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The Eighth Power: Book II: The Book of the Earth

Page 10

by Paul Lytle

  Morylin (MORE-ih-lihn): One of the three castles of the Last Stand.

  Mute: The nickname given to a shrouded figure, seemingly aligned with the ern.

  Nigh, Remen (NIGH, REE-mihn): A Priest of Flarow in Saparen, Aeresan.

  Rignslin Josite: see Josite, Rignslin.

  Saparen (SAH-pah-rihn): A castle in Aeresan, also the barony surrounding the castle. People from Saparen are “Saparians” (sah-PAIR-ee-ihns).

  Sarn: The second King in the Arinsore dynasty, killed in an early battle against the ern.

  Satyrin (SAHT-ih-rihn): One of the three castles of the Last Stand.

  Serren (SAIR-rihn): The Goddess of the Living and Spiritual elements, she was neither born nor created, but always was. She is depicted as a common woman with light hair and skin, or as the sun itself. Her Virtue is Faith, her Vice Complacency. Tarite is her opposite. Her followers are known as Serrenites (SAIR-ihn-ites), and are recognized for their absolute trust in the Six.

  Sterwet, Dariel (STEHR-WEHT, DAIR-ee-ehl): An archer employed by Saparen, Aeresan, born in the year 8702. A Whesleran.

  Tarite (TAIR-ITE): The God of the Dead and Physical elements, he was neither born nor created, but always was. He is depicted as an ugly man, dressed in black, with a hood commonly over his face, or as the moon itself. Her Virtue is Self-Reliance, his Vice Skepticism. Serren is his opposite. His followers are known as Tarist (TAIR-ihsts), and are recognized for their work ethic.

  Tarrit Lake (TAIR-iht): A lake that borders Saparen.

  Teriam River (TAIR-ee-um): The river that divides Aeresan and Fahlin, upon which is the Last Stand castles.

  Tianon (TEE-ah-nahn): The God of the Earth, created by Tarite before the world began. He is depicted as a huge and slow man or dark skin with either a hammer or a book. His Virtue is Knowledge, his Vice Greed. Whesler is his opposite. His followers are known as Tianans (TEE-ah-nahns), and are recognized for their desire to learn.

  Trosalan, Regis (TROS-ah-lin, REE-jis): Current King of Aeresan. An Ignist.

  Tsantle, Baret (SANT’l, BARE-eht): Current Prophet of the Flame.

  Tyar, Drel (TIE-ahr, DREHL): A criminal suspected of dealings with the Absence.

  Verios, Dravin (VARE-ee-ose, DRAHV-ihn): Son of Dravor Verios and heir to the Saparen Barony in Aeresan. An Ignist.

  Verios, Dravor (VARE-ee-ose, DRAHV-or): Current Baron over Saparen, Aeresan. An Ignist.

  Vid (VIHD): The Absence. Created by an absence of the Gods. He is everywhere the Six are not, and works against them to destroy the world.

  Whesler (WHEEZ-lehr): The Goddess of the Wind, created by Serren before the world began. She is depicted as a whispy figure, unsubstantial in every way. Her hands are either outstretched or carrying a bow. Her Virtue is Charity, her Vice Ignorance. Tianon is her opposite. Her followers are known as Wheslerans (WHEEZ-lehr-ans), and are recognized for their generous spirit.

  Wyred (WIE-rehd): Current Lord of Kert, Aeresan.

  Xyn, Draughton (ZINE, DRAH-ton): Current Prophet of the Absence.


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