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War and Diplomacy: Life Sorcerer: Book Two - Return of Magic: Book Three

Page 14

by D. R. Rosier

  Sun Ming tilted her head, and said softly, “I told you there would be a cost, and a difficulty. That we would be challenged, but that we would also establish our culture and people on this continent. This is good news.”

  The general said coldly, “Losing four thousand troops, and eight of our best magic users is good news? Would you like to explain that to me, priestess?”

  Sun Ming replied in a calm aplomb that merely made him angrier. The bitch had ice for a heart, and no care for the deaths of their fellow countrymen.

  “Because there are a handful of enemies behind this. A life sorcerer and his retinue. There is no organized army or government to be a thorn in our side, he is nothing like the holy emperor. Merely a single man to be removed. Once removed, his army will fall, and his retinue will be as a small thorn in our side given the joint power we wield. It is good because we now know what the challenge is, and we are no longer in the dark. It is good because even now our enchanters are working on a way to cleanse the undead so we may take out the resultant much smaller threat. Once this life sorcerer falls, this continent will fall into our hands.”

  He asked, “You have seen his defeat?”

  She lifted an eyebrow, “No, all I have seen and know about the threat, is that we will face a challenge, and now it has been revealed to us. But I have also seen our people flourish in this land.”

  He grunted, the implication being their enemy must be defeated, if they were to flourish. But he had less faith in seers and fortunetellers than most. Their vision of the future was far too vague. Still, he couldn’t imagine it working any other way.

  There was also a certain symmetry to it, since it had been a life sorcerer to send them here in the first place. That had been quite a shock. He’d thought the emperor’s family the only ones to show such power. May he reign for all time.

  At least this life sorcerer didn’t seem to understand his true power, chances are they’d already be dead if he did. It was just a matter of time before his sorcerers found a way to counter the undead army. It wasn’t something that was ever investigated before, since any sorcerer working on how to counter a life sorcerer back home would be labeled a heretic and traitor against the emperor, after all.

  Sun Ming said, “They should work as fast as possible. No doubt the enemy is working on a way to counter our ship’s weapons.”

  He challenged, “You’ve seen our success, have you not?”

  She grimaced, “Actions have consequences, so does inaction, and both can change the future. Assuming we will win and not working at our full ability could very well change that future I’ve seen. That’s why the future is so clouded most of the time, to see it in fullness would cause it to change by our very nature.”

  Right, which ultimately made seers useless, but he held his tongue. He’d pushed Sun Ming enough for one day. She’d also made some good points despite her cold-blooded demeanor. It was better to know the enemy, it just disgusted him that it’d taken a tenth of their troop strength and a twentieth of their quads to learn that information.

  He dismissed her and headed to his quarters. His nights and his bed were at least free of her. He also summoned one of his favorite pleasure slaves, he had some tension to work out. His people would notify him when they had the answer to their problem, and hopefully it would be something easily made mobile.

  Sy’lia lay naked between the silk sheets in her guest room bed later that night. She’d been more than a bit horrified at the day’s events. First, that ship was repugnant, as was the magic advances in enchanting the humans had come up with to kill even more of each other. The old world hadn’t had anything like it, and she suspected their technology and higher education levels had been responsible for the magical advances.

  She’d also been appalled and revolted when she’d learned that Sean not only cared deeply for his twins, but that he’d also taken them into his bed as lovers, in every sense of the word. She’d managed to hold her tongue, mostly due to shock. The shocking part was that the revulsion was only partially because she viewed Lin and Kim as abominations of nature that shouldn’t exist.

  She’d also felt revolted because she’d been horribly jealous. She could still perfectly remember his unusually large cock pressed against her ass, and the shocking amount of lust that fact and his magic had engendered in her body. Her body wanted him, to be ravished by him, and that made her feel more than a little sick and conflicted.

  He was evil.

