Shona Jackson- The Complete Trilogy

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Shona Jackson- The Complete Trilogy Page 32

by Vicky Jones

  Over on the other side of the yard, Kyle was conducting his latest charm offensive on a disinterested Chloe.

  "Can you wait a minute?"

  "I can't, Kyle. I have to shoot into town to speak with Johnson right now. I'm already late." Chloe put her hand on the car door and tried to close it, but he held on tightly.

  "Alright, but I was just thinking we could start over and do that dinner again. Just the two of us this time?" He flashed a smile.

  "Kyle, I don't get mixed up with guys at work. I hope you can understand that."

  She finally managed to yank the door closed, then fired the car up and roared off into the distance, leaving Kyle choking in her dust.

  "The dreams you have at night sound awful," Cuban broached the subject as he stood polishing the headlights on a truck an hour later. Shona was in the cab cleaning it with the door open. She put down her cloth and looked at him.

  "I'm sorry, I keep waking you up, don't I?"

  "No, I didn't mean that. You just don't talk about 'em, that's all…or about nothin', for that matter."

  "I just like to keep myself to myself is all." She picked up her cloth and rubbed it vigorously over the dashboard.

  "Understood. But if you ever need to talk, I'm here. I mean, you've done more for me than you'll ever know."

  Cuban paused, dropped his sponge and looked straight at Shona. She jumped out the truck, picked it up and threw it square at him.

  "Hey!" Cuban spluttered as it hit his chin.

  Shona grinned at him.

  The buzzer sounded.

  "Another break?" Cuban said, wiping the water off his face and squinting as some of the soapy droplets ran in his eyes.

  "Yeah, right, an ass-kicking's more likely!"

  Making their way into the canteen, they saw Elbie standing near the back of the already gathered crowd, mumbling their confusion as to why they’d been called away yet again from their tight deadlines. They looked up towards the management offices for an explanation, but nobody appeared from there.

  "Do we have a thief among us?" a loud voice roared.

  Everybody's head shot from looking upwards to looking over towards the lockers. Larry Bruce was standing there stony faced with Kyle directly behind him.

  "What's going on? What's he talkin' 'bout?" replied the muffled voices in the crowd.

  "We're conducting a locker search and we really hope we don't find anything that belongs to somebody else in there." Kyle was enjoying every minute of holding court.

  Bruce strolled towards the gathering. "Now, does anyone want to confess to anythin'?" He scanned the faces in the room. Cuban's blood ran cold as Bruce's traveling gaze landed squarely on him.

  "They're not searching everybody's lockers," Cuban whispered to Shona, who felt him freeze like a petrified statue.

  "We found these, sir." One of Deputy Paul's cronies handed a small package to Bruce.

  "Still don't wanna confess anythin'?" Bruce glared at Cuban. "These are my books from my home, you thievin' bastard," he blazed, spit flying through his mustache.

  "No, sir. Miss Chloe…she…she gave them to me," Cuban pleaded as he felt a whack to his left cheek.

  "Thieving bastard!" somebody repeated.

  "Lynch him!"

  Shona and Elbie were horrified. The crowd turned on Cuban like a pack of wild animals on a frightened stag.

  "No, wait, this is wrong! Damn it, STOP! I saw Chloe give them to him!" Shona cried out. She tried to hold back the barrage of punches raining down on the prone Cuban, flinching as she caught a few nasty blows too. Elbie waded through the baying mob to help Shona, who by now was on the floor with her arms over her head to protect it from the onslaught. Cuban was at the point of collapse, almost relieved when Deputy Paul fought his way through the chaos to break it up. Reaching down, he grabbed Cuban by his overall straps and half-dragged him up the steps to Bruce's office.

  "No, this ain't right!" Shona screamed as she was held back and forced to watch as her friend's battered body bounced up every cold metal step.

  "Back to work, everyone. We'll see justice get done," Deputy Paul called from the balcony.

  "What we gon' do?" Panicking, Shona stared at Elbie

  "It all lies with Miss Chloe," Elbie replied, panting. The melee had taken the wind out of the old man's sails. He leaned down, resting his palms on his knees.

