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  The device is able to provide to the blind some pieces of information about the distance and simplify the search; besides identifying the medicines, the device is able to provide the user an acoustic signal in order to find easily the desired product as soon as possible. It is noteworthy the fact that it gives the blind some items of information about the distance of a defined object, that is how near or far it is. This application is obtained using the RSSI (Received Strength Signal Indicator) value, measuring the power of the received signal of the tag.

  Keywords – wearable system; health care; movement monitoring; biomedical devices; system health; RFID; RSSI.

  Efficient Audit Service Outsourcing For Data Integrity In Clouds

  Sangeetha. R

  Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  Paavai College of Technology, Pachal, Tamilnadu.

  Mail Id:


  In this paper, profiting from the interactive zero-knowledge proof system, we address the construction of an interactive PDP protocol to prevent the fraudulence of prover (soundness property) and the leakage of verified data (zero knowledge property). We prove that our construction holds these properties based on the computation Diffie–Hellman assumption and the rewindable black-box knowledge extractor. I also propose an efficient mechanism with respect to probabilistic queries and periodic verification to reduce the audit costs per verification and implement abnormal detection timely. In addition, I present an efficient method for selecting an optimal parameter value to minimize computational overheads of cloud audit services. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

  Asymptotic capacity of large relay networks with conferencing links

  S.Sankardayal 1, V.Murugan 2

  Department of ECE

  CKcollege of engineering & technology



  We consider a half-duplex large relay network, consisting of one source-destination pair and N relay nodes, each of which is connected with a subset oftheotherrelaysviasignal-to-noiseratio(SNR)-limitedoutofbandconferencinglinks. The asymptotic achievable rates of two basic relaying schemes with the“portion” conferencing strategy ar estudied:For the decode and- forward(DF)scheme,we prove that the DF rate scales as O(log(N)); for the amplify-and- forward(AF) scheme,we prove that it asymptotically achieves the capacity upper bound in some interesting scenarios as N goes to infinity.



  Roadway Extraction In Urban Areas Using Satellite Imagery

  Mr.S.Saravanan1 & Mrs.J.Rajalakshmi2

  PG student1 & Assistant Professor2,

  CK College of Engineering and Technology, Cuddalore1,2

  Email-ID &raji.ckcet@ymail.com2


  Satellite imagery is an important source for the acquisition and update of GIS data. In this project the semi-automatic extraction of roads from high-resolution satellite imagery is proposed. To extract the road from urban areas an effective edge detection algorithm based watershed transform is proposed to yield satisfactory and efficient segmentation of the aerial images for edge detection. The high-resolution images are preferable due to use of width and variance information for road extraction. This algorithm works successfully for straight roads and roads having junctions, minimum obstacles and detects central line of the roads in any orientation by setting proper threshold for aerial images.

  Index terms— road extraction, Multispectral Satellite Images, distance transform

  Multi biometric Cryptosystems Based on Feature-Level Fusion

  K.Preetha1, G.Selitha2, A.K.Parvathy 3,

  1, 2, 3, UG Students of Lord Jegannath College of engineering and technology, Ramanathichanputhur


  Multibiometric systems are being increasingly deployed in many large-scale biometric applications (e.g., FBI-IAFIS, UIDAI system in India) because they have several advantages such as lower error rates and larger population coverage compared to unibiometric systems. However, multibiometric systems require storage of multiple biometric templates (e.g., fingerprint, iris, and face) for each user, which results in increased risk to user privacy and system security. One method to protect individual templates is to store only the secure sketch generated from the corresponding template using a biometric cryptosystem. This requires storage of multiple sketches. In this paper, we propose a feature-level fusion framework to simultaneously protect multiple templates of a user as a single secure sketch. Our main contributions include: 1) practical implementation of the proposed feature-level fusion framework using two well-known biometric cryptosystems, namely, fuzzy vault and fuzzy commitment, and 2) detailed analysis of the trade-off between matching accuracy and security in the proposed multibiometric cryptosystems based on two different databases (one real and one virtual multimodal database), each containing the three most popular biometric modalities, namely, fingerprint, iris, and face. Experimental results show that both the multibiometric cryptosystems proposed here have higher security and matching performance compared to their unibiometric counterparts.

  Index Terms—Biometric cryptosystem, fusion, fuzzy commitment, fuzzy vault, multibiometrics, template security.