  She was also sure that he wanted to fuck her. The way he looked at her with those intensely lustful eyes made her feel beautiful and incredibly sexy. She could see the same conflict in his eyes that she felt in her heart, he didn’t like her at all, but he stared at her sometimes like she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She knew she was beautiful, and that her lithe body was also attractive to him, there was also the thrill of the taboo in the concept of having him between her legs.

  Humans and elves had mixed in that way before, though it was rare and usually ended badly, since the elves were so long lived and humans were not. Unlike with dragons, human and elven relations could and did produce children once the mating oaths had been given. Although those half children looked much like elves, their life expectancy was human. Which was another source of a bad ending, no elf wanted to outlive their children, after all.

  She pushed that all out of her mind, not wanting to think about it anymore. He was a lot of things, but unfaithful wasn’t one of them, nor did she think he’d be willing to share pleasure merely to scratch her itch. That only left a true relationship, and that revolted her because of how he used his magic, that despite that she still admired him, and was attracted to him.

  Still, she couldn’t help fantasizing, at what a hard, angry, and taboo fuck it would be.

  She would’ve assumed he was influencing her, if she hadn’t been shielded against such things and monitoring her own body at all times since she’d arrived.

  She prayed to her goddess, and she cleared him out of her mind for good that time. She was just… feeling needy. It’d been a while since she had a cock between her legs, and elves were very free that way with their friends and the ones close to them, at least until they were bonded as mates. It was that natural need, and his unnatural magic’s effect on her from the healing that had her feeling this way.

  After all, his was the only cock in range right now, that’s all it was, simple bodily needs and the stress of her assignment here. At least, that’s what she kept telling herself.

  It was the only way to explain her conflicted feelings. The best way to fix it would be to find a little relief, that would clear her mind. She caressed her stomach softly, and then teased her pert and supple breasts for a while. She shut her eyes, and then cleared her mind of everything except the sensual sensations she was engendering in her own body. She took her time, and her breathing grew faster, and her mind slowly relaxed as she teased and pleased her own body.

  She was only gentle and teasing in the beginning, to get her body warm and receptive to more… strenuous sensations.

  She bit her lip, and she let out a sweet gasp as she pinched her own nipple with her left hand, while her right hand abandoned her other breast and slid slowly and sensuously down her flat and toned stomach. Her back arched of its own accord, and she squirmed slightly as she twisted her nipple even harder the second time and pulled firmly as a breathy and excited gasp escaped her lips. Her pussy throbbed with the need to be touched, the bolt of painful pleasure down her spine igniting her core with need. Her long toned legs opened slowly as she slipped her right hand between them and cupped her by then moist mound. She let out a little sigh, and she drowned in the sensuous sensations of tingling pleasure as she teased her silken folds with her fingertips.

  There was no thought, just existing within the intense and sweet pleasures she felt radiating through her body as she slowly stroked her pussy and teased it with her nails. She let out a soft moan as she curled her fingers and teased her warm
and moist passage open with two fingers, while she ground down with the heel of her palm to rub and stimulate her clit beneath her silken hood.

  She gasped sharply, and trembled on those fingers, as her left hand twisted her nipple and pulled even more roughly. She got off on the sharp bolt of pain down her spine that mixed with the sweet pleasure, and then radiated out into her body with a naughty and dirty bliss that felt almost overwhelming.

  She worked her body in the way she had a thousand times before, the height of her pleasure was getting deliciously closer as she rose toward it being supported by waves of euphoric tingles as she approached the ultimate pleasure. The way the silk sheet moved slightly with each of her strokes inside her pussy, stroked her whole body and currently oversensitive skin, and the way it felt dragging along her tightened right nipple was driving her to distraction.

  It was a luxurious pleasurable and teasing feeling along her whole body, and she decided then she’d be finding some silk sheets to take home with her.

  She worked her body teasingly and roughly, both gentle and mauling with her tit, while she fingered herself and stimulated her clit. She was so close to exploding she could taste it, and she started to whimper in breathy gasps as her body arched and rocked on her own fingertips, and sharp gasping moans escaped her slightly parted lips whenever she abused her nipples.

