Shona Jackson- The Complete Trilogy

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Shona Jackson- The Complete Trilogy Page 33

by Vicky Jones

  Larry Bruce slammed the newspaper down onto the meeting table that Monday morning. The tense atmosphere was broken after a few moments when he jabbed his finger at the front page and leveled his gaze at Kyle and Deputy Paul. Chloe sat quietly looking on.

  "Look, the damn fair is in town! That's the reason Clint ain't at work this mornin'. I saw his father on the way in, said to me he'd met some young broad, got drunk and went back to hers until her parents came home, then he jumped out the goddamn window running away from her father pointing a shotgun at him. Twisted his damn leg and now he can't walk on it." Deputy Paul and Kyle didn't try to hide their sniggers. "I'm a man down, and he's an idiot." Bruce continued his tirade while pouring himself a large drink.

  "I hope she put out, otherwise what a waste of time," Deputy Paul muttered.

  Chloe looked straight ahead at the closed office door, not a flicker of emotion crossing her face. She'd had enough of the childish remarks. Coolly, she sat upright in her chair and directed her icy stare at her father.

  "Would you be saying that if it was Cuban? Or would you be straight on the phone to Jeffrey the very next minute to get rid of him?"

  Deputy Paul and Kyle stopped smirking like schoolboys and stared open-mouthed at her in stunned silence. Bruce responded by pouring another drink, lost at what he was going to do with his belligerent daughter.

  "I need some air," Chloe packed her things up and left the three men to watch her storm out of the room.

  "Elbie…how are you?"

  "Why hello, Miss Chloe. I'm alright. How 'bout yourself?" Elbie tipped his cap.

  "I'm fine. You being treated OK?"

  "This place has changed a lot, Miss Chloe. I'm just glad I retire soon, that's what I will say."

  "Well, Elbie, this company will be the poorer for losing you!" She tapped him fondly on the arm. "Listen, Elbie, you don't happen to know where Shona is, do you?"

  "Yeah, of course, she’s over by the tires, probably cleaning something nasty up."

  She turned and headed off in the direction Elbie was pointing. He smiled, glad that his two favorite girls were finally getting on.

  "Mornin', Miss Chloe. You lost someone?" Randy asked as he watched Chloe turn her head from side to side, scanning the area for the person she had come to look for.

  "Randy, hi. You seen Shona? I was told she was over here."

  "Just cleaning up an oil spillage over there." Randy pointed to near where a truck had been parked.

  "Thanks, Randy."

  Randy began to sweep the ground, surreptitiously inching closer to where Chloe had found Shona, and cocked his ear to listen in to their conversation. What could the boss's daughter possibly want with Shona?

  "Hi," Chloe's bright voice pierced through the motor noise and the clangs of the mechanics hammering away.

  "Hello, ma'am. You OK?" Shona stood up, her hands and arms mottled with splotches of dark, sticky oil.

  "You know, it's so nice to hear that. Normally all I get is demands, moans and groans! I tell you, for people to actually ask me if I'm OK is quite rare," Chloe drifted off as she spoke. "Sorry, you didn't need to hear all that; that's me moaning now!" She smiled and refocused her gaze on Shona’s calming blue eyes. "Anyway, how's Cuban doing?"

  "He's doing alright. He's not a good patient, though."

  "And how are you doing? You being treated OK?"

  "I can't lie, being blasted up in one of those damn rocket ships they’ve started launchin' into space sounds just fine right about now. I'd happily volunteer for that just to get the hell outta here! If I didn't need the money then–" she stopped, seeing Chloe's face drop. Realizing how ungrateful she was sounding, Shona quickly backtracked. "But, I mean, well…I can think of better ways to spend a day, but it's a job, and that's what I need to get me where I need to, uh…get." Shona's words were becoming awkward now.

  Chloe smiled, finding her honesty refreshing.

  "Well, I feel that I owe you an apology too, so–"

  "An apology? What for?" Shona interrupted.

  "The book incident. You got caught up in it too," Chloe pointed to the cut at the corner of her eyebrow. "So, I was wondering if you would care to accompany me to the fair tonight. Unless you have a prior engagement?"

