Don't Dare a Diamond (Must Love Diamonds Book 5)

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Don't Dare a Diamond (Must Love Diamonds Book 5) Page 15

by Stacey Joy Netzel

  She rose up on her tiptoes. “You’re forgiven. And guess I should thank you for making me figure out for myself exactly what I want.”


  “Definitely gold. And it’ll be that much sweeter if you’re with me when I win it. If you were serious about that?”

  “Dead serious. I’ll be right by your side.” He slid his hands up to pull her flush against him while touching his forehead to hers. “I love you, Raine.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered back.

  Happiness swelled in his chest as she wound her arms around his neck. He captured her lips with his and kissed her with everything he had.

  Moments later, the announcer over the loudspeaker made him break the kiss. He cupped her cheek with one hand while grinning down at her. “You’ve got a jump-off to get ready for.”

  “I’ve got a jump-off to win,” she corrected as they walked hand in hand to where everyone waited by Diamond Fire.

  A half-hour later, he watched her do just that.


  1 year later – first week of August

  Grinning from ear to ear, Reyes blinked away the moisture blurring his vision as the Star Spangled Banner played for Raine Torrez and her fellow teammates atop the Olympic podium. At the end of the United States’ majestic national anthem, the brilliance of her smile rivaled the sun when the team held their gold medals and flower bouquets above their heads in joyful triumph.

  Her parents and four brothers had come for the whole two weeks, and Mark and Janine had flown in yesterday for the team event. Shelby and Dev had also planned on coming, but Shelby’s morning sickness forced the couple to stay home and watch on TV. Last he’d heard, his brother had arranged for all the Diamonds in Denver to go to their house and watch their cousin go for gold.

  At twenty-six, she was the youngest on the team and the only female. She and Fire had given the ride of a lifetime in the jump-off round to secure the US gold for the team event. Earlier in the week, they’d also won a silver medal in their individual event, and he’d never been more proud of anyone in his life.

  “That’s my wife up there,” he boasted when a couple from two rows down glanced back at their loud, rowdy group. He didn’t have to say for which team, because they were all proudly displaying the American flag.

  It was still surreal to say those words, even though he often spun the ring on his finger while thinking of their wedding two months ago. She’d been radiant in her gown as she walked down the aisle, and then they’d ridden off into the sunset on Fire and Taz. Well, at least until they reached the reception tents erected on her parents’ lawn, overlooking the horse pastures.

  He’d suggested they wait until after the Olympics so she wouldn’t have the stress of the wedding while training, but she’d insisted she wanted her name to read Raine Torrez in the history books. She’d been confident without being cocky, and now her dream had been fulfilled.

  The medal ceremony drew to an end with the last of the pictures, and Raine met them all on the side of the arena for hugs and congratulations. Reyes stood back with Fire, giving her time with her family. She met his gaze over her mom’s shoulder and mouthed, “I love you.” He tossed her back a grin and a wink, letting her know he could wait for their moment. Yes, they’d been an inseparable team over the past year, but long before him, her family had been an integral part of her dream and they deserved these memories.

  Later, after Fire had been brushed and pampered like a king, Reyes finally cornered Raine up against the wall of the stall. All the noise of the busy stables faded away as he pressed his body to hers and leaned in, forehead to forehead. She looped her arms around his neck and grinned up at him.

  “You did it,” he murmured.

  “We did it,” she corrected. “Fire and me and you.”

  “I’ll take credit for one jump, and that’s it. The rest was all—”

  Her finger over his lips cut off his words. “Seriously, Reyes, this team wouldn’t be the same without you. Thank you for everything you’ve done this past year.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Raine.”



  “So, you don’t want me to come to bed wearing nothing but my medals tonight?”

  The image flashed in his imagination and sent blood rushing south in anticipation. “Well, when you put it that way, maybe I spoke too soon. You’re right—you should thank me. Multiple times.”

  “I can definitely mount up for that,” she teased.

  He gave a low groan at that new image. “If we were the only ones in this barn, you’d be mine right now.”

  “I’m already yours. But…” She glanced around the stall, then rose way up on her tiptoes to peer out into the aisle. Meeting his gaze once more, she whispered, “If we tuck into this corner over here and keep quiet—”

  “Don’t tempt me woman,” he growled before grabbing her sexy, breeches-covered ass to lift her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  Raine laughed softly as she leaned in to press her mouth to his, then proceeded to give him a very thorough preview of what was to come later. Fire’s nudge against the back of his head broke up the kiss and he reluctantly lowered her feet back to the ground. Later couldn’t come soon enough.

  “What are you two still doing here?”