  "She's in town at the Johnsons’ place. I have to find her. Can I borrow your truck?" Shona's eyes shot hot darts into Elbie.

  "You be careful." Elbie squinted as he handed her the keys, the sweat dripping into his eyes and blurring his vision.

  Shona raced out to where Elbie's truck was parked and floored the gas pedal. Her left hand trembled with adrenaline as she wiped the blood from her cut eyebrow across her temple, turning a few strands of yellow hair red.

  "Come on…come on." Shona shook her dazed head, searching for the right road until finally she saw the sign for Johnson's Truck Parts. She handbrake-turned the truck as soon as she spotted the familiar flame-red car in the parking lot, then, abandoning Elbie's truck in the first available space, sprinted towards the entrance.

  "Excuse me, do you know where Chloe Bruce is, please?"

  Shona's heavy breaths stunted any sense that she was hoping to make from the words tumbling out of her mouth. The woman at the front desk wore a mixed look of sympathy and disbelief at the distraught young blonde leaning over her desk.

  "I'm sorry, who are you?" she replied.

  "My name's Shona…can you tell me where Mr. Johnson's meeting is? I need to speak to Chloe…it's urgent…please?" Shona swept her long bangs out of her sweating face.

  "Wait here a moment, please." The assistant rolled her chair backward and stood up. She opened her office door and made her way down a short corridor to a little group of offices about twenty feet away. Seeing her opportunity, Shona lifted the hatch on the counter and followed her, almost barging her out of the way as she opened the door to Johnson's office, where his meeting with Chloe was taking place.

  "What do you think you're doing?" the assistant shrieked as Shona appeared behind her like lightning. She tried to grab her but Shona wriggled free.

  Around a large solid-looking wooden table, several business-suited men stared open-mouthed at the out-of-breath, overall-wearing young woman who had charged into their sedate meeting. One blew out a large puff of cigar smoke and looked at the front desk assistant for an explanation. As the cloud dissipated, Shona saw an equally surprised-looking Chloe sitting directly in front of her.


  "You know this girl?" Johnson asked, putting his cigar down.

  "Yeah, she works for me," Chloe replied, waiting for an explanation.

  "I'm so sorry for interrupting you–" Shona tried to catch her breath, her emotions overwhelming her. "I need your help. It's Cuban. Please, will you come back with me? It’s serious!"

  "Would somebody mind telling me what the hell is going on?" Johnson demanded as he rose out of his brown leather chair and looked around the table.

  "Of course I’ll come with you." Chloe looked directly at Shona as if nobody else was in the room, despite it being one of the most important business meetings she'd secured.

  "Thank you," Shona whispered, lowering her head in relief.

  "What on earth's happened?" Chloe asked as they ran through the parking lot.

  "It's Cuban. He's had his locker searched by your father…and Kyle. They’re sayin' he stole them books and he's been beaten badly. He tried telling 'em that you gave 'em to him, but they didn't believe him."

  "Oh God! I should’ve known better. This is my fault." Chloe was fumbling in her Chanel handbag for her car keys.

  "I'll meet you back there–" Shona turned to head over to Elbie's truck.

  "Get in mine. It's quicker!" Chloe ordered.

  Shona opened the car door, moaning as she felt the dull ache of the bruising to her ribs where she had tried to protect Cuban. As they reached the end of the road,
it suddenly dawned on Chloe that Shona was also hurt.

  "You're bleeding," Chloe said, leaning across to touch the matted hair around Shona's bloody temple.

  "I'm OK…It's Cuban I'm worried about." She dipped her head away from Chloe's hand and looked dead ahead, praying they would make it back in time.

  Chapter 35

  Larry Bruce rose from behind his desk and paced in front of the battered and broken black man kneeling in front of him. Cuban's face was now dripping with scarlet blood, both eyes swollen almost shut. Bruce swigged his whiskey and feigned outrage as Kyle began his interrogation of Cuban, who was shaking with pain, shock and fear.