  Sy’lia was so very close to the ultimate pleasure, so very close, but she wasn’t going over. She bit her lip and worked herself even harder, the cresting wave of pleasure was rocking her body, but the wave still didn’t break.

  At least, not until his face, and his intensely kind and stubborn hazel eyes came into her mind unbidden and unwanted. She couldn’t help it, as the visual fantasy of him rocking that muscular body above her, while he plundered her body with his long and thick cock and looked deeply into her eyes.

  The potent lust and excitement engendered from that brief fantasy rocked through her body.

  “Fuck!” she screamed, as the cresting wave didn’t just break on a beach, but proverbially exploded as it hit a rocky shore.

  Hot waves of pleasure bloomed through her body and mind, as she let out a series of sharp whimpering gasps and rode that height of pleasure with her back arched, her body trembling violently, as she soaked her fingertips. When she came down, her heart was hammering like a drum, and her mind was flooded by endorphins.

  It’d been one of the most intense orgasms of her life, at least while self-pleasuring, to her absolute horror. Why the hell had he popped into her mind at that vulnerable moment, and why had it thrown her so hard over the edge?

  “Dear goddess,” she whispered softly, she was going to lose her mind. How could she possibly want him so much, given what he did and how he abused his magic. She didn’t understand it, and it actually made her feel a little sick, even in her post-bliss.

  He had a great body, a huge cock she’d love to try out, but he wasn’t even all that handsome, except for his intense hazel eyes. It had to be more than that, she was over two centuries old for goodness sake, and not that shallow. Why was she so attracted to him?

  She tried to work it out in her head, because she wouldn’t get a moment’s rest until she did.

  He’s saved her life, filled her with his magic, but she knew that wasn’t the answer. Nor was it the way his fat cock had felt so good between her ass cheeks. He’d been attractive to her before that happened. That incident had just made it worse and increased her sensual desires for him. He also doted on and took care of his mates. Was that what it was? She’d fucked a lot of her friends, for the pleasure of it, but she hadn’t ever seen a man look at her the way he looked at his mates. His four mates.

  Was that maybe, what she truly longed for? That didn’t make complete sense either, because she’d have that with an elven male once they’d bonded. She just hadn’t found the right one yet. But… she did see a pale echo of it when he looked at her in desire, sometimes. She saw his concern for her when he wasn’t being all closed off and pissed off at her opinions.

  Maybe it was partially that, partially his muscular body and huge package too, but she suspected it was a mix of a lot of things. His confidence, his willingness to sacrifice himself, how much he cared not just for his lovers but any woman who was put in harm’s way. It had to be all of that, and more, but she couldn’t want him. It was impossible, he was wrong and used his power in ways it shouldn’t be used.

  She was so confused, and also a sweaty mess that smelled like sex. She sighed softly, as she licked her fingertips clean. She loved her taste, and she wondered if he would too.

  Well, fuck. That was supposed to relax her, not rock her world and make her even more upset.

  Goddess save her.

  Lori’s fingers gripped the sheets tightly as her back arched. She was barely conscious of the scream of ecstasy being torn from her lips, as she bathed Emily’s sweet innocent face with her rapturous ecstasy.

  Her ecstasy wracked body slowly released to her conscious control and relaxed against the warm bed as she let out a soft contented sigh. The bed moved slightly as Emily crawled up her body, and she smiled as Emily’s lips found hers in a warm kiss tasting of her creamy satiation. Emily snuggled against her, and then nipped her neck teasingly before sighing in contentment.

  The two priestesses had outlasted their playmates, both Betty and Nancy were already passed out in a tangle of limbs beside them. It’d been a long day, and a glorious night of pleasure. She could still taste all three of them on her lips.

  Emily said softly, “You’re changing, and it’s a beautiful thing to see. You even flirted with a man earlier.”