  Shona picked at the oil stains on her hands, looking down at the ground. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

  "Listen, you don't need to invite me out to apologize, so I'll decline."

  "So, will you come because I'm tired of being around sweaty men all day?" Chloe joked, noticing a hint of a smile that Shona was trying hard to suppress.

  "You must have a hundred friends. I'm sure you could find someone better to spend your time with." Shona bit the inside of her cheek.

  "I don't really have anyone I can talk to anymore. I used to go to sock hops when I was younger, but all the girls I knew before I left for college are all married and at home with their babies. I don't fit in with them now. All they talk about is dirty diapers and whether Daz or Omo is better for their whites!"

  "You don't want that?"

  "What, sitting around all day in a housedress, chained to a washboard and waiting for a man to come home from work to find his dinner on the table ready? There's got to be more to life, right?"

  Shona smiled at her, knowing Chloe was preaching to the choir there.

  "Well, alright then, when you put it like that," Shona responded as nonchalantly as she could muster, putting her oily hands in her pockets.

  "I'll meet you at the entrance at, say, 7:30? Or I could pick you up? Where do you live?" Chloe asked.

  "About two miles farther down that road where we first met. It's just off to the right, near the Weaver. You can't miss it. But it’s OK; I'll meet you at the entrance." Shona looked away quickly, feeling her cheeks redden.

  "Alright, I’ll see you later, then." Chloe waved and went on her way, the breeze blowing around the bottom of her summer dress, riding it up slightly.

  Shona watched her leave. All of a sudden, with horrid predictability, the lurching in her stomach took hold of her yet again. She doubled over in pain as the sting of bile rushed up inside her throat. Covering her mouth, she ran behind the mechanics’ shed before the noise of her retching could be heard by the departing Chloe.

  Randy, however, standing less than ten feet away, had heard everything.


  Shona looked up from wiping the tables down in the canteen to see Kyle approaching, looking incredibly pleased with himself as usual.

  "A delivery’s coming later tonight and I want you to stay and wait for it. It's important, so you need to make sure you don't miss it."

  "Um…OK, but–"

  "But what? Not willing to work?"

  "No, it's not that. I just made plans, that's all."

  "Unmake them."

  "But I was…" Shona stopped, realizing who she was talking to. She breathed out as calmly as she could. "Is Chloe around?"

  "No, she's over at the Johnsons’ place, trying to clean up the mess that was left, remember? And in the future, if you want to speak to her, you go through me first. You got that?"

  "Could you let her know that I have to work tonight?"

  "Of course. Consider it done." He smiled and left Shona to finish her cleaning. She kicked the table leg in frustration and sat on the ground with her head in her hands. Maybe it's best I don't meet Chloe tonight, she thought as she rubbed her still-sore, churning stomach.

  Meanwhile, Larry Bruce picked up the phone and dialed a number he knew by heart.

  "It's me…Yeah, I'm good. Listen, I need you to do something for me. I need you to stir something up outside the gates and it needs to be convincing. Get some guys from the bar too." Bruce ended his conversation and hung up. He then made his second planned call of that Monday afternoon to the editor of the local newspaper.

  "Lewis? Yeah…Look, there's gon' be somethin' big happening here tomorrow. I want it front page! I'm sure you got someone there who's ch
ompin' at the bit for a big story, but we need him on our side, you understand? OK, Sam, I'll leave it with you!"

  Chapter 39

  "Those are mighty fine drawings in your den, Miss," Antonia praised, her warm eyes dancing.

  Chloe looked up from sorting her handbag and smiled at her.

  "Thank you. I wish I had the time to do more but work seems to be taking over. It's so busy there."

  "Well, honey, you should make the time. You sure got the talent. I noticed you have a new muse lately. Well, I shouldn't ask, I know…but who is that in all them sketches? You sure have a real eye for the details…Those cheekbones–"

  Antonia knew that she could speak freely; she had known her young mistress practically all her life and Chloe had always insisted on no airs or graces between them. Antonia's opinion was the only one that really counted for anything and was the one Chloe could always depend on being the truth. But the mention of her latest sketches made her blush.

