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Shona Jackson- The Complete Trilogy

Page 56

by Vicky Jones

  “I dunno, what does that sign say?” They drove closer until Chloe could read it clearly. “Auction. Next Week. Hmm…well, maybe when the new owners open up?”

  “Yeah, I guess,” Shona replied, a little downcast. “How about that bar?” She pointed over to Bertie’s. “Maybe I could get some work in there? Be a bit different to what I’m used to but I learn quick, so…”

  Chloe laughed and gave her a cheeky smile. She refocused her eyes on the road, a thought crossing her mind as she drove around the town square. Spotting the realtors’ office next to the flower shop, she pulled up in the nearest parking spot.

  “I won’t be a minute.”

  About twenty minutes later she reappeared holding a brown envelope and a big set of keys. Shona jumped in her seat like an excited puppy.

  “For real? It’s ours?” Shona grinned.

  “Our new home. Bought outright. Cost almost all of the money I brought with us from my savings, but I don’t care. No one can take it away from us.”

  Shona looked shocked. “You had that much money? In cash? In the car all this time?”

  “I went to the bank before we set off, remember? My father used to put money in my account all the time for me, and there was my salary too that I hardly spent any of while I was with Kyle. I had no friends to go out with. Well, apart from those few times we met up. But strawberry shakes aren’t that expensive.” Chloe smiled at the memory of her meetings with Shona in Ed’s diner. Her face then hardened. “It’s the least my father owes me after what he did. Oh, I know I could have been all proud and said I didn’t want a penny from him, but I ain’t stupid. That money is the key to our future, and it’s mine by rights anyway. I see it as the inheritance I’ll never get. And I can do so much more good with it than my father ever did. It buys us our dream, Shona. I asked the realtor to arrange for it to be furnished too. Nothing major, just the basics like a bed, couch, tables. Enough to get us started.” Chloe’s defiant expression melted into worry. “You ain’t mad at me, are you?” She bit her lip. “I just wanted it to be perfect for you.”

  Shona waited for a few seconds of contemplation, before her face lit up. “No, of course I’m not mad. I’m too excited to be proud right now too. You call it inheritance from your father, but you know what I call it? I call it compensation. Come on, what are we waiting for? Get us back there!” Shona shrieked until Chloe turned the key in the ignition and floored the gas pedal, sending them roaring off back along the road they came in on.

  “You OK?” Shona asked, her excitement to get home marred by concern for Chloe’s strange silence on the way back to the beach house.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Chloe replied, fidgeting in her seat. “Just had a funny feeling pass over me a few minutes ago. It’s nothing, probably just butterflies.” She smiled and pulled into the front yard of the house. Before the car had even fully stopped, Shona jumped out and raced up to the porch steps.

  Chloe, however, exited the car much more tentatively. Her face creased in confusion as she looked back down at her seat. Oblivious, Shona began bouncing around the veranda that bordered the perimeter of their new home, listing off the tasks she couldn’t wait to start doing to fix up the house. As she reached the porch steps again after a full circuit, she looked over to Chloe, whose face had turned pale. The smile fading on her own face, Shona walked over and saw what Chloe was staring down at.

  A small patch of scarlet blood had stained the white leather driving seat.

  “What’s that?” Shona asked. Chloe remained silent, as if in a state of shock. “Are you OK?” Shona reached out for Chloe’s hand, her touch waking Chloe out of her daze.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine. At least I think I am.” Chloe pulled at the back of her lemon yellow cotton skirt.

  “Is it your time?”

  Chloe shook her head. “No, it’s not due yet. I felt a little discomfort down there, when I got back into the car before. I was just so excited to show you the keys that I guess I must have stretched my leg too far getting in my seat.”

  “You’re still healing…from that night that Kyle…” Shona paused, her fists clenching as if by automatic response to the thought of what Kyle did to Chloe. She lay a gentle hand on Chloe’s shoulder.

  Chloe nodded. “Maybe.”

  “Or…do you think it was me, last night? Did I hurt you?” Shona’s voice quivered as the thought crossed her mind.