  Superior Interpolation for Digital Systems

  Stalin.A1, Raman.R2

  Student1, Assistant Professor2

  Department of Electronics & Communication

  C.K. College of Engineering & Technology

  Cuddalore ,


  Interpolation is responsible for digital signal resampling and can significantly degrade the original signal quality if not done properly. For many years, optimal interpolation algorithms were sought within constrained classes of interpolation kernel functions. We derive a new family of unconstrained, finitely supported –optimal interpolation kernels H (x) L , and compare their properties to the previously known results. Our research demonstrates that -optimal kernels provide superior interpolation quality, and can be efficiently applied to any digital signal, of arbitrary nature, bandwidth, and dimensionality.

  Index Terms—Fourier transform, interpolation, space.

  A Secure Intrusion detection system against DDOS attack in Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc Network


  Assistant Professor

  Computer Science & Engg Dept

  Asan Memorial College Of Engg &Tech


  Wireless Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is an emerging technology and have great strength to be applied in critical situations like battlefields and commercial applications such as building, traffic surveillance, MANET is infrastructure less, with no any centralized controller exist and also each node contain routing capability, Each device in a MANET is independently free to move in any direction, and will therefore change its connections to other devices frequently. So one of the major challenges wireless mobile ad-hoc networks face today is security, because no central controller exists. MANETs are a kind of wireless ad hoc networks that usually has a routable networking environment on top of a link layer ad hoc network. Ad hoc also contains wireless sensor network so the problems is facing by sensor network is also faced by MANET. While developing the sensor nodes in unattended environment increases the chances of various attacks. There are many security attacks in MANET and DDoS (Distributed denial of service) is one of them. Our main aim is seeing the effect of DDoS in routing load, packet drop rate, end to end delay, i.e. maximizing due to attack on network. And with these parameters and many more also we build secure IDS to detect this kind of attack and block it. In this paper we discussed some attacks on MANET and DDOS also and provide the security against the DDOS

  Keywords: Wireless mobile ad-hoc network, security goal, security attacks, defensive mechanisms, challenges, DDoS attack.

  Photovoltaic system based cascaded inverter

  SurendarBalaji.B (M.E. 2nd year),

  Applied Electronics,

  CK college of engineering and technology, Cuddalore.


  Cascade of converters presents efficiency issues and problems with the maximum power point tracking. Therefore, only part of the produced electrical energy is utilized. In this paper, a single phase H-bridge multilevel converter for PV systems governed by a new integrated fuzzy logic controller (FLC)/modulator is proposed. The novelties of the proposed system are the use of a fully FLC. The general architecture of the system and its main performance in a large spectrum of practical situations are presented and discussed. The proposed system offers improved performance over two level inverters, particularly at low–medium power.

  Keywords: PV-Cascaded inverter-Fuzzy logic controller- MATLAB.

  Efficient Data Retrieval from Cloud Storage Based On Ranking


  Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  Mahendra Institute of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal, Tamilnadu.


  In Cloud Computing, data owners may share their outsourced data with a large number of users, who might want to only retrieve certain specific data files they are interested in during a given session. One of the most popular ways to do is through keyword-based search. Data encryption, which restricts user’s ability to perform keyword search and further demands the protection of keyword privacy, makes the traditional plaintext search methods fail for encrypted cloud data. The propose ranked search symmetric encryption for performing efficient retrieval of relevant encrypted data from the cloud storage server based on the ranking.

  Enhanced PID Controller Using Neural Networks In MATLAB Simulation


  Department of Electronics & Instrumentation

  Asan Memorial College of Engineering & Technology


  “ENHANCED PID CONTROLLER BASED ON BACK PROPAGATION NEURAL NETWORK” is used to tune the PID controller to update its gain automatically to its desired value. The conventional PID controller has a constant gain value where it is difficult to choose its gain if the system is a non linear system. In order to overcome this problem we are going for Adaptive PID controller based on back propagation neural network. According the requirements of system output performance, the BP neural network can automatically adjust its weights to vary kp, ki and kd, in order to match the system. Here the system we are using is the position control system where the servo valve is used to control the position of the piston. It is called the “Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve position control system.” The simulation results of an electro-hydraulic servo valve position control system using adaptive PID controller based on BP neural network show that it can get better control characteristics and adaptability, strong robustness in the nonlinear and time vary system compared to general PID controller. At the same time, simulate results provides a theoretical basis for the design and application of electro-hydraulic position servo control system. The system here we are using is a SISO.

  Keywords: SISO- Single input and single output system, BP-back propagation.

