Book Read Free


Page 12

by Jack Harbon

  “Kit, come here for a sec.”

  “No bad news, no bad news,” he said to himself. He poked his head into the back room. “What’s up?”

  “Trish’s show opens in two weeks. I need you to look through your schedule and tell me when you’re free so I can get our tickets for that date. You can invite your friends if you want, too.” Bria looked at him in the reflection of her vanity mirror. He nodded, and couldn’t help but smile with her.

  Bria didn’t have to say that she was proud of Trish for Kit to know how she felt. The way her voice sounded giddy when she mentioned that the musical would be opening in a few weeks made that perfectly clear to him.

  “Uh, let me check and see what my schedule looks like, but I shouldn’t have any problems going to see the production. Are you excited?”

  “I’m so excited,” she grinned, placing her makeup brush down on the table. “I never doubted her, but she really surprised me. Pulling this off in only a few months… That’s amazing to me. She’s just… You better go before I start getting really gay, Kit.”

  He laughed and nodded, leaving her to get back to her makeup. Twenty minutes later, Chad was outside of his place. Kit told Bria that he’d be back later, and not to wait up for him for breakfast. He ran downstairs and nearly tackled Chad with a one-armed hug.

  “Damn, someone’s in a good mood,” Chad laughed, shoving Kit off of him.

  “It’s hard not to be when I got the whole day off!”

  “That’s true. We need to celebrate this occasion. What’s the plan for today?”

  Kit thought to himself. “We could go to the mall and get into our typical mess. I’m thinking Manhattan?”

  “Manhattan sounds good, I’ll text Michelle to meet us there,” Chad said. As Kit waved down a taxi, Chad quickly sent his message. “Seriously though, what’s got you in such a good mood?”

  Kit chewed on his bottom lip, debating whether he wanted to get into this with Chad right now. He knew, without a doubt, the second he told Chad that he’d neglected to share the fact that he and Roman had kissed, Chad would freak out. They told each other everything, from their sexual conquests to their meal for the night. Hopefully he’d be able to understand why Kit had kept the information from him in the first place.

  “Hello, Earth to Kit,” Chad said, climbing inside the taxi.

  “I’m gonna tell you something, but you have to promise not to get mad, okay?”

  “You had sex with my older brother?”

  “Ew,” Kit cringed, “Your brother, no offense, looks like one of those Fuggler toys.”

  Chad snorted, “Damn right he does. Don’t let him come near you.”

  “No, I didn’t mess around with Casey. Um… Okay, so remember how last month I went to that bougie ass restaurant and all the food was trash? I think I told you it was boring and ain’t nothing happen, but, yeah, something did happen.”

  “Aw shit, what happened?”

  Kit sniffed and glanced out the window. Dragging this whole thing out was going to end up being more painful than just being up front about what happened. Rather than delaying, Kit shrugged and said, “Roman and I ended up kissing in the bathroom.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Chad nearly shouted. The taxi driver glanced back at them with disdain on his face.

  “I don’t even know how it happened, bro! We were arguing about something, and he eventually just grabs me and starts kissing me. And I’m not even gonna lie, I was really into it. You saw him at the club, he’s fine as hell.”

  “I’d let him insert whatever he wanted into me,” Chad nodded.

  Kit gave him a disgusted look before he laughed. “He started acting mad weird after that. Didn’t want to talk about it, always icing me out whenever I tried to bring it up. Some real dick moves, you feel me? That’s why I didn’t bring it up to you. I didn’t want to talk him up and make it seem like we were going through some relationship-type shit and then have to turn around and tell you never mind. That’s why I talked to Michelle.”

  Chad blinked. “Michelle knew?”

  “She didn’t know everything, just that I had a thing for some guy and we’d kissed. She told me to make it obvious that I was interested in him. Make him see me, treat me like an actual person and not just something he can ignore and pretend he didn’t kiss. And it worked, because…”

  “Did you fuck him? I swear to god, Kit, if Michelle knew before I did…”

  “Well, she can’t know because it happened last night, but...”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Now Chad was shouting. The driver sighed and shook his head.

