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In the End

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by S. L. Carpenter


  An Ellora’s Cave Publication, April 2005

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

  1337 Commerce Drive, #13

  Stow, OH 44224

  ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-4199-0200-8

  Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned): Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML

  IN THE END Copyright © 2005 S. L. CARPENTER

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

  Edited by Mary Moran.

  Cover art by Syneca.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. In the End has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (Erotic), and X (X-treme).

  S- ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E- rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as

  “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X- treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.


  S. L. Carpenter

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Disneyland: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

  Midol: Bayer-Roche LLC

  In the End


  The queen grasped at the sheets of her large bed. Clinging onto the edge of her sanity. “Oh, it’s happening again, oh, yes.”

  The large, dark-haired man growled as he nuzzled his face between her olive-toned thighs. With each roll of his tongue over her fleshy pussy, he knew he had hit the spot to bring his queen to the point of ecstasy.

  His large hand reached up, molding to her breast. One hand high and the other between her legs, spreading her lips open to ease his assault on her slippery flesh.

  With a smooth glide, he inserted his finger inside her and began to swirl it around in a circular motion. Spreading her open more and more each time around. Constantly applying pressure to her clit with his tongue.

  The queen began to squirm and shake, her mind a blur, climbing over the wall of her boundary, until finally, she jumped over.

  Rising off the bed she cried out, stretching her muscles and then falling loose and relaxed. She had finally freed her desires and let go. The calm after a storm of pleasure.

  “What am I going to do without you for two years, Jared?” The handsome man sucked the tips of his fingers one by one, savoring the taste of his queen. “You’ll manage. You always do.”

  “You and Tommy need to bring back the right woman, Jared. Be careful on Earth.

  The only reason I am sending you two is because all the other missions have failed and I trust you.”


  S.L. Carpenter

  Chapter One

  The double doors burst open and a stern-faced brunette woman boiled over in a fury of anger.

  “Dammit, Kirsten. You know I busted my ass to get those clients in here. You have the nerve to take credit for everything I do for this company.” She clenched her fist, about ready to lash out. “I have had it with your backstabbing, money-grubbing bullshit!”

  The supervisor stepped out of her office and gave a thumbs-up signal to the two women. “Great job, Kirsten. Those were some innovative ideas. You two should work together. Rene, you can learn a few things from Kirsten.”

  “Like how to kiss the boss’ ass so much my lipstick is brown! Fuck this place. I’m going to open my own studio and bury this place. You’ll see how much I add to this stale, dead-end company when I’m gone. Especially you, Kirsten. Live it up now, you’re going down.” Rene turned in a huff, holding back her rage.

  Kirsten flung her long, fake blonde hair aside. “Oh, you should try going down more, Rene, maybe you wouldn’t be such a bitch!” The next sound was a grunt, followed by a slight crunching. It was Rene’s fist embedding into Kirsten’s face.

  “There went that six thousand dollar nose job, bitch. Fuck you.” Rene shook her hand to ease the sting out. She wiped the spatters of blood off her knuckles on Kirsten’s expensive business suit then stood up and walked past the other workers standing in their dull gray cubicles, mouths hanging open.

  Rene’s supervisor Bob rushed down the cubicle aisle and stopped when he saw Kirsten, bloodied and crying, and Rene standing in front of the large, tinted glass 6

  In the End

  partition between the office area and management, applying lip gloss. “What the hell is going on here?”

  Rene turned, puckered her lips then smiled widely, showing her pearly white teeth.

  “Kirsten fell into my fist. Oh, before I forget, fuck you, too, Bob. I quit!

  “Ahhhh, I feel much better now.” Rene smiled and whistled, walking past the few clients still standing inside the Ralston Interior Design Studio lobby.

  She walked out of the building with a box of awards, memories and a few trinkets from her five years at the studio. Five years wasted on making a name for herself and having a blonde blowjob artist take credit for her. The soreness in her knuckles actually had a good feel to them. They reminded her of how great it had felt to hit Kirsten.

  She got to her car, tossed the box in the back and stood with her arms resting on the roof of her car. Looking out through the smog-filled air toward the city skyline, she thought to herself, I need time to relax and figure out what the hell is going on in my life.

  What’s next? Maybe I should travel. God, I need to get laid again. I’m thinking I’ll be a virgin because my hymen will grow back.

  Locking her car door, she sighed and headed toward the local row of coffee shops and bars looking for whatever.


  S.L. Carpenter

  Chapter Two

  “There she is.” A darkly handsome man motioned in Rene’s direction. The blonde man turned and gave her a once-over.

  The two men were aliens from another world. Humanoid—but aliens nonetheless.

  They had been studying Earthlings for two years. To blend in they dressed and acted like characters they had seen on standard television shows.

