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A Queen's Fate

Page 17

by Nattie Kate Mason

  “I do believe I have proved my worth already to you and the Goddess during the Crowning rituals. But I suppose you have a suggestion in mind as to how I can prove myself further?” The Queen drawled with an edge of sass to her voice.

  “As a matter of fact, I do,” the High Priestess grinned like a lion sizing up her prey.

  Annie pretended to yawn and allowed herself a lengthy pause for dramatic effect. “What is your suggestion, High Priestess? I grow tired of these games.”

  The High Priestess lifted her eyebrow, with a smirk that said, ‘I’ve got you just where I want you.’ She turned around to gesture for her guests to rise from the pew.

  “During the Crowning Ceremony you declared that you would reunite all of Agnes’s mind conqueror victims with their giftings,” the High Priestess unnecessarily reminded the Queen. “Some time has passed now since you were declared Heir and these five loyal Alearians behind me are yet to be healed,” She said, gesturing towards her guests seated in the front pew. “If you are truly a Queen of your word, you would not want for your people to suffer for a moment longer. Why don’t you heal them all now? Unless you have more important matters to attend to then healing your own people?” Elizabeth challenged.

  Annie felt shame and anxiety battle it out in her stomach. A trap, that was what this meeting had become. A test to push the Queen to her limits. To gauge if she was all talk and no action.

  “I apologize sincerely that you have had to wait so long for your healing,” Annie stated sincerely, directing her comments to the sets of eyes looking up at her from the pew. “What Agnes did to you was wrong. To sever you from your giftings was unbelievably cruel. However, healing people with my mind conqueror gifting is also taxing on my own body and mental health. Unfortunately, with my wedding only days away, now is not the best time to conduct such draining healing. I would ask that you all please wait a little longer and as soon as the festivities are over, I would be more than happy to heal you all one at a time,” Annie offered her subjects.

  A couple of the peasants nodded in acceptance, but the other three did not appear so satisfied with the Queen’s response. The High Priestess made sure to capitalize on their unsatisfied demeanors.

  “Please forgive me if I am not correct, Your Majesty,” High Priestess Elizabeth began seemingly innocently, “but are you saying that your wedding is more important than these people’s livelihoods? Surely a Queen would not put her own wellbeing before that of her people? Have you forgotten your coronation vows already?” Elizabeth questioned.

  ‘For the love of the Goddess, why does this woman have such a habit of turning everything I say against me?’

  Anastasia placed a gentle hand upon Annie’s arm; a warning and comforting gesture all rolled into one. Alecia remained steel faced on the other side of Annie, ready to step in the moment Annie gave the signal that the High Priestess had overstayed her welcome. Sir Lawrence and Sir Tomlin moved their hands unsubtly within easy reach of their weapons. Annie took a calming breath, calling upon her sage gifting for guidance.

  “You are entirely correct, High Priestess,” Annie reluctantly accepted. She could hear Alecia grinding her teeth to attempt to stop herself from launching across the room and tackling the old crone, who stood poised like a snake ready to attack. “I will heal these fine citizens of our city today. But I need your word High Priestess, that the protests will cease and that you will agree to work alongside me and not undermine my authority any further.” Something akin to pride shone though Alecia’s eyes as a slight smirk drew across her face.

  “If you fail to meet these terms,” Annie continued, “I will consider your failure to comply as treason and you will be held accountable for your past and present crimes, including inciting civil unrest which led to the death of innocents,” Annie declared as she met the High Priestess in the eye. Annie was a vision of a Queen in her Goddess appointed role. Annie thought that her mother would be proud of the Queen she was becoming, winning one battle at a time.

  The High Priestess looked down her nose at the Queen. “It appears I have no other choice. I accept your terms, but only if you heal all five of these people today. If not, the deal is off, and I will not meet with you again. I will rally the people behind me further if you do not prove yourself a worthy Queen of the Goddess,” Elizabeth declared with a wicked smile, clearly convinced that Annie would fail at the task.

  “We have a deal,” Queen Annie declared.