  "You know somethin'?" Kyle began. "You losin' your job ain't even the worst part of your day, y'know why? When I let you outta here it will be like feeding you to a bunch'a hungry wild animals who’ll enjoy rippin' you apart! They’ve been waitin' for this!" Kyle was enjoying every intimidating second of this torture.

  "Please…may I speak?"

  "Shut the fuck up!" Kyle interrupted, digging Cuban in the back.

  "No, let him speak! I'm just dyin' to know how he's gon' explain away havin' MY property in his locker!" Bruce put his glass down and moved in front of Cuban, whose arms were being pinned back by Deputy Paul.

  "Miss Chloe, sir…she spoke to me a little while ago and asked me 'bout myself and I told her I liked to read. She came and found me today and offered me some books. I said to her it was too much, but she insisted." Cuban's words were tumbling out in heavy sobs, blood and spit bubbling from his quivering lips.

  "Now, you listen here, boy. Don't you dare even breathe near my daughter, you hear? I know what men like you wan' do to her–"

  Bruce punched Cuban in the stomach. He doubled over, struggling to breathe.

  "This is from me—you stay away from Chloe." Kyle punched Cuban's face hard, his blood spraying over the floor. He landed face down, unconscious.

  The door burst open just as Cuban dragged his heavy body off the cold floor and sat back against the whitewashed wall. Holding his battered face in his bloodied hands, he tried to shake himself into full consciousness, looking up through blurred vision at the two women standing breathless in the doorway.

  "Father! What in the hell are you doing?" Chloe tried to register the carnage she had walked into, her eyes locking onto the puddle of dark red blood on the gray floor. Cuban whimpered with relief and closed his eyes. His prayers had been answered.

  "This doesn’t concern you." Bruce put his arms out to shepherd her back out of the door but she pushed him aside and crouched next to Cuban, wiping the blood from his mouth with her lace-trimmed handkerchief.

  "If this man is here because of those damn books, it's everything to do with me. I took them. You were throwing them out. Some of them were mine anyway!" She glared at her father.

  "Why in the world would you be standin' up for a colored?" he snapped.

  "Because it's the truth. You should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you. You've wronged this man."

  Kyle patted his palm with his stick, struggling not to roll his eyes at Deputy Paul, who was standing guard over Cuban.

  "Are you OK?" Chloe wiped the remaining blood away from Cuban's lips.

  "Yessum, I'll be fine. Thank you."

  "Can you stand?"

  Cuban groaned with pain as he tried.

  "Now, I want you all to apologize to this man. This misunderstanding was my fault, not his!"

  Chloe stared with hatred at Deputy Paul, who gritted his teeth.

  "Sorry," he said reluctantly.

  "Sorry," Kyle mumbled.

  "I won't ever apologize to a damn colored! You've gone too far, Chloe." Bruce stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

  Chapter 36

  Early next morning, Cuban woke up with a groan. Chloe had insisted he take a few days off to recover from the beating he'd had, but he couldn't seem to get comfortable. Every movement was a dull agony for him as he lay on his bed, aching to the bone.

  "Here–" Ruby Bird held the mug to Cuban's split lips as he took a sip.

  "Thank you, ma'am."

  "Why can't they just leave you alone?" Ruby sighed as she sat with him. Even though she and Tom had agreed to have little to do with Cuban while he stayed outside in their barn, her nursing instinct was too strong for her to forsake an injured man, regardless of his color.

  "Because they're frightened. They think that if they give me a chance they might all realize I'm no better an' no worse than they are!" Cuban looked straight ahead.

  Shona sat alone in the canteen that morning on her 10 o'clock break. Food untouched, her fingers tapped on the table as she mulled over what she had witnessed the day before and the tenderness Chloe had shown Cuban.

  "There you are. You OK?" Elbie came over with his tray, adjusting his cap as he sat down.

  "I'm fine."

  "How's Cuban doing?"

  "He's OK. He don't want no fuss, you know what he’s like."

  "What about you? You got caught up in it too," Elbie said, pointing his fork at the scab on her eyebrow.

  "I can't wait ‘til we all get out of this damn place. Go where we don't have to look over our shoulders. We can just be…us."