  “I’m dead serious.”

  “Nope,” Chad shook his head. “Nah, you’re fucking with me. You did not go over there last night and fool around with that man.” When Kit simply smiled back at him, Chad fell back into his seat dramatically. “Fucking legend status right now. Tell me everything.”

  As quietly as he could, Kit shared the details of his night with Roman, making sure to include the fact that Roman had surprisingly been into him taking control and claiming what was his. By the end of it, Chad looked like he’d just watched someone take off flying.

  “I don’t know what work is gonna be like tomorrow,” Kit sighed. “Do I walk back in there like nothing happened, or do I play all sexy secretary-like? Get a pair of glasses, wear a button-up with most of the buttons down, show off the titties?”

  “You go in there and you remind him of what happened,” Chad said confidently. “Dude, I can’t believe between the two of us, you’re the one that ends up sleeping with your boss!”

  Kit couldn’t believe it either. “All you have to do is get a job and show your boss what you’re working with,” he said, looking at his friend pointedly.

  “I mean, you’re not wrong. I’m just saying… I’m usually the one that gets into this scandalous ass mess, and you beat me to it. My little kitten’s all grown up.”

  Kit felt his cheeks burn again. That word, kitten, now took on a completely different meaning than it had before. He couldn’t help but think of the fingers in his hair and the way Roman’s voice sounded, low and suggestive.

  The entire ride to the mall, Kit relived flashes of the night he’d had. He tried his hardest not to show it, but it was obvious from the smile on his face that he was thinking about all that they’d done. Thankfully they didn’t have to wait much longer before they were outside of the mall. They found Michelle leaning against a wall, her hair tied in a messy bun.

  “Hey, you two,” she said, hugging each of them. “I was starting to wonder if I’d been stood up.”

  “We wouldn’t miss this for anything. Especially not since Kit has some interesting news to catch you up on,” Chad said.

  Although he hated having to explain what had gone down for a second time in an even more public setting, Kit was glad to see that Chad wasn’t holding this against him. He didn’t want his best friend being mad at him for not confiding in him immediately, especially when it came to something like this.

  The three of them floated through the mall, shopping and talking about everything that had been going on in their lives. Michelle had just got her paycheck, and she was ready to binge on all the newest arrivals in Forever 21. Once they were both done grilling Kit about how nice Roman’s house was, how much money he made, how long his dick was, and what the interior décor was like, it was Kit’s turn to ask them about their business.

  He decided to cut right to the chase and ask whether or not the two of them were hooking up.

  “Uh, duh,” Chad said, as if Kit had asked if he inhaled oxygen and exhaled carbon dioxide. Chad glanced in Michelle’s direction as she paid for all her new clothing. “We’re not serious or anything, so don’t get weird about it. We’ve just messed around. I’ve also been texting this guy I met online all day, if that shows you how laid back we are about this. I just really like hanging out with her.”

  “I’m glad! She seems dope,” Kit smiled.

  He didn’t want to
get his hopes up, but ever since they’d graduated, Chad hadn’t had much luck with people sticking around. All anyone in New York ever wanted to do was bust a nut and leave, and while Chad pretended he was about that life too, that wasn’t how he was deep down. Kit knew his friend preferred companionship over constant random flings. He only hoped that this might be something that would benefit Chad in the long run.

  “Oh, that reminds me,” Kit said suddenly. “Trish’s doing that whole all-women Grease production, and I was wondering if you and Michelle would like to go.”

  Michelle brushed a strand of hair from her face as she walked towards them. “I would love to,” she said enthusiastically. “I’m all about supporting my fellow ladies.”

  “I’ll only go if you invite Roman,” Chad said, smirking. Kit glared at him, halfway tempted to pop him upside the head.

  “Roman?” Michelle looked lost.