  “No, not at all,” Chloe reassured. “I’m sure it was just me forgetting I have to be careful for a little while, with moving too sharply. Honestly, Shona, you are the gentlest, most considerate person I could ever wish to share my body with. It’ll be fine, I promise.”

  “I swear, if I ever see that bastard again, I will kill him for what he did,” Shona blurted out.

  Seeing Chloe visibly shaken by the memory, Shona softened and wrapped her arms around her. She led Chloe to the porch swing and sat her down. “Don’t worry, I’ll be OK,” Chloe said. “I’d better go clean myself up,” she added, standing up and walking into the house to the bathroom.

  “OK, baby, I’ll take care of the car seat,” Shona replied.

  Half an hour later, they strolled down to see the beach for the first time. Nothing but the brightest blue ocean was up ahead, filling the space between the edge of the powdery white sand and the horizon. They sat down on the beach and both took in a huge lungful of sea air.

  “This place is just perfect,” Shona began. “I feel so free here. So safe.”

  Chapter 3

  Chloe and Shona strolled down the beach, feeling the warm water lapping between their toes. They sat down on a blanket and stared out onto the horizon, catching a glimpse of a flock of seagulls diving for their lunch. The sunlight danced across the surface of the ocean.

  “I love it here,” Chloe said, exhaling. “I feel so great wearing these clothes too.” She pulled at her loose skirt and cotton undershirt. “I don’t have to wear those god-awful skin-tight skirts anymore. I couldn’t breathe in those things. It feels so amazing to have the sand between my toes.”

  Shona laughed. “I didn’t see any problem with those skin-tight skirts. From where I was standing you looked pretty amazing. That first day I saw you on that balcony, well. You didn’t wanna know what I was thinking.” Chloe swatted Shona playfully. “Yep, looking up at you on that balcony? I knew I was in trouble,” Shona continued.

  Chloe leaned back into Shona’s lap, watching the calm water roll up and down on the shore, the crashing waves far off in the distance.

  “Can I ask you something?” Shona said.

  “Of course.”

  “Did you ever in your wildest dreams think you would one day settle down with a woman?”

  Chloe sat up and gazed deep into Shona’s blue eyes, surprised by the frankness of the question. “You’re my soulmate, Shona. You had me intrigued every time I saw you in that canteen. I couldn’t face being apart from you. It was like torture.”

  Shona pulled Chloe into an embrace and kissed her. “I wanna grow old with you, Chloe. I never wanna be without you, not now that I’ve found my soulmate too. I never thought I’d ever find peace and here it is. And it’s all thanks to you.”

  Later that evening, Shona and Chloe sat talking over what name they should put on the house deeds. They knew they couldn’t use Jackson or Bruce as that would be far too easy for someone to look up if they wanted to find them.

  “What about Clark?” asked Chloe.

  Shona grinned, tears in her eyes remembering Dorothy. “It’s perfect. Shona and Chloe Clark. Sisters,” Shona added with a wink.

  Chloe leaned over to Shona. “No sisters do what we’ve been doing these last few nights in there.” She lifted her eyes in the direction of their bedroom. Shona’s cheeks reddened. Then her smile faded.

  “Chloe, I read a news article a few weeks ago saying that all homosexual people were sick. Am I ill?”

  “Well,” Chloe began, “if you are, then I don’t ever want you to get better.” S
he leaned over the table and kissed her. “Now, do you want to fill this in or shall I?”

  Shona grabbed the pen from Chloe’s hand and wrote their names down on the house deeds in black bold ink.

  After dinner, Shona and Chloe sat on the porch swing facing the ocean.

  “Hey, I was thinking,” Chloe began. “Maybe I should get a different car? It’s quite distinctive and I don’t really wanna remember the reasons I got it,” she added.

  “Sure. Probably for the best in case anybody is still looking for us. You stand out like a sore thumb.” Shona chuckled. “What will you get instead?”

  “Oh, I don’t know yet. Something more functional. That car ain’t worth a damn on the sand out there.”

  “I know.” Shona paused. “Beautiful beast, though. I remember the first time I saw it up close.” She laughed and nudged Chloe with her shoulder, recalling her painful first introduction to the Chevrolet’s shiny red hood.