  Back to reality…their mission was assigned, they were on Earth and had chosen their female. She had to come of her own free will. She couldn’t be forced. The two men had some telepathic powers, but they were limited.

  * * * * *

  Most people would wonder how a race from another planet would look and be so similar to Earthlings. The answer was easy. On a secret mission to another planet long ago, three-headed, tentacle-armed freaky aliens abducted a small colony of humans on a deserted island. They were stranded after a storm left them on the island instead of being back after a three-hour tour…a three-hour tour.

  The freaky aliens conducted tests and removed DNA. Things were beginning to look up. But one of the Earth subjects named Mulligan or something was a certified moron. He
spilled the female DNA when trying to give a last sperm sample. Terrified by what would happen, the aliens didn’t say anything and now Uranus is overrun with humanoid males.

  That is, except for the few females who had been there from the beginning. These lucky ladies had been tasked with the job title of “baby machines” and only they could produce females. However, since they can each only have one child a year, things are 8

  In the End

  getting tense in Uranus. Even the scientists with their advanced cloning techniques, all they produced were test-tube males. Talk about up shit creek.

  Thus, the ruler Queen Senna sent these two selected males to study and bring back a woman. Many missions were begun, but like most things started by men, they fucked up. Each time they would go to Earth, they would pick up some Midwestern people who would freak out whenever the anal probe was opened. That and the aliens kept getting lost and refused to ask for directions. Really is it THAT hard to find the third planet from the sun?

  This was going to be a final mission, a last hope. The queen was getting pretty sore at the men’s futility in all areas of their world.

  * * * * *

  The two men had seen her before, walking out from work, intrigued by the way she carried herself. Jared noticed the way she walked and how her clothes clung to her shapely form.

  Tommy noticed how she needed to iron the seams. They were crooked and her jacket was wrinkled from all-day meetings, or at least that’s what he assumed was the cause.

  She wasn’t perfect, yet there was a fire in her, an intangible. She was attractive and seemed at least from a distance, very confident. They had found the one they wanted—

  now they just needed to get her to go with them.

  “Oh, please tell me she isn’t wearing pumps with that hideous pantsuit…tell me.” Jared hesitated. “Tommy, she is. They are brown, too.”

  “I feel faint.” Tommy laid the back of his hand against his brow. “Good Lord, I hope she doesn’t need to pack before the trip. I don’t think my stylist ego could handle another fashion fiasco like what she is wearing.” Tommy fanned himself with his hand.


  S.L. Carpenter

  Jared shook his head, piping in, “Oh, come on, Tommy, she’s not that bad. She’s actually kind of cute.”

  “She needs a ‘Tommy’ special makeover. Highlights in her hair, a little makeup, a massage treatment and… Oh look, she went into the coffee shop. Yummy, I hope they have French vanilla cappuccino.”

  “Let’s wait a few minutes. I don’t want to look too suspicious. Why are you squirming in your seat?”

  Tommy held both hands between his knees and swayed side to side. “I am excited, I can’t wait.”

  Rene sat in the coffee shop. She was alone, scared and in a desperate funk of nothingness. She’d quit her job with no obvious prospects, her love life was nonexistent and to make matters worse, she burned the tip of her tongue on her coffee.

  Whatever had happened to the “old” Rene?

  The adventurous one who was afraid of nothing. The woman who had lost her virginity to a college man while was still in high school. The woman who won a few wet T-shirt and margarita drinking contests in college. Who had fun no matter the situation, thrived for spontaneity and threw caution to the wind.

  The same woman who had scraped and crawled her way up the interior design ladder and let her reputation and diehard enthusiasm speak for her. She had stood up for herself and gotten thrown down enough. Now she was lost in the middle of the rat race and didn’t have cheese. She had crackers.

  Her pride led her to this particular time in her life where she had become lost. She was free from everything and wanted to spread her wings…and her legs. She was in desperate need of two things.

  One was a change in her meticulous, seemingly boring life. The other was a proper fucking and she wasn’t sure just who it would come from.


  In the End

  “Let me pull the truck up front, a space just opened.” Jared drove the truck over to the coffee shop.

  Tommy hopped out as soon as Jared pulled into a parking space. Standing straight up, he brushed off his shoulders and adjusted the collar of his colorful silk shirt.

  The two men walked in to see their target sipping her tall coffee in a meditative state. She appeared focused and calm. Her hair was hanging loosely over her shoulders and her eyes were closed. She was truly at peace. Funny how a caffeine drink could relax some and make others act as though they were on a cocaine binge.

  Tommy swished up to the counter. Jared was more methodical and observant of the various groups of people jabbering away with their java fix in hand.

