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Savant ; Rising

Page 37

by Hatchett

  “No? Then we’ll begin,” Thaejah said, still smiling. “I could say it’s been a pleasure and all that shit, but it certainly hasn’t. Goodbye Mason. And good riddance!”

  With that, Thaejah flicked his hand and the outer skin of the Mothership peeled back, sucking Kinaejah out into space. The skin then reformed, and the cuboid morphed away.

  “Now we rebuild,” Samaejah announced. He walked across to Jess and bowed. “Thank you.”



  The month following what became known as the Battle for London had been frantic and had flown by with so much to do.

  Samaejah had been true to his word; to renege on his agreement with Jess would have made them adversaries and having seen what she was capable of doing first-hand, there was no way he would contemplate doing anything which was likely to make her an enemy.

  Following in his father’s footsteps, Samaejah replaced Kinaejah as the rightful Leader of the Laakuu and as the new Leader of the Council of Elders. His relatively minor indiscretions during his youth which had previously led to Elijah overlooking him and appointing Kinaejah as the Laakuu Leader of England had long been forgotten. So, it wasn’t surprising that he received the full support of the other Elders. In any case, none of the other Elders were brave enough to go against him; to do so would mean certain death. Samaejah hadn’t yet decided whether he should still replace one or two of the Elders because of their previous allegiance to his late brother, but that could wait. He had plenty of time.

  Samaejah also had the popular support of the remaining Laakuu population, who were relieved to finally have a dynamic leader and a Council that they could believe in, trust and follow. Very few of them had wanted a war with the humans in the first place and were more interested in putting their efforts into more worthwhile endeavours.

  Immediately following the battle, Samaejah had recalled the two Inter Galactic Cruisers into space to sit beside the Mothership. He had then recalled all remaining Battlecruisers, which now sat in their huge hangars.

  Over the month, thousands of shuttles were used almost constantly to ferry people and goods all around the World while the survivors strived to rebuild civilisation. Samaejah had promised that the Laakuu would stay and help the humans rebuild for as long as they were needed. Of course, there would come a time when they were no longer needed, and the sight of the Laakuu in their own bodies would be a constant and unwelcome reminder of all the unpleasant and unwanted memories. So, Samaejah and the Council had talked at length about going off into space to try to find other planets which might be suitable for them to start over.

  When Jess, Harry and the rest of the group had returned to The Manor for the first time after the battle, they had been given a massive welcome.

  A few days later they held a celebratory party in a hastily cleared Hyde Park, and everyone had been invited to join in.

  Once word of the Laakuu defeat had spread around the World, there were other massive parties held in all the capital cities, not unlike those that used to be held every New Year’s Eve, with fireworks shooting across the night sky. In some cities, the pyramids built by the Laakuu were unceremoniously torn down, not unlike the Berlin Wall back in 1989. In other cities, the pyramids were left standing as monuments to remind the human race of what had happened and as a tribute to the millions of people who had lost their lives.

  With no Government, Harry took over as temporary Prime Minister, with Jess and the Underground having input to interim decisions which needed to be taken before a properly elected Government could be re-formed.

  Time was spent with other fledgling Governments of the countries most affected, like the US and Russia. A temporary President of the US – the leader at the Dulce Airforce Base – was sworn in and vowed to work closely with his new friends and colleagues around the World to rebuild and restore order. With a significantly reduced World population and most of the old technology broken or eradicated, all countries needed help to some degree, and much of the petty politics, religious tensions and feuds which had gone on for decades before the Laakuu invasion were largely set aside.

  Many individual countries merged to become continental regions with no borders or restrictions of movement. Old laws were completely discarded, and new, simpler laws were introduced. Not all countries agreed with these changes and elected to continue as they had before the invasion.

  It was accepted that it would take time for the human race to get back to anywhere near where it was before the war, but people hoped that they had learnt enough lessons from history that would help them forge a new and better future. Jess had jokingly suggested that social media and reality shows needed to be banned for any chance of that happening.

  The Laakuu eventually left Earth just over a year and a half after the Battle for London.

  They left behind much of their technology to help the humans advance, including shuttles and communicators so they could always call the Laakuu if they needed help.

  With shuttles able to enter space and return at will, and with the help of the AI units, it wasn’t long before the first new satellites were being put back into orbit.

  There was widespread recognition that previous generations had abused the Earth, with the climate getting warmer, increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, the extinction of different species and the ice at the poles starting to melt. It was an opportunity for a new beginning and doing things in a better and far more responsible manner. Using Laakuu technology, humans were quickly able to develop new vehicles based on the shuttle concept, which were totally reliant on solar power rather than fossil fuels. Solar power became the main power source for everything on the planet, with massive solar sails floating in space harvesting the sun’s unlimited supply of green energy and transferring it down to the ground as and when it was required. The Earth itself was left to heal.

  Of course, Jess kept Bishop and Data, and although there were many fantastic stories about the Battle for London and the key part she had played, most people believed the stories were wildly exaggerated and Jess did nothing to dissuade those views. Everyone close to her or knew what had really happened that day also denied the stories, but despite this, many myths still remained.

  Over the following years, people gradually stopped thinking about the invasion and battle with the Laakuu; there was always something more important and more immediate which affected their lives. However, there was always the underlying concern that the Earth could encounter other invaders from far away at some point in the future, so the new World leaders worked together to develop and put in place a universal space defence system, which could also be used for any asteroid or meteor related threat.

  The Laakuu travelled for years across billions of light years in their quest to find a suitable planet which they could inhabit and call their home.

  Samaejah kept his promise to stay away from Earth, but he wasn’t going to live forever. His successors would have their own views, and if the Laakuu hadn’t found a new home and were tired of their search by then, they knew exactly where they could find a pleasant World with land and oceans and a whole plethora of life.

  The End

  Author’s Note

  Thanks for reading; I hope you enjoyed the journey.

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