  “That’s his boss’s name. Roman,” Chad explained.

  Kit’s cheeks grew red. “I can’t invite my boss to go as my date to the show. That’s how you make things messy, dude. No way.”

  “Come on,” Chad whined. “Call him right now and tell him to come. Rich dudes like that love musicals, plus maybe you can give him a handy in the middle of it as a surprise.” Kit widened his eyes at the volume Chad had said that at. “Oh, and you can even tell Bria that this is you paying him back for treating you to that three-hundred-dollar dinner, just in case she gets suspicious. I’m assuming you haven’t told her.”

  “I’m not inviting—”

  “Then I guess me and Michelle will have to see a movie instead,” Chad said, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Kit smugly.

  “You’re a bitch,” Kit said, yanking his phone from his pockets. He took a few steps backwards, his eyes still on Chad. “You’re a snaky little bitch, you know that?”

  Kit couldn’t believe he was actually inviting Roman to a date. Sure, he might have been the biggest fan of musicals, but there was a difference between a Broadway production of Hamilton and a local theatre group’s performance of Grease. He doubted Roman would give him any other response besides an incredulous laugh.

  “Yes, Kit?” Roman answered.

  “Soooo, I have a question. Is there any way I can request the night off sometime in the next two weeks?”

  “What for?”

  “There’s this huge musical that I’m required to go to. It’s a family thing.” Kit glanced in Michelle and Chad’s direction. Michelle watched him carefully, and Chad could barely hide his excitement.

  “I suppose you can have the day off,” Roman sighed.

  “Perfect. I’ll make sure you don’t have any meetings or anything on that day, either.”

  “Why would you move my meetings around?”

  Kit winced. “So that…maybe…we can go together? Look, I know you probably don’t care about some dumb musical—”


  “—but I think that it’d be nice to have you there with me. You took me out to eat at the fanciest restaurant I’ve ever been at. You made me your plus one at a party with celebrities I follow on Instagram. The least I can do is treat you to a musical.” Kit made sure to exclude the fact that Bria would probably be able to get their tickets for free, and no one would have to spend a dime.

  “I’m busy, Kit.”

  “Roman, please. I just want to treat you. Come see the musical for me. Show me you’re mine.” Kit bit down on his thumbnail, grinning like a fool. The silence that followed was confirmation that throwing that comment in Roman’s face was effective.

  “Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” The line went dead.

  Kit slipped his phone back in his pocket and turned around to see Michelle and Chad waiting impatiently for his answer. All he had to do was nod for the two of them to burst into a round of applause. Kit couldn’t deny that he found himself a bit more excited to see the musical now.

  Being around Roman tended to have that effect on him.


  Sweet Thing

  Since he’d started working at Yellow Fall, Kit’s wardrobe had shifted from graphic tees and jeans to button ups, slacks, and jackets. It was a slow and reluctant change, but he’d quickly realized how much easier it was not having to look like he was a model for the male line of Fashion Nova clothing. He could pick something simple, understated, and be out of the door and on his way to work. That was the case for most days.

  This one in particular wasn’t most days. It was the first day back at work since he’d had sex with Roman. It was the first day since that night that he’d be face to face with the man who’d blown his mind—among other things—all night long.

  He woke up an hour early that morning, ready to head back into the office and show out. He wanted Roman to know that despite the night they’d shared, he wasn’t going to let that cloud his judgment or affect his work. Something told Kit that this kind of coolness, this nonchalant aura, would be well-received.

  Once Kit had pieced together his clothes and posted an Instagram OOTD, he showered, shaved, and taken special care to deep wash his face. Soon he was smooth, styled, and ready for anything. Bria stood in the kitchen, stirring her pot of organic hot breakfast cereal and humming along to the Tegan and Sara song playing from her phone.

  “You look fancy today. Does Roman have a meeting with the big boss today or something?” she asked when he stepped out of the bathroom.

  “Or something,” Kit smirked.