  “Helloooo, I can see you, can we get a little service here?” Tommy reached out and rang the small bell on the counter a few times. The young employees behind the counter were all spastic buckets of nerves frantically trying to keep up with the coffee orders and discuss their weekend plans at the same time.

  Rene glanced up and saw Tommy waving his hand limp-wristed to get some service. Her initial reaction was to giggle at how he acted. He was a good-looking man.

  He had shoulder-length blond hair, a medium build and was an exquisite dresser.

  Except for the red handkerchief in his breast pocket. Black would look better with the silken blue Hawaiian shirt.

  When she turned to look at his companion, her eyes met his stare and the coffee’s warmth became cold compared to the heat she began to feel between her thighs. Hello. It wasn’t just the way he looked, which was pleasing, but it was something in that stare. A look that was deep, mysterious and definitely hot. He was tall, dark-haired, clean-cut and built like Fireman of the Year beefcake. She wondered if his hose could cool her fire. At least he could try.

  The blond man received his coffee and held it tight in both hands, blowing the steam away to cool it. “Yummy, yummy, hot, hot, yummy, yummy.” 11

  S.L. Carpenter

  The shop was crowded. The two men stood looking around for a table in front of Rene’s and it was the perfect height.

  Looking up she saw two men’s crotches. Her reflex action was to grab the dark-haired man’s because his had the biggest bulge. The horns of her wicked thoughts pushed her halo aside. All of a sudden I have a craving for salami, she thought.

  She was in a perfect mood to do anything. Including taking this hunk of beef and fucking him into oblivion.

  “You guys can sit here, I’m easy. I mean I don’t mind.” Rene’s subconscious talked first with her mouth not editing the words.

  “Hello, my name is Tommy, this is my friend Jared,” the blond man brushed crumbs off the chair beside Rene’s and sat down.

  “Umm, Rene, my name is Rene.” She was having a blonde moment and wasn’t even blonde.

  Jared spun his chair around with the tall wooden back against the table and sat directly across from her.

  “Isn’t this place just decadence at it’s most primal? A cup of coffee for five bucks and you don’t even get a muffin.” Tommy looked around at all the patrons. “Next time we need to open one of these, Jared. Jared?”

  Jared’s eyes stared directly at Rene. Their gaze was intense, intriguing and had the distinct emotion of lust. “Yeah, I could go for eating a muff right now.” His voice was deep and penetrating.

  Holy fucking shit, she thought, noticing the wetness of her panties. This guy could melt ice with that look.

  Jared reached his large hand out, beckoning Rene to take it. Something was connecting between them. He wanted the connection to be complete. Like ten inches buried inside of her complete.


  In the End

  Rene began to sense something in her head. A voice subliminally telling her to take Jared’s hand.

  His spell was cast and she followed his mental commands.

  When their skin touched, heat radiated through her veins. Her mind began to cloud and her breath quickened, she was being possessed. Who cared? The flow of the heat see
med to follow one direct route, to the engorging center of her being, her pussy.

  “Jared, no mind manipulation.” Tommy broke his focus. “She has to come of her own free will.”

  “Give me two more minutes and I’ll come everywhere.” Rene hadn’t realized she spoke out loud. Their hands parted and her pussy began to cry, longing for more.

  Sighing, Jared knew Tommy was right.

  “We will continue this conversation.” Rene straightened her stature, sitting upright and proper.

  “Look at her nipples, Jared. See what you do?”

  “I am looking, Tommy. Damn, I’m horny, too.” Jared was like a kid, wanting to play with a new toy.

  Rene cleared her throat and tried unsuccessfully to hide her arousal. The chitchat was pleasant and she kept peeking over at Jared to see him staring at her.

  Rene sat, smiling and shaking her head as the two guys, mainly Tommy, began explaining their real intent. Why they wanted her to come with them.

  “Well, we are actually aliens. We have studied your planet for a few years and our queen has asked us to bring a female Earthling back with us. So Jared and I have been looking for someone that is strong-willed and single—with no ties. Someone free.

  Someone like you. Except for your choice of fashion, you are perfect for us.”

  “So you’re aliens? Like from Mexico? Canada?”

  “No, Uranus,” Tommy answered.

  “Aliens from my anus?” Rene replied, raising her eyebrow in confusion.


  S.L. Carpenter

  “Nooooo. Ur-anus. You know, one of the planets?” Tommy was miffed at having to explain himself again. “Are you sure you aren’t a blonde?”

  “You want me to find out, Tommy? I’ll check.” Jared looked down Rene’s body and focused again toward her pussy.

  “How about…NO. We don’t have time, Jared.”

  Who says we don’t have time? Just give me thirty minutes! Rene liked the attention this Jared character paid to her. She also liked the effect he had on her libido.

  Tommy continued his explanations to Rene. She sat mystified by Jared and confused by Tommy.


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