  Shona's voice trailed off as her thoughts drifted with it. She traced imaginary shapes on the table, then took a deep breath. "Anyway…I gotta go."


  "To see Miss Chloe," Shona replied, pushing her chair in slowly.

  "Now that's quite a surprise. Didn't think you could stand to be around her?" Elbie smiled, glad that she was starting to see the good in Chloe, just as he had.

  "Well, she stuck up for Cuban. ’Round here that's rare, especially with her last name."

  Shona said goodbye to Elbie and headed up the balcony steps. She felt nervous but she had played out the scene in her head several times that morning. Keep it simple, then get the hell out of there, she had coached herself. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on Chloe Bruce's office door.

  "Come in," Chloe called out sharply from inside.

  Shona poked her head in to see her boss frowning as she sifted through her overflowing in-tray while drinking her morning coffee.

  "Sorry to bother you, ma'am, but do you have a moment?"

  "Hi, Shona, how are you today?" Chloe’s voice softened as she put down her handful of unopened letters.

  "I can see you're busy…I'll come back later." Shona backed out of the office.

  "No, it’s fine. I'd welcome the distraction from these!" She gestured down to her letter-littered desk top. "Come in! Please, sit." Chloe hurried out from behind her desk and pulled out the guest chair.

  "I can’t stay. I just wanted to come and say thank you for what you did for Cuban. It was really brave of you to speak up for him like that," Shona said gently. It was the first time Chloe could recall hearing the softer side to her voice.

  "You're welcome, and how are you feeling today?" Chloe asked, perching on the edge of her desk, her concerned eyes catching sight of the angry red cut on Shona’s eyebrow.

  "Excuse me?"

  "Are you OK?" she repeated. "It can't be easy for you around here." Chloe looked intently at her.

  "I'm fine. I can take care of myself." Shona tried to sound tough, but inside she felt confused by Chloe's sudden interest in her well-being.

  "Good…well, you be sure to come up and see me if there's anything more I can do for you." Chloe returned to her seat. "Anytime, OK?" she added as she sat down and lifted her coffee cup up to her shiny red lips.

  "Thank you," Shona smiled. She turned and left Chloe, who stared deep in thought for a moment at the closing door, then turned her attention back to opening her letters.

  Chapter 37

  The walk home from work seemed a little bit brighter for Shona that evening. The spring days were getting longer now, the nights lighter. Walking along the bank of the Weaver, she took in the way the lowering sun bounced off the shimmering cool water. A jumble of emotions ran through h
er mind: what was happening with Cuban, Elbie’s diary, and how they were all just biding their time to get enough money together so they could go off and live their dreams.

  And then there was the small matter of Chloe Bruce.

  Shona hated to admit it but when Chloe was around they felt more protected at work, like somehow it felt less hostile there. Her presence was a blessing to them in more ways than one. She sat in her favorite spot by the river skipping stones across the surface, lying back among the sweet-smelling flowers with a maelstrom of thoughts whirling through her brain.

  As the sun began to set, Shona picked herself up off the bank and headed home.

  After dinner, Shona thanked Ruby for another delicious meal and said goodnight to her and Tom, kissing them both on the cheek. Walking into the barn, she turned to Cuban's side to check in on him.

  "Hey," Shona whispered, not sure if he was awake.

  "Hey." A deep voice resonated through the darkness.

  "How's the patient?"

  "Bored. Tom and Ruby won't let me help them with anything."

  "Good, you need to rest."

  "I can't. Every time I close my damn eyes, I see them."

  "Who?" Shona frowned, straightening his blanket and tucking him in.

  "The Klan! It'll haunt me ‘til I die. I keep seeing my house burning with my wife and kids trapped inside! You know somethin’? When they beat me at work, I didn't want 'em to stop. I wanted them to finish me off and send me to my family. I prayed for the lights to go out. Every minute that goes by, it's more a punishment that I'm still breathing. I can't see a day when I won't have to look over my shoulder."

  "Well, getting to New York and meeting with your friends, that's something to hold onto, right?"

  "Let's be honest with each other here. It'll be a miracle if I make it out of this town alive, let alone all the way to New York."

  Chapter 38


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