  “Yeah, I know. You ain’t never let me forget that one, have you?” Chloe nudged her back.

  “I still got the bump,” Shona replied, rubbing the back of her head.

  Chapter 4

  “What you doing?” Chloe asked, finding Shona at the kitchen table hunched over a notepad.

  “I found some nice writing paper in the drawer over there, thought I might write to Elbie. Tell him we made it outta Daynes after all. I was gonna give him our new address so he could come visit. Once we got that spare room all decorated nice like,” Shona replied, her eyes glowing.

  “That’s a lovely idea. Make sure you say hi for me.” Chloe paused and looked down at the letter Shona was writing. “I guess I should write to Mother. Let her know I’m OK. Even though she’s an old dragon, she’ll still be worried she hasn’t heard anything. More so because she won’t know what to tell the townsfolk.”

  “Are you sure? If you send it from here, she’ll see the postmark and know where we are,” Shona remarked.

  “OK, maybe that was a bad idea, then.” She turned to wander back to the living room.

  “Hey, I got an idea. Why don’t I ask Elbie if he minds sending the letter to your mom for you? I could put it in the envelope when I send this letter. That way the postmark will say Tennessee.”

  Chloe turned around, her eyes wide. “You think he would?”

  “Of course he would, it’s Elbie. You know how much he loves you.”

  Chloe’s face melted into a relieved smile. She walked back over to the table and wrapped her arms around Shona.

  “I was thinking, I might drive into town tomorrow morning and have another look around to see if anyone’s hiring. I’m still gonna need a job, especially if that garage isn’t open for business at the moment.” Shona leaned against the frame of the bathroom door just before bedtime, aiming her voice through the thin strip of light that glowed through the edges. “I could get some work at the grocery store, maybe, or in the—” She stopped, hearing Chloe retching. “You OK in there?” Shona tapped on the door, then tried the handle. Just as it clicked open, the door pulled away from her and Chloe appeared, dabbing her face with a towel.

  “I’m OK. I think,” she said, running her hand through her hair.

  “Something you ate, d’ya think?” Shona asked, stroking Chloe’s arm.


  “Well, I reckon we should see how you are in the morning. Then, if you still feel bad, we should see about getting you in to see a doctor. Can’t be too careful, not with that flu going around last year. Paper’s said it killed thousands.” Shona stopped talking after catching a sharp look fired her way. “Oh, I didn’t mean that… I’m sure it’s nothing as serious as…” Shona ran an embarrassed hand over the back of her head.

  Chloe grinned. “Honey, stop digging yourself a hole there. I’m gon’ go to bed. You coming?”

  “Yeah, sure. I just gotta go lock up. You go, I’ll bring you some peppermint tea.”

  “OK, thank you. Don’t be long now,” Chloe wrapped her shawl around her shoulders and disappeared into the bedroom.

  Chloe slipped her sunglasses on, dropped the roof of the car and sped off up the sandy drive to the road leading into town. In five minutes, she was there, stopping off at an ice cream stand halfway. With one hand on her ice cream cone and the other on the wheel, she sang loudly to the tune on her radio with the wind blowing through her shoulder length brown hair loosely wrapped around a piece of fabric. She didn’t wear much makeup in the days since they’d left Daynes, but what she did wear accentuated her naturally stunning looks, large chocolate brown eyes and full red lips.

  Driving past the large sign reading ‘Welcome to Sunnybrook’, Chloe let the relief flow through her. They really had been lucky to find a town that looked and felt every bit of its name. Flower baskets and green spaces greeted her as she drove along the road through the square, passing the garage that had piqued Shona’s interest. Stopping momentarily outside it, Chloe pulled down her sunglasses as a thought crossed her mind. Pushing them back on her face, she set off again, passing a bakery which was emitting the most mouthwatering smells imaginable. Fresh baked bread, cakes and pies wafted on the sweet Californian morning air, making Chloe stop again and inhale.

  After making a mental note to pop back there later to pick up Shona’s favorite chicken pie for dinner, Chloe pulled back around the square and found a parking space outside the drugstore, which was next door to the doctor’s office. She climbed out of the car, took another glance around the town square and the lovely green space contained in the middle of it, and walked into the doctor’s office, the little bell connected to the door tinkling above her.

