentment and yours, for tonight, we go on the hunt.” He told him and then turned and left the apartment.


  Keagan opened his eyes when Sergio sat on the edge of the bed and brushed the hair back from his forehead. The man’s touch warm and as always stimulating. “Did you sleep well, sweetheart.” He said and ran his fingertips down the side of Keagan’s face.

  “Yes, I did.” Keagan returned the sweet smile that Sergio was giving him and reached up to cover Sergio’s hand with his and held it. “What time is it?”


  “I slept for so long.”

  “You needed your sleep,” Sergio told him and helped him to a sitting position. “Would you like me to order dinner?”

  “Not yet.” Keagan moved closer and placed a kiss to Sergio’s cheek and then another one to his nose and then his other cheek. “I need you, Sergio. I need to feel you.” And that was all it took for Sergio take control, which Keagan eagerly accepted.

  “Your wish is my command.” He said with a lusty grin and flipped Keagan onto his stomach. Kisses started along his neck, and as the t-shirt was removed, the kisses moved down the center of his back to the waistband of his sweats.

  Keagan ground his hardening cock into the comforter seeking relief, but Sergio stilled him by gripping his hip and pulling his sweats down and under the swell of his ass. “I love your ass, baby.”

  “Show me how much you love it.” Keagan teased. Sergio bit down on one check and drew in a drop of blood, causing an all-over body shiver to encompass Keagan. He giggled and looked back at him over his shoulder.

  “That was hot.” He said and giggled again with Sergio bit the other cheek. “You’re going to make me come.”

  “Not until I’m buried inside you.” He said and delivered a sharp titillating slap to Keagan’s ass, and he could not hold back the moan that spilled from his lips. He felt Sergio get off the bed, and he looked back once more worried that he’d decided to stop but instead saw the most delicious sight.

  Sergio slipping off his shirt and then ditching his sweats, revealing the most gorgeous body in all creation. Keagan felt a
little drool at the corner of his mouth as he took in the tight abs, muscular chest and legs, and a cock that was to die for.

  “Your eyes say it all, sweetheart.” Sergio grinned and crawled up to drape himself over Keagan’s body for a moment as he rubbed his hard cock into Keagan’s ass. “Feel good?”

  “Feels fantastic.” Keagan purred into the bedcovers.

  He slid down Keagan’s body and gripped his ass cheeks, spreading them apart and baring his tight hole to the cool air and to Sergio’s ministrations. His hot breath fanned the sensitive area just before he began to lick and stretch the muscle thrusting his tongue inside and nibbling on the tender skin.

  His hands, his mouth, and his wicked tongue were driving Keagan rapidly to the edge of his control. “Take me, Sergio, I want to feel you inside me stretching and filling me.” He knew he was begging, but he didn’t care as long as Sergio’s hard cock found its way inside of him soon.

  After another sizzling slap to his already overheated ass, Sergio spread him wide and angled him upwards. It was a sinfully erotic position but placed him right in front of Sergio’s hard leaking cock. He could feel the moist tip brushing his sensitized hole and panted expectantly as he waited for more. He didn’t have to wait long.

  Sergio pressed slowly at first and then in one thrust pushed inside to the hilt, burying himself completely inside Keagan. The sudden stretch and burn forced a tight scream from Keagan that quickly morphed into a salacious moan. “Feel good, sweetheart?” Sergio asked again, teasingly.

  “Fantastic,” Keagan uttered slowly on a soft breath.

  “Good, I want to always make it good.” He said this and instantly started a punishing beat of rapid thrusts using his grip on Keagan’s hips to aid in the depth of his thrusts. Keagan was riding a high like none other. His beloved invigorated and electrified his entire being. Sex was an experience with Sergio and not just an act.


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