  Anastasia inhaled sharply in disbelief, but loyally chose to keep her objections to herself. Alecia’s teeth began grinding once more.

  ‘Surely Alecia will come to her senses soon and see that the risk is worth the reward,’ Annie hoped.

  “Sir Tomlin,” the Queen beckoned.

  Sir Tomlin walked around the dais to bow before his Queen. “Yes, Your Majesty. How may I be of service?”

  Annie smiled at the older guard who she had grown fond of, knowing he had faithfully served her mother loyally for her entire reign. “Could you and Sir Lawrence please take the High Priestess and our guests that need healing, to the infirmary? I will join them shortly. Please summon the Head Healer to work alongside me and cancel my appointments for the remainder of the day. Thank you,” Annie requested.

  “As you wish Your Majesty,” Sir Tomlin responded with a bow. Sir Lawrence followed suit, and they both escorted their five guests and the High Priestess from the room. Once they had left, Annie turned her attention back to Lord Thornley.

  “Lord Thornley,” Annie stated.

  “Yes, Your Majesty?” Jack responded obnoxiously, with a smirk across his face.

  The Queen rose to her feet, allowing her held-back rage to simmer to the surface as she stared the gentleman in the eye. “You are hereby stripped of your title as Lord and banned forevermore from attending castle Brandistone or the palace grounds. I do not take kindly to spies in my own home, Jack. Now leave this instance, before I exile you from the entire city proper!” Annie declared. “Lord Ashcott, please see this man out!”

  “It would be my pleasure Your Majesty,” Lord Ashcott declared as he restrained the former Lord and led him kicking and screaming his outrage out of the throne room.

  “You won’t get away with this! The Goddess has my back and she will destroy you for this!” Jack yelled as he was dragged away.

  Alecia turned to Annie, a little shocked — a rare moment for her sister. “Annie, I am so proud of you right now! But honestly, did you have to invite that wretched woman to live with us?” Alecia complained, earning a laugh from the Queen.

  Anastasia turned to her twin, ignoring her sassy elder sister. “What are you doing Annie? You can’t heal five people in one day. The consequences to your health will be too great. Please reconsider Annie, there must be another way,” Anastasia begged her twin. Annie turned to face Anastasia and took her by the hands, holding back tears and staying strong for her twin.

  ‘Anastasia is so strong yet so fragile. I pray that what I am about to do is not the end of me, but if it is, Goddess I pray that you give Anastasia the strength to live through it. She has lost so much already. I do not know if she can bear any more pain...’

  Annie took a deep breath and stared into her twin’s eyes. “The risk is worth the reward my dear sister. I would love nothing more than to run away right now, but that will solve nothing. If I can do this, the High Priestess will call off the protests and the civil unrest with dissipate. Alearia needs peace restored and if the price is my health then I will gladly pay it. I am sorry Anastasia, I wish there was another way but there is not,” Annie spoke sincerely, releasing Anastasia’s hands before turning to Alecia. The General grew solemn as she realised the enormity of the task before Annie.

  “Alecia,” Annie began, her entire focus on her older sister, pushing aside her own feelings. “Magic always has a price; we are told this time and time again, but to know that price and pay it anyway. Even if it means sacrificing yourself, is the right thing to do. If I become physically
or mentally incapable of attending to my duties after healing these people, then I appoint you Acting Monarch of Alearia, with Anastasia as my witness. If Goddess forbid the effects prove permanent, then I command you to assume the throne as Queen of Alearia. Our people need a strong ruler and if I am incapable, I would want no one else to rule in my place. Appoint Anastasia as your General and advisor, she is wise, as you know, and offers the perfect balance to your leadership style,” Annie concluded.

  Alecia’s eyes widened. “It would be my honor, Annie,” she replied, bowing her head disbelievingly. A rare moment of understanding passed between the two sisters.

  Annie smiled softly, “thank you, Alecia. For family and Kingdom,” Annie whispered the ancient Alearian declaration.

  “For family and Kingdom,” her sisters echoed, Anastasia’s voice cracking slightly as she struggled to hold back her tears.

