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Mammoth (San Francisco Steel, #4)

Page 6

by KJ Dahlen

  “Tell me.” She caressed his cheek.

  “It’s Daniel Coullier. Danny.”

  She smiled. “I like it. Danny,” she said his name like it was a blessed word.

  He looked troubled. “Well, I don’t.”

  She blinked her eyes.

  “You don’t get it. I wanted to shed who I was, so I could forget.”

  Zoe waited for him to go on.

  He finally spoke again, “I was a Marine in my other life, before this biker life. One night...” He took a deep breath.

  Zoe didn’t say anything, she just waited.

  “My group was ambushed and I...” He shook his head.

  “Come on, please tell me. Get it out,” she urged.

  He stared at her. “We were 12, the fabulous twelve. We achieved missions that no other company ever had. We were the best. Then one night we were ambushed. Out of the dozen... only me and one other survived and he lost his legs. I came out of it without a god dammed scratch!” he almost yelled the word.

  Zoe braced herself at his shouting, but she did not flinch, she needed him to say this... to get it out.

  “I don’t even have a god dammed scar while they all...” His voice faded away. “They were in pieces. A bomb had done it, then the enemy laid down fire.” Mammoth was breathing heavy. “I relive it in nightmares. But they had gone away for a long time now, until...”

  “...until your bike got shot out from underneath you,” Zoe finished for him.

  He nodded as his eyes glimmered with unshed tears. “It brought it all back.”

  Zoe leaned forward and tucked his head to her chest. “You need to forgive yourself.”

  He pulled back. “What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t kill them.”

  Zoe looked into his eyes. “You carry the guilt that you lived and without even a scratch.”

  He looked fierce and angry. “That’s psychological bullshit.”

  “No, it isn’t. You said it yourself...”

  Mammoth grabbed her up his eyes looking intense and angry. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”

  Zoe smiled. “See? Even you know it wasn’t your fault for living through it.”

  Mammoth looked stunned as he realized what she was saying, what she had just made him realize. “I know but—”

  “But nothing. You lived and it was your destiny to live. That’s all. Nothing would have changed it. You have to forgive yourself.”

  He was quiet for a long moment as he stared into her eyes. “I was right,” he stated softly.

  Zoe looked curious. “About?”

  “You are a god dammed miracle.”

  Zoe laughed.

  “Don’t laugh woman. You are. Look at what you did. You crept out of the dark and saved my ass. Just like any good Marine would have done.”

  Zoe’s smiled dropped as she realized he was dammed serious about this. “It was the right thing to do.”

  “It was a dangerous thing to do,” he countered.

  “I didn’t think like that...” she paused. “Well, not until I couldn’t get you to move and I realized we could both be killed.”

  “But you stayed with me, you got me out of there,” he reminded her.

  “I couldn’t just leave you...”

  Mammoth’s eyes gleamed with some fierce emotion. “And now I will never leave you.” He leaned forward with his lips to her ear. “You are mine now.”

  She shivered at his voice.

  Mammoth then hefted her up and unsnapped her jeans tugging them off.

  Gasping, Zoe found herself staring at the floor while he divested her of her pants.

  He then set her back on the bed, removed her lace panties and raised her borrowed t-shirt up. Next, he reached around, unsnapped her lace bra, and pulled her forward. Tilting her hips up, she slipped across to the edge. Mammoth lowered his face to her clit and used his hot wet tongue on her.

  She drew in a deep breath while he stuck his tongue inside of her and Zoe panted like crazy while his mouth worked on her. “Ohh...”

  He kept at it, using his tongue, licking her button and plunging it inside of her.

  “You’d better stop!” She breathed loudly. Never, had any man done this to her and she hadn’t been mentally prepared at all for this sudden assault with his mouth.

  Mammoth kept up with the heated licking as he pushed two fingers into her. He raised his head and whispered, “I am showing you that you are mine now.”

