Love and Magic

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Love and Magic Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

"Send us both," Cullen said just as Lucian sent them both into the ether.


  Daniel was deciphering the text one minute and the next he was hurled into another reality. His head was spinning sickeningly as was his stomach. The trip was immediate but not without effect. He bent at the waist with his hands on his knees and closed his eyes until his body settled.

  When he opened his eyes again and looked around, he could see nothing. He had the fleeting thought that perhaps he was dead, and this was some sort of transition location, but he was solid, corporeal; he wasn't dead. He was pretty sure his present location was a direct result of the Akkadian spell he was reading at the time of his relocation. He should have known better than to read it out loud, but the excitement over finding such a complete and undamaged representation of the language overcame his caution.

  Unfortunately, the book did not travel with him, so he had not a clue as to how he was to return home. That realization caused a moment of anxious fear to bubble up, but he pushed it down.

  His mind shifted to Leroy, and the pain he felt was immediate. He'd only known the guy for a day and Daniel couldn't live without him. It was insane, but a heart wants what a heart wants.

  The thought of being away from Leroy’s calm and his patience and his rugged handsomeness was enough to bring the dizzying nausea back. “Fuck, what if I never see him again.” That was not what he needed to focus on. If he fell into such hopelessness, he would never find his way out. “Breathe, breathe.” There that was better, not good but better.

  He needed to get his bearings and figure this out. Leroy would try to follow, and with Crimson's help, he would not be far behind. Something in Daniel knew without a doubt that Leroy would find him. There was much more to Crimson than what had been presented, Leroy had said, and it was becoming clear just what that, ‘much more,' meant.

  Daniel looked around but could see no further than a couple of feet due to a thick fog that possessed no moisture, sort of a cross between smoke and fog. The thickness was disorienting and caused a measure of claustrophobia to set in. He made his way to a small rock formation not too large from what he could see of it, but that could be misleading.

  Perhaps he should just sit tight until his rescue arrived. Wondering around in this muted wilderness was not a good idea. He sat down on one of the rocks and leaned his back against another. Thoughts of Leroy flooded him again, and his heart began to ache with the loss. He needed him, and Daniel had never needed anyone. Despair was inching in again, and as he tried to think positive thoughts, the dire reality of his situation kept getting in the way.

  He began to feel a dulling of his anxieties. His thoughts although still of Leroy were becoming hopeful and positive. He was engulfed with a wonderful sense of wellbeing. Daniel felt as if Leroy were there with him.


  Following Daniel's trail took time and concentration. Leroy and Cullen stuck to the path Lucian laid out, and it was mostly clear although also nebulous in parts as would be expected. Daniel would have made the trip immediately like a flash of light. Their journey felt like a step at a time through the unknown. Lucian's magic allowed them to move quickly though still not fast enough for Leroy's state of mind.

  He knew they were on the right track when he felt the first stirrings of Daniel's fear. It excited and alarmed him in equal measures. Their bond had gained tremendous energy over the past day, and he was well able now to tap into his chosen's emotions and state of being even from great distances.

  “I can feel him.” He said to Cullen. “He’s afraid.”

  “Send him your calm. He’ll be okay.” Cullen assured.

  Leroy reached out to Daniel with his mind pushing his presence and his peace through their bond to comfort him. Daniel responded almost immediately, and Leroy sensed the moment he began to relax, and his fear dissipated.

  “We’re getting close. His emotions are strong. I can feel him so clearly.” Leroy was relieved and anxious to find his chosen. When he finally had his arms around him again, Daniel would not be allowed out of his site for days maybe even months.

  They entered a thick fog, and the going became slower, but their destination was up ahead. Daniel was not far. Leroy's heart was pounding in anticipation of having his chosen back safe and secure in his arms.


  "Oh, fuck." Something was moving in the dry fog. He could hear something, it was the sound of footsteps crunching on the white crumbly gravel-like substance beneath his feet. Daniel jumped up, but he didn't know which way to go. The sound seemed to come from all around him he couldn't determine the direction. He stood very still and waited as a figure walked out of the fog.

  The man was tall with a muscular build and dusty blonde hair. He was wearing a black suit similar to the ones he’d seen worn at the Plantation. He looked expectant as if finding Daniel was not a surprise to him but rather a relief. This observation was made true by the man’s next statement.

  “Finally, somebody shows up.” He said and laughed. “But who in the hell are you. I don’t know you.” Daniel looked at him and wondered if he were a hallucination. Daniel didn’t say anything, he didn’t want to start carrying on a conversation with a hallucination. After at least a full minute the man spoke again.

  “Where did you come from, how did you get here?” He asked and took a step forward. Daniel took a corresponding step backward.

  “I was in the Crimson library and happen to read aloud from the wrong book. It sent me here.” The man was instantly elated for some reason. Daniel had evidently said the right thing.

  "Crimson Plantation, fantastic. I've waited so fucking long for someone to come for me. Damn it's been so boring here." The man abruptly ran up and took Daniel in a sudden embrace. He wasn't threatening, he was just super happy, and after a few seconds, Daniel found the nerve to return the friendly hug.

  “Are there others here, did someone come with you?” He was not hiding his excitement and darted his glance around looking for others.

  "Leroy Thibodaux is coming for me," Daniel told him.

  “Isn’t he one of Evan’s friends from Louisiana?” The man seemed even more animated by that news.

  "He's my boyfriend," Daniel stated with pride. The man gave him a sly grin and winked.

  "Is he now. He's a lucky man, and I now know for a fact he will be here to rescue you. Because no member of Crimson would leave their, boyfriend, lost in an alternate dimension." The man moved a few steps back from where Daniel was standing.

  “I don’t want Leroy showing up and getting the wrong impression with me standing too close to his chosen.” The man explained his move.

  The man's words were not a lot of making sense, but some things were beginning to get clearer, and some of the puzzle pieces of Crimson were falling in place. Daniel was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Leroy call to him, and it was a marvelous sound.

  His voice was deep and clear and possessed urgency and concern. Leroy cared about him, and that clear knowledge melted all his reserve and misgiving. He moved quickly towards the direction of the sound, but the man told him to stand fast.

  "Let him come to you. It's easy to get lost in here." The man said. Daniel nodded and waited, but it was excruciatingly difficult. When Leroy stepped out of the fog with Cullen behind him, Daniel ran and jumped into his arms.

  Leroy caught him easily and swung him up to cradle him in his arms, and he buried his face in his hair. "Oh, mon cher! You scared the life out of me. Don't ever fool around with Lucian's magic books. It's too dangerous." Leroy was chastising him but interspersing the orders with frantic kisses. Daniel sunk into his embrace feeling safe and home even though he was still stuck in another world. Nothing else mattered and nothing scared him when Leroy was by his side.

  "I won't, I don't know who Lucian is, but I won't read his books without supervision. I promise." Daniel was awash with love for this man who had braved mystical dimensions to save him. "I love you, Leroy. I'm sorry if it's freak
ing you out, but I have to say it. You are everything that I need and being with you has become my new life goal. This is some crazy stuff here, but the whole time I was okay because I had you. I can't lose you, Leroy." Daniel knew he was rambling like a loon, but his mouth would not stop. "I can be a difficult handful and somedays you might want to punch me in the face, but I swear I'll try to be the best boyfriend you ever had."

  Seeing him coming out of the fog and knowing that he was there for him felt better than all the accolades he’d ever received and every awarded ever given. He’d accepted that his life would be strictly cerebral highs with little personal or emotional content until the day Leroy Thibodaux walked up and shook his hand.

  “I love you too mon cher and don’t ever change. Nothing you can ever say or do will ever cause me to raise a hand or turn my back on you. You are my gift to treasure.” Leroy was bowled over by Daniel's clear and straightforward declaration, and there was no room for misunderstanding. He couldn't be happier nothing, absolutely nothing in his life felt as good as his chosen in his arms.

  He intended to keep Daniel in his arms, and he intended to mark and claim this man as soon as they returned home. No more dancing around with half-truths, he would tell him everything and they would go forward from there. Daniel had been sent to another dimension so his ability to think outside the box, at this point, should be working in Leroy’s favor.

  Leroy eased Daniel back down onto his feet but kept him pinned closely to his side. They watched as Cullen stood in front of the man who'd been with Daniel. "Who is he, Daniel?" Leroy asked, but Daniel didn't know him. He was just there in the fog when Daniel arrived. Cullen looked to be stunned and just stared at the man for the longest time not saying a word. Both of them stood there just staring at one another.

  “Lucas?” Cullen said in disbelief. “How is possible?”

  “I was pulled out of the bar during the fight by a fucking caster and sent here to this nothingness. I’ve been waiting for someone to come for me, to find me, to bring me home.” Lucas said with emotion choking some of his words.

  "I saw you die, you were stabbed in the back, and we buried you. It's been over a year." Cullen stepped closer reaching out to touch Lucas's arm.

  "It wasn't me, I was guarding the donors, and the caster came at me. I was about to kill the bastard, but he tore the dragon stone from my neck and spouted some gibberish and sent me here. I don't know what remained in the club, but it wasn't me." Lucas remained steadfast in his explanation to Cullen, and all of a sudden Cullen pulled him in for a brief but firm hug.

  "It is you, I can feel your heart and your soul. It is you, Lucas. This is the greatest news and more than we ever could have hoped. You have been sorely missed, my friend. Come on let's get you home, and we can figure out the details with Lucian." Cullen took Lucas and Daniel's hands and with the completed connection Lucian felt the energy surge indicating they'd found Daniel and he pulled them all home.

  When they flashed back into the library, Lucian was knocked back on his heels and would have landed on his ass if Tobias hadn't caught him. "Damn that was powerful. I wasn't expecting that level of force." He said, and then the reason became clear as everyone in the room focused their stunned gazes on the extra man in the room.

  Lucian straightened slowly and looked directly at Lucas. "I would have prepared myself if I'd known I was going to be raising the dead. That was quite a power surge." He took several steps closer with Tobias close behind.

  "How is this possible Cullen?" It was Master Stone who stepped forward with the first question as he looked Lucas over, top to bottom. "Is it really you Lucas?"

  "Yes sir, It's me," Lucas explained what had happened and the fact that he'd been waiting for someone to come for him. "It was just magic, sir."

  “I’m sorry I didn’t know Lucas. I didn’t know you were cast away. I thought you were dead, killed by a man-made weapon. I didn’t know that magic was involved. I should have known, I should have looked closer.” Lucian pleaded for understanding as he appeared overwhelmed with guilt. Tobias assured him it was not his fault and he can only do so much. Lucas joined that sentiment.

  “It was chaotic and if an essence of me remained in the room, how could you have known?” Lucas smiled and looked at everyone around him. “Damn it feels good to be home.” He then looked down at Lucian who was at his side. “I’m feeling a bit weak but other than that I’m in good shape.”

  Lucian waved his hand, and suddenly Lucas was vibrant and alive in a way he hadn't been a second ago. "What did you do?" He asked with a big satisfied smile.

  “I joined all your parts. The caster split your essence, so I fix that. You are once again one hundred percent Lucas.” Lucas hugged Lucian and Master Stone, and everyone seemed over the moon to have this man back.

  Leroy didn't know Lucas, but he could see that he was a good man and well respected by his fellows and he was glad for their good fortune. But his biggest concern at the moment was to get Daniel alone and explain the vampire culture, Crimson Coven, and most important of all claim him. He never wanted to be apart from him again, and this disappearance solidified those desires. They had a lot to talk about and a lot to get to, so he began to guide his lover out of the library and out into the hallway.

  "I want to go home, Leroy," Daniel spoke softly, and Leroy froze fearing that Daniel had been too overwhelmed by the events of the day and was now asking to go home.

  “No, your home.” He clarified quickly. “I want to go to your home. I like it there, the Plantation is grand, but I like your place better. I told you already, I never want to lose you Leroy and I meant it. It looks like they have a lot of catching up to do and all I want is to be alone with you.” That had Leroy releasing the breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

  Leroy swung Daniel up into his arms and began racing through the halls and down the stairs. Daniel giggled and just held on. “You don’t have to tell me twice, baby. Home it is.”


  The ranch house on its large lot was a sight like none other. The lights twinkled in the dark as a light dusting of snow began to fall. Soon it would be Christmas, and for the first time, Daniel would experience the holiday like others did. He would have someone close by who cared.

  Leroy continued to carry him as they entered the house and walked directly to Leroy's bedroom. "Your things are in the garage, they're safe there, and you can go through them tomorrow if you want," Leroy commented as he opened his bedroom and then kicked the door closed behind him.

  "That's the furthest thing from my mind right now Leroy. If I lost it all, I wouldn't care as long as I still had, you." Every word was true and from his heart, and it earned him a hard and passionate kiss. He wanted more, but Leroy sat him on the edge of his bed and then got down on his knees in front of him while still somewhat holding him.

  "Before we go further, I have some things to explain to you." Leroy looked unsure but determined. "The plantation is not just a home and the corporation is more than just a business, and the Crimson family is unlike any other. You may find what I'm about to tell you too unbelievable, but it is fact." He paused to get his words right, and Daniel took the opportunity to make it easier for him.

  “I have read plenty of documents pertaining to the Crimson Plantation, the corporation and the Stone family as well as the Crimson members.” Daniel cupped the sides of Leroy’s face and kissed him sweetly. “I read a passage from a book in their library and was sent to an alternate reality. I’m not sure what you could say right now that I wouldn’t believe.” Leroy smiled relieved and emboldened.

  "Well, I'm not sure everything you are already aware of, so I'll start with the most important points first." Daniel nodded, so Leroy began. "The Crimson Corporation is actually the Crimson Coven and is led by Vampire Master Alexander Stone. He has led this Coven for over two hundred years." He watched Daniel's expression closely and did not detect fear or skepticism.

  “I joined the Crimson Coven a little ov
er a year ago when I came here from my home coven in Louisiana to serve as a soldier in the Vampire war. I fought beside two hellhounds, Noa and Lenny, to keep the town secure during the battle.” He paused to let Daniel interject if he chose to.

  "Yes, that's in the record actually except for the war. Not specifically but if you put everything together as I did and follow the timeline and take the eyewitness accounts seriously over the past three hundred years, what you just told me is clearly stated. Probably not good to have that kind of information circulating if they indeed take their privacy as seriously as they claim. I can understand now why they went to such lengths to stop me and shut down my work." Daniel was clear and academic in his response, always the researcher. Leroy smile and move closer positioning himself between Daniel’s legs. Leroy wrapped his arms around him loosely.

  “You’re telling me that you’re a vampire and that you belong to the Crimson Coven.” Leroy nodded in the affirmative. “My data has indicated that Alexander Stone is somewhere in the vicinity of three hundred years old. Is that correct?”

  "He is two hundred and sixty-six years old. I'm three hundred and fourteen, Jarod is one hundred and fifty-eight, Cullen is near the same age as Master Stone, but I'm not sure of his exact age. There are some among us that are very old ancient even." Leroy was rambling, but he felt like he was making progress.

  “It’s all true then, I couldn’t discard the data that was extraordinary, outlandish even because it fit, it all fit and now I know why. It was all true, everything makes perfect sense now, all the pieces have dropped into place.” Daniel looked pleased as he leaned forward and placed another soft kiss to Leroy’s lips. “Who all knows about this?”

  “Only the paranormal world knows. No humans other than those who have bonded with a vampire know of our existence.”

  "What does bonded mean? Has it something to do with what is going on between you and me? When you bit me, were you feeding?" Leroy like the fact that Daniel couldn't seem to stop touching him as he spoke, he ran his hands over Leroy's shoulders, arms, and chest.


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