  “Well good luck with that! And thanks for picking up dinner last night, I don’t think I told you that.”

  He shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s something, Kit! I’m so proud of you for sticking with this job as long as you have. I was worried that you’d get bored of it, or you’d get upset and quit, but you’ve stuck around, and you’ve really helped us out around here. Trish might’ve needed to take on another job if you hadn’t started at Yellow Fall.”

  “Nah, no need for that,” Kit said. He reached around Bria and grabbed an apple and a banana. “I’m glad I can help out. It’s really shitty feeling like you’re mooching off someone else. I wanna contribute as best I can. Plus, I’m still saving up for an apartment of my own. I hear there’s an opening coming up on the second floor.”

  Bria’s eyes lit up. “Wait, you want to move into this building?” She put down the spoon and rushed over to give Kit a hug. “I thought you’d want to move across the city or something. I know I act like you’re annoying and stupid, but I don’t want you being that far away. If you’re a few floors down, though…”

  Kit laughed and returned her hug. “I thought you might like that. I don’t want to be that far from you either. Who else is gonna get my groceries?”

  Bria swatted the back of his head and returned to the stove. “You’re a butthead. But I’m excited.”

  “Good, I am too. I gotta head to work, but I’ll text you if I hear anything else about the apartment, okay?”

  “Alright, have a good day!” Bria waved over her shoulder as Kit headed downstairs.

  Now that he had a little bit more money in his pocket, he was finally able to skip the subway every single day. Given that he looked this nice, he decided he was going to splurge and arrive at Yellow Fall without having ran there from the subway station. He hailed a taxi relatively easy, gave his directions, and sat back to eat his breakfast in peace.

  That thirty-minute drive to work was enough time for Kit to go over the coffee orders of all his coworkers multiple times. He’d worked there long enough to generally know when Barbie was in the mood for a caramel macchiato and when Damien was in the mood for hot chocolate instead of coffee.

  He headed into the shop and greeted Michelle with his usual list of orders. While she prepared them, she said,

  “Are you nervous about work?”

  “Why would I be nervous?” Kit asked, smiling coyly.

  She lowered her voice and said, “Last time I checked, most bosses don’t know h
ow their employee’s ass feels in their hand!”

  “To be fair,” he started, “I’m not just an employee. I’m his assistant.”

  “I can’t believe you,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. She gathered up all of the drinks and placed them in the cardboard carrier. “I wanted to ask you, you’re not weirded out by me and Chad, right?”

  “No? Why would I be?”

  “I dunno, I’ve just been in some weird situations where someone will think I’m stealing their best friend from them. They think whatever we’re doing in bed is going to take away from their friendship. You know how people are. They never leave the high school shit back in high school.”

  Kit could see where she was coming from. “I guess if you’re insecure, you’d be afraid of that, but I’ve known Chad for years. He’d never let someone come between us, even if that is what you were trying to do. I should honestly be thanking you, I kind of feel guilty for not being able to hang out as much.”

  “Okay, good,” she breathed, laughing nervously. “I was kind of worried about that. But if you’re cool, I’m cool.”

  Kit nodded. “Cool. I’ll see you later, yeah?”

  “Definitely,” she said.

  Kit carried the drinks across the street and headed up to the sixth floor as usual. When the elevator doors parted, he met the eyes of everyone in the office. Roman stood at the front of the room, stopping mid-sentence when he saw everyone looking in Kit’s direction.

  “Sorry, sorry, guys,” he said with embarrassment.

  Kit hurried to the kitchen and put everything down on the table. While Roman finished up with the team meeting, he silently adjusted the amount of sugar in Roman’s coffee. Having made it for nearly three months now, it was almost automatic. He stirred until the sugar was dissolved, then moved on to Barbie’s cup. She also liked plenty of sugar.

  And because it was a good day for Kit, he didn’t bother entertaining the idea of adding too much to Yolanda’s cup. Today was her lucky day, it seemed.


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