  “Thank you, Doctor Thomas, you’ve really put my mind to rest now. I thought it was gon’ be bad news,” said a young woman holding a small boy’s pudgy hand. “He has been so upset.” She softened her gaze at the young, handsome doctor standing in front of her.

  “My pleasure, Mrs. King. Nothing but a bad sprain. Try to keep Billy from using it too much for a coupla days,” Doctor Thomas added, a twinkle in his soft brown eyes.

  Mrs. King turned around, then yanked on her son’s good arm. “Billy. For goodness’ sake. You ask Doctor Thomas if you can have one before you go takin’ one,” she barked down at Billy who was trying to grab a sweet.

  Billy looked up at Doctor Thomas with his large blue eyes. “Please, doctor. May I have one?” he asked, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.

  Doctor Thomas laughed then reached down to pick up the boy. “Of course, sonny, you’ve been such a brave soldier today. If you’d been in my unit, back in ’44, I’d be very proud of your conduct today.” He let Billy reach the jar of candy canes, then placed him back down on the ground and saluted him. Billy saluted back, then munched on his candy cane.

  “Say thank you, Billy,” Mrs. King prompted.

  “Thank you, Doctor Thomas,” Billy mumbled, the candy cane in his mouth. “When I grow up, I wanna be a doctor just like Doctor Thomas,” he said as he was walked out of the office, his mother blushing as she said her farewell.

  As Doctor Thomas headed back into his room, his path was crossed by two women.

  “So, Marion, when do you suppose you’ll be able to get the money, then? This idea of yours sounds just amazing. And just what this town needs,” the older of the two women said to the other as she walked back behind her post at the reception desk.

  “I have the money. I’m just waiting for the auction next week. That old garage across the street will make the perfect daycare center. It has just the right dimensions and that beautiful lil’ wildflower garden behind it. Just needs a little imagination to smarten that building up is all,” Marion continued.

  “Well, I think it’s fabulous, don’t you, Doctor Thomas?” the receptionist gushed, fluttering her eyes at him.

  “Yes I do, Blanche. But you know what’d be even more fabulous?” He paused as both women gazed into his bright green eyes.

  “What?” they both said in unison.

  “If you,
Marion, would take Mister Gordon through for his appointment and you, Blanche, would see to this nice young lady who’s been standing at your desk for the last five minutes waiting for you to finish your conversation,” he said with a wink. “Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss…?”

  “Mrs. Clark. Chloe Clark. I’m new in town. I just came down to register myself and my…um… sister, Shona. Clark.”

  “Well, then, Mrs. Clark. While you’re here, why don’t I give you a little check over, blood pressure, general health and all that. Won’t take a moment. Blanche, could you help Mrs. Clark fill in the basics on the form, then send her through to me, OK?”

  “Sure thing, Doctor Thomas.”

  Chloe took the pen from the receptionist and filled out the registration card, handing it over to Blanche when she’d finished.

  “Why thank you, Mrs. Clark. You can go straight through,” Blanche said, smiling as she filed Chloe’s card in her Rolodex.

  Chloe nodded her thanks and walked over to Doctor Thomas’s door.

  “Come in,” called the voice inside.

  Chloe opened the door and was invited to sit by the doctor.

  “Nothing to worry about today, Mrs. Clark. I’ll just take a blood sample, tick a few boxes, make sure you’re fighting fit, that’s all.” He reached across to his telephone. “Marion, could you come in here, please?”

  Marion came in with a small dish and needle. She wrapped a thin rubber band around Chloe’s arm and pulled it tight. “Won’t hurt a bit, now hold still,” Marion said, her voice not in the least bit reassuring.

  “Ouch,” Chloe said as the needle pricked her smooth, pale skin.

  “Now, you hold still. I gotta take a bit more,” Marion scolded.

  Chloe looked over to Doctor Thomas who nodded to check she was OK. His eyes seemed to glow brighter the longer he looked at her.

  “All done. Just press this cotton ball to your skin for a few minutes and you’ll be fine.”


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