  Control Channel Simulation of LTE Networks


  PG scholar, II Year (ME-DCN) 1, Assistant Professor 2

  Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal, Tamilnadu


  Mobile technologies have evolved from 3G to 4G.In order to evaluate the performance of new mobile technologies system-level simulations are crucial. They aim at determining at what level predicted link level gains impact the network performance. This project presents a MATLAB computationally efficient LTE (Long Term Evaluation) control channel simulator. LTE is a standard specified by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project.(3GPP).LTE offers improvement over UMTS and HSPA. In LTE, physical layer conveys data and control information b/w eNodeB & UE (User Equipment).Simulator is used to simulate the physical broadcast channel (PBCH) of LTE system. This physical channel carries information for UEs requiring to access the network.

  Keywords: 3G, 4G, LTE, Controlchannel,PBCH,enodeB, UE

  Throughput Analysis with Application to Synchronous - Mac Protocol In Wireless Sensor Networks

  Vigneshwar.G, Senthil.T,

  Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kalasalingam University

  Anand nagar, Krishnakaoil-626126, rivilliputhur(via),Virudhunagar(Dt),TamilNadu,India


  Wireless sensor networks plays a vital role in emerging technologies, but the major problem regarding the sensor nodes is the limited energy provided .In order to utilize the energy efficiently a MAC protocol with duty cycle mechanism is being adopted to reduce idle listening problem by periodically putting the sensors to sleep and waking up .It is important to understand which type of duty cycled MAC protocols should be chosen (synchronous or asynchronous). In this paper we propose a Markov queuing model to analyze the throughput of synchronous protocols with application to LL-MAC (low latency MAC)

  Keywords—Wireless sensor networks, MAC protocols, LL-MAC, Throughput, Energy

  Recognition System for Medicinal Plant Leaves

  Vineesh.P1, V.Ellappan2

  PG scholar, II Year (ME-DCN) 1, Assistant Professor 2

  Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal, Tamilnadu


  It is quite clear that leaves of a plant having unique properties and it will be different from that of other leaves. So leaf recognition can represent a tree or plant recognition. This paper describes some of the findings of currently published work in the area of leaf recognition. From these we are aiming to create a good medicinal leaf recognition system. Leaf images acquired first goes for preprocessing. Then some relevant features are extracted. Our objective is to extract feature based on fractal dimensions. A fractal has been defined as a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is reduced-size copy of the whole. For classification a new learning algorithm called extreme learning machine (ELM) for single-hidden layer feed forward neural networks (SLFNs) which randomly chooses hidden nodes and analytically determines the output weights of SLFNs

  will be experimented using for the better result.

  Keywords: Fractal, Extreme-Learning Machine(ELM), single-hidden layer feed forward neural networks (SLFNs)

  Filtering of Replica Node Attacks by Using Hypothesis Testing in Wireless Sensor Networks

  1D.Vinoth Kannan 2S.Bala Murugan

  Dept of ECE, Kalasalingam University


  Tamil nadu,


  Due to the unattended nature of Mobile wireless Sensor Network, an intruders can physically capture a sensor node and compromise that sensor nodes and make replicas of them and launch these replicas back in to the network. So attacker can mount a variety of attacks in the network with these compromised nodes. To minimize the damage incurred by the compromised nodes, the system should detect and revoke the replica node as soon as possible. These replica node attacks are dangerous because they allow the attacker to leverage the compromise of few nodes to exert control over much of the network .Then attacker use the replica node to inject fake data and disrupt the entire operations in the network. These Replica nodes are detected and revoked from the network using Hypothesis testing methods

  Keyword ---- Mobile node replication attack, Mobile Sensor node deployment, Node Compromise detection.

  Line Based Model Approach for Animal Intrusion Detection

  1,2Final CSE students,3AP/CSE

  Dr.G.U.Pope College Of Engineering, Sawyerpuram


  Animal intrusion detection is a major application in human habitats like institutions and agricultural fields to ensure safety and security to the life and assets of human. In this paper, a new image processing method is proposed to detect the presence of animals using Line Model Approach based on their skeletons. In this new frame work, the simple Background subtraction followed by a fast Star Skeletonization algorithm is performed to obtain the skeleton of the object. Since, the proposed method works on the low quality images and performs faster on intermittent frames, it finds application in real time animal intrusion detection scenario.

  Keywords: Background subtraction, Star Skeletonization, Line Model, Euclidean distance.

  Texture Based Tissue Segmentation in Histopathological images



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