  Lori blushed, “I wouldn’t say that. There may have been banter, but no flirting.”

  Emily giggled, “If you say so, High Priestess.”

  Her lover wasn’t all wrong. She loved Emily, and their other two lovers, but unlike Emily she wasn’t just a lesbian. She didn’t miss what had happened to her in the past any way, but she did want to feel the pleasure of a cock between her legs again. Just… on her terms, and with her agreement. At the same time, the idea scared the hell out of her.

  “He’s safe. He would never hurt me, and he’s mated to others. He just reminded me that there are good men like that in the world, unlike the ones we were stuck with for so long.”

  Emily pursed her lips, and looked into Lori’s eyes, “Are you sure that’s all of it?”

  She shrugged, not really sure herself. She knew it was all that it could be, as far as her wishes they were confusing and contradictory. She was getting better, but no one shrugs off five years of rape and abuse in a month. Not even with two priestesses of healing and protection taking care of her.

  Emily said, “We need to talk.”

  Lori frowned, “Are you breaking up with me?” she asked, half kidding.

  Emily sighed, “No. Not really. But I’m leaving, right after the invaders are taken care of.”

  Her heart skipped, and she had to take a few deep breaths before she could continue.

  Lori shook her head, “Why?”

  Emily said softly, “Because I’m redundant here, love. My heart tells me I can better serve the goddess elsewhere. My high priestess, Mara, she can handle these hundred villages, and it’s only a matter of time before she finds another priestess or priest to help her. I need to go elsewhere to spread my goddess’s word in other places, bring comfort and healing to those that need it, and search for more of our kind in other places.”

  Lori frowned, “You don’t want me with you?”

  She hated herself for that question, but she was feeling vulnerable.

  Emily bit her lip, “No, that’s not it. I do want you to come with me. I love you, Lori. More than you know. I think I love you more than you love me.”

  Lori tried to object, but Emily’s finger covered her lips.

  Emily said, “It’s okay. You need more than me. You need a gentle and loving man, something I’ll never need. I can see it in you, that I’ll never be
enough. The small dissatisfaction you feel now will just grow even more as your heart continues to heal. What did you say angrily a few weeks ago, you need a good hard fucking, too. Of course, that’s not really what you need, or at least that’s just a part of it. You need to be loved and cherished, and to be made love to by a man you feel safe with. But it’s a point, and one you made, you’re Bi, not lesbian, and if I’m not mistaken, you’re closer to the male side on your bi-meter.”

  She snorted at that last, but then bit her lip, as she suspected Emily was right. She loved sharing pleasure with a woman, but she’d always been more attracted to men, good men.

  “I don’t know what I want. I know I want you.”

  Emily nodded, “There’s also the matter of your goddess. I may be redundant here, but you aren’t. You have a hundred villages at your fingertips here on behalf of your goddess. You could do far more in service to her if you stayed and searched for followers and more priests at Mara’s side. So I guess you can say I do want you to come, but I suspect your service will come first, and your need of a man in your life, which is why I don’t see you coming with me. I also can’t stay just for you, I have to serve my goddess, my conscience, and my beliefs. You won’t follow for the same reasons.”

  She felt tears in her eyes as the truth of that sunk in her soul and heart. She could do more here, any priest or priestess could, with Sean and Cassie to help get them around in emergencies and serve over half a million people in over a hundred villages. The only reason Emily could do more elsewhere, is that the west coast was already covered for Vadea, by Mara, the high priestess.

  “Where will you go?”

  Emily said, “I’ll start in Georgia. Despite your somewhat sketchy actions in your anger, you did manage to kill every asshole in the state in the end. It should be safe enough. At some point I’ll hit South Carolina and Florida perhaps, but I should hopefully have allies by then.”

  She sighed, “And Nancy and Betty will follow you.”

  Emily bit her lip, “Probably, though I’ll leave the choice to them. I think they’re ready, they…” she trailed off with a worried look on her face.


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