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A Queen's Fate

Page 19

by Nattie Kate Mason

  “Explain,” Prince Cimmeris once more prompted the High Priestess, but she refused to say word.

  Alecia straightened in her chair, and with great pleasure, explained how the High Priestess had attempted to blackmail the Queen into healing five peasants in a single day — a completely impossible task — in return for the High Priestess’s allegiance and agreement to call off the riots and protests.

  “Forgive me if I am wrong General Alecia,” Prince Cimmeris smoothly stated, “but placing conditions or demands upon a Queen is not the role of a High Priestess, is it? In fact, anyone who questions a reigning Monarch can be accused of treason...”

  “You make a good point Prince Cimmeris,” Prince Liquire confidently agreed, a smirk across his face. “In fact, through contributing to the Queen’s ill health by placing such ridiculous demands upon her before you would agree to offer your allegiance only proves your ill intentions. This is grounds for being charged with treason. As a royal representative of The Isle of Treseme and witness to your betrayal and slander, I view your actions as an attempt to incite civil war against the Monarchy. I am therefore bound by the treaty between our two allying Kingdoms to see that you are adequately held accountable for your actions.”

  A smug grin spread across the General’s face. Satisfaction filled her soul at finally seeing the High Priestess meet her match.

  “What a ridiculous accusation! I am leaving!” High Priestess Elizabeth exclaimed again, standing from her seat and attempting to push past the Shadow Prince.

  “The only place you are going is the dungeons High Priestess,” Alecia declared, rising to her feet as High Priestess Elizabeth paled and stiffened in response. “As acting Monarch whilst the Queen is temporarily incapacitated,” Alecia continued, “I here-by charge you with treason and sentence you to death, for inciting civil unrest and attempting to blackmail the Queen.”

  “This is outrageous, you can’t do that! The people will rebel!” High Priestess declared.

  “I can indeed,” Alecia declared with a smug look upon her face. “Sir Tomlin, please take the prisoner down to the dungeons!”

  “With great pleasure, General Alecia,” Sir Tomlin bowed before placing restraints upon the High Priestess and forcing the old crone out of the war chamber room.

  Alecia slouched back in her chair, the two Princes electing to do the same.

  “I think it’s time for some ale, don’t you, Cimmeris and Liquire?” Alecia declared.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” the Prince of the Isle announced, and Prince Cimmeris smirked wickedly in agreement.

  ~ ◊ ~


  Queen Annalyse of Alearia

  Annie’s head felt like it had been squeezed with a vice. The head healer insisted on waking Annie every hour or so to assess her health and cognition. Annie felt like yelling at the woman for interrupting her precious sleep, but she barely had the energy to sit up and drink a small bowl of broth for supper, let alone reprimand the healer unnecessarily. She reminded herself that if she were tending to a patient in the Apothecary, she would likely be doing the exact same thing. The former apprentice healer instantly regretted all the times she had done so unnecessarily.

  The head healer informed Annie that it had been a full day and a half since she had lost consciousness, and Annie was mindful that time was fast running out before the scheduled wedding. Alecia had visited late the previous night and assured Annie that everything was under control. The visiting guests and dignitaries had started to arrive earlier than anticipated, but they were none the wiser about Annie’s condition.

  Both Prince Cimmeris and Prince Liquire had been in to visit Annie several times each since her admission to the infirmary, which she found rather sweet and considerate.

  Annie’s healed patients, Ryan and Esmerelda, had been permitted to leave the castle grounds to return home on the condition that they agreed to only spread positive messages regarding the Monarch in the future. Ryan and Esmerelda eagerly agreed to the terms, though they reassured Alecia that they would gladly tell the Alearian people about the Queen’s kindness and compassion after all she had done for them. Ingrid was reportedly settling in well in the staff accommodations, though according to Alecia, she was displaying some peculiar behavior, which Annie believed was to be expected given her history. The remaining two un-healed patients had requested to return to their homes, promising they would adhere to the same conditions as the healed patients. They would return to the castle in two weeks’ time for their healing.