  "Have you seen my red blouse, the one with the rolled sleeves?" Chloe looked away as she opened her closet and rifled through the clothes hanging there.

  "You mean your favorite blouse? The one you always wear whenever you goin' somewhere special?" Antonia winked and pointed to the inside of the closet. "It's there on the right-hand side, next to the blue halter-neck dress."

  "What would I do without you?" Chloe smiled and shook her head. She scooped up the blouse by its hanger and twirled to show it off to Antonia, who laughed as an excited Chloe went to the bathroom to get ready for her night at the fair.

  Arriving just before seven thirty, Chloe parked her freshly cleaned car near the entrance, gaining a few admiring glances as she turned off the ignition. Reapplying her bright red lipstick in the rearview mirror, she fixed her hair again even though not one single strand had moved. One day, though, she'd like to take her friend’s advice and drop the roof to feel the rush of the wind through her hair. Just once.

  Not normally out on nights that weren't about business, Chloe was nervous and unsure in this unfamiliar territory, but something about Shona had intrigued her. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she looked out of the car window to see if Shona had got there just as early. All she could see were couples and families amid bright colors and happiness. The latest hit music was playing in the background as teenagers mingled with each other wearing their best poodle skirts and saddle shoes. The smell of candy apples and melted butter on popping corn lingered in the carefree air.

  Chloe waited.

  And waited.

  Thirty minutes dragged by and the Monday evening sun started to set. Families with small children started leaving, making way for the teenagers to crank up the jukebox.

  Shona was never late for work and Chloe strongly doubted that she would be now when meeting the boss's daughter. Something was wrong. Heads turned as she meandered through the crowd looking for her, hoping that she’d misunderstood where they had agreed to meet.

  A mixture of emotions flurried within her but by 8:15, she decided enough was enough. Shona wasn't coming. Chloe exhaled deeply as she climbed back into her car.

  On the other side of the entrance, half-hidden by thick bushes, a tall, stocky man dropped his cigarette butt on the floor and crunched it under his heavy boot.

  Earl, the eldest of the three Bullen brothers, climbed into the passenger side of the green truck that was parked out of sight.

  "Mission accomplished! That poor lil' girl left waitin' like that? I almost felt sorry for her…ha-ha, almost. Head down!"

  Ernest, his younger brother, shrank behind the steering wheel as Chloe sped past their stationary truck, her blinding headlights beaming straight through their windscreen.

  "That Kyle Chambers is one mean bastard!" Ernest cackled as they drove off in the opposite direction.

  Chapter 40

  A few days had passed since Cuban's beating. He returned to work on Tuesday morning, feeling sore but a little more optimistic that now Chloe was keeping an eye on him.

  "Good to see you, Cuban. How you feeling?" Elbie greeted him.

  "I'm OK," Cuban replied, a faint smile creeping over his fragile lips.

  "He can do my jobs today, see'n as though he's had the most rest outta all us," Shona joked as she walked in. Within seconds, Chloe charged into the tool room behind her, glaring and cocking her head, instructing Shona to follow her back outside.

  "Everything OK?" she asked as they stepped into an empty room nearby.

  "Everything OK?" Chloe snapped back. "You think everything would be OK when you make plans with somebody, then they just don't bother to turn up? I'd feel bad if something terrible had happened to you on the way there, but I watched you stroll in here just now lookin' like you didn't have a care in the world and everything looked fine to me!" Chloe's arms flailed outwards.

  "What are you talking about?" Shona shook her head in confusion, taken aback by the sheer rawness of hurt present in Chloe’s normally soft brown eyes.

  "Last night…the fair?" she raised her eyebrows, trying to get a flicker of recognition from Shona.

  "Oh, yeah, I had to stay late here and wait for a stupid delivery that never came. I did ask Kyle to tell you–"

  Shona's attempt to explain fell on deaf ears. Chloe huffed and marched back up to her office.

  "You're looking a little stressed, Chloe," Kyle remarked as she walked into the meeting room half an hour later, her files clasped tightly against her chest.