  Charlie’s voice had them both turning to see her trainer at the stall door.

  “I know you guys have a room, go use it already.”

  Reyes left his arm around his wife as they stepped out into the aisle.

  “I just wanted to make sure Fire was all settled in before we left,” Raine said.

  “Well, I’ll take over for now, so you two go have fun. And Mike will be here with him tonight, so I’ll see you at the party.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks.”

  As Raine led him out of the barn, Reyes said, “I like Charlie and all, but he is not joining our party tonight.”

  She giggled, then shot him an apologetic look. “Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to tell you yet that there’s a team celebration at nine. I kinda have to go.”

  He tamped down on his disappointment. “Of course you have to go.” Because this could be a once in a lifetime experience, whereas he had her for the rest of their lives together. He was all for them taking in every moment possible.

  “However…” She spun around to walk backwards in front of him while pulling her medal out from where she’d tucked it inside her shirt. Swinging it back and forth like a pendulum, she said, “We have about two hours to kill before we have to meet everyone for dinner. Got any suggestions?”

  “You need a shower. You smell like horse.”

  “Gee thanks.”

  He flagged down a cab and held open the back door for her. “I love the smell of horse.”


  “You also need a rub down after all your hard work today.”

  She paused to look at him over the door, a playful glint in her hazel eyes. “You know what they say about rubdowns?”

  He smiled in anticipation. “No, what do they say?”

  “One good rubdown deserves another,” she quipped before sliding into the back seat.

  Reyes groaned softly while silently vowing to give her the best rubdown of her life.

  Approximately six weeks later

  Raine reached for the door handle as Reyes put their new truck in park. She couldn’t wait to get inside.

  “Whoa—hold your horses.”

  She froze and turned to arch her brows at her husband of three months. “Is there a reason I have to wait?”

  “Yes. A very good reason.” He didn’t say more as he opened his own door and got out, but he didn’t need to. Over the past year, she’d discovered her man was quite the romantic, as well as a traditionalist.

  She guessed right when he came around to get her door, then swept her up into his arms before she could step off the running board. Laughing, Raine draped one arm around his
neck and pressed her other palm to his chest as he carried her up the large stone steps of the front porch.

  “Welcome to our new home, Mrs. Torrez.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Torrez. And a happy birthday to you.”

  “Best birthday ever,” he declared. He dipped his head to give her a lingering kiss before opening the door to carry her over the threshold. Then he lowered her feet to the floor and threw his arm over her shoulders as they stood in the doorway to gaze out at their eighty-six acre ranch, half an hour west of her uncle’s place in Lakewood, Colorado, and fifteen minutes from his parents.

  They’d signed the final closing papers barely an hour ago, and after calling the moving company, it wouldn’t be long before the trucks and crews arrived with all their things. Estefan was delivering Diamond Fire and Raz-Ma-Taz the next day, giving them time to ready their stalls in the small barn set off to the left of the house. And then it wouldn’t be long before rescue horses filled the other stalls.

  “I still can’t believe we found this place,” Raine murmured, her arms wrapped around his waist.

  Reyes pressed his lips to the top of her head. “It’s going to be perfect once we get the new barn and indoor arena built.”

  He said we because he’d already insisted on heading up the building crew. Something about wanting to be able to say he had a hand in building their home. Or part of it, at least. Because, you know, traditionalist. And the more she thought about it, the more she loved the idea, too.

  The sprawling ranch house had been built with the front facing southeast, which meant their backyard provided a magnificent view of the Rockies. It was morning now, and they had a ton of work to do, but she couldn’t wait to enjoy the first of many sunsets with Fire and Taz out in the pastures that bordered the lawn.

  “I want to help with the building,” she announced.

  “I’d never say no to that, but you won’t have much time between training and events, and then add the rescue on top of that, too.”

  “Well…” Her pulse kicked up a notch as she drew back slightly. “I was thinking of taking a year off from the circuit.”

  He looked down, confusion all over his face. “I thought you were going for the Grand Prix championship? You and Fire are at the top of your game right now.”

  “We are, but I guess I should rephrase. I have to take a year off.”

  Confusion morphed into a frown of concern. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Everything is fine,” she reassured him while reaching for his hand. At least, she hoped he’d think it was fine. Pressing his palm to her flat stomach, she took a deep breath and said, “I’m pregnant.”

  Reyes’ eyes went wide with shock as his gaze dropped. “What? Seriously?”

  She nodded with a hesitant smile. “Seriously.”

  “But…we’re still using protection.”

  Her stomach tightened. “Except for that one time after the gold medal ceremony. Remember?”