  ‘Goddess, give me the strength to do what must be done to restore peace to our mighty Kingdom.’

  ~ ◊~


  Queen Annalyse of Alearia

  Annie left the throne room and made her way back to her palace suite. There was something she needed to do before attending to her people’s healing.

  ‘I do not know how this will play out, but I will not meet my end without hearing her final words,’ Annie thought to herself.

  Annie reached into the hidden draw in her closet and pulled out the worn envelope. The letter Annie had been saving for a time when she most needed to hear its words of wisdom. Until this moment Annie had not felt ready to hear her mentor’s final words, but Annie knew in her heart that now was the time.

  Annie walked over to her favorite chair by the hearth and tucked her feet beneath her, pulling a blanket across her lap. The Queen closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, preparing for the moment she had desperately been awaiting but hesitantly been avoiding. Pulling the letter out of the envelope, it smelled of lavender and herbs, all the comforting scents of her home back in Lavender Grove. Annie read the words that had been waiting all this time for her to hear; saved for the moment she needed them most.

  To my dearest Annie,

  If you are reading these words, then it means my time has finally come to meet the Goddess. Know that I do not regret one moment we spent together. I love you like my own daughter. There will never be enough time with you to satisfy my heart but alas, all good things must come to an end.

  We will be reunited in the beloved arms of the Goddess one day, but until then I need you to promise me that you will live a full life. Do not mourn those who have gone but celebrate the time you had with them instead. Be strong. You are braver, more resilient and wiser than you know.

  Trust in the Goddess and trust that when times get hard, you are strong enough to live through them.

  I regret that I was never able to tell you in person, but you are even more special than you know. Your mother was my closest friend and confidant. Find Queen Amealiana in Alearia and she will tell you our story. Trust her. You are more like her than you will ever know.

  Lastly Annie, I need to tell you to trust in yourself. Many challenges will arise that you will not feel prepared for. But trust me, you are ready. By now you have likely discovered that you are not like everyone else Annie, you are special. You will be the balance that will restore peace and unity to your Kingdom. You were born to change the realm. You will do what needs to be done to protect those that you love because that is who you are, and I believe in you.

  Do not be afraid of your giftings Annie, or the costs of using them. As I have always taught you, we are blessed by the Goddess with our giftings so that we may bless others. Without great sacrifice, there cannot be transformation and restoration.

  Believe in yourself Annie, as I believe in you. I love you Annie, more than you will ever know. Give my love to Amealiana, tell her that caring for you was my greatest joy and privilege.

  Take care my darling, I will be watching over you always.


  With a renewed sense of purpose and hope, Annie dressed in her old healer’s apprentice uniform, hung her mentor’s family heirloom necklace carefully around her neck, and made her way down to the main infirmary wing with Lady Margarette. As they walked, Annie briefed Lady Margarette on her plans and provided her with strict instructions should anything go amiss. Loyally, the lady’s maid gave her word that she would respect the Queen’s wishes.

  As the Queen and her lady’s maid approached the infirmary wing doors, the guards by the door bowed in respect for Her Majesty before opening the door for her. Just inside the infirmary wing, Sir Tomlin was standing, awaiting the Queen’s arrival. The knight bowed in respect. “Your Majesty, may I please have a moment of your time? If we may speak frankly?”

  “Of course, Sir Tomlin, is there a problem?”

  Sir Tomlin took a step towards the Queen, closing the gap between them. “Your Majesty, I would advise against proceeding with this plan. You cannot help your people if you are incapacitated. In the past you have never been able to heal more than two people at a time due to the strain it places on you. Let me reason with the people — you can heal a couple a day,” Sir Tomlin suggested.

  “Thank you for your concern, Sir Tomlin,” Annie replied sincerely, “but I must do what is best for my Kingdom, not myself.”

  Sir Tomlin nodded in respect, “As you wish Your Majesty. I would expect nothing less from Queen Amealiana’s daughter,” the knight complimented the Queen.

  “Thank you for your concern Sir Tomlin. It means a lot to me,” Annie replied sincerely. “Please ask the servants to bring cheese, cold meat, fruit and bread platters, as well as jugs of fresh water up to the infirmary. It is going to be a long day and we will all need our strength.”