  "I'm fine," she lied.

  "Right, let's get started." Larry Bruce called the meeting to order. He shuffled his papers and instructed his secretary to pour the three investors who were in attendance a large whiskey each. Windows creaked as they were opened and notepads rustled.

  Halfway through the meeting, one of the drivers burst in, red-faced and panting from rushing up the stairs.

  "Sorry to interrupt, but we have a problem! There's a heap o'people outside having some sort of protest; it looks like it's gettin' out of hand."

  "We'll handle it," Bruce replied as he flung himself out of his seat to the window.

  "My God. What's going on, Father?" Chloe stared at the congregated mob below.

  "Maybe Ellis will listen now–" Bruce said coolly.

  The angry crowd was waving banners and placards reading No more niggers and Coloreds don't belong here.

  "I think it's quite clear how we deal with this." Kyle got up and joined Chloe at the window, invading her personal space. "We get rid o'Cuban, for everybody's safety, or the company will lose business." His coal-black eyes bore holes through Chloe's puzzled face.

  Staring at Kyle, then back out the window, Chloe walked calmly over to the phone.

  "Linda. Can you call the sheriff to arrest these people outside, please? They're trespassing–"

  "NO!" Bruce grabbed the phone, shaking his head to quiet Chloe. "Listen, I'll deal with it. Do not call the sheriff!"

  "What's going on? These people could hurt our workers. They could come in here and cause damage! Why are you not doing anything?"

  "Because they have a point," Bruce replied evenly as he replaced the receiver.

  Chloe looked around the room for support, but there wasn’t a flicker. Looking back out of the window, she noticed the local press had turned up and were taking pictures as the chanting became louder.

  "How did they get here so fast?"

  "People talk," Bruce's voice was eerily calm as he reached for the whiskey bottle.

  "Alight, well, if you're not going to deal with it, I will!" Chloe headed towards the office door.

  "You stay out of this one, Chloe. That's an order–as your boss, understand?"

  Bruce sat back in his seat, taking a swig of his drink.

  "Now, where were we?" He gestured to the assembled group to continue the meeting.

  Chloe looked thunderstruck by the sharpness of her father's direct order. She sat back down in silence.

  "There he is," Shona clenched her fists as she stomped across the y
ard outside the tool room.

  "Hold your horses, girl. Be careful," Elbie frowned as he called after her.

  "Where’s she goin'?" Cuban asked.

  "To have a little word with Chambers. He screwed her over, apparently. Serves that nasty piece o’shit right if she punches his lights out!" Elbie stifled a chuckle.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Chambers?" Shona called but received no answer from the man she was chasing after. "KYLE!"

  Kyle spun around. When he registered who it was, a smug grin started to weave its path across his handsome face.

  "Yes, Miss Jackson, and what can I do for you on this fine day?"

  Shona wanted to knock that grin off his face. Her fingernails dug into her palms as she fought to steady her emotions.

  "Did you pass on the message to Miss Chloe that I was workin' last night?"

  "What?" He leaned forward with his hands in his trouser pockets, shrugging away her very simple question.

  "Chloe. Did you tell her that I had to work last night?"

  "You didn't give me any such message. You must be mistaken." His eyes glinted.

  "I asked you to let her know. You said you would!" It was taking every ounce of composure not to lash out at him.

  "Shona, you need to change your tone. Mr. Ellis wouldn’t be pleased to hear you talkin' to your superiors like that, don't you think?" Kyle smirked. "Now, say you're sorry to your boss!"

  Shona stared furiously at him for a few moments, realizing that arguing with him was futile.

  "I'm sorry."

  Kyle grinned at his victory and swaggered away from her.

  "One day…one day soon…you'll get what you deserve, you piece of shit," she cursed under her breath.

  Chapter 41

  The young reporter raced from the copy room with the front page of Wednesday's paper in his excited hands, hot off the press. Forgetting to knock, he rushed through his editor's door, making Big Sam Lewis shoot his head up and glare at the charging bull that had rudely entered his domain.


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