  His gaze narrowed, and then he smirked. “Twice actually.”

  Right. Once in the shower, and the bed afterwards. Their little private celebration had made them late for dinner.

  Realizing he still hadn’t said anything specifically about her announcement, Raine said, “So, you’re going to be a daddy in April. I’m due on the twenty-sixth.”

  As if the news had finally sunk in, Reyes blinked, and then a smile began to spread across his face.

  Relief eased her nerves enough to bring back her smile. “You’re good with this?”

  “Hell yes, I’m good with it.” He cupped his palm against her cheek, the love in his eyes deepening the green to her absolute favorite color. “How could you think I’d be anything but good with this?”

  She grimaced with apology. “It’s a little sooner than we’d planned.”

  “I’d say it’s exactly as it’s meant to be,” he declared. “Making a baby on the day you won your gold medal couldn’t be any more perfect. And finding out today—it’s the best birthday present I could ever ask for.” He looked down and palmed her stomach once more. “When did you find out?”

  “My doctor confirmed it yesterday afternoon,” she admitted. “I hated waiting, but I wanted to tell you on your birthday. I was going to do a whole thing with a cake tonight, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

  “I’m glad you didn’t.” All of a sudden he paused, his gaze intense on hers. “Wait…are you good with this being sooner than we planned? With having to take a whole year off at the height of the season—”

  She reached to press her fingers to his lips. “I’m one hundred percent good with it. I can’t wait to be a mom.”

  Reyes caught her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her palm. “I noticed your excitement last night, but I assumed it was because of the house.”

  “Of course it was a little the house, but mostly it was the baby.”

  Dipping slightly at the knees, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her in a bear hug as he spun them back out onto the porch. When he set her down again, he said, “I love that we’re going to build onto this ranch at the same time we’re growing our family almost as much as I love you, Raine.”

  “I love you, too. Isn’t it crazy to think that my accident ended up with quite the silver lining?”

  “I can’t imagine what my life would be like if you hadn’t come to Colorado to train last year.”

  She grinned. “You wouldn’t be having nearly as much sex.”

  He laughed before tugging her in tight against him. “Speaking of, maybe we could—”

  The blare of a horn cut him off as Dev’s pick-up turned into the driveway, followed by two large moving trucks.

  Reyes let loose a low growl of displeasure as she laughed. “Hold that thought, birthday boy.”

  The rest of the day flew by, until they fell into bed around eleven that night. Raine’s attempt to treat Reyes for his birthday switched to him showing her slowly and thoroughly just how much he loved her. Afterwards, she snuggled close to his side, her head on his chest, his heart beating strong and steady in her ear.

  A couple of months ago, she would’ve said nothing could top standing on the gold medal podium with her family cheering her on in the stands. After today, she had a whole new standard to judge by. Because this version of gold had the sweetest cherry on top.

  Thank you for reading!

  The next book in the Must Love Diamonds series is Grayson’s…Diamond in the Rough. Make sure you sign up for my newsletter below so you don’t miss the story readers have been waiting for!

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  About the Author

  New York Times bestselling author Stacey Joy Netzel is an avid reader of heartwarming, sexy, pulse-pounding romance, and she loves all movies with a happily ever after. She lives in Wisconsin with her family, a horse and some barn cats. She enjoys hiking, canning, and visiting her parents in Northeastern Wisconsin (Up North), at the family cabin on the lake. Travelling anywhere to the mountains to do some hiking is a bonus she wishes she could do much mor
e often than every couple years.

  She writes steamy romantic suspense, small town contemporary romances, and paranormal ghost stories with sexy, rugged heroes, and strong, resilient heroines. Colorado, Wisconsin, and Italy are favorite settings, and you can find them in her Must Love Diamonds, Romancing Wisconsin, Italy Intrigue, Welcome to Redemption Series, and Colorado Trust Series.

  Here are all the places you can find me online:






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  Hearing from readers is a very special thing for any writer, so pop in and say “Hi!” at any of the above locations. And once again, reviews are always appreciated.

  Thank you, and happy reading!


  Other Titles By Stacey Joy Netzel


  Must Love Frosting

  Love Loyal and True

  Love You, Baby

  To Love and Protect

  Don’t Dare a Diamond





  *2012 Write Touch Readers’ Award Winner as Lost in Italy


  Evidence of Trust

  Trust by Design

  Trust in the Lawe

  Shattered Trust

  Dare to Trust

  Vow of Trust

  Illusion of Trust


  A Fair to Remember, Book 2

  Grounds For Change, Book 4

  The Heart of the Matter, Book 6


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