  Anastasia was the biggest surprise of all to Annie. After hours of unconsciousness, fighting the battle between the living and the dead, Annie awoke briefly to find Anastasia asleep in an infirmary bed beside her. The healers informed Annie that it had become necessary to render her twin unconscious and keep her sedated so that they could treat the Queen’s critical condition. It broke Annie’s heart to think of the pain she had caused her twin. Anastasia was awake now, and after sitting by Annie’s bedside diligently for many hours, she had finally agreed to go back to her own suite to freshen up and eat dinner.

  A knock sounded at the door and the awaiting guard informed the Queen that she had a visitor. Assuming the visitor was likely Anastasia returning to check on her, she permitted the guard to allow her in. To Annie’s surprise, in walked Prince Cimmeris in his signature black formal attire. The Prince flashed Annie a smile as he strolled across the room, stopping to bow before taking a seat by her bedside. Annie quickly ran a hand through her hair to try and tame what she was sure would be horrible bed hair, but conceded it was likely a losing battle and promptly gave up.

  “Good evening, Your Majesty,” Prince Cimmeris purred.

  “Good evening,” Annie awkwardly responded, her voice hoarse from her irritated throat and going so long without talking.

  “I hope you are feeling better. I have terribly missed our awkward group dinner dates chaperoned by your sisters,” Prince Cimmeris joked.

  Annie spluttered out a laugh. “How very inconsiderate of me to be denying you of such pleasure.”

  The shameless flirt of the Prince offered the Queen a devious smile that made butterflies swirl around her stomach.

  “What a shame indeed,” the Prince replied. “Never mind, I have come up with a way that you can make it up to me,” the Prince quirked his eyebrows.

  ‘Goddess above, I do not have the strength for anything he has in mind, especially not if he is suggesting what I think he is ...’

  “A game of cards!” Cimmeris announced.

  Annie burst out a surprised laugh that made her cringe as her headache intensified. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a few slow breaths until the pain became manageable again.

  “Are you alright Annie? Would you like me to summon the healer?” Prince Cimmeris asked, his eyes full of concern; the rare tender exchange warming Annie’s heart.

  “I will be fine, thank you. Sadly, this is not the first time my body has been through this much damage and I doubt it will be the last,” Annie attempted to joke, offering a small tense smile.

  “It was very noble of you Annie, what you attempted to try and restore peace to your Kingdom.”

  “Thank you,” Annie replied, feeling her cheeks flush and internally cursing herself for it.

  The Prince chuckled quietly. “I concede playing cards against you would not be much of a challenge in your current state. So, I will let you off this once.”

  “How very gracious of you,” Annie drawled, rolling her eyes.

  “I think so!” Cimmeris replied with a wink. “I should let you rest my Queen, but before I leave, I want you to know that I have been praying to the Goddess for you. I hope you feel better soon,” Cimmeris finished, not waiting to hear Annie’s response before disappearing into the shadows.

  Annie felt like a giddy schoolgirl.

  ‘Goddess above, he has been thinking of me! Perhaps there is more to Cimmeris than superficial flattery and bravado... A future with him by my side coul
d possibly be the greatest adventure I could ever imagine. A Prince shrouded in mystery who could make me smile even on my darkest of days.’

  ~ ◊ ~


  Queen Annalyse of Quillencia

  After another restless night of frequent interruptions from the healers, Annie was cleared to return to her palace suite on the condition that she did not overexert herself. After reluctantly accepting the head healer’s offer to replenish her strength with her healing gifting, Annie felt a great deal better. But as all magic had a cost, she knew that the energy she gained from the healer’s gifting would cost the healer her own energy, which filled Annie with feelings of guilt. But the healer brushed her concerns aside, reassuring her that healing others was her life calling and by helping the Queen, she was by extension helping the whole Kingdom. After that, Annie knew she had no choice but to accept the healer’s kind offer.