  “As you wish Your Majesty. I will be close by at all times if you need anything. I will keep you safe,” Sir Tomlin replied.

  “Thank you, Tomlin,” Annie replied. “It will be a comfort to know that I have people I can depend upon close by while I am at my most vulnerable.”

  Sir Tomlin nodded respectfully, a small, grim knowing smile upon his face. “May the Goddess give you strength Your Majesty.”

  Annie nodded in thanks before walking across the main infirmary ward to the first bed where a young man no older than Annie sat. A curtain had been erected in between each of the beds to give some semblance of privacy, though Annie was acutely aware that the entire infirmary was likely listening to her every word.

  “Good morning,” Annie quietly greeted the gentleman, “may I ask your name sir?”

  The young man bowed his head respectfully. “Good Morning, Queenie, what an honor it is to meet you. I’m Ryan Bran. I’m a farmer from the grain fields further east of the city,” the young, lean muscled man replied in a thick country accent.

  “A pleasure to meet you Ryan,” Annie replied. “As far as I was aware, Agnes only severed the giftings of people here in the city proper. But you are not from around here, is that correct?”

  “That is correct Queenie. I don’t normally travel to the big city. It’s far too fancy and hustle and bustle for my liking. But I needed to come here to deliver some grain from our stores,” Ryan stated. “The locals in town ran out early during winter. They didn’t order enough in the first place if you ask me,” Ryan stated with a cheeky wink. “The night I lost my fire I was out at the pub, having a few ales of the fancy variety you lot have here. I was talking to a pretty lady you see.” He blushed sheepishly. “The next moment I went to show off my fire-wielding to her, but I couldn’t even light a match to save my life. It was a disaster! She laughed at me and walked away after that she did!”

  Annie smothered a giggle, “an outrage indeed.”

  “Sure was!”

  “Well, we will have you back in full form in no time Ryan, I promise you. Now, can you please lie back in the bed and make yourself comfortable?” Annie requested gently with her impeccable bedside manner.

  The young man followed the Queen’s inst
ructions. “These beds are soft as a cloud Queenie. I don’t know why anyone would ever want to get better and leave!” Ryan declared.

  Annie smiled sweetly as she pulled up a chair beside his bed. “I am glad you are comfortable. Now, please close your eyes. I am going to lay a hand on your forehead if that is alright with you?”

  “You can lay a hand on me wherever you like Queenie,” he said with a mischievous wink. “A pretty lady like you need not ask.”

  Sir Tomlin shifted to stand beside the Queen. “Treat the Queen with respect young man, or I will throw you out of this castle and you will never see your gifting again,” Sir Tomlin warned.

  Ryan held up his hands in the air. “I’m sorry Queenie. I meant no harm I swear.”

  Annie waved Sir Tomlin away. “It is quite alright Sir Tomlin. No harm done. Though I have seen Sir Tomlin with a sword, so I suggest you stay on his good side,” she replied with a wink of her own. “Now, close your eyes and picture your gifting. Remember how it feels, how it looks, and I will do all of the rest.”

  “Will it hurt, Queenie?” Ryan whispered nervously.

  Suppressing a giggle, Annie replied: “certainly not for a brave young man such as yourself. Now close your eyes.”

  The man finally did as he was told, and Annie gently placed her left hand upon his forehead and her right hand on the bedside to steady herself. Calling forth her power, Annie pictured her gifting floating through an invisible channel connecting her mind to that of her patient’s. Annie navigated through his neurons and electrical signals, expertly examining every cell as she traversed further through his mind. Deeper she buried, until she located a series of brightly lit cells radiating red light. The cells were active, but they couldn’t relay their messages to the rest of his body as the connections to his gifting had been viciously severed. Annie worked meticulously to rebuild the connections, and as she did, she felt her strength beginning to wane. With most of the connections repaired, she carefully withdrew down the channel that connected her brain to his, releasing a sigh of relief once the connection between their two minds was once again severed.


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