  Zoe felt hot all over and she was a wet mess as he then lowered his head and kept at it. With the powerful orgasm rippling through her, Zoe screamed out as her body jerked with pleasure, while he held her thighs firmly on the bed.

  Mammoth suddenly let go, unbuttoned his jeans, shoving them down along with his boxers then adjusted the positioning of her body and thrust into her while she climaxed.

  “Ahh!” she yelled out when he pumped deeper and he hungrily latched onto a nipple.

  “Ooh, oh...” She shuddered while her orgasm intensified.

  He released her nipple with a playful grazing of his teeth. “You will only come like this for me,” he whispered to her ear.

  Her breath came in breathless gasps. “Ohhh...It won’t stop.” She sounded desperate as her body shuddered uncontrollably.

  “Now... come again with me.” He felt himself peak as he began to climax. He then thumbed her clit with a rapid motion.

  Zoe’s body jerked hard when the heat of him flowed into her. “Ahh.” She quivered helplessly.

  He lowered his lips to hers. “There, are you convinced that you are mine?”

  Her lungs heaved as she struggled for air, and she couldn’t answer.

  Mammoth grinned with satisfaction. “You see? This is what we have.” He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist.

  She sucked in a cleansing breath. “I’ve— never felt like that b-before.” Her faltering voice filled with wonder.

  “And you will again, the next time.” He buried his face to her neck.

  “Danny?” she whispered.

  He tightened his embrace.

  “Mammoth?” she repeated breathlessly, the hug almost cutting off her air.

  “I’m just going to hang onto you,” he spoke to her neck and would not let go as he squeezed her with his strong arms.

  “Okay.” She smiled tenderly at his sweet tone.

  “You will stay with me...” He fell silent. “You will won’t you?” He sounded unsure and nervous suddenly.

  Zoe smiled. “Yes! I will always be with you until you don’t want me anymore.”

  He raised his head to stare at her face. “Never happen. I want you again even right now as I’m planted inside you.” He rose up a little more while gazing into her eyes.


  “We have saved each other.” His voice rang with hope as he tilted his head. “Or is it something else... I’m not sure but yes, I think it’s something else.”

  Zoe laughed at his muddled rantings of something else. “Just keep holding me. It feels so wonderful.” She tugged him closer. “And the squeezing is good too.”

  Mammoth squeezed her ass with both hands.

  “Ooh! Now that does feel wonderful. Your attraction to my ass is something.” She laughed.

  He squeezed her again, lifting her to him. “Yeah, it might just be an obsession...” He was still inside her, as he got hard all over again.

  Zoe gasped with shock. “Again?”

  “Yes, Zoe.” He gazed into her eyes.

  “So, you just keep going?”

  He thrust into her. “Does it feel like I’m going?”

  “Oh, yes!” She raised her hips up and tilted her body to help him sink deeper into her.

  He kept a solid pumping bit slow rhythm as his skin gleamed with sweat. He seemed to want to take his time finally.

  Gasping, Zoe couldn’t believe they were actually going at it again

  Beads of sweat dropped along his neck while he plunged into her.

  Zoe then sw
iped her tongue to taste him. She never thought she would ever do something like that, but the saltiness was him, all him.

  He pulled out, bent her knees and pushed further into her and she cooed with delight.

  “My hot, little Sprite.” Mammoth smiled at her.

  Zoe unabashedly opened her thighs wider. “More for the sprite,” she growled.

  The big guy chuckled as he slipped out of her and turned her over, tugging her to the edge of the bed then grasped her hips in his hands, so he could squeeze her bare cheeks in a powerful grip.

  Wild with a desperate need to feel him all over again, Zoe begged, “Please, Mammoth!”

  Mammoth felt his cock harden at the plea in her voice. He moved her back to his body, so that her ass cheeks met his pelvis. “I could never resist when you beg.” He shoved into her.

  Her body went rigid as his hard length went straight up inside of her. She howled loudly into the mattress, as her muscles flinched from the pressure of his cock.

  “You can come with me this time, sweet little girl,” he whispered to her ear and licked her lobe with his hot tongue.

  Her body jerked as she climaxed yet again, the position he had her in just pushed her into another orgasm. “Unh,” she helplessly gasped.

  He greedily drove deeper and joined her as he came. “I will never get enough of you––never,” he growled low to her ear.

  She collapsed forward on the bed her body trembling violently.

  He covered her body with his. “I’ll be with you and protect you. No one will ever hurt you again, you hear me? You are not alone anymore. We will do all the things your little heart desires. But just know, we will do it all together.”


  He sighed with a distracted satisfaction. “Yes?”

  “I never dreamed that when I saw them shoot you that I would be here now. That I would feel like this. Safe. Warm... It was all so cold before you.”

  “We’ll just make new memories now and leave all that behind us for real this time.” He flipped her over and drew a line with his finger across her bare belly. “You are just so dammed cute, you know?”

  “Oh, really?” She giggled. “Well, I do like these memories...A LOT.”

  Mammoth smiled and moved her up toward the headboard. She was so small that it took little effort for him to maneuver her body at will. He laid the sheet over them both, scooped her up, and held her.

  “New memories, warm ones...” Zoe whispered with a smile on her face and immediately fell asleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Road Captain for the Steel Renegades ‒ Booker aka Malachi Crew‒ was not on the road tonight. He had guard duty over three women. He sat in a chair outside the saferoom where the three women were being kept as per Slammer’s orders.

  He almost smiled as he’d read the local news on his phone, it seemed the Triad was on a rampage according to the local law enforcement and no one knew why.

  The Steel Renegades knew though. Booker smiled wide at the thought. He’d always admired Slammer and this was just one more reason why. He was clever and tough, just like the name of the club. Like steel.

  After swiping his phone closed, he had nothing left to do really, until his shift was over. He sat and wondered what would happen next with this club. Lord knows what, as for the last two weeks it had been turned upside down. Maybe this thing with the Triad would finally finish it. God dammit, he hoped so.

  He’d joined several years ago and admired Slammer a lot. Shotgun as well. They had taken a whipped club and rebuilt it.

  The Steel Renegades had one thing he’d wanted to be a part of. They were legitimate, honor bound and didn’t deal in drugs and guns. He had seen those things destroy other clubs and he knew it wasn’t worth it. Many of his old brothers were doing time now, either under the ground as corpses, or in the joint as cons.

  It was no way to live life, so he did the one thing he never thought he would ever do. He quit the MC. He drifted as a Nomad for a couple of years. Worked as a mechanic in bike shops and made his money by racing bikes for a bit until he wrecked in one race and after a long hospital stay, he left that career as well. He figured he’d had 2 strikes. First one was when the Silver Bullet MC had been busted while he was gone on a mission for them. He lucked out and didn’t go up on charges. Then the second one, when he’d wrecked his cycle in a race. Booker had figured the third would be a death sentence.

  So he’d wandered around the country and had money saved but he had nothing to work for, nothing to believe in. He was sort of lost, as he didn’t know how to be anything else. Malachi was a longtime biker, had been at this since he was nineteen. Just a biker. He was made for the part he figured. At 6’4” and weighing in at 290, he wasn’t a small man by any means. Even if there was some bigger guys here at the Renegades Club and there were. He’d loved cycles from the age of ten and built his own bike at fifteen. It was a life he knew he was meant for, from the very start.

  But three years ago, he had wondered if he could ever be in it again, as he hadn’t found his place. A lone biker. It had been a lonely existence too. He grew used to it after a while, but it just didn’t make up for being in an MC.

  Then one night, he stepped into a bar. It had been one of the Renegade’s businesses and he met Slammer.

  He never even had to prospect as Slammer had looked into his background and found a lifelong record of being Road Captain in two other MCs. Slammer had questioned him about the fact those MCs were gone and because they got busted.

  Booker looked him square in the eye and told him that was why he was Nomad. He wouldn’t be a part of that anymore.

  Slammer placed him in right off as Road Captain. No one rebelled against it. The brothers all respected their prez too much to go against it.

  Since then, he had been with the Steel Renegades and he’d never regretted it. Even now with the shitstorm going on, he was still proud to be here.

  These girls though. The club girls. This troubled him. He hadn’t dipped into any of the three himself as he found biker bunnies were more trouble than they were worth. His past had taught him this. But he had watched them over the months and he hadn’t been impressed. Now he knew why. Slammer believed them to be traitors or at least one of them. Might as well be all three as they were a tight group of three anyhow.

  Raising his head, he spotted Slammer and Shotgun coming up the hall. It was just before sunrise and he wondered why they were both up and around.

  “How are they doing?” Slammer asked.

  Booker shrugged. “Been quiet all night.”

  Shotgun nodded. “That’s a change, considering they all run their mouth a lot.”

  Booker smiled. “Yeah they did. Not anymore it seems.”

  Suddenly, a loud scream rent the air.

  All three men jolted.

  Then the screaming got louder.

  They all stared at the room door.

  “Open it up,” Slammer ordered to Booker.

  He did as he said and unlocked the door with his key.

  The room was in shambles already as one of the girls was tossing stuff around.

  “What the fuck is happening in here?” Slammer yelled.

  The screaming and weeping got louder as Trish was the one flipping out.

  “I-I don’t know,” Amber finally replied as she looked scared and confused.

  “She had been rocking back and forth all night and muttering to herself,” Tracy told them.

  Trish dropped the chair she had been raising up. “You have to let me out of here!”

  Slammer crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t have to do a fucking thing, woman.”

  “You have to!” she screamed as her makeup was smeared with tears and her hair looked like she had pulled pieces out of her scalp. “They will kill her! Please, please give me my phone back?”

  Everyone stared at her.

  “Why do you need your phone?” Booker asked.

  “I can tell you why,” a voice came
from the doorway.

  They all turned to see Texas standing there with a cell phone in his hand.

  “I went through their phones like you told me to Prez.” Texas looked at Slammer. “It ain’t good news.”

  Slammer snorted. “It never is around here anymore. Just tell us what you got.”

  Texas shook his head and stared at Trish. “Looks like, well... Trish is the one feeding them information.”

  Everyone in the room gasped.

  Slammer looked over at Trish. “Is this true?”

  “NO!’ she cried.” Not—it’s not like you think.”

  “Why are they always saying that?” Booker asked in a sarcastic tone. “ ‘It’s not what we think.’ It damn well is exactly what we think.”

  Slammer and Shotgun both shook their heads in disgust.

  “So what is it then?” Slammer stepped closer.

  Trish looked frightened as she finally replied, “They have my mom!” she sobbed into her hands. “They have cut her and beaten her. They forced me to tell them anything I heard. But...” She raised her tear streaked face. “They said if I do not report in every twelve hours with something good to say on your dealings, that they will slit her throat!” She dropped to her knees in front of Slammer. “Please? Please! Give me my phone!” She then laid out on the floor in front of him, sobbing like her mom was already dead.

  Tracy looked sympathetic and she knelt down next to her patting her back.

  Slammer looked furious as he clenched his large fists at his sides. Then he looked over at Texas. “Show me.”

  Texas swiped her phone and began to scroll through it. Then he handed it to his prez.

  Slammer, Booker and Shotgun all looked at it.

  There was an older woman tied to a chair, her face was bleeding and she looked like she was in shock.

  Texas leaned in and scrolled some more. “This is what she has been telling them.” He shook his head as he stepped back.

  Slammer stood still and read it.

  Booker couldn’t see it now, as there was no room to lean in.

  Abruptly, Slammer started to laugh.

  Everyone in the room froze and stared at him.

  Tracy stood up from her kneeling position next to the distraught Trish. “You’re laughing?”


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