  The day after next, Annie was scheduled to be married before the entire Kingdom and neighboring allied Kingdoms’ delegates. There was far too much to be done for Annie to remain on bed rest, so she had asked Lady Margarette to arrange for all her private engagements that day to be moved to her suite, no matter how unorthodox.

  Despite her renewed energy, Annie felt as though she had aged another several years over the last few days. Her normally luscious locks had lost their lustre and shine despite the treatments Lady Margarette had applied to her hair that morning.

  Annie was still torn in her decision as to who to ask to be her King. The fact that her choice was now down to two Princes should have made the choice easier but the more she got to know each of the suitors, the more difficult her decision became.

  ‘Just think of it like choosing a dessert that you get to enjoy for the rest of your life,’ Anastasia had once told her. Only that it isn’t nearly that simple... Whomever I chose will greatly impact the future of my Kingdom and influence the children I bear. No pressure at all...’

  A knock came at the door and Lady Margarette went to answer it. Annie continued to sip on her energy boosting, healing tea in between forcing herself to nibble on a pastry. Her appetite had still not returned. Alecia and Anastasia entered the suite and joined Annie in her sitting room for breakfast.

  “Good morning,” Anastasia chimed, clearly relieved to see her twin out of the infirmary.

  “Good morning,” Annie smiled back at both of her sisters.

  “How are you feeling?” Alecia asked, all business.

  “A lot better thanks to the head healer, but my head is still throbbing” Annie complained.

  “Well, drink your healing tonic, we have a big couple of days ahead of us,” Alecia reminded Annie unnecessarily.

  “Yes, yes... Tell me something I don’t know,” Annie mumbled.

  “Is that sass I detect sister? I am so proud!” Anastasia cheerfully said.

  “Speaking of things, you don’t know...” Alecia began, attracting Annie’s immediate full attention, as she lounged in one of the other sitting room chairs. Anastasia elected to do the same before helping herself to a pastry from the platter laid out before Annie.

  “What did you do Alecia?” Annie moaned, resting her head in her hands.

  “First of all, I did what needed to be done. Secondly, you should be thanking me for solving one of your biggest headaches,” Alecia chimed over-confidently.

  “What did you do?” Annie demanded to know, glaring at her sister.

  “I sentenced the High Priestess to death for treason, for inciting civil unrest, for attempting to blackmail the Queen and for inadvertently attempting to cause great harm to you.” Alecia quickly stated as if she were reciting from a menu rather than a list of crimes.

  “You what?!” Annie bellowed, rising on unsteady feet.

  “I did what needed to be done,” Alecia reiterated, leaning back further in her chair, smirking at her sister in challenge. “Knowing how you would react to this news, I had her sentence carried out in private this morning at sunrise, with only the two foreign Princes as witnesses,” Alecia declared, not a trace of regret in her voice.

  Annie and Anastasia gasped. “How could you Alecia?” Annie fumed. “You completely abused your power. I never would have approved such a decision.”

  “I did what needed to be done,” Alecia repeated. “We tried the diplomatic way and all it resulted in was you being backed into a corner and nearly killing yourself in the process,” Alecia fumed.

  Annie slouched back in her chair and took a few calming breaths. “How have the people reacted to news of the High Priestess’s death?” Annie reluctantly asked, barely louder than a whisper.

  Alecia sat upright, clearly proud of herself now that she could tell Annie was starting to come around to her way of thinking. “I’m glad you asked. A public announcement was made that the High Priestess died of a heart attack during her stay at the castle. Given her age, I felt it a plausible excuse,” Alecia declared. “The protestors were initially reluctant to accept the announcement but as Esmerelda and Ryan have done such a good job singing your praise in the streets, the protests have stopped, though for how long I cannot be certain.”

  “Well praise the Goddess for small mercies... Do I want to know how she actually died?” Annie dared ask.

  “Probably not... But I can promise that it was quick and relatively painless, despite what she deserved. Her body has been delivered back into the care of the city temple’s Priestesses to bury in the cemetery,” Alecia concluded.

  “Very well... Do you have any more dramatic, potentially life altering news I should know about before I attend to my first scheduled appointment of the day?” Annie asked, though she hoped with all her might that the worst of the news was over.

  It was Anastasia who responded this time. “Regular communications with the Kingdom of Stanthorpe have gone uncharacteristically quiet. We are unsure if this is due to your impending marriage or as a result of the recent civil unrest. We will keep attempting to reopen communications with them. Maintaining alliances is one of our highest priorities.”

  “Thank you, Anastasia,” Annie commented before pausing to consider the possible predicament. “Can you please schedule a diplomatic visit to Stanthorpe after peace has been restored to our city? I am sure the lack of communication is likely due to a misunderstanding but maintaining our diplomatic relationships as you say, is of the highest priority.”

  “Hopefully Sir Igneous hasn’t died of an overly inflated ego by the time we arrive,” Alecia teased, trying to break the tension. “I would like to see if his swordsmanship is as good as he claims,” Alecia responded with a wink.

  Anastasia rolled her eyes. “You would,” she muttered, earning a laugh from Annie.

  Another knock came at the door, and Annie nodded towards her lady’s maid to let her guest in. “Introducing Queen Ocea of the Isle of Treseme,” Lady Margarette announced.

  Annie quickly brushed her mouth to clear any remaining crumbs and checked that her hair was still acceptably arranged in the tableside mirror, before rising from her chair and crossing the room to greet her guest. Alecia and Anastasia quickly rose from their chairs to do the same.

  A moment later, an elegant woman in her mid-fifties, wearing a flowing silk, turquoise gown regally entered the suite. A crown of sea pearls and delicate shells perched atop her perfectly curled sandy blond hair. Her eyes were the color of the ocean during a raging storm.

  “Queen Ocea, welcome to Alearia. What a pleasant surprise this is,” Queen Annie greeted her guest with a shallow bow. Princesses Alecia and Anastasia curtsied for the guest.

  “Good morning. Queen Annalyse, is it? The Alearian royals change so frequently I find it hard to keep track. I do apologize,” the Isle of Treseme Queen smiled sweetly.

  ‘Son of a Goddess! This meeting is off to a great start...’

  “Queen Annie, if you don’t mind. Queen Annalyse of Quillencia is my Grandmother. All of my close allies and family address me as Annie,” Annie responded equally as sweetly.
  “How… quaint,” the foreign Queen responded simply. “Would you care to take a walk in the gardens? They are quite beautiful in the morning sun,” Queen Ocea responded.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Annie replied, leaving the room and her sisters behind, feeling as though she had just fed herself to a wolf.

  The two Queens walked in uncomfortable silence through the castle and out into the early morning sun shining blissfully over the hedge maze and rose gardens. Annie led the way, meandering through the rose hedges leading towards the chair beside the fountain, gesturing for the Queen to take a seat.

  “Your gown is absolutely stunning, Queen Ocea,” Annie complimented the Queen, attempting to break the awkward silence.

  “Thank you. Our tailors use only the highest quality fabric on the Isle,” Queen Ocea commented as she surveyed the Alearian Queen’s plain day gown in comparison.

  “I was only saying to Prince Liquire the other day that I would love to visit the Isle of Treseme one day. It sounds magical,” Annie stated pleasantly.

  “Yes, it is... Let us not waste a moment more of each other’s time, shall we?” the foreign Queen declared. Annie nodded her head shallowly, unsure of how to respond to the very direct Queen. “We have traveled all this way to attend the wedding of our allied Kingdom, only to arrive to find out that our Prince has not yet been declared your intended...”

  Annie almost gaped in shock at the Queen’s bluntness, but she attempted to remain as composed as possible despite her suddenly elevated heart rate.

  “Firstly, I would like to thank you,” Annie began, “for traveling all this way. You honor our Kingdom with your visit. I am sure you can appreciate that after the former Alearian King and Queen passed, my coronation had to be brought forward earlier than was initially planned. Thus, my wedding has been brought forward earlier than initially planned also.”

  ‘I don’t know if honesty is the right approach in this scenario but it